The County in General The “Doings” of our Couutrv Friends and Neighbors. RULO ,VUI Hinton of Omaha was here last w ae k. 1, S. Murdock went to Wyitiore M oaday. Irvin Mathers of Korteseue was here Tuesday tohn Hinton of Kails City was here rt uently. lobn Manti of White Cloud was here last week George King moved this week to Forest City. Mrs, Dave Anderson was on the sick -t last week. Tom i’lumhof the county seat visited : ■ re Monday. Mrs. Craig of Iowa visited relatives here last week. Clarence Mi Wain was county scat \ sitor recently. 1. A. Coupe of tliu county sent visi le.! here recently. John Mooney and wife went to Kan sas City Tuesday. G. Oeoiube and wife were St. Joe \ -itni's Inst week. A. J. Hal t is visiting ids children in St. Joe tills week. Jim Hodges and family arrived from li d < 'loud last week. Tony Asbor and wife are the proud parents of a baby boy . Mrs. Bouhme returned from a visit t Atchison Thursday. 'harlle Cuver/agte and wife were A ago visitors Sunday Charlie Best and wife were eounty s ,lt visitors last week. Wm. Carieo and wife of the county were here Thursday. a. B. Jurrolt left Friday for Golfs, Kansas, to visit relatives. George Hinkle of Forteseue v'«ited i s brothers here recently. Mrs. Fee and daughter of Chicago are visiting relatives here. \ surprise party was given Monday n ght in honor of Mrs. Hope • F. J. Oliver of Falls City preached i: the M. !•’.. church last Sunday. Operators Mile* and Murdock spent l iday with friends at Forteseue. Mes.lames Morehouse and Unbelts w re county seat visitors recently. J. A. Osburn returned from the w stern part of the state Tuesday. A hack load of young people attend i the dance at Fit ston last week. Jim Ford of I’uwnco is working as telegraph operator here this week. Abe Liberty moved to Hr. Kichard sen’s farm north ol town this week F.inma Shepherd went to Oklahoma F iturday to work in a miHinary stole Henry Smith, Walter Graves and Aeba Duncan went to Barada Monday. Squire h’an thill of Fargo moved into! Mrs. Bowkcrs house south of town this J week. Mrs Johnson and two grandchildren arc visiting her daughter in Humboldt ti is week. Mrs. Kdgcrlv who has been visiting her brother Ueorgc Ward left Monday lor Oklahoma. Mr. Klliott moved Monday from Mr-, Boxvkers place south of town to his farm in Kansas. Mrs. Ward returned from Craig last week where she was called by the death of a relative. Will Morehouse has sold his res tuurant to Mrs Robert ami moved his family to Missouri Tuesday. Blaine Anderson ha- bought Georg* Peabody’s blacksmith shop. His bro iler Dove will work for him. Mrs. Kern returned from a visit with her daughter Mrs t'arieo, who are moving on a farm near Dillcr. M Hoaglatidand family of Iowa visited relatives here last week. Thi \ have rented a farm in Kansas and will move from Iowa. Henry Scott lias moved into his own ^ bouse, Mr. Anderson who occupied it : is moving iuto one of Mr. Winter bottom’s houses. Thursday evening of last week being the 18th Birthday of Alice and Alta 'Gilbert, they invited the pupils of the Dlh grade, their elas-, Mr Vogcline, principal: Miss Kernin, a-s’t. principal; Kate Young, Alva Clark and Karl Martin to help them celebrate the happy evening. The Cme was -pent in conversation, gurnes and music. At 11 o’clock an elegant lunch was served. The table was beautifully decorated with ferns and carnation* The hos less received many nice tokens of es teem from their friends. At a late hour the guests departed for their sev eral homes, wishing Alice and Alta many more happy birthdays. Foley’s Kidnev Remedy will cure any case of kidney or bladder trouble that is not beyond the reach of medi cine. Cures backache and irregulari ties that if neglected might result in Bright's disease or diabetes. Kerr's Pharmacy. SHUBERT .1 M Kvntth wash county seat visitor Sat urday. John Speece of Ord |» visiting rela tive* here, Mrs. Lewi* who ha* been quite