The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 26, 1909, Image 5

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What Your Friends and Their
Friends Have Been Doing the
Past Week.
— Eat Sowles Candy.
Dr. Wilson, Wahl’s building.
Dr. Tefft, Dentist. Maddox block,
opposite court house
Miss Maggie Faller is visiting
in St. Joe this week
Mrs. H- R. Miner was a Lin
coln visitor this week.
Three or 4 cases of measles are
reported near this city.
Joe Culp of Hooper, Colo., is
visiting relatives in this city.
Mrs. D- M. Davies spent a part
of last week with relatives at
Miss Elizabeth Culp of St. Joe
visited her sister Mrs.Grant Win
dle this week.
Miss Helen Martin went to Au
burn Sunday to spend a few days
with Miss Eustice.
Steve Miles spent last week in
Kansas City, where he was look
ing after some business.
Ot Timerman came up from St.
Joe the latter part of the week
and spent a few days with friends.
J. Ouimby Hossack came down
from Omaha and spent Sunday
with his parents John Hossack
and wife.
George Slocum and wife of
Stella were guests at the home of
J. L. Slocum the latter part of
the week.
Hiawatha boasts of 9 rural
mail carriers and all wearing
uniforms. The uniforms arrived
just last week.
Mrs. M. E. Yost of Hiawatha
claims the honor of hearing Lin
coln's memorial address at Gettys
burg battlefield
Ralph Jcnne enjoyed an annual
ball, given by a fiaternity, of
which he is a member, at Lincoln
last Friday night.
The congregation of St.Mary s
Catholic church of Dawson have
received an order for the erection
of a convent at that place, to be
ready for use next fall.
G. A. Hansel and his son-in
law, Will Richards have decided
to sell out at Salem and arc going
to Oregon to make their home
They expect to leave some time
in March.
Miss Lois Spencer returned the
latter part of the week from
Arkansas, where she was helping
care for an aunt who was very
sick. The climate did not agree
with Miss Spencer and physicians
advised her to return home.
G. A. Jorn of Verdon was in
the city the latter part of the
week and made the Tribune a
call. He informed us he bad one
of the best public sales held in
this section and was more than
pleased with it. He and his fam
ily left Tuesday for their new
home in Norcatur, Kansas. This
county will miss an enterprising
and industrious farmer like Mr.
At ttiawatna ivionuay, me cuy
joined in celebrating the birthday
of one of its residents who was
100 years old that day. The old
lady is very well but quite feeble
and tires easily. It was a pleas
ure to her on this occasion to
welcome all her friends. The
children all visited her from 3:30
to 4 o’clock, and the older ones at
different hours. She is known to
all Brown county as “Auntie
Rice.” This birthday gathering
will be long remembered by those
who attended.
Good Morning
My “Made-to-Order Classes" are
a positive help and a permanent
Eye. Ear, ^fose and Throat
Falls City. Neb.
Tbe above is tbe name of a German
chemical, which is one ol tbe many
valuable ingreaient- of Foley's Kidney
Remedy. Hexamethylenetetramine is
recognized by medical text hooks and
authorities as a uric acid solvent and
antiseptic for the urine. Take Foley’s
; Kidney Remedy as soon as you notice
any irregularities, and avoid a serious
malady. Kerr's Pharmacy.
Max Werner left this week for
Nebraska City where he accepted
a lucrative position with F. W.
Cleveland iV Son. Max has been
in their employ 2 greater part of
the time for several year s,
although since they sold their
business here he has been one of
R. A. Dittmar's leading clerks.
He will be greatly missed in this
city as he was very popular in the
social world and was one of our
leading musicians. He will make
his home with F. W- Cleveland
and family at that place.
Mrs. J. M. Jellison has been ap
pointed district deputy for the
Highlanders, and has already
started her work. On Saturday
night accompanied by the local
Highlander drill team she went
to Howe where a large class was
initiated. Mrs. Jellison has been
an active worker in that order for
a number of years and we are
sure as a deputy she will accom
plish much good.
The Knights of Pythias will
commence work at once on their
new castle at Lincoln that will
cost $17,000. It is to be complet
ed bv September 1st. The build
ing will be of brick and stone
and will be tbe business head
quarters for the Lincoln lodge
The Boston Ideal Opera Co.
presented “Olivette’ at the Geh*
ling theater Thursday night. The
house was well filled and many
people from Verdon and Salem
were present.
Prof. A. Wataek and Wm. Nor
ton came down from Humboldt
Tuesday and assisted Werner’s
orchestra in furnishing music for
the Ilighlan-’er dan t that even
Mrs- Edwin '-Vilcos returned
this week to her home in Bur
lington, Col., after spending sev
eral weeks in this city with her
mother. Mrs. M. ns.
