The County in General The “Doings” of our Country friends anti Neighbors. SHUBERT Mr*. Levi Mrtght i-unite -irk Jim Stout of Auburn wtt- here I i-t week. Or. Shook litttoe a trip to Au'uirti on Friday. Henry Lt-idir tp nt Sunday mu hu radii. Tout Lew!* v ,-lted in- daughter in i’eru Saturdav Sain West of Sal ct I a, K- . is t i-t 11 n his parents beta . M. T. Hill has puiehu-ed l ints. Lord properly fur ifliltKt. Mr*.Minor of Auburn v -ited I t i t« r here the past w t k. Miss Ve'a Herg-ma of IVru spent Sunday with home folks Miss Kllu Here of Ste It spent last week with her sister here. loe Lewiston! family nf Verdou vis ited relatives here Sunday. ‘ The little daughter of Walter Wed die and » ift' was * ck last wet k. J. it. Stotts I- making preparation* to move tu hi - farm east of town. Win. Mntsingtr left Saturday for P.MisKa, Okla . tils former hmm . Joe Hoover from the western part of ti e state is here visiting relative-, Frank Watten and family of near Arago visited relatives h re Siiidut. I. L June? left (luring the wick for Kearney where he will visit i•• 1 .>Iiv« 1 Win. Metiowij ami Indy friend i I Intruda visited relatives here S mday 3olon Cooper was ealied to Heaii n t last week by the -.< knew of ids daugh ter, Mr?. Kbits spent scvral days in l ull? City caring for In r niece who was quite 111. Mrs. McCoinbur returned lo her home at Preston Saturday afu r a \ mil with relatives here. Louis Shtilriiherg of near liai'Hdu was on the rnarkr t Thursday w ith sev- ' oral loads of hog-. Willard Shuherl and v. fe have re turned from ,i visit w i tli friends in the western part of the state. C. A. Lord has sold his hardware and undertaking to Higgins ,\ Kdwarils. They have a ho-t of fib nds here who W ,sh thell) success. Henry Fishhorii and wife aeeompun ied by the latter? inotln r weie enter tained at dinner Sunday at the In me of Fliner Klse in d wife T McCleary and wife ami Mrs li c hritch b ti Thiirsday for their In no in 1 n'.onville, Indiana, after attending the funeral of their relative Mr-. Wed dle. M »i Cnnie Dr'cker enti Haliied a number of lo r young Indy fi n mi-at her home Saturday cvi ning, the lime being spent in such a mam er it- to he r memtien ti for some time, • Foley’s Honey and Tar clear.- Hu- mr passage?, stops Hie Irritation in tie throat, soothes ihe imtlarned mem brane?, and tin most obstinate rough disappears. Sore and imllamed lung? tre healed and strengthened, and tne cold i* expelled from li e s\-l m l!e fu?e any but the genuine iu the yellow pn kige. Kerr's Pharmacy. PERU NORMAL NOTES Win. Hutchison visited in Falls City re e tly wiih his parents. — Lo t-vZ \\ ach'.el spent a few days a n< r Home m J/«,|, City last week. Mi-, Myrtle N ochiu returned to Peru ailei a V eil, Hi ni l home Iii Falls City. Me-srs. Hanna and Stoddard ot Au burn witness d Ihe basket ball game here Wednesday. John 0-wald the photographer of Falls city is here taking pictures for the senior annual. We are glad to hear that F, K.Hurst, class of *07’ now principal of the Fulls City It’gh school,is recovering from ap pendicitis. Pres Crabtree’s book on ''School Management,’’ which is now being published, Is ri ported u> being one of the best in the state. Jesse Harris is able to be around again by the aid of crutches. He has missed quite a few weeks of sehoo’.but will be able to graduate with bis class The girls of Ml. Vernon dormitory gave a Washington reception Monday. The balls and rooms were artistically decorated and after listening to a col onial program the guests were served with refreshments Kecently the Falls City girls ba.