ill is improving. i.'hus. Shook of St. Joe is visiting relatives here. Lewi* Sehulenberg of Barada wa~ here Tuesday Mr. Branin and wife are moving to Barada this week. Sherman Coglazter of near Salem was here Saturday. Mrs. Steel of Nebraska Citv is here visiting her parents. John Imler of Stella spent Sunday here with home folk-. Win. Martin and family now occupy the (iooMiy property, Mrs. Tom Spence of Fall* Citv Is here visiting relatlve John Peterson and w ife are moving to a farm near Barada. Orville Jones of Kails City wa* the guest of friends here Sur day. J S Hood of Kama* City visited here last week with relatives. John Peterson and wife vi#l*ed Sun day with relatives in Nemaha. !>r. Randall of Juleiburg. Coi< ..spent Sunday near here with friend# lien Neal and wife of Urownvtlie spent Saturday here with relatives. John Bourke and wife of Stella were liie guests of relatives here Sunday. Ned Crother and wife of Nemaha were the guests of friends here Sunday. Hugh McCiary and wife and Mrs. Frit/, returned to their home in Illinoi Monday. Mrs. Walton returned to her borne in Falls Pltv Friday after a visit with relatives here. M. T, Hill lias purchased the Lord property on main street and will tak« possession May 1st. Mr. Palmer and family moved to Stella Tuesday and will be missid by their many friends here. Walter Weddle and family after sev eral weeks spent here returned during the week to their home at Curley.Neb. Mrs. Ogg and family took possession of their property during the week which they purchased oT Lee Bolejack recently. Tiie M. P. Aid Society expec s to irmet next Thursday at Mr-. Splckler's where they will do some quilting for our town people. The I), of H, met Wednesday night adding I new candidate.*. Nice re freshment* were served and a good time wa* had by dll. The heture Saturday night at the Christ an church delivered by R. li Wilson of Omaha wa* weli attended after which they were Invited to Tay lors hall where supper was provided by the Odd Fe’lov # and the evening en joyed by all present. Foley's Honey and Tar cures coughs quickly, strengthens the lungs and ex pels colds. Get the genuine, in a yellow package. Kerr’s Pharmacy. VERDON T. L, Hull was in Omaha !a-t week. Mr. Ford was in Kansas City Satur day . Mr Baldwin of Stella was hen Wed nesday. Mrs. Moran went to Nebraska City Tuesday. .1 .1 Schrader war a county vi-l tor Thursday. Certrude Lnrri returned from Falls City Saturday W. s ByerU and wlf ■ were Nemaha visit us Tuesday. Jay Parsons and wife were Omaha v .-.Hors lart week Will Arnold of Franklin visited rel i tives here, recently . (leorge Fogle made a hu-iue-s trip to Straussville Friday. Myrtle Bowers of Fa - City -j r.t Sunday with friends here. Mrs. Be Bar and daughter nun to Beserve, Kan., thi- week Clarence Clark was up from Kaus: - City Saturday on business A number from her e attended lodge at Falls City Saturday night Stella Johnson and lithe! Saviors were Stella visitors Saturday. Meta Heineman of Tahrage -pent Sunday here with her .parent-. . Jenkins and frien 1 I ra Cartnev of Peru spent Sunday with the former' parents tn st of town. Both young men arc seniors in the normal this year, Leslie Davison is going in the west ern part of the state to follow up bi auctioneering. We are glad to see the young man go west to look in a bright er future. • L Crofford left Tuesday for Tripp county. So. Dak. where he will farm. Lewi- (‘lobes will take charge of the farm just vacated, having purchased it about a year ago. FARGO Charle- Santo whs h county -cat vi tor Ftiday. Mr. Stotts of Missouri i> visiting friends here. Bill Hun/.eker was a pleasant caller here Saturday. John Speers moved recently on the Frederick farm Luther Miller of Rttlo s|1ent Sunday with friends here. F.mmett (Henson moved last week in the Herbster farm. John Payne was looking after busi ness affairs here Saturday. R- D. Wagoner shipped a ear load of cattle to St. Joe last week. Sofa Sauto of Falls City spent Sun day with her parents here. Carrie Buckminster is visiting rela ! tives in Falls City this week. Char Santo and K D, Wagoner were county scat visitors last week. Frank Dock horn and Dan Wagoner j were Preston visitors Wednesday. Cass Jones and wife returned from their visit in Oklahoma la-t week. Ruby Wagoner returned front a visit with friends in Falls City .asr week. We arc glad to learn that Mike Snakt is much better and there is hope for his recovery. Dan Wagoner and Morris Mandeville I attended the box suppor at Sunny Yal I ley Wednesday. F.d Durfee and wife and Pearl Wag oner attended the box supper at Sunny 1 Valley Wednesday evening. BARADA \V F. Butler was a Falls City visitor Saturday, i Mrs. Morebcad is visiting relatives in Kansas City I Mrs. Jacob peters visited relatives in ■steiljf Sunday. NimCalo is boring a well for Matt Si hulenberg this week. | Mi-s Hattie Lilly spent Sunday with home folks near Shubert. I | James Graham of the county seat iva- a visitor here Monday. # Dr. Van < >sdel and Mr. McCoy were I county seat visitors Monuay Leon Vassar has moved onto the Butler farm one mile east of town. Morgan Severns moved from the -tpiekler farm onto alarm near Shu bert. Dr. Van Osdel reoorts a brifl at the home of Henry Kuhlman and wife born Feb. 20. Archie McCoy of Falls City was here the pa?t week organizing a Koval Highlander lodge. Jesse Cox taught school on Saturday last. Misses White and Hoos visited the school at that time. K J. Dunn and wife are in Omaha for the purpose of purchasing their summer stock of goods. Fred Marmet moved Monday onto the O'Mara place south of town which he purchased last spring. Mis* Lela Butler returned to Falls City on Saturday to continue her ap prentice ship with Patzman sisters. Priscilla Woodring is staying with Jacob Peters since her parents moved to the farm in order to complete her school work for the year. Gust .Torn and Wilson Lowe held a ?ale on Monday to dispose of their property here and on Wednesday left for Fairmont where they will make their future home Richard Slagle closed a very success ful term of school in distiict No. 1 on Friday last. The patrons of the school are unanimous in expressing satisfac tion with the year's work. On Monday J. B. Grant moved onto the place where Westley Bowers has been for several seasons. Westley Bowers moved onto Levi Frederick's place and Mr. Frederick's moved to Falls City where he will make his horre. The pupils of the grammer and high school haying a month’s clear record for punctuality to their credit, were entertained at the home of .1. A. Martin and wife as a reward therefor. The members of the Barada Reading Circle were also invited guests. A merry evening was passed in playing games prepared bv the hostess. “My three year old boy was badly constipated, had a high fevsr and was in an awful condition. 1 gave him two dose? of Foley’s Orino Laxative and the next morning the fever was gone and he was entirely well. Kolej’s Orino Laxative saved his life.’’ A. Wolkush. Casimer, Wis. Keri’s Pharmacy. OHIO Guy Prine was in this vicinity Sun day. The little son of Mrs Horstman is sick. August Schuler was down from Hum boldt last week. Grace McManus spent Saturday in Peru with an aunt. Muble and Daisy Peek were county seat visitors Sunday. F. S. Liehty ane family were county seat vi.-itors Sunday. Win. Peek of Lincoln -pent Sunday witli hi- parents here. W. J. Prichard and wife entertained friends at dinner Sunday. Mrs <>maia and family moved to a farm near Salem Monday. Lena Bloom returned to her home at Manley after it weeks visit here. Mrs Keekler came down from Man ley Friday to visit her daughter. F. M. Shaffer and family were guests of relatives ir. Falls City Sunday. Edna Shaffer spent Friday night with relatives in the county seat. Sadie Peck went to Morrill, Ks., one day last week to spend the summer. The literary at the Center school house closed for the season Thursday night. O. A. Burk and .-on Herbert attended the sule of Mr. Hoseiton *sit Preston on Monday Frank Sehulenberg and wife went to St. Joe lust week where Mr-, s. was operated on. Mr-. Peck and daughter Edith re turned Saturday from a visit with rela tives in Oklahoma. Julis Bahr and wife of Fairbury at tended the i'pneral of their daughter j Mrs. Krause last Friday. LET US TAKE YOUR ORDER Knickerbocker ice Company CALL TELEPHONE NO. 289 Spring Blacksmitliing The season is fast approaching when those old farming implements will need repairing, or perhaps the team will need new shoes %or the old ones reset. I have recentlv installed an engine and new machinery and am now read;, to do plow work, disc sharpening, re pairing of gasoline engines and auto mobiles, brazing, etc. t Special attention given to horse shoeing; also general blacksmitliing and wood work. C. T. LIPPOLD Attractive Low Rates To Pacific Coast — Only $25 daily March and April. Seattle Exposition—Summer of 1909, only $5n round trip. $15 more through California. Summer Tourist v cry cheap excursion rates commencing dune 1st, to scenic Colorado, Rocky Mountain resorts, Big Horn Mountains, Black Hills of South Dakota, Yeilvwst<«ne Park. Homeseekers Only $27.50 round tiip to the Big Horn Basin irrigated lands on the first and third Tuesdays. Tour the West and see what is going on out there: you will be amazed Write for folders, rates, infoimation, and learn about our vari able route tours embracing all attractive features enroute. aE. G. Whitfori., Ticket Agent., L. W. Wakeley, G. I’. A . Omaha. YOU WILL SHARE OUR PRIDE in dental work if you have need of our services and avail yourself of our skill, experience and faculties. We don't do half way work—it’s all or nothing with us. as many people know to their own great gratification. Note, please, that we make no charge for expert examin ation . DR. YUTZY BERT W INtlLE. D. D. S.. Assistant Falls City, Nebraska Simple Remedy for Lagrippe Lagrippe coughs are dangerous as they frequently develop into pneu monia. Foley's Honey and Tar nrt: only stops the cough but heals and strengtens the lung- so that no serious results need be feared. The genuine Foley’s Honey and Tar contains no harmful drugs and is in a yellow pack age. Refuse substitutes. Kerr'-l’har maoy. L). S. flcCarthv DRAY A KID TRANSFER Prompt attention given to the removal of house hold goods. PHONE NO. 21 1 EDGAR R. MATHERS DRNTIS 'T Phones: Nos. 177. 217 Sam’l. Wahl Building R P. ROBERTS I Office over Kerr's Pharmacy Office Phone 260 Residence Phone 271 John Wiptsel ATTORNEY Practice in Various Courts. Collections Attended To. Notary Public. FALLS CITY DR. C. N. ALLISON DRNTIST Phone 24S Over Richardson County Bank. FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA Passenger Trains South Bound Tr. 104—St. Louis Mail and Ex press .1:23 p. m. Tr. 106—-Kansas City Exp., 3:41 a. ra. Tr. 132 x K. C.local leaves. .7:30 a. in. Tr. 13S x Falls City arrives 0:00 p. ra. x Daily except Sunday North Bound Tr 103 Nebraska Mail and Ex press.1 ;;>2 p. tc Tr. 10,'—Omaha Express. . 2:23 a. m Tr. 137 x Omaha local leaves '>:!•'> a in. Tr. 131 x—Falls City local ar rives. . .8:45 p.m. x Daily exceot Sunday Local Frt. Trains Carrying Passengers North Bound Tr. 192x—To Atchison.11:10 a. m. South Bound Tr. l!»lx—To Auburn.1:23 pm J. B VARNER. Agent Burlington Route West Bound Xo. 13 Denver Exp.1 :o!» a. m. Xo. lo Denver Exp. i Local). 1:43 p. m. No- 45-Portland Exp.. .. 11*: 17 p. m. Xo. 41—Portland Exp.2:2!* p. m Xo. 121—Lincoln Loc. via Xe braska City.5:00 a. m. East Bound Xo. 14 St. J.. K. C. & St. L. .7:41 a. tn. Xo. 44—St. J.. K. C’. cv St. L (Local).11:02 a. tu. Xo. 16—St. .1., K. C. cv St. L. .4:30 p. m. Xo. 42 St. J., K. C. St St. L. 7:00 p.m. Xo 122—From Lincoln, via Nebraska City. 8:45 p. m E. G. WHiTFOf.D, Ajent.