Henry C. Smith LANDS & LOANS 240 acres well improved, If miles from Depot it. Kds. Good spring. Best of terms. Will take 40 acres as part payment, balance long time at low interest. 200 acres miles from depot. Richardson county, Nebraska Good buildings and land Will take 40 or 80 acres as part payment 100 acres upland, 1 mile from depot. Richardson comity. Nebraska. $12,000. 160 acres Johnson comity, Nebraska 80 rods *.o church and school. Best of terms. Might rent. 107 acres near Brownville, Nebraska 80 acres .’4-mile from Falls City higli scnoi 040 acres, $8,000 improvement-, Also 64n a ;-e» adjoining. Will take 160acres as part payment. Fine running water. A No 1 opportunity. Money to loan , ___ ^ CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS THE FOLLOWING SERVICES WILL BE HELD SUNDAY These Notices are Prepared and Handed in By the Local Ministers r k i: s n v T i •: i< i a n 1111 r k e h Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Preaching 10:45 a. in. Junior C. K* and Mission Sab bath school 2:50 |>. in, Y. 1*. A. meeting 0:30 p m. Preaching 7:50 p m. Prayer meeting Wednesda y 7:50 p. in. The meeting of the building committee could not be held last Monday night on account of the storm, but a meeting w as held on Wednesday night after the prayer meeting and a sub committee was appinted to visit three new church es in neighboring towns and re port their findings. On next Sabbath morning the] pastor will commence a series of sermons dealing with some of the great questions ef life here and hereafter. The first topic, laying the basis for future discussion, will be “What is the Bible?” “Still with Thee, O my God,” a beautiful duet will be sung by Miss Agnew and Miss Mabel Po teet. The topic for the evening ser won is “The two halves of an apple." Yes, you are invited, and will be made welcome. A meeting of the Falls City Ministerial Association will be iheld in the office of County Su perintendent Oliver at 2 o’clock next Monday afternoon. A full attendance desired as business is important. Rv.v, R. Coot'KK B.ui.hy, Pastor. iiai’Tist curia'll Sunday school 9:45 a m. Morning service 11:00 a. m. Kvening service 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting \V ed n es d a y ; 8.U(i p m. Beginning next Sunday night ' the pastor of the Baptist church I will preach a series of two ser mons on the subject “Our Tester- , days." Visitors are always wel I come l'lie Baptist bovs brigade has changed it's time of meeting to Vh id iv pig!its from 7 to s o’clock. The brigade is flourishing and •he boys are doing splendid work. The baptismal service at the Baptist church last Sunday night was well attended. Special music by young lady friends of the bap tised was well rendered and the whole service was beautiful and effective. Rt v. (h:o. II. Kkiciiki.. Pastor. MKTHOMST C11VKC1I Sunday scliool 9:45 a. m Public worship 10.45 a. in. Junior League 2:30 p. in Epworth League f»:30 p. m. Evening service 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting 'V ednesday 7:30 p. m. The meetings in progress at the Methodist church have had to contend with several severestorms Sunday was a great day and large mid enthusiastic congregations greeted Evangelist Miller. In the morning he spoke on “Home’’ and :n the evening “The Trial of the Divinity of Jesus Christ. ” Twelve men were chosen as jurymen, the only qualifications for such being, they should believe in the Bible. He developed from witnesses the character of Jesus and the twelve men rendered their verdict from llie evidence adduced that Jesus wis the Divine Son of God. Not withstanding the storm Monday night six persons went forward to confess their sins. Tuesday night was equally stormy, but there w'ere several seekers. The meet* ings will continue during the weeek and at least over Sunday. The pastor had hoped the meet ings would dcvelopcuntil a union meeting carried on by the several pastors would he a necessity. He still entertains this hope and urges the attendance and cooper ation of all the Christian people. Kkv. C. A. Mastiv, I’astor. GliKMAN KVANGBUCAI. CIICKCM. 0:1.’) h. m. Sunday school. 10:15 a. m. Sermon. i p. in. Young People Alliances 7:30 p. in. Sermon. Prayer meeting W’eilnesdaj 7:30 p. in. Friday choir practice s p, m. Pi i 1.1! Sent MANS, Pastor. CM K I S’t* I AN CHURCH. 0:45 a. in-, Bible school. 11 a, m., 1'reaching service. 