-ket ball team came here to play ball, but did not finish the game. Owing to the new game adopted only the first hulf of the game was plaved, the sore be ing 7-10 in Peru’s favor. Wednesday, Feb. 17, occurred one of the greatest games of the season. The Oregons who have made a tour from Oregon to Pcnusylvauia and are now returning home, have won great fame as basket ball players. The score was 31-11. This is exceeding good owing to the fact that the Oregons have only lost about 5 games out of 55. RULO .1. laxtnn i f Lincoln whs here Saiut d.t v. S I|it, Oliver vi-iliti mir schools la.-t IV I I,. It tiiiiiie M. /e of Dawson was hoe Sunday. I H, Lytuati of Wy-inuro wa- hoe ri ei i,tly. L im r llu-i iton of Pro-tun wa> hcie reeei tly. I Mi - llieh.irdson on li e -ii k list | la»l wei k. .1,.ke t.*i»y till is very l.nv with eor. 1 -ItmptlOO. t.rai1. [tui i ni itii-• county -■ at visi tor Friday. John Kanaly in- a county seat visi tor Saturday. \\ ill t raiys father of S| a e uc vi-i ted here la.-t week. A. T Sherman of Table llock was here last week Cecil Kanaly ol Salem -pent Sunday with home folka. t.leorjre Dus is mine In from M--iborn, Iowa, lust week. L. II. Murdock wa- a St. Joe visitor one day lust week. Mr tirahain returned a-t wi ck from ( ouiicil lliulT-. Iowa. H11 am I i -hi re of D i li e - 1-v -itlne (ricnii* Lc re thi- week. A. It. Liu•«11 c iif I'ru-Pm .-p .-nt Sun day w ilh n at i i1 # here, Helen hih1 Jo-de Murphy were coun ty eat v 1st tor.- last week, Mr# Helpler and daughter Lea were I'it stun victors recently. Mi-. (»e##t r and daughter visited i datives iu l’re«ton recently. Leonard Simon of Freston spent Sunday with his parents here. Hev. Walden of Missouri preached at tiic Holiness church Sunday. Mrs. Herman Boabm • i# visiting relatives in Atchison this week. Mrs, Stavcr and daughter of Salem visited relatives here la#t week. Alice and Alta Hilbert attended a party in Falls City Friday night. .1 aim s Hoberts left Thursday for Sa vannah, Mo., to vi#it hi- mother. Herman Kloefei und family spent several day- in Si. Joe this week. Janus Tagney and wife attendtd the dance in Falls C ity Friday night. Jim Caugherly visited frond* here recently on hi- u,Hy to Wyoming. Will and Sam Cook of Shenandoah, Iowa, visited friends here iu#t week. li aine Anderson returned Friday from a visit with friends at Hiawatha. (Iu# Hot riter came over from Mis tiinrl Saturday to see fits -iek brother. !iii\ aid Mol lie Wintcrbol.totn went to Atehisiin Saturday to visit relatives. Mr# I it mvn wa- matried in Lincoln recently to Morris Mi'Intlr - uf Have l( ek. Charlis Hull and famly returned Sunday from a with Salt m rein tt vi # Karl Sin phi rd return' d to st. Jo Suoday after spot il tig #eVi ra! day? at home. Mr# t, Maggie Mooney and Hrace Cronin went to St. Joe Sat urday. Charlie Vastino of S'. Joe visited a few days w!th lii- parent- here last week. Lid it and Julia Brown went to Lin eoid to stay with their mother la#t Friday. Frank Vaovuolkiuburg went to Den ver Sunday, hi# wife and btiby remain ed hi re. Bert Anderson of Yu.ore wa# leokir. after the Burlington'.- Interest.- here Thursday. Mrs. Montgomery and children of Freston arrived S.iturilav for a visit * / with relatives. W. H. Spicer of Belview arrived Sat urday to attend the meetings at the Holiness church. J lie members of the Degree of Honor . met at the home of Mrs. Klcefel out- j ill-day evening to organize a 'Kensing ton. They intend to have a bazaar be fore Easter. A number of Mrs.Lizzie Davi«'frieods met at her loiue Friday night and gave her the surprise of her life. The gue.