Mrs- Josephine Stains of -'alem
attended the teachers meeting
held here Saturday. She was a
guest at the home h Samuel
Prater while in town.
James Sinclair and. wife of
Preston were in the n enroute
on a visit to the formers i>-ter,
Mrs. G. W. Li in good at Wy
Frank McCoy wife and chil
dren of Havelock were :n the city
this week at the home of their
aunt, Mrs. J. H. Pecbt.
Mrs. Sarah Marburger and
Mrs. J. B. Davis of Humboldt are
visiting in ^his city at the home
of George Schmel. el.
Cleon Peck and wife are the
parents of a baby boy, win ar
rived at their home the latter part
of last week.
Mrs. Kose Schieretb and two
sons spent a part of the wee;- in
Humboldt visiting the mmer’s
II. Fergusen and wife of Lin
coln spent several days in the city
guests at the home of Geo. Prater.
Mrs. Kwalt returned this week
from an extended visit to her sort
George at Galveston, Texas
The Highlanders gave a social
dance to the members and their
friends Tuesday evening.
Mrs. K- P. Thomas and baby
returned from an extended visit
with relatives in Kansas.
J. E- Eeyda spent a few days
in Weeping Water this week look
ing after legal business
The rural route men enjoyed a
vacation Monday, it being Wash
ington’s birthday
Flora Albright spent a Jew
days the first of the week with
Lincoln friends.
Archie McCoy has accepted a
position as deputy for the Royal
J. E. Spangler of Morrill, Ks-,
is a guest at the home of Francis
J. S. Heim was down, from
Dawson Tuesday.
George Jennings and wife spent
Sunday in Salem.
Mrs. J. W. Cullen was down
from Verdon Friday.
Howard Maze of Dawson was a
business visitor here Tuesday
Mrs. Minnick is «juite sick at
the home of her daughter Mrs.
Lydia Hinton.
Dr. M- L Wilson is moving in
the house across the street east
from the library.
Misses Russell and Newby of
Salem were guests of Myrtle
Kamel this week.
Miss Louisa Deuchler visited
her brother who is in a hospital
in St. Joe last week.
John Martin and wife of Lin
coln attended the Giannini-Buth
man wedding here Tuesday.
Mr- and Mrs. Ed Fisher will
build a house this spring just
north of the W. 10- Dorrington
Nellie Weaver of Verdon was
in the city the latter part of the
week visiting her cousin, Mrs,
Jake Bloom.
Mrs. Frank McDermand return
ed to Kansas City this week after
a two weeks visit with relatives
in this city.
Lost -A gold hunting case
watch, name of owner in the
back of case. Return to Harry
Wamslev, and receive reward.
Josie Murphy who teaches At
Humboldt and Lena Murphy of
Rulo spent Saturday in this city
with their sister Mrs. Dennis Mc
Dr. E. A. Wolf and family re
turned to this city the latter part
of the week after spending sev
eral weeks in Iowa with the for
mer’s parents.
Miss Hazel Prater, Messrs
Floyd Firebaugh a n d Walter
Spaeth will render an instrumen
tal trio at the Sunday morning
service of the Christian church.
Mrs. W. E. Davis who has been
visiting several weeks with her
sister, Mrs. J. M. Jellison left
this week lor a visit with rela
tives at Ottawa, Kan., before re
turning to her home in Washing
Mrs. E- E. Mettz and daughter
Lucile will remove to Kansas City
in the near future where the lat
ter will attend an art school.
Mrs. Mettz has rented her house
furnished to Mr. and Mrs. W. S.
Monday being Washington's
birthday, the Hag lloated from
the court house, the banks and
postoflice were closed. T h e
scnools furnished appropriate ex
ercises. churches gave socials and
R. E. Bowman who has been
in the confectionery business in
Verdon for many years has sold
his business and buildings to Sam
Weddle. Mr- Bowman is well
known all over the county. He
was one of Verdon’s first post
An inspector in view oi locat
ing the Odd Fellows home visited
Auburn during the past week,
lie said that there were about 20
places in the ^tate that were
striving for the location of the
home but the committee would
sift all the candidates for the
place down to four. Central City,
Lincoln, York and Auburn are to
be considered.
Henry Rahif was surprised this
week when he received two addi
tional prizes from the state 'or
corn which he had on exhibition
at the National Corn exhibit held
in Omaha in December. The
first prize was secured on his
Reed Yellow dent and the third
on Diamond White- The an
nouncements of tiie premiums hr
secured were accompanied by a
draft. He sells this seeci for S] .50
per bushel.