4 p, ni., Junior Endeavor. <>:40 p. in., V. P. S- C. 1C. 7 40 p. in.. Preaching Service. The morning subject at the Christian church Sunday will be “The Apostalic Church and its Origin and Law"’ and the even ing theme “What Jesus saw from the Cross or the Christ lifted up.” There were two splendid audi* ences at the church last Sunday and a splendid interest shown. We desire to thank the members and triemlB for the splendid dona tion Tuesday evening. Feb. 16. Mav the dear Master bless you all. These are pleasant remem brances and the fellowship is beautiful and encouraging. F. Ei.i.swokth Day, Pastor. HKKTHKHN CHURCH Sunday school 0:45 a. in. Sermon 10:45 a. m. Christian Endeavor 6:40 p. m. Sermon 7:40 p. m Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:40 p. m. Next Sunday evening Rev. R. R Teeter will speck upon the tin i'liie subject, “Who Owns the Earth.” 1 ins will lie a discus sion of present day social and commercial conditiuiisin America All who have ever heard Rev. Teeter speak on special topics know it will be worth while to go and hear linn at the Brethren church next Sunday evening, Rtiv. E. R. Thktkk, Pastor. GEHUNG THEATRE ONE NIGHT Wed. Mch. 3 The Clarence Bennett Productions. (Inc.) Present the World s Greatest Bibical Play The Holy City with the Original New York Com pany. including Mr. Clarence Bennett A GUARANTEED ATTRACTION Prices, 35c, 50c and 75c Seats on sale Friday. A special Lenten attraction FALLS CITY CHORUS TO K.C. FALLS CITY WILL HAVE A FINE MIXED CHORUS Six Choral Societies Representing Four-hundred Voices and Three States The Women’s Chorus met Mon day night with Mrs Banks to take up the study of "The Four Winds ’, Carl Busch’s prize canta ! ta. This meeting was a very en* thusiastic one, being the last meeting the women would meet alone, as the male voices will be added at the next meeting, Tues |dav night, March 2nd. 'Pile books hail just come and I although the Chorus had not ex I ected to do much with the new 1 work, the Cantata, but arrange parts etc,, the temptation was too great to taste of this new wine of western . inspiration and get a breath of "The Four Winds’, they were delighted and were loath to go home. The conductor was more than pleased at the man ner in which the Chorus took up this work. The Chorus expects to get down to regular serious work as soon as the gentlemen come in and be ready to take their partin the musical event of the season, in Kansas City in May. The Chorus feel that it is a genu ine compliment to be asked to participate in such an event, iu a city of size and culture and by the composer himself, and our citi zens should take pride in an or ganization that is theirs, and give it the encouragement it deserves. A clipping from the Kansas City Star of Sunday, February 21st explains itself: Six choral societies represent ] ing 400 voices and three states] will unite in singing Carl Busch’s] cantata, "The Four Winds,’’ in Convention hall next May. "The Four Winds” won the $500 prize offered by Strawbridge A Clothier of Philadelphia. The cantata i had its first performance in Phi" ladelphia, in November, 1 *»07, and was the most important feature of ! Joplin's music festival last Mav. Now Kansas City is to hear the work under favorable auspices. The Chicago Symphony orche>-1 tra will be augmented to seventy members expressly for the occa sion- 1 he soloists will be John B. Miller of Chicago, who sang the tenor part in Joplin, and Aida Hetnmi, a young dramatic soprano i of New York City. The choral societies which will take part are: I The Philharmonic society and the Walno chorus, noth of Kansas City; the Fort Scott, Kas , Cho ral I nion. \ erne Powell, conduc tor; the Falls City, Neb-, chorus, Mrs. Charles K. Bank?, conduc tor, and choruses from Clay Ceil ter and Bonner Springs.” In 007 Strawbridge \- Clothier of Philadelphia offered a prize of $500 for the best composition musical composition that would be purely American, that would be so characteristic of our coun try. that one would feel instantly on hearing the music the fresh ness, the newness, the genuine ness and the freedom of this, our country. Of course it was ex pected to be different from all other nations music. Carl Busch took the second part of Longfellow's Hiawatha for his theme, which tells of the origin of the four winds and he tells the story in Longfellow's words, with a music so well adapted to their meaning, that the freshness and j originality is at once inspiring and he called his composition “The Four Winds” and submitted it to the judges. Out of twenty other produc tions by eminent composers "Thte Four Winds” was chosen as the best and our western musician and composer won the prize of $500, for which we, who live this side "the big sea water" ( Mississippi river are justly proud. |THE COMERS AND COERS Crowded off the regular Local Pa ire. I>. !)■ Reavis visited the Miles j ranch near Dawson the lirst of ; the week. D. M. Davies and wife are in Omaha attending the state opti- j | cal rssociation. A motion in the famous Miles will case will be argued in the Supreme court on March 1st. Molasses kisses at 15c per lb. Something new and delicious at a bargain price. Also cream fudge I at 10c per lb- at the Candy Kit chen Saturday, l'eb. 27. Miss Catherine McMahon, as sisted by her scholars in Dist. 5; will give a box social on Monday evening. March 1. This was! postponed from Feb.22 on account of inclement weather. All are in vited. 1 here is no tuberculosis found in the registered Shorthorns sold bv I). E.Reber \ Sons of Morrill, Kansas, they had all their cattle tested; certificates will be given with each lot showing them to be free from this awful disease. Send for catalogue. Mrs. Wilhite reports that her son Jule Schoenheit was operated upon in St. Margarets hospital in Kansas City last Saturday. Sur gejns removed a handful of de cayed bone from the sick man's leg and hopes are entertained for his recovery. Much sympathy has been felt for Mr. Schoenheit by his many old friends here dur ing his prolonged illness whicn has lasted since October. We earnestly call the attention of our farmers and stockmen to the great two days sale of D. E. ] Keber \ Sons of Morrill- Ks .held at Hiawatha March 12 and 13 of a select lot of registered I’ercher-i on mares and stallions and regis-1 tered shorthorns. It will be the j opportune time for our farmer ; friends to get good seed. Send j for catalogue. See ad Mrs. Boyer entertained a few j friends at her home in the north i part of town Monday evening. It I being Washingtons birthday the ! allair was in keeping with the day and was very unique Hal Sowlcs and wife came up from St- Joe Saturday for a short visit with to their parents. D. W Sowles and wife- They returned home Tuesday. B. F. Crook and wife of Salem were in the city Tuesday. They i called at this office and added ’ their name to our subscription i list. , L)r. and Mrs. A. N. Allison' spent apart of the week in Kan sas City where they attended the State Dental association. Mrs. E- K- Kentner entertained at whist Monday evening. Dur ing the evening the hostess ser ved a delightful lunch. D. Sutorius of Humboldt was in the city Wednesday and a pleasant caller at this office. G. H. Yates of Omaha spent Sunday in this city, a guest at the home of I. N. Mead. T. M. Bronson of Verdon is among our new subscribers this week. Misses Anna and Mary Prib beno of Preston were in this city Wednesday. Floy Grinstead spent Sunday in Humboldt with l)r. J. A. Wagon er and family. Mr. and Mrs. Maddox of Au burn attended the Highlander dance in this city Tuesday ni ght. Dr. Emma Lawrence has been quite sick during the week and could not be at her office for a few days. Etta Sheehan returned to At chison Sunday after a short visit to her parents. Morris Sheehan and family. Charles Heck came up from St Joe and spent Sunday with his parents O. P. Heck and wife and his numerous friends. Ben Grinstead and family of Alliance are visiting at the home of Jas. McDowell and family. Mr, Grinstead is foreman of the B. & M. paint shops at that place. Mr. Jenkins a traveling man who made headquarters at this place is this week disposing of a part of their household goods and is moving his family to Topeka, Mrs. Jennie Darner and babe who have been in the city for the past three weeks visiting her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Leister returned to her home at Colum bus, Ohio. Misses Hanna and Anna Ander son of Mason City, Neb., arrived in this city from Omaha Tuesday and are opening a millinery store in the Maddox block and in a few days will be ready for business. t New Spring Goods at Ly ford’s | New Tailored Suits in all the new shades and stvles New Spring Jackets for women, misses and children New Shirt Waists in net, linen and law n New Dress Skirts New Misses’ and Children’s Dresses, not carried heretofore by us. New Suitings in wool, worsted and mohair New Waistings in linen, silk and cotton New Silk Suitings in foulard, messaline, taffeta and fancies. New Laces in Vais., cluneys, Venise, baby, Irish, real and imitation Torchon New' Embroideries New' Ginghams New Wash Goods in great variety, including every new cloth on the market New Small and Room=Size Rugs-=the largest stock ever shown by us. New Ingram Carpets New Linoleums, inlaid and printed New Mattings \\ e now are showing the largest assortment of I)rv Goods ever displayed in Falls City. Great prepare ations have been made for this season's trade and we confidently invite you to call and look us over. Our I store is the headquarters of Richadson county for as - ortments and thoroughly reliable merchandise. V. G. LYFORD