-ts presented her with a nice rocking chair and other useful presents. All report a pleasant eveuiug. I We Print Sale Bills MO PRINT THEM RI8HT ===== and we ran handle all lines of Job printing— it makes no dlfferenee how large or small the Job may be. Call at this office and look over our samples of letter heads, envelopes, business cards and wed ding stationery. You'll be pleased with our work, and prices will salt Bwt Work,,, Most RimmfcU Prim HUMBOLDT Mr?. Jones whs ()nite sick this week, j O. VV. C. »- i f I!iv. rton was here on j buvfoe— lb,- wi ek . ! Alvin C» ngii'-h was in Sf. Joe on j business t h‘s wet k. John St.lit' r whs cumbered union;' i the sivk this week. ! X) M. Goddard of r/neoln visited his brother here S onlay Mr- Hull miwhId of Ciiitunia Is the . giie-i of fro nd- h* re. f .ute SkuiHk wife have return* d from h visit in Kansas. Sam Sit* - and mmghtir are visiting relatives at Decatur, III. , L K. Coop* r of St .In was here last week visiting hi- brother. Henry Lem. g of Beloit, Ks . spent the week with relatives her*-. .1 A Sprague of Glaseo, Ks.. visited liis si-tor b* re the past week. Mrs, Herw g returned Monday from t visit with relative* at Diller. < >. ( . arti Clyde Heid went to Law ton, < »k a , Snndav on business. Frank -ikalhk received a broken leg last went I y tripping over a stiek. j Bet wig ««• in < imaha this week attending the hardware convention. Mr- Garver left Thursday for a visit with !*er dang liter at Clebourne. Texas. V' in Loenm ke is earing for a broken si,*i i;der caused by a fall from a w.^on. A little dan; liter arrived attbe home of \! it Fimer and wile the past wet k. MesJamts Segrist and Cooper have returned from a visit to Kansas City friend-, Mad;*'Ford entertained a company i*f young ladit - at her home Thursday evening, Basil Sitatton left Sunday for Par son-, Ks.. to join his wife on a visit to visit to relatives. I lev. Aslinyr and wife wil e called to Kansas lust wet k by the death of their grundson who wus burned to death. Frank Dot land and family went to Fern Monday where the latter will re main while lie goes to look at land in British Columbia. Foley's Orino Laxative cures con sumption and iivrr trouble and makes tbo bowels healthy and regular. Orino is superior to pill? and tablets as it does not gripe or nauseate. Why take anything else? Kerr's Pharmacy. VERDON. Mae Johnson returned to Norton.Ks, Friday. NIr?. Knapp was a Auburn visitor Tb ursday. Dollie hall of Shubert spent last wet k here. Charlie Cook of Salem was here Wednesday. Jake Bloom of Falls City was here Wt dntsdav. Mr. Hay of Peru visited relatives here last week. Clarence Cluik was up from Kansas < ity Saturday. < 'ceil and Guy Sheeley of Salem were in town Friday. Or. Houston was up from the county .-cat Wednesday. Mrs. Pi a infeldter and son returned from Palls City Sunduy. Verna Williamson went to Preston Friday to visit friends. Velum Walker of Ful’s City visited relatives here last week. Will Corn and wife of Salnm spent Sunday here with relatives. Mrs. Cullen and Edith went to Au burn Sunday to visit friend-. Theresa and Florence ArmbrusUr spent lust week in Fulls City. M illard Cloodloe anil family of Stella visited relatives here Sunday. Jim Ayers and wife and Miss McCray v out to Falls City Wednesday. Or. Griffiths of Falls City wa? a pro fessional visitor here Thursday. Hoarse coughs and stuffy colds that may develop into pneumonia over niyht are quickly cured by Foley’s Honey and Tar, and it soothes inhum ed membranes, heals the luugs, und ex pels the cold from the