J- IL Jones cf Pawnee was the
victim of a peculiar accident at
his home last week. He had
closed a big real estate deal dur
ing the day and that night was
nervous and walked in his sleep.
He fell through a window glass
and 14 feet to the ground. He
was badly injured, and it took
many stitches to close the wounds.
He is a large man and weighs
about 235 pounds, and it is sur
prising the fall did not kill him.
Guy Crook iu company with
two young tnen while returning
from Humboldt Thursday even
ing met with what might have
proved to be «t serious accident.
They were driving along just
after dark in the automobile and
west of Will Holts they missed
the bridge and went into the
ditch. No one was hurt but it
was necessary to get a team to
pull the machine out.
Mrs. II. K. Poster and two
daughters left Wednesday for
Seward, where they will make
their future home. Dr. went
several days ago and Mrs. Foster
has been visiting at the home of
her father II. Lapp.
Miss Carrie Greenwald li a s
bought a photograph gallery at
Plattsmouth and left this week
for that place. She has had con
siderable experience and is sure of
Jack White, who is employed
by the Burlington at Superior
spent Sunday with numerous
friends in this city. He was a
former telegraph operator here.
Mrs. W. II. Crook and Mrs.
Abner McKee were called to
Kansas City the latter part of the
week by tlie serious illness of the
latter's brother, Jule Schoenheit.
Charles Hoferand wife were up
from Kansas City the first of the
week visiting his m any old
friends. They were,guests at the
home of Henry Hofer.
Martha Heim of Dawson was
in town Saturday. She was ac
companied home by Miss Klima,
one of the local teachers, who
spent Sunday there.
J. Fritsch and wife of Hum
boldt were in the city the latter
part of the week. The former
had an operation performed on
li is eye.
Mr. and Mrs. Frances Martin
left Monday for Council Bluffs,
Iowa, where they will spend some
time with their children.
Herman Minnick came up from
Atchison the first of the week
and spent a few days with rela
tives in this city.
Misses Aikman, Pierce and
Boeney of Rulo were among the
teachers who attended the asso
ciation Saturday.
Mrs. T. J.Oliver went as tar as
Lincoln Tuesday with her son
Krrott who left that day for West
Point. N. V.
Mrs. C. H. Marion and Audrey
went to Hiawatha Friday to
spend a few days with relatives.
A. K.Hofer and wife of Kansas
City were in the city the tirst of
the week visiting relatives.
Lesley Leeds, breaks the record
as a duck hunter for the season,
bagging 31 Tuesday.
Miss Hope Ward of Rulo spent
Sunday in this city the guest of
Wherry Lowe.
James O Grady and wife came
down from Dawson on business
W. G. Hummel was down from
Dawson Saturday on business.
Mrs. James Powell is visiting
relatives at Sabetha. Ks.
The j
of Spring Jewelry is now
on exhibition at our store.
We are always on the
look-out for something
new and beautiful, with the
result that our stock is the
most up-to-date in the city.
The Hew Creations in
Jewelry are found mostly in
the green finish, with large
cut stones--Amethysts To
pazes. turquoises, etc.,
Which are very attractive
and yet at peices that suit
aft pocket books.
Come in and ask to see
the latest in Brooches. Belt
pins Scarfpins, Fobs, Etc.
‘ The Old Reliable”
BaKincr Powder
Absolutely Pure
Renders the
food more wholesome and su
perior in lightness and flavor.
The only baking powder
madr from
Royal Grape Cream of Tartar.
I*. C. Ivlwards spent Sunday in
St. Joe.
Good hay for horses $5 per ton.
II. I. Hunt.
George Harral of Humboldt
was a visitor here Friday.
Miss Mary Wertz returned from
a visit to relatives in Missouri.
Frof. E. K. Hurst is much bet
ter and was able to attend school
Dr. Ed Hays of Dawson spent
Sunday with his mother Mrs A.E
Gantt in this city.
A nurse came from Omaha to
help care for Mrs. James Cornell
who is still very ill.
Mr and Mrs. Guy Greenwald
spent Sunday in Salem with their
grandparents S. P. Gist and wife.
Ed Simanton who has spent the
winter in tin’s city with his par
ents, ruturned Friday to Arizona.
Mrs.Rose O'Rourke came down
from Omaha and is visiting her
parentsJas. McFarland and wife.
Cale Evans and daughter of
Decker, Montana, arc visiting his
brother L. E Evans and family.
The anti-horse thief associa
tion who met at the Woodman
hall Monday adjourned to meet
March 8.
Vet Simanton returned from
South fiend, Indiana, Wednesday
where he was called by the death
of a sister.
Mrs. J. W. Mower arrived from
Minneapolis on a visit to her
brother-in-law Samuel Mower
and family.
Miss Florence Judd spent Sun
day at her home in Dawson. She
lias charge of the tailoring school j
in this city.
Misses Ada and Maud Callahan
and Norman Wilson of Atchison
spent Sunday the guests of Miss
Florence Beaucamp.
Hue Gates returned this week
from Gothenberg, Neb., and will
visit her parents. G. W. Morris
and wife a few days.
Mrs. George Crocker returned
to her home in Pawnee after
spending some time with her pa
rents, N B. Judd and wife.
Mrs. Frank Gossett and little
son returned to her home in Hor
ton. Kansas. Sunday. She has
spent the past two weeks in this
city with her parents L. Snyder
and wife.
Father Fecnev of Auburn and
Father Fa ugh ran were guests of
Father Bex Friday and attended
the entertainment given by the
Knights of Columbus and Daugh
ters of Isabella.
Mrs. Mattie Dockborn under
went a very painful operation at
the home of her sister, Mrs.Grant
Windle in this city Friday. The
operation was entirely successful
and the patient is resting nicely.
Reavis Gist left Friday for
Weeping Water where lie attend
ed a house party at the Hungate
home, lie also attended a social
function at Plattsmoutli in com
pany with members of the Hun
gate family.
Mrs. Bessie Hoppe who is vis
iting relatives here from Chicago
spent part of the week in Stella
being called there by the serious
illness of her nephew, Faming
Hoppe. At this writing he is re
ported some better.
R E. Grinstead who was injur
ed in a runaway at Salem last
week has sufficiently recovered as
to be able to come to this city
Monday. He says that work is
progressing nicely on the small
dredge and it has begun to look
like something was doing.
A big souvenir edition of the
Atchison Globe has reached this
oflicc. The head line reads “The
‘Bittle Globe’ first appeared in
1S7H, with two pages, but today
you are entitled to forty-four.'
This edition is like everything
else Howe sends out; the best that
print shops afford.
This week the ltohrer Bros,
have moved their work shop back
where their barn stood and have
added to it and made many re
pairs. They are now ready for a
big spring business They sold
their barn to J- II. Pecht last
week. The shop was moved by
Sperry A Son.
Elmer Iloselton will hold a
stock sale at Preston March 1. He
offers 2H head of horses, 142 head
of fine cattle. This is an excell
ent opportunity to get just what
you want in horse flesh at your
own price. Remember the date
Monday, March 1 at 10 o’clock.
Carl Stoltz, the little son of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Stoltz, living
near Dawson, had a grain of corn
removed from his ear by Dr. Wag
gener last week. It had been in
there for several days. The little
fellow is the grandson of George
Story of this city.
Another coal mine will he open
ed up on the Page farm near Peru
in the near future. A company
from Arizona will take charge of
the work and pay a royalty of 10
cents per ton for all coal mined.
Dr- and Mrs. Fast have made
final arrangements to move to St.
Joe, Mo-1 on March 1st. Dr. M.
L- Wilson as Dr- Fast’s successor
will continue to occupy the office
rooms in the Wahl building
Lowell Watkin? of Auburn, a
former Ycrdon hoy, suffered a los
by lire last .week. His barn and
hen house, beside several dozen
hens and a lot of fuel were de
Frank Schaiblc and wife re
turned this week from California
They have spent the past lew
weeks there enjoying the beauti
ful winter that section affords.
Ira Swihart of near Superior
enroute from Kansas City stopped
here and visited at the homes of
his brother-in-laws, Will Yeach
and Arthur Harris.
Mrs.Hazel of Hast
ings arrived Monday and will
-.pend some time with her mother
Mrs. J. M. Jellison
Auburn has had two fires re
cently and now they are talking
; long and loud for water works
| and fire protection.
Joe Mead, wile and baby oi
St. Joe arrived Monday for a
visit to tho formers cousin Cas
Mead and fainiiy.
Miss Enid Levy returned to her
home in Hiawatha last week after
an extended visit with friends at
Ouincy, 111.
J. W. Dodds and sisters of
Franklin precinct spent a few
days with friends in this city the
past w'eek.
Dr. Wilson made a trip to Howe
last week to examine the pros
pective members of the Highlan
der lodge.
Miss Louise Plege is at Leban
on, Kansas, visiting her brother,
Louis Plege and family.
Ed Jones retnrned the first of
the week from a few days spent
in Omaha.
The little son of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Pence is very ill at their
Bert Baker was a Peru visitor
during the week.