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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1909)
Henry C. Smith LANDS & LOANS —- „ 5 240 acres well improved, lj miles *r itn Depot in Kas. Good spring Best of terras \\ intake 40 acres as part payment, balance long time at low interest. 200 acres lj£ miles from depot i irdson county, Nebraska Good buildings and land Will take 40 or 80 acres as part payment 100 acres upland. 1 mile from ‘ K':.. * *.s.»:t county, Nebraska. 5l2.iX>o, 100 acres Johnson county, Nebraska -> r . A to church and school. Best of terms. Might rent. 107 acres near Brownvtlle, Nebraska SO acres A-mile front Palls ( ity higit ~ 040 acres. $8.04X4 improvements A Is • ,+ acres adjoining. Will take ltiO acres a~ part payment. Fine running water. A No 1 oppor*tttttty. Money to loan ■ ■ — raas-TT - - ■ s a r mam sisi Mas ■■ n Mini i sioi,vr n i i nun n—i ns ■ —11 w i iwm mm i ni1^ Illustralions by RAY WALTERS ji <»|-j • i !, I$HW, l»jr A, il M^'lurg A ( ■ • (\>nt inu«*«I from I’ligf* rim** <1 nc to learn about nieo g, her:" I—ab must certainly agree with i there. Itlake." drawl'd Wintlrope, from beside the nearest Ittuh. Itlake turned upon iiitti with savage j fury: You dirty sneak‘—you gentle ; ...n1 You’ve tieen eavesdropping!" The Englishman's yellow face paled to a sallow nioiil'sl gray. Me had ; seen the same look In Wake’s eyes v ice before, and this time Blake was far more angry, Y'ou sneak’ you sham gent!" re peated the American, his voice sink- | ’tic ominously. Winihrope dropped in an abject h««ji, ns though Wake had struck him w ith his club. No, no!" he protested, shrilly. "I j am a real - I am I’m a not—" That's it—you're a not! That’s true!" broke In Wake, with sudden grim humor "You're a nothing. A fellow can’t o\en wipe his shoes on . nothing!" The change lo sarcasm came as an Immense relief to Wlnlhrope. \h. I sii> now. Wake," he drawled, l tilling together his assurance the in riant the dangerous light left Wake's t yes, "I say, now, do you think It fair id pick on a man who 1 so much you! ) i who is ill and wnk ''Thai' it do the Lady act," jeer 'd Mlake. Hut say, f don’t know just how much eavesdropping you did; so there’s one tiling i’ll repeat tor tit* special benefit of your Itt Isbip, It'll lie good for your delicate health to pay attention. From now on, the cliff top belongs to Miss Leslie tents and hook agents not allow- I I'ndorsiand ’ Von don’t go up there without her spe elnl invite. If you do, I'll twist your damned neck!" lie turned on his heel and left the Knglishman cowering. <'mithiuwl Uf*st wffk. Better Come And be Measured. The Presbyterian Young people wjJl hold a “Measuring Party" at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Za\ briek on Friday of this week to which the following invitation lias been issued: (in Friday evening >*f tilis w Should you it pU'a-itnt evening s< The I’resbylerian < Ihurch w ill hoe;, A ‘‘Measure Party ," we are told. To which you’re kindly asked to cntne. The program yet is kept quite mum. | Uffreshments grati-,. which you’ll find Will your put >e. anil soothe your mind. Tile only thing we ask of you. Will he to bring a dime or two, For we will then your measure take. And then a calculation make, And we will charge both great and small. One fourth a cent each inch you're tali, Hut if your short and fat, you see. We’ll measure horizontally If you want to spend a pleasant evening, doe't fail to attend this novel party. Private Money Private money to loan on Heal Estate. Mortgages bought and sold. Call at First National Bank. 3-tf t A. J. Weaver THE COMERS AND GOERS lH'\tfled off thr regular Lora! Page. Miss Bessie Hickman of Mc Cook is a guest at the home of Charles Foehlinger. Will Goolsby and wife are tlie| parents of a bright little girl which arrived at their home Tues day evening. Peter Frederick, ir., was a Kansas Citv visitor this week, lb- will return in a few days with two automobiles Mrs. Dave Griffith and daugh ter Bernice of Verdon were guests at the homes of I). M. Davies and G- L, Windle last week. Clyde Harden and family of j Verdon left this week for their new home at Burwell, Nebraska. We received a postal from them asking that the Tribune be sent to that place. We wish them the best c f success in their new home. Max Hoffman, husband of Her trude Hoffman, who is doing the ( ‘ Salome” dance in Kansas City, ! said to a reporter, “She is all wrapped up in herart. The re-j porter has been trying to figure j out ever since whether the man! was in earnest, or whether he' was springing a pun. Rey. Brother Raphael will de liver a free lecture under the aus pices of the Knights of Columbus of Falls City at the Court House on Tuesday evening. March '1th. The public is invited and a cor dial invitation is extended to the clergy of Falls City, Neb. By Com mitt Kg. The Ministerial Association met on Monday afternoon in the > office of County Superintendent (Hiver. and matters of interest were taken under consideration, one of which was the condition ol the city and county jaiis. which are in a sadly undesirable condi tion. Howard Long and wife return - ed from the John Tighe farm near Dawson the first of the week to a place they have purchased south of town near the Kansas! line. Their many friends in this vicinity are giro to welcome them back to this community. „TT>.Risenstrant of Kansas City, who has the contract for the new Catholic church was iij the city this week- The work will be pushed as rapidly as possible and ! hopes to have it completed by. Sept. 1. Julius Bahr and wife returned , to their home at Reynolds, after! spending a few days at the home' of Emil Krause Mr. Bahr was1 a sister of Mrs. Krause who died j last week. The sale of Jacob F. Mack ad vertised for Monday, March 15, I will not be held as advertised ow ing to a disappointment in rent ing’ his farm Karl Rauch and son Ernst and Miss Voelker were down from Stella consulting Dr. Miner. Miss Maggie Faller returned Tuesday from a few days spent in St- Joe. Frank Dorland of Humboldt was in the city Wednesday night W \N"n , —A first class lady cook at the Citv liotei. Frank Sncthen was business visitor irom Humboldt Wednesday Hr. W. H Kerr returned this week from a two weeks trip at New Orleans. Mrs J. R. Moore of Wyniore is in the city visiting her daughter Mrs. D. (i. Griffith. Elton Sherdaman spent Sunday witli his wife who is visiting- at the home of J M- Jellison. Mrs. Charles Foehlinger is very ill at her home in this city and underwent a very delicate opera tion. Albert Rausch living- near Stella underwent an operation for appendicitis at a hospital in St. Joe. Mrs. I. C. Phillips of Verdon was in the city Wednesday the guest ot Mrs. John Walker and Mrs. Frank Adams. Mrs. S. A. Bickel and daugh ter Martha returned this week from an extended visit with relatives in Fairburv and Lincoln. James McDowell and wife of Tecumseh are in the city visiting the formers parents and also Mrs. McDowell’s sister. Mrs. Harry Custer. Jacob Mack who had sale bills printed this week and had his sale well advertised has been dis appointed in renting his farm and now he will not hold the sale as advertised- He is now compelled to remain on his farm at least another year. Lewis K’uhlin and wife of Wet more. Kans . moved into the Lawrence bouse near the old water works. Mr. K’uhlin will assist Mr- Daeschner in the black smith and wagon business and they come with recommendations. At the gym this Thursday evening there will be a game of boys basket ball between the town athletic association and the high school team. Mrs. K. A. Munson who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. Belle Elliott returned to her home in Onida. Kansas. Monday Nellie Weaver of Verdon was in the city Wednesday. She was having some work done at Miss J udds dress making establish me at. Miss Carrie Dav. niece of Rev Day will spend some time in the city. She is employed at Pate man Sisters millinerv store. Since L- C. Edwards has beer, in the court house he has never been busier than he is at the pre sent time- There are many real estate transfers every day. Mr. and Mrs. John Cario are at Oilier, helping their son Win. and his wife get settled in their new home there. Yaugh McYey. of Harrv Cu* ters printery was a St. Joe visitor Mondav night. Yirgil Grinstead of Salem saw the play here Wednesday night Rev. E- L Yoder and wife were Morrill visitors this week. Miss Edna Gatefield of Clay Center is visiting Mildred Cowers Advance Showing n°fw Spring Fabrics Undermuslins—New Arrivals Our selection ol L nderwear is so \aried in kind that it is almost bewildering. Many of them are reproductions of imported styles, beautiful!> trimmed with Valenciennes. : Knglish and Irish Torchon l.ace, or line cambric or nain sook hinbroioerv. Wo know we can please the most exacting—and best of all—the price. Tor a lew days only, grab the chance, 20% OFF 20% New Corsets We have just finished unpacking new i styles in Royal Worcester and Bon Bon Corsets. I he revival of directoire -uni em- , pire styles emphasizes more than ever the absolute importance of the C irset Many of the new Bon Bon and Royal Worcester models are admir d 1 adapted to such favored modes.' Es pecial care should be used in- selecting your next model. rv ; 111' Royal Worcester ... $1 to $2.50 JC.^W./n9RCtJSt^ Bon Bon Models .... $.i to $10 ) IK-‘ SHLE 541 ^ Other Corsets and Girdles as low as 50c New Suitings 30 pieces New Suitings, in light and dark shades, which we secured through a most fortunate purchase. Regular retai Spec ial for a fc v O Q _ da vs, per yard .. New Ginghams New Ginghams, in - and designs, at £AAg% 1 2 12c, IOC, SJ-ic and.O/'T’C \\Y have now on display a complete line of Spring Goods in each and every department and we believe we have the best selected stock in Richardson county. It is with pleasure that we invite you to inspect these lines. Yew f.mbroideries, Laces, White Goods and I’nder muslins. Our showing of piece goods represents all the authoritative designs and weaves that will ln> the leaders for Spring wear. . New Arrivals of Wash Goods are now on display in our piece goods department. Chev iots, new Madras, new Percales, new yarn Poplins, new Satin Zephyrs, new Jacquard and Mulls, new Knglish Voiles, new Foulards—and, in fact, most everything to be found in any market, are shown at our store. And prices so modest that we feel sure that you will agree with your neighbor that The Price Killer can save you money. SpringStyles in Shoes 8c Oxfords have arrived and are now on display for vour inspection. One of the strongest arguments we can offer you is that the Shoes we handle are EAS\ OX 1HE FEET. We Do Not Believe in Sacrificing Comfort for Style A vcr\ important factor of SUNFLOWER SHOES the Sunflower Shoes is that of COMFORT. They have Style and Durability--and plenty of it. Just enough St vie. iust enough Comfort at ust thej price you wish to pay. “ YOU CAN’T BETTER THE BEST” New Tramble Netting Xew l ramble Netting, in white, ecru, leather and reseda, 40 inches wide. Per yard, 75c 1 ove s only 1 small representation of our large stock, and to fully appreciate the values v. tre offering, you must see the goods. New Print Cloth Never belore were the Print mills showing such a varied line of patterns. And we are now showing most of them. Our price, per yard only. New Sea Island Cloth New Sea Island Cloth. 30 inches wide: a beautiful 1 £ _ line of patterns: per yard. .wC S. A. Little, Mgr. The Price Killer