system. Kerr's Pharmacy. FARGO Dr. MuMaster was here last week. Godfred Hunker shelled corn lust week. * Charles Santo had business here last week. Grillin Wright had business here Friday. Mr. Suess was a county seat visitor last week. Mary Haunks spent Sunday with home folks. Mrs. Harmon is visiting relatives near Stella. Ruby Wagoner spent part of la-t week in Falls City. Henry Hershberger and wife are tf.e proud parents of a baby girl. Mike Snake is seriously ill and there is little hope for his recovery. R. D. Wagoner and family visited F. E. Durfee ard family Sunday. Otto Hershberger has moved on bis farm which he recently purchased. A dance was given in the hall Satur day night. A large crowd was present and everything went off happy. BARADA Pan Keiley whs over from Verdon ' las! IP v I .nut'‘i run rr mu t),iw*nii w» 1 h> re 'a-t w• • k. II. 11 Wo'tiring was a county sent j Vis I'M Mlliiii, V V. II. Mar'..n was it county seat visi tor Wednesday. F. K Butler uni wife were e uinty seat \ i-itors Fi d iy. Walter Vauianlt yfham Was t.■ re from F.t11 • City TI. ursilat. Hurley Butler aod Harry S ugle were in St-ii'derl S.tiurdity P. F. and O i- sp ( klcr were at the etuiuiy -t ut isaturdiiy. Mis- .ymirey Wilem.m i s i• -0 friend in Fails l ity Saturday. John Whittle purchased a farm of i >iie r Sailors lust wi ik John Moiehea.l and family weieup from F.t 1 s City Sunday. i arl Voltmer has moved to ut Heron win re he ha- tented t farm Mrs Harper of Shuh rt is visiting her brother hi re this week. Grandma Thompson i- up from the com ty a at visiting relatives. 1 F Itolc jack and wife spent Sun day with relatives in Sbubert. Joseph Surnian has been very sick the past wet k but is improving. Ja ob Peters and Wilson Wamsley were county seat visitors Saturday. The Misses Butler entertained a number of friends at dinner Sunday, Charles Wikmai. and Lout.- Buehol/. i lurried from Kansas City Saturday John Lungdon and family or Camp Point, 111., are vi.-iting relatives here. I. I and Mrs.C. II. Martin returned Wednesday from a visit at Oregon,Mo. Miss Own Dunn returned Wednesday from a \i-it with friend- at Oregon, Mo. J. T. Isabel has moved from the timer Sailors farm onto the Bowers farm. Levi in,man an 1 I amity moved into the Oerdes house lately vacated by Homer S iilor? Ilev. Rouen closed a series of meet ings here Saturday and returned to hi? home in Verdon. Roy Williamson returned Saturday from Cambridge where he had been vi?iting relatives. Joseph Rhoades and wife who have been visiting relatives here returned last week to their home at Fairmont. STELLA J, W. Clevenger of Auburn wu? here this week. J. M. F.vans of Shubert was here Saturday. II. D Weller who has been sick is improving. Miss Colgla/ier vi-ited in Shubert the past week. Mrs Holland of St. Louis is visiting relatives here. U-well J Radinsky of Sterling i? visit ing his son here. The sale of J. Hopper Monday amounted to $5*5L W. C I’arriott and family of Auburn were here Sunday. R. A. Clark of Lincoln spent Sunday with lii- family here. The W. O. \V. people have their hall about plastered. I . J. O'Connell will move to Auburn where he will reside. I. W. Harris went to Humboldt Tue?day on business. Chet Lewis of neurShubert was here on business this week. Joe Marts arrived from Missouri the past week on busines?. K. L. Weick of Verdon visited here Saturday with friends. I). S. Hinds and wife nl Kansas City are visiting relativus here. F. K. Hartley and family of Iteedy, W. Va., were here recently. M. Barstler and family moved this week into the Evans property. S. L. Davies will