The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 12, 1909, Image 8

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    Henry €. Smith
240 acres well improved. If miles from Depot in Good spring. Best of terms. Will take
40 iuo us pai l pal merit, balance long tirre al low interest.
200 acres 1,'j miles from depot. Richardson county. Nebraska Good building's and land Will
take 40 or 80 acres as part payment
100 acres upland, 1 mile from depot. Richardson county, Nebraska. {12,000.
100 acres ’ohnson county, Nebraska 80 rods to church and school. Best of terms. Might rent.
107 acres near Brownville. Nebraska
80 acres W-mile from Falla City high school.
640 acres. #8,000 improvements Also 640 acres adjoining. Will take 160 acres a - part payment.
Fine running water. A No. 1 opportunity.
Money to loan
I'nAvitnl *»1T ft tic* ri' Local J'uy
Mrs Mary 1) Mettz left yester
day for a visit in St. Joe,
Roscoc Anderson was down
from Humboldt Wednesday
W. A. Greenwald lias recently
attended the annual meeting of
the Farmers State Rank of Pres
ton, in which he is a prominent
stockholder and reports the year
just closed as being the most sue
cessful in the history of that in
-1itulion■ With increased capital
and surplus to accommodate their
growing business, they are start
ing tlie new year with very pleas
ing prospects.
Robbery on a Train
Ktta Soutt of Falls City, was on
t >> early Wednesday morning
southbound Missouri Pacific train
and in some unexplained manner