The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 26, 1909, Image 3

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CHAPTER I. The story opens with the
•hipwreck of the steamer on which Miss
Genevieve Leslie, an American heiress.
Lord Wlnthrope. an Englishman, nnd Tom
Blake, a brusque American, were passen
gers. The three were tossed upon an un
inhabited Island nnd were the only ones
not drowned. Blake recovered from a
drunken stunor
CHAPTER II. Blake, shunned on the
boat, because of his roughness, became
a hero ns preservers of the helpless pair.
The Englishman was suing fur the hand
•f Miss Leslie. Blake started to swim
hack to the ship to recover what was
CHAPTER III.—Blake returned safely.
Wlnthrope wasted his last match on a
■ Igarette, fur which he was scored by
Blake. Their first meal was a dead fish.
CHAPTER IV.—The trio started a ten
mile hike for higher land. Thirst at
tacked them. Blake was compelled to
arry Miss Leslie on account of weari
•ess He taunted Wlnthrope.
CHAPTER V.—They entered the Jun
ple. That night was passed roosting high
in o tree
CHAPTER VI.- The next morning they
aescendetl to the open again. All three
constructed hats to shield themselves
from the sun. They then feasted on
• occanuts, the only procurable food. Miss
esiie showed a liking for Blake, but de
ieatorl his rouehness
CHAPTER VIT.—Led by Blake they es
tablished a home in some cliffs. Blake
found a fresh water spring.
CHAPTER VIII —Miss Leslie faced an
npleasant situation. They planned their
' nnmalgn.
CHAPTER IX - Blake recovered his
purveyor's magnifying glass, thus insur
ing fire. Tie started a jungle fire, killing
;• large leopard and smothering several
CHAPTER X In the leopard’s cavern
they built a small home. They gained
the cliffs by burning the bottom of a
1 ee until it fell against tlie heights.
CHAPTER XI.—The trio secured eggs
om the cliffs. Miss Leslie's white skirt
v as decided upon as a signal.
CHAPTER XII -Miss Leslie made a
i-ess from the leopard skin. Blake’s ef
forts to kill antelnocs failed
CHAPTER XIII.—Overhearing a enn
ersation between Blake and Wlnthrope,
Miss I.*-sHa became, f-rlurh toned.
CHAPTER XIV.—Blake was poisoned
iv a tish. Jackals attacked the camp
ml night, but were driven off by Gene
j,.y, niake returned, after nearly dy
CHAPTER XV.—Blake constructed an
limal trap. It killed a hyena.
'1IAPTHR XVI On a tour the trio dis
vered honey and oysters.
The Serpent Strikes.
HEX Winthrope came up
with the others, they were
* * gathering green loaves to
n ow on I he fire whicli was blazing
ose beside the ant-hill.
"Get a move on you!" called Blake.
You're slow. Grab a bunch of leaves,
. nd get into the smoke, if you don't
■ant. to ho slung.”
Winthrope neither gathered any
■ aves nor hurried himself, until he
' as visited by a highly irritated bee.
hen he obeyed with alacrity. Blake
■ as far too Intent on other matters
heed the Englishman. Leaping in
i iid out of the thick of the smoke, he
minded the ant-hill with his club, un
’ I he had broken a gaping hole into
ihe cavity. The smoke, pouring into
’lie hive, made short work of the bees
hat had not already been suffocated.
Although the antelope skin was
awn into the shape of a sack, both
it and the pot were filled to overflow
ig with honey, and there were still
mre combs left than the three could
< at.
Hlake caught Winthrope smiling
'• ith satisfaction as lie licked his fin
“What’s 1 he mailer with my expa
< Hion now, old man?” he demanded.
"I—ah—must admit, U!ake, we have
* ad a most enjoyable change of food.”
"If you are sure U will agree with
ou,” remarked Miss Leslie.
"But I am sure of that, Miss Gene
'ieve. 1 could digest anything to-day.
rn fairly ravenous."
“All the more reason to he careful,”
ejoined Hlake. "I guess, though,
"hat we’ve had’ll do no harm. We’ll
’ft it settle a bit, here in the shade,
. nd then hit the home trail.”
“Could we not first go to the river,
tr. Blake? My hands are dreadfully
“Win will take you. It’s only a lit
> way to the bank here and there’s
i ot much underbrush.”
“If you think it’s quite safe—” re
narked Winthrope.
“It’s safe enough. Go on. You’ll
lee the river in half a minute. Only
’hing, you’d better watch out for alli
“I believe thul—er—properly speak
'ig, these are crocodiles.”
‘‘You don't say! Heap of difference
will make if one gets you."
Miss Leslie caught Winthrope's eye.
He turned on his heel, and led the
way for her through the first thicket.
Beyond this they came to a little glade
which ran through to the river. When
•hey reached the bank, they stepped
autlously down the muddy slope, and
i athed their hands in the clear water.
As Miss Leslie rose, Winthrope bent
ver and began to drink.
"Oh, Mr. Winthrope!" site ex
laimed; “please don't! In your weak
ondition, I’m so afraid—”
"Do not alarm yourself. I am per
fectly well, and 1 am quite as conipe
ent to judge what is good for me as
"Mr. Winthrope, I ant thinking only
f your own good."
Winthrope took another deep
draught, rinsed his Angers fastidious
ly, and arose.
"My dear Miss Genevieve, he oh
served, ' a woman looks at these mat
“Told You So! See Him Wriggle!”
tors in such a different light from a
man. But you should know that there
are some things a gentleman cannot
"You were welcome to all the water
in the flask. Surely with that you
could have wailed, if only to please
“Ah, if you put it that way, I must
beg pardon. Anything to please you.
I’m sure! Pray forgive me, and for
get the incident. It is now past.”
I hope so!" she murmured; but her
heart sank as she glanced at his sal
low face, and she recalled his languid,
feeble movements.
Piqued by her look, VVintlirope
started back through the glade. Miss
Leslie was turning to follow, when
she caught sight, of a gorgeous crim
son blossom under the nearest tree. It
was the first llower she had seen since
being shipwrecked She uttered a lit
tle cry of delight, and ran to pluck the
VVintlirope, glancing about at her
exclamation,'saw her stoop over the
flower—and in the same instant he
saw a huge, vivid coll, ail black and
green and yellow, flush up out of the
bedded leaves and strike against the
girl. She staggered back, screaming
with horror, yet seemed unable to run
VYviThrope swung up his slick, and
dashed across the glade toward her.
“What is it—a snake?" he cried.
The girl did not seem to hear him.
She had ceased screaming, and stood
rigid with fright, glaring down al the
ground before her. In a moment V\ in
thrope was near enough to make out
the brilliant glistening body, now ex
tended full length in the grass. It was
pearly five feet long and thick as his
thigh. Another step, and lie saw the
hideous triangular head, lifted a few
Inches on the thick neck. The cold
eyes were fixed upon the gitl In a
malignant, deadly stare.
“Snake! snake!” lie yelled, and
thrust his cane at the reptile’s tail.
Again came a flashing leap of the
beautiful ornate coil, and ilie stick
was struck from Wintlirope's hand.
He danced backward, wild with ex
"Snake!—Hi. Blake! monster! —
Kun, Miss Leslie! I’ll hold him—I’ll \
get another stick!"
He darted aside to catch up a
branch, and then ran in and struck
boldly at the adder, which reared
hissing to meet him. But the blow
fell short, and the rotten wood shat
tered on the ground. Again Win
thrope ran aside for a slick. There
was none near, and as lie paused to
glance about, Blake came sprinting
down the glade.
“Where? he shouted.
“There—Hi! look out! You'll lie on
Blake stopped short, barely beyond
striking distance of the hissing rep
“Wow!” he yelled. "Puff adder!
I'll fix him."
He leaped back, and thrust his bow
at the snake. The challenge was met
by a vicious lunge. Even where he
stood Winthrope heard the thud of the
reptile's head upon the ground.
“Now, once more, tootsie!" mocked
P.lake, swinging up his club.
Again the adder struck at the bow
tip, more viciously than before. With
the flash of the stroke, Blake's right
foot thrust forward, and his club
I came down with all the drive of his
sinewy arm behind it. The blow fell
across the thickest part of the adder’s
outstretched body.
“Told you so! See him wiggle!"
shouted Blake. "Broke his back, first
lick— What's the matter, Miss Jen
ny? He can't do anything now.”
Miss Leslie did not answer. She
stood rigid, her face ashy-gray, her
dilated eyes fixed upon the writhing,
hissing adder.
I think the snake struck her!”
gasped Wtnthrope, sudd°nly overcome
will) horror.
"God!" cried Make. He dropped ills
club, and rushed to the girl. In a mo
mom lie had knelt before and filing
up her leopard skin skirt Her stock
ings ripped to shreds in his frantic
grasp. There, a little below her righ'
knee, was a liny, red wound. Wake
put Itis lips lo it. and sucked with
fierce energy.
Then the girl found her voice.
"Go away—go away! 1 low dare
you!" she cried, as her face flushed
Blake turned, spat, and hurst out
with a loud demand o:' W hull rope:
"Quick! the little knife I’ll have to
slash it! Ten times worse than a rat
tlestiake-- land! you're slow I'll use
"Bel go of me let go' What do you
mean, sir?" cried the girl, struggling
to free herself
"Hold still, you little fool!" he
shouted. "It's death—sure death, if
I don't gvt tile poison front that bite'!"
"I'm not bitten - Bet go, l say! It
struck in the fuld of my skirt.”
“For God's sake. Jenny, don't lie'
It's certain death! I saw the mark—”
"That was a thorn. 1 drew it out
an hour ago."
Blake looked up into her hazel eyes
They were blazing with indignant
scorn, lie freed her. and rose with
clumsy slowness Again he glanced
at her quivering, scarlet face, only to
look away with a sheepish expression.
“I guess you think I'm just a
| damned meddlesome idiot." he mum
I bled.
Site did not. answer lie stood for
I a little, rubbing a linger acrosf Ills
I sun blistered lips. Suddenly he
, stopped and looked at Hie finger It
was streaked with blood
"Whew!" lie exclaimed "Mhln’t
stop to think of that! It's just ns well
! for me, Miss Jenny, that wasn't an a t
der Idle \ little poison on my sore
lip would have done for me Ten to
one, we'd both have turned up our
. 'oes at I he same time or i oni se,
! though, thatM he nothing lo you,"
Mi-s Leslie put her hands before
her ! u e and hurst into hysterical
1 weeping,
lllake looked arum d. far more
alarmed titan when facing the adder,
"lleie, you blooming Ind!" he slumt
eil; "take the lad' away and be quick
about it She'll go dotty if slio sees
anv more snake stunts. Clear out with
iter, while I smash the wriggler."
Winthrope, who had bee t staring
fixedly at the beautiful coloring and
loathsome form of the writhing adder,
s ailed at Blake's harsh command as
tl oiigh si ruck.
"I er to ho sure." Ii" stammered
ana darting around to the hysterical
git!, lie took her arm and hurried her
away up the glade.
They had rone several paces when
Blake came turning up behind them
Wi ili.oje looked l ack wiih a glance
of Inquiry L’ake shook his bead
"\ot >it," he said "(ilve me your
etna retie ease. I’ve tlpinghi of Nome
I ' ~ " ' -
1 thing Ill'll on; lake out Hie cigar An Exceptional Investment
et,,.. Smoke 'em if you like." For one person in each coun
ts- t ha ml. Hlake relumed to the . , , ...
w.iiiT, i'll ad-ier, ami pick-,i .... ins *>’• Any amount up to *2oO will
j club \ scivmi simi him; blow would pay most phenomenal dividends
i !>,|v" "'"i*''1 ike nmtiei in once; but annually. Endorsed by best
' ,-ei • I win, 1,1s ,n,h until be managed in California. Post- *
'n pi,, ii'iwu th ■ venomous bead. The tive bank prool and extensive
club ia> acres. tiu> mors or's neck circular matter, making fullest
!,r"i»iH,’iom*1 " 'ilSI ""h 'IU' |,rrHW,re investigation possible. Nothing
w hen, hall an hour laier, he wiped of ‘i staple character evei otTer
his knife on a wisp of grass and stood ed that will pay better and few
up. the cigarette ease couialned over as well. Commission arrange
a laldcspooiilul of a en lalllne liquid ment also by which with little
lie peered in at it. his heavy ; ’ effort you can more than pay for out, bis eye . low ing with sav stock. ('itrus Trustee Company,
age eiaiion Citizens Hank Building, L0.1
talk about your meat trusts and , . r ..
Winchesters!" lie exulted; "here’s a ‘ "*
whole carload of li'-of in thi little box . ■■
enough dope to morgue a herd of _ . _ _ - .
steers Hood (i« cl. though, that was a j(V\ cl P* H IC II Ctl I I 11
close shave for her'" ^
His face Mibeied. ami he stood for Miss Biggie Ileitland, a gradu*
mon1''.. •luHigliifull.v ate (lf tl)C Welt me r School ol
into space Then his chanced . .
to fall upon the great crimson blossom Magnetic Healing, ol Nevada,
which had so neailv lured the girl to Mo. I am prepared to treat dis
|HM tl',aih ... eases of all kinds. Phone 27')
Hello! he exclaimed (hats nil . ,
amai>Ills Wonder if she wasn't com Hocated at Mrs. Burns iesiclenee
lug lo pick it " lie snapped shut the south of the convent- 4t
lid of the cigarette' ease, thrust It
carefully his shirt pocket and Private Money
stepped forward to pluck inc llowcr #
Make a fellow feel like a kid; but Priv ate money to loan on Heal
muche It'll make her feel less sore at Estate# Mortgages bought and
sold. Call at First National
rcatiu.M,! nest week. (Bank. 3-tf A. J. Wkavkr
I will sell at Public Auction on the Coon Sailors farm, i mile west and *4 mile south of Barada, and 4%
east and 1*4 south of Shubert, Neb., on
Thursday, March 4th
sale to commence promptly at q o’clock, the following:
i span black Mules, weighing about 2,600 pounds; 1 span black Mules, weighing about 2,400 pounds; 3
yearling Mules; 1 span Mules, dun ami black, weighing about 2,400 pounds; 1 span of Mares, weight about
2,800 pounds, one in foal by jack; 1 bay Mare in foal by jack, weight about 1,600; 1 black Mare 2 years old,
weight about 1,000 pounds; 1 team black Horses, weight about 2,400 pounds; 1 grey Saddle Pony, a Year
ling colt and a Spring colt.
consisting of two-year-old heifers in good shape. Have been on feed in yard two months.
consisting of 57 head thoroughbred Angoras and 7 head of grade goats. I he Billie that heads this flock
was Champion at the Kansas City Royal Stock Show last fall.
consisting of 40 Brood Sow s and 130 Stock Hogs, weighing about 150 pounds.
6 wagons, 1 New Century hay baler in good condition, 1 ten-horse Advance steam engine, 1 Birdsell clover
huller, 2 McCormick mowers, 1 Osborn mower, 1 McCormick swinging stacker, 3 hay sweeps, 1 Osborn
binder, 1 stalk cutter. 3 walking cultivators, 1 disc harrow, 2 drag harrows, 1 stump harrow , 1 fanning
mill, 1 spring wagon, 1 Brow n planter, 1 riding lister, 1 walking lister, 2 walking plows, 1 Success manure
spreader, 1 endgate seeder, 1 Campbell corn drill.
6 sets double work harness; i set double buggy harness; i bob sled; 180 ft. of cable and hay fork; i Fairbank
wagon scale; 2 hay racks; 1 hog rack; 8 bushels clover seed; 24 cords of wood; about 800 bushels corn;
about 350 bushels extra good seed oats; 400 bales good hay; 5 hay covers, 20 x20 feet; 1 sheep shearing
outfit; 1 dipping tank; 20 rods high woven wire; 1 good new'set carpenter tools; 1 set good new blacksmith
tools; 1 automatic shear sharpener; some machine oil, harness oil, scoops, pitch forks, hoes; about 100
pounds binder twine; 1 good saddle; 1 gun; 1 cattle whip; 2 sickle grinders; 200 hedge posts, and other
articles too numerous to mention. LUNCH ON GROUND.
Sums of $10 and under, cash. On sums over $10 a credit of q months will be given on a bankable note,
without interest if paid when due, otherwise 8 per cent interest will be charged from date of sale. 4 per
cent off for cash. No goods to be removed until settled for.