begin next month on the new house for ,T. It. Cain. Chester Allen and family of Howe visited relatives here Saturday. A number of farmers sold their wheat the past week for SI a bushel. M. Morris is crippling this week caused by a stick fiving up striking him. H. C. Fankell will go to Omaha Wed nesday to take in the automobile show. Mrs. Wilson and daughter are in Council Bluffs this week visiting rela tives. W. .1. McCray will move to Falls City soon where he will make his future home. D A. Watson who has been farming north of town movod to a farm west of Hose this week. A. L. Bright who has been farming near Shubert is moving to Pomona, Ks.. where he will farm. A J. Kobti and J. F. Tolly started Saturday for University place with the ponies they purchased here. The Ladies Auxiliary of the ceme tery association held a supper Satur day evening and took in 'flu. Clyde Harden and wife visited id Humboldt Sunday with friends. Em erson Bowers took them over in his auto. , Thos. Higgins of Elk Creek has ren I Made from cream of tartar derived I solely from grapes, the most deli- ; eious and healthful of all fruit acids. ; ; 'il a fa' in ut Gibbon ar 1 more than four years to do it. To The Public We have bought this gear's ice h.rvest r m ti e Crystal lakes and leased them fur a pe riod i f live years. We are thor uug. y equipp d to give you the best possi de service and we so licit your patronage. The Crys tal lakes ice need- no recom mendation. and this year's out put was secured under the most favorable conditions and the ice is tile clearest ever put up and of very superior quality. Let us know your need-; we will call and arrange for your season's ice supply. Your- very Truly. Tel. :> MAUST }]ROS. Postponed Sale On account of inclement wea ther, (.’li,.'. Stu np postponed his Sdl» of household goods until today, Feb. 215, at 1:80 o’clock, sharp. He will sell at the A. .). Weaver house just east of the Harlan street school. Remem ber the time, Friday afternoon, at 1:80. A 3AFTIST ELDER Restored to Health by Vinci "I was run down and weak from In digestion and general debility, also suf fered from vertigo. I saw a cod liver preparation called Vinol advertised and decided to give it a trial, and the re sults were most gratifying. After tak ing two bottles I regained my strength and am now feeling unusually well.” Henry Cunningham, Elder Bap tist Church, Kingston, N. C. Vinol is not a patent medicine—but a preparation composed of the medicinal elements of cods’ livers, combined with a tonic iron and wine. Vinol creates a hearty appetite, tones up the organ i of digestion and makes rich, red blood. In this natural manner, Vinol creates strength for the run-down, over worked and debilitated, and for deli cate children and old people. For chronic cough?, colds and bronchitis Vinol is unexcelled. All such persons in this vicinity ara asked to try Vinol on our offer to re fund their money if it falls to give sat isfaction. A. G. WANNER. Falls City, Net ■M-f-4- l-M-t y H4H'I M-M-M-e-M . . <> :: O. S. flcCarthy ■■ :: DRAY AND !! TRANSFER ;; . 11 • 1 > | Prompt attention given ] \ | to the removal of house- ] J hold goods. \ \ ■ PHONE NO. 211 :: *i« m-tH mt-w-twi t: W ’ EDGAR R. MATHERS ID E N T* I S 'F Phones: Nos. 177, 217 Sam'i . Wahl Biti.dixo n F». ROBERTS Office over Kerr’s Pharmacy Office Phi ne 200 Residence Phone 271 vJohn Wilts by ATTORNEY Practice in Various Courts. • Collections Attended To. Notary Public. FALLS CITY DR. C. N. ALLISON DENTIST Phone 2-48 Over Richardson County Hank. FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA