The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 26, 1909, Image 1
I itwioik-til V'di-ty The Falls City Tribune. * f Vol. VI FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 19<)b. Number 8 THE WEEK'S SOCIAL EVENTS AS TWAS TOLD TO OUR SO CIETY EDITOR various Kinds of Entertainment by Individuals, Lodges. Clubs, Churches, Etc. Saturday night Mrs. I.C. Maust entertained a number of ladies at whist. The Central teachers celebrat ed Miss Beck’s birthday Thurs day night by a surprise party for tier. They gave her two beauti ul souvenir spoons. A very profitable meeting of the W. C. T. U. was held with Irs. A. G- Wanner last week. It was a Miss Frances E. Willard inetnorial meeting, and a good crowd was in attendance The Y. P- S- C- E- of the ! liristian church held a social at the home of Mrs. D. P. Gowe Monday night- The evening was ;jpent in games and music and ruit salad, coffee, cake, sandwich nd pickles were served. 1 he annual meeting ot the Presbyterian Missionary Society was held with Mrs. R. C. Bailey Thursday afternoon. The a t tendance was good and the tneet ng proved very instructive. Light efreshments were served. Friday evening Miss Naomi Fallsteau entertained about 18 /oung ladies at her home. It was a farewell surprise for Miss Mary Sowers who is soon to leave lor her new home in Kansas. Games and music furnished the evening’s entertainment and nice refreshments were served. The whist party given by Mrs. John Powell in honor of Mrs Frank McDermand o f Kansas City last Friday afternoon proved ► very enjoyable affair. Twenty four ladies played cards at the six tables provided and at the lose of the contest it was found that several guests had won five out of the six games. Mrs. Pow ell was assisted by her daughter Miss Lelain serving refreshments. Mrs. E. E- Mettz gave a whist arty on Monday afternoon with Mrs. Hal bowles of St. Joe and Mrs. Frank Greenwald of Dead wood, S. D., as guests of honor. Beautiful place cards, with Geo. . nd Martha Washington heads in water colors had been provided ; y Miss Lucile Mettz, who is an accomplished artist. After an in teresting afternoon at cards the guests were served with an elabor ate and delicious lunch. Monday evening Fred Herbster .’as most pleasantly surprised at his home. His mother made the arrangements and it was to cele rate his 19th birthday. The ';ouse was beautifully decorated ..nd on leaving each guest was ■resented with a carnation. Those resent were Prof. Hurst, the sen or class and the two 1909 basket oall teams. They presented Fred with an elegant clothes brush. Refreshments consisting of punch :e cream and cake were served A special meeting of the City federation of Women's clubs was held Monday afternoon. The district president, Mrs. Gist, re ported the chance of securing Prof. Stephens, superintendent of the Lincoln public sehools, for a manual training exhibit and talk the latter part of March. The Federation voted to bring this exhibit here, if satisfactory ar angements could be made with Mr. Stephens. The next regular meeting of the Federation will be eld Tuesday, March 2. Wednesday afternoon Scrosis iet with Mrs. George Holland as lostess. An excellent paper on Indian Mythology and Handi raft’' was read by Miss Margaret Steele. A splendid review of Pomona was given by Mrs- John Gilligan. Mrs. Morsman was elected as delegate and Mrs. Har grave as alternate to the district consention to be held March 25 and 20 at Nebraska CiFy. Mrs. Gist favored the club with several nstrumental solos which was very much appreciated Refresh nents were served during the so cial half hour by the hostess as sisted by Mrs. Giannini. Club adjourned to meet wdth Mrs. T.L. Himmelreich March 10th. SILVER WEDDING W. R. Smith and Wife Surprised on Wednesday Evening (Ju the evening of Feb. 17 the frieuds aud neighbors planned and executed a very pleasant surprise for Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Smith at their home northwest of this city. After supper Mrs. Smith was suf fering with a toothache and Mr. Smith was sittiug at a table writ ing when they were startled at the ringing of bells ami the pounding on tin pans. On going to the door to find out what was the mat ter they were informed it was to celebrate their 25th wedding an niversary. The guests numbering (>;! were invited in and the evening will long be remembered by all pres ent. Wm. Zubriek in his usual pleasing manner took charge of the evenings program and the bride and groom of 20 years were married again. The ladies brought with them well tilled baskets and an elegant wedding supper was served. Mrs Smith was presented with a beautiful set of silver knives, forks and spoons and Will receiv ed a fish hook. OLD LAND MARK Richardson County's First Court House to be Torn Down In the near future the old frame building, just across the street west of Loucks & Jones’ implement store, which was Richardson county’s first court house, will be torn down. The lots will be cleared and a large new brick building erected and occupied by Peter Frederick jr. and Guy Crook who will use it for an automobile garage. Assault at Humboldt Charles Wanrow, a well known young man o f Humboldt was placed under arrest for an alleged assault on Moss C. Davis, an old veteran of that city, Wanrow spent several years in the Philip, pines and has just recently return ed to Humboldt. M r. Davis is a milk man and about TO years old. Young Wanrow stopped him in the evening while lie was return ing home from delivering milk anil asked for SI.50 in payment of 6ome work, and the old gentle man informed him be did not owe it to him for he had paid it once. He was knocked down by Wan row and his head aud face badly bruised and rendered unconscious Wanrow was arrested but in re sponse to a plea from the aged parents of the young man the complaint was afterward dismissed. • The Servant in The House ' What is “The Servant in The House?” It is not a farcical ac count of the adventures of Chris tine or Bridget. Neither is it a sugar coated dose of the latest results of investigation of the domestic service problem. It is not a tragedy in the usual sense of that term, for the closing scene of “The Servant in the House” is not one of death or disaster, but of joy and triumph. Yet we hesitate to call it come dy because of the serious nature of its theme. What then is this strange play? It is enacted without a change of scene; it records the events of only a few hours; It lacks the love-theme of the usual drama. It is an anomaly among modern plays, and yet one of the most widely, and we may ad visedly say, deeply successful, for its effect is not superficial. Why is it that the average the ater audience bent on pleasure, seeking merely diversion or ex- j citement, receives with profound enthusiasm this play so differ ent from what is usually offered to it, so different from what it, thinks it desires? The answer is that “The Ser. vant in the House’' points not to what each one thinks he desires, but to what at the bottom of his, soul he unconsciously does de sire—spiritual purification and peace—the joy of salvation. DEATHS IN THE COMMUNITY THE DEATH ANGEL REAPS ITS WEEKLY HARVEST Pioneers of Richardson County Have Been Called to Their Reward Arthur Wing after a siege of pneumonia died at the home of Ins sister, Mrs. Fred Farrington, in this city Monday morning. He was well known to most of our readers and was respected by all. The deceased was past fifty years old and had not enjoyed good health for some time. He was a son of the late Mrs W. K. Mad dox, and leaves two brotheis. Minor Wing of Oklahoma and Alfred Wing of this citv and one sister, Mrs. Farrington. The funeral was held from the residence on Wednesday at 10:AO and interment was made in Steele cemetery. Edward E. Swope, whose home was north of Stella died Sunday after a short illness caused from pneumonia. He waspast seventy three years old and was born in Pennsylvania. Thirty-seven years ago he came to Nebraska and bought a farm six miles northwest of Stella and has made that his home since. He was the father of nine chil dren. seven of whom are living and with his wife mourn the loss of a kind and loving husband and father. His life has always been one that no man could be ashamed of. He was buried at Prairie Union Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. G. M. Filson, one of the pioneers of Humboldt and widow of one of the first mayors of that city, died at ihe home of her daughter. Mrs. Stroble, in Ne braska Cijy. The remains were taken to Humboldt Tuesday and laid to rest beside her husband, who has been dead many years. She leaves six grown children. After an illness covering only a short time Mrs. Krause, wife of Emil Krause, died at their home north of this city Wednes day. The deceased was former ly Miss Minnie Bahr who was born and raised in this county. She was thirty-four years old and leaves a husband and eight children, the youngest one be ing only nine days old. The funeral will be held Friday afternoon and the remains taken to the German Lutheran cem etery near Barada. Elijah Williams died at the county farm early Sunday morn ing at the age of eighty-eight years. The deceased has been sick and unable to sit up for the past seventeen months. His death was due to old age and a complication of diseases. He had made his home at that place for seventeen years. Many years ago Mr. Williams owned a hotel at llulo. Although he had reached a ripe old age he had never rode on a train. The funeral was held Monday. The little son of Wm. Burns died near Verdon Thursday of pneunonia. The little one was about nine months old. Rev. F. E Day conducted the fune ral from the Christian church at that place Friday. Joseph Forney received word this week that his brother. A. P. Forney died at Lawrence, Kansas, Wednesday. The de ceased was eighty years old and was one of Richardson county's pioneers and made his home in Rulo for many years. Mrs. Elva Sears Vincent was out for a ride Sunday. She is as •well as could be expected consid ering the changeable weather WEDDINGS IN THE COUNTY i — SEVERAL WEDDINGS REPORT ED TO US THIS WEEK Many Richardson County Young Peope are Victims of Cupid Dart's The home of EJrnest Werner and wife was the scene of a pretty wedding Wednesday when i their daughter Lydia was united in marriage to Otto Rieger. The parlors were beatifully decorat ed and the happy couple took their places under a huge white bell, to the strains of a wedding march, played by Miss Martha Werner, sister of the bride. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Peter Shuman, The bride was gowned in white and carried roses, Mary Werner, a sister of the bride and Otto Werner, a cousin, attended the bridal couple. About one hundred guests were present and an elab orate wedding dinner was served Many costly and handsome gifts were received, among which was a 100 piece Havelin china set sent from Chicago by the groom's sister. This couple is among Falls City’s most highly re spected young people. They will be at home to their friends on a farm one mile north of this city. Tuesday at five o’clock at St. Francis Catholic church Rev. H. Bex united in marriage Ferd Giannini and Miss Esther Buth man, both of this city. The brr dal couple were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. John Martin of Lin coln, the latter being a sister of the groom. Both these young people are well known in this city and have a host of friends who join the Tribune in wishing them joy and happiness For many years the bride has made her home with Mr. and Mrs. Will Holt west of this city. The groom is the son of M- Giannini and has grown to manhood in this city. At the home of W. R. Holt that evening an elaborate reception was held and many re latives and intimate friends were present: Miss Kffie Ham of Shubert and John J. Bourke of Stella were united in marriage by Rev. Fee ney on Wednesday of last week. The bride was for several years connected with the telephone ex* change at Stella and the groom was at one time one of our popu lar school teachers, but late vears acted as deputy for the IIiglilan ders. They will be at home to their friends on a farm south of Stella after a visit with relatives at Kansas City and Atchison. J. Wesley Vaught of Stella, well known to many of our young people, was married last week to Mayme Bryant Pendell at her home in Omaha- They have gone to housekeeping in Stella, where the groom is interested in the hardware business. Monday eyening Judge Sprag gins pronounced the words which united the lives of Matthew El lington and Mrs. Mollie Clayton, both colored. The ceremony was performed in the rooms oyer the Electric theater. We extend con gratulations. TEACHERS ASSOCIATION About Seventy Teachers Attended the Association On Saturday the Richardson County Teachers association held one of the mo.-t successful meetings ever held in this city. Everyone who was assigned a part was present and the meet, ing was a profitable one. About seventy teachers were present from over the county. At the office of the county superintendent on both Friday and Saturday teachers were given an opportunity to take an examination in any or all | studies. K of C. ENTERTAIN Ball and Banquat at Wahls Hall Friday Night The Knights of Columbus and I Daughters of Isabella gave a ball and entertainment at Wahl's hall Friday night. A number of out of town guests were pres ent. The following program was rendered: Instrumental Solo.H. Dicsuer Address .Rev. Ilex Music Lesson .Convent Hoys Discontent.Jeroinetta Kelly Solo.May Gagnon County Fair. Convent Girls Recitation.Helen Gagnon Solo.Ruth Wlrth Address .Rev, Laughnan We feel that special mention should be made of two numbers, “The Music Lesson,’’ by (’has. (ingnon, Murty Sullivan, Kobt. Tangney, Louie Wirth and Uu ' dolph Butlnnan, with Thomas Sullivan, as professor, was tine. “The County Fair" was well ren dered and the girls were encored twice. Those who took part in ; it were Nina Mead, Margaret Sullivan, Lydia Dunham, Stella Bro and Julia Frederick. At the close of the entertain ment all present took part in a grand ball and it was a late hour when they returned to their several homes. A banquet was served by the ladies. GOES TO ST. JOE The Flr»t of Tho Weak Dr. And Mrs. Fast Lsavs Us Dr. W. S. Fast, who has been one of the leading physicians and surgeons in this city for several years has decided to take up work in a larger Held. The first of next week be and his wife will leave for St. Joe at which place they will make their future home. The doctor has been very successful here and has many friends who regret very much to lose him, but wish him success. Since he came to Falls City he lias been more than a physician and a surgeon, he has been an enterprising citizen and has taken an interest in everything that would build up the town. I)r. and Mrs. Fist have been very popular in club, church and lodge circles and they will be greatly missed, but all join in wishing them success in their new home. A Splendid Compliment On Tuesday morning the gen tleman who refereed the basket ball game between Tarkio col lege and our high school team hunted up Prof. Hurst and said to him: “I want you to know that you have the fastest and cleanest high school basketball team we have ever met. During this season we have played nine high school teams but none of them are in your class. In fact, we had to put in oui fresh players in the second half to insure win. ning the game. ’’ “We were told in Humboldt,” lie continued, “that we would meet a rough team down here, but I have never seen cleaner playing and I wanted the oppor tunity to congratulate you not only on the ability of your team but on the perfect gentlemen that make up its membership.” Now isn’t that as good as win ning the game? Leased Crystal Lakes Maust Bros, this week leased j the crystal lakes for five years and have purchased this year's; ice harvest and are ready to supply the needs of the people in that line. They are enter prising young business men and have made it possible to serve all both summer and winter as they are now the “coal and ice ! men. ” Frank Werner is enjoying a visit from his cousin, J. L. Wer tier of Clay City, Indiana. t TARKIO BOYS WIN THE GAME THREE GAMES OF BASKET BALI. THIS WEEK Our Girl* Were Defeated at Tecum seh Saturday, the First Time this Season So far as the score was con cerned the game was all wrong, Tor the Tarkio college team was on the long end 11 to 12, but so far as superior basket ball was concerned it was the finest ever seen in Kalis City*. The boys knew they were bea ten to start with, for Tarkio had bested Humboldt 4<> to 15 ami Humboldt has a good team so far as high school teams go. Hut for kids to go up against a sure thing the way our boys did Mon day night and light it out inch ly inch against almost overwhelm ing odds is a sight worth seeing to anyone who has a touch of sporting blood in him. The first half could not have been prettier or more even- Every point counted was on its merits, and the points were not many either, for the first half closed with a score of 11 to 7. Then Tarkio awoke to the realization that it was up against a real team. But in the second hall the visitors put in fresh men and they finally wore our boys down. It was really funny to see the desperate efforts of our tired boys to guard fresh men of twice their weight- In many instances the powerful Tarkio men would liter ally wipe up the floor with some Falls City boy, but never did our team lose courage and neyer did they stop fighting until the last ten minutes of the game during which time the visitors made most of their scores. While, as in all games, the boys justified the pride of their loyal followers, it would be unfair to report this game without special mention of Amos Yoder, The writer has never seen a finer game than Yoder played Monday night and there was not a minute of the game nor a play pulled off that Amos did not have his opponent “lashed to the mast” and taking his medi cine. Tarkio not only presented the best team that lias ever played in Falls City, but it sent a crowd of young gentlemen and good sport' men in every sense of those term' 'I'lie referee, who was from Tar kio, was very fair in all his rul ings. At Tecuinseh Saturday our boys defeated the basket ball team of that place by a score of 38 to 19. The Tecuinseh team put up a better game than they played at this place and it was exciting from start to finish. Our girls were defeated at Te cumseh by a score of 13 to 9. They have played good ball all season and the defeat was prob* ably due to the fact that two of the regular players were unable to go- _ Died at Auburn After nn illness of many months Mrs.H. Slnirruin died Ht her horns in Auburn Thursday morning, Feb. 18. For many years the de ceased with her family lived on a farm near Verdon and a few years ago removed to Auburn. She was an industrious woman and a good wife and mother. She leaves sev. eral grown children and a husband. Married Miss Elizabeth Kelly of Verdon and W. T. Cully of Friend. Neb., were married ut the Catholic church near Shubert Wednesday. After partaking of a sumptuous wedding dinner at the Kelly home the bridal couple drove to this city and took the train for Deu ver. They will make their home at Friend.