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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1909)
The Falls City Tribune. Vol VI FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1909. Number <> ■ -IE WEEK'S SOCIAL EVENTS AS TWAS TOLD TO OUR SO CIETY EDITOR Various Kinds of Entertainment by Individuals, Lodges. Clubs, Churches, Etc. The K. K. club were entertain ed at the Elk's rooms Friday night The Presbyterian ladies held tueir regular food exchange at P. V.\ Sowles Saturday afternoon. The ladies of the Christian v hurch gave a tea at the Redwood home Thursday evening, It was well attended. Florence Neitzel entertained the members of the Endeavor so ciety of the Presbyterian church Friday evening. I’ red Brecht and wife entertain ed a number of their friends at whist Friday evening. The hos ress served nice refreshments. K E- of S.No- t>10 met at their hall Wednesday and initiated sev eral into the mysteries of that irder. Nice refreshments were served at the close of lodge Miss Vera Lord was hostess to : le girls kensington at her home n North Stone street Saturday. The afternoon was most pleas ■ ntly spent. Nice refreshments were served Mrs. Lloyd Giannini enter lined the members of the K. K. dub at her home Wednesday night. Nice refreshments were served. Mrs. John Martin of I incoln was a guest of the club. At a meeting of the Friends in Council Mrs. b. L. Davies of this ity and Miss Gertrude Lum of 'erdon were chosen as delegates to attend the District Federation, o be held in Nebraska City, lisses Keim and McDonald were elected as alternates The M.E. kensington and their rietids were entertained at the home of Mrs. R. P. Roberts on Vednesdav afternoon. The ai ternoon was pleasantly spent in i onversation and needle work. A lrge crowd being in attendance, dice refreshments were served. Irs. Roberts was assisted by Irs- Simon Davies and Mrs.Otho Thacker. The Shakespeare club met with Irs. W. W. Abbey last Friday afternoon. There was a large attendance. An interesting les son led by the hostess completed the play of “Othells" which the lub has studied during the year. During a business session Mis.G \V. Holland was elected a dele gate to the district meeting of the federated clubs in Nebraska City, larch 24-25, and Mrs- A Graham, dternate. Mrs. Rhodes, mother f Mrs. Abbey was a guest of the club Miss Dora Richards entertain ed the Friends in Council at her home Friday evening. MissLum of Verdon was present. The pro gram was on “Ibsen” and Miss Dois Spencer read an excellent paper on that subject. Mrs. S.L Davies rendered several musical selections. At this meeting dele gates were elected to attend the district federation held a t Ne braska City Miss Spencer re signed as treasurer and Miss Gilman was appointed to fill the acancy. (Jn Wednesday evening C. W. Greithaupt and wife were invited to the home of Mrs. Mary Mosi aan to take supper. When they arrived they found 25 members of :he Mission Hand of the Evangeli al church in the parlor to sur prise them. Mrs. Breithaupt has or the past nine years been the - iperintendent of this department the church and has been a very Continued on Fourth pan... MARCH 1st IS HERE Many People Busy Moving During The Warm Spflftl! March 1 is moving time. Many farmers moved from one place to another. In this city it was no uncom mon sight W see the dray wagons backed up to front gates and soon loaded with household goods. 1). M. Davies moved from the place he recently sold to J. W. McCray, to one of the Prichard houses. Albert Maust sold his beautiful home near the high school build ing to George Fisher and gave possession March 1. lie moved Ins household goods to rooms over McMillan's drug store IMurt McGuire moved from near Morrill to the Noite house recent ly vacated by William Carico. John Hutchings and sisters are moving into the Campbell Min nick property and the latter will move to the property he pur chased of Murt Sullivan. Henry Sandrock moved from Salem to the house he purchased of Jerry Kanaly, Mrs. C. TJ. Elliott who lived just east of the Christian church is preparing to move to a cottage in the north part of town the first of the week. C- W. Kreithaupt and wife leave the first of the week for Kansas City and Chas.Sharts and wife will occupy the house vacat ed bv them. Want Bids The trustees of the First Pres byterian church of Falls City, Neb., will receive sealed bids for the purchase of the following properties, viz: The house known as the Southard property, house 10 be moved from the iots at the purchaser's own expense within twenty-one days of date ot pur chase. Also the building and lots known as the First Presbyterian chinj.1.1 without the bell,seats and other fittings and furniture there in. Separate bids will be receiv ed for these two properties until Wednesday noon. March 10, 190'h The trustees reserve the right to reject any or all bids offered. Send bids to R. Cooper Bailey, chairman building committee. City Council Notes The city council is installing a new Lyon boiler at the new plant. Then we will be able to save con siderable coal and can run with out any trouble or shut downs. Mr. Cushing, who came here and thoroughly tested the plant before the council accepted it has gone. A. O. Hacker of •!ulian will act as electrician and R. C. Wood as engineer from now on. 9 The city clerk was instructed to look after the sanitary condi tion of the town and report to the council An increase in the price of lights and water was discussed. Dr- Harry Bure hard was ap pointed city physician. Broke His Limb .Jesse Harris of Shubert who was hurt in a runaway in this city sev eral weeks ago had recoved and was able to go to Peru on crutches and again entered school. But was so unfortunate to fall while ascending a flight of stairs and broke the limb in the same place. He was a member of the senior class at Peru and the accident at this time of the school year is a great disappointment to him, as it is doubtful now7 whether or not he will be able to litiish with his class. Will Sell Fair Grounds At a meeting of the stock hold ers of the Nemaha County Fair aud Driving Park Association last Thursday decided to discontinue the fair and will sell the fair grounds. They will plat the grounds of about 40 acres, into an addition to the city and sell the l lots at public auctiou. This will not be done until after the race I meeting. FIRE HI JOHN STOCKTON'S MOST OF THE FURNITURE AND CARPETS WERE SAVED John Stockton's House in the East Part of Town Wns Badly Damaged by Fire The home of John Stockton i in the east part of town, Wednes'j day morning was the scene of! one of the worst tires this city has had for some time. The (am ilv had only been up a short time] when Clara went out of doors and | on returning told tier parents she j believed the house was on lire. 1 They looked, but failed to lind a I blaze, but on going up stairs j found the roof to be on fire. 'I'lie tire department was called i and in a short time the lire was! extinguished. The second storv of the house was nearly all burned 1 and the water ran through and ; ruined the plaster and all the: lower rooms. The furniture was all saved with very few scratches and rugs were all taken out. It is a big loss for them. The 1 house was insured for$l,500. The family were unable to find a house to move in, so they will store their goods and stay at the home of Mrs. Margaret Maddox until the house can be rebuilt, plastered and papered. The origin of the tire is not known, but it is supposed that it was caused from a defective flue. Many, who helped fight the fire say there is no comparison in the pressure of the new water plant to that of the old one. This fact makes it encouraging to the fire boys who have always been willing but had nothing to work "With Cor several years the power has not been sufficient to extinguish a blaze of any conse quence. Push This Enterprise Do you remember what hap pened last year? Falls City won the county and South-Eastern Nebraska Field Meets. The South-Eastern Nebraska Meet was held at Falls City. This town is centrally located and has better accommodations than any other town in the league. Now if the students and citizens want the meet here, now is the time to work. The field meets are a source of enjoyment to the citizens and a benefit to the stu dent. Does not the welfare of your boy interest you enough to push this enterprise? Were you not fully repaid last year? Falls City has been t-uccessful ior the last two years in both the county and South-Eastern Meet. Should she succeed in these meets this year she will have won three years in succession, which en tities her. under the athletic rules, to hold these trophies for ever. Orange and Black. The Falls City Pioneer < >ne of the most interesting stories ever printed in Nebraska is the pioneer reminiscenses of Hon. Ishatn Reavis, being pub lished in the Falls City Tribune, Reavis came to Falls City in I-.')'', and since then has taken part in all the stirring affairs that have gone into making a great state. His story is of much historical and . literary merit, and will be the crowning work of a long and busy life. State Capital. Sustains Injuries Geo. Maurer, who is employed at Wirth & Winterbottom’s hard* ware walked over to the elevator and in attempting to step pn it and not knowing it had just gone up, fell to the basement. It was several feet and be received sev eral severe bruises and lias not been able to return to his work at the store. *1. W. A. COUNTY ADOPTION TEN CAMPS WERE REPRESENT ED ON THIS OCCASION The Reserve Drill Team Put on the Floor Work for the Ini tiatory Services 'Plie Modern Woodmen of Amer ica held their county adoption at Wahl’s hall in this city Saturday evening. Camps from the follow ing towns were present, Salem, Arago. Preston, 11umboldt,Stella, Dawson, Yerdon. Kulo and Shu bcrt. Eighty five members were initiated on this occasion and the initiatory work was put on bv the drill team of Reserve. Their work was line and the camp should feel proud of their team and the interest each member takes in it. For several weeks ttie members of the M. W, A. ot Richarson county have been working hard to see what kind of a showing they could make on this occasion. Salem has the distinguished hon or of securing more candidates for initiation than any other lodge in the county. Y. G- Lvford of this city gave a splendid welcome address which was responded to by State Deputy Kester who presided over t li e meeting as Yenarable Counsel. Music was furnished by the Junior Orchestra and was greatly appreciated by all. About (>00 members of this no ble order were present and spent a profitable as well as enjoyable evening. A banquet was served by the local lodge at the close of the ex ercises. All returned at a late hour to their several homes each tiding proud to think that he was a member of so strong a fraternal order. The Holy City Manager Gelding is certainly to be congratulated on securing so clean and moral a troupe as the one that presented Clarence Bennett's production of "The Holy City'' at the Gelding Wed nesday evening. The house was well filled and the audience gave very close aft e n t i o n throughout the entire perform ance. Each and every actor was an artist in his line. “The Holy City" lias the influence and pow er to give to the world of art something new and sublime, the true test of royal blood that marks the king ol thought. The scenery was good and es pecially the act in which ap peared the storm of Galilee. The wonderful masterpiece of “Tile Holy City" was sung at the close of the last act. Court Proceedings Tuesday morning the jury was in town and reads lot business. Judge I-’emberton arrived late in the evening to finish up the Feb* ruary term of court. On Wed nesday the jury was empanelled and the caseof C- B. & 0* R. R* Co. vs- Drainage District No. 1 was taken up. At the time of going to press the case has not been submitted to the jury Painful Accident Master George Bacakos in e t with a very painful accident at tlie Candy Kitchen Monday. He was playing in the room" where the mother was helping with the wash ing and in some manner the little boy's lingers were caught in the wringer. He was taken at once to a doctor and his hand dressed and at this writing is getting along nicely. Clove Factory The commercial club has per formed their part of the contract with the glove factory. They secured the services of Mrs. J, K Clearv. who canvassed the town and had no trouble in securing the service oi seventy ladies. SPRING IS HERE The School Boys Have The Base Ball Fever On Wednesday evening a game of base ball was played at Central school, which to the Fourth grade Central bovs seems to be one glor-i ious victory, as they defeated the Fourth grade Zion school by a score of 10 to 3. The members of the Central team are Klbert Ridley, Wilber Sellers, lilmer Herling, John Frase, Willie Ridley, Henry Wer ner, Jack Reavis, Turner TeITt. The Zion boys are Willie King, Johnnie Day, Frank King, Merle Mettz, Dewey Ross anil Byron McDonald. Willie King and Kl bert Ridley did the pitching act and Johnnie Day and Wilber Sel lers acted as catchers and Albert Fraze umpired. An Excellent Sale ()ue of the heel sales we have reported for many years is that of Elmer lloselton hell at l’reston Monday. The stock sale amount ed to S34<*0. A tine display of prosperity was shown by the buy ers as all the receipts were casli except about Sl.!0. One man gave his personal check for $!l,00d. as the cattle he bought amounted to that. Col. Marion was the auctioneer and much of the credit of this re markable sale is due him. Mr. lloselton is a business man in ev ery sence of *he word and the way he tranaets all business is pleasing to all. Every one knows him and can depend on what he tells them to he true and this no doubt ac counts for the splendid results Found Dead in Bed ()n Saturday morning when Uil«'\ U'h'eefc and wife awakened they found their baby lifeless he tween them. The little one was i I months old and had been ill fori some time suffering from whoop ing cough, which afterward de veloped into pneumonia. The little one was not thought to be in a dangerous condition - and the discovery came as a shock The grief stricken parents have our sympathy. Mother Comes for Her Child About four years ago a lady left a baby a few weeks old in this city at the home of .John Davis, who have cared for it since that time. This week the mother,Mrs. H. L. Bowen arrived from New York to take the child away. The foster parents who have become attached to the little one and love it as their own refuse to give it up. A legal suit may be necee sary before the mother can secure the child. Mas New Husband A company played “Ma s New Husband” to a large house at the Dehling Thursday night The play was laughable all the way through. The singing was tine. The comedian “Willie" was much better than the average. The com mendable thing about the com puny was the way they all sing together and each and every one was good. All who attended were well pleased. Married In This City M,188 Grace Bacon «nd Robert Rentier, two well known young people of near Nims City were married by Judge Gagnon in this city last Friday. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mrs. Anna Bacon ami the groom is the sou ofSam'l. Bentler. sr. They will make their home on a fern, near Humboldt. Osteopathy After art absence of severa weeks 1 have returned and will l be pleased to meet at my office over the State Bank any one wishing to take treatment or investigate tile merits of Oste opathy. Otf R. K. I "SERVANT IN THE HOUSE" ENTERTAINMENT HELD AT THE BAPTIST CHURCH Prof Clark of Chicago Gave a Dramatic Recital of The Popular Play l’rof. S. II. Clark of the Chicago University gave a dramatic read ing of the popular play “A Ser vant in the House,” at the Bap tist church on Monday evening Mr- Clark had been brought her; by the City Federation of Wo men's clubs, and it was due to th* elTorts of this organization’s mert: • bers that he was greeted by 1 large crowd- lOvery person in the audience enjoyed the reading from the first, for the Professor entered into it with an enthus * asm and earnestness which holds his hearers in rapt interest throughout- He is equipped with a splendid voice capable of modu - lation at bis will, a pleasing per sonalityand an intelligence which interprets the finer shades of meaning in the lines spoken. The sweet, winsome, childish charai • ter of Mary was portrayed with as much truth as the worldly* contemptible Bishop of Lanca shire; the strong, rugged one ot Robert; or Manson, the compel* ling, moving character in the whole theme, whose religion is summed up in these words, *'I love (Jod and all my brothers-” Those who were fortunate enough to hear Prof. Clark con - sider the evening well spent, and much credit is due the enterpris ing women, who brought him here- It is a sad commentary on the men of Falls City that the audience was largely women- ft makes one wonder “Whv ”’ Falls City Girl Married At high noon Tuesday at the home of iln* bride’s parents, Mr and Mrs.-Tolln Jones in the east part of town their daughter Misn Ollie was united in marriage to Clement Albert Legee of Lincoln The ceremony was performed by Kev. I4’. KUsworth Day of the Christian church. After congrat ulations an elaborate wedding dinner was served. Tbe bride wai raised in this city and is well known to us and she has the re spect and confidence of all who know her, The groom is a stran ger to us but is one of Lincoln's industrious young men. The couple left W ednesday for Lin coln where they will make their home. The Tribune joins in ex tending congratulations to the— voting people as they start the r journey of life together Buys Interest in Granger W e learn from the Auburn Re publican that (’has. Hayne, a sou of Lester Hayne of near Johnson, has purchased n third interest in the Auburn (iranger, paying therefor the sum of Tbs young man has been teaching school, he has become ambitious to enter the newspaper field. Ha will do considerable of the writing for the paper. Troubles of Their Own Auburn seems to tie carrying more than her share of the bur dens. They have beeu having water works troubles and now there seems to be considerable dissatisfaction over the manner ia which some of the city couucilmen n< t officially and unofficially in tin matter of granting permits to build within the fire limits. Basket Ball Falls City basket ball girls a; jcompanied by Prof. Hurst went t 1 Nebraska City Friday where they i played a game with the team at that place. Our girls were vic torious. the score being to II The girls have only suffered on* defeat and are on a lookout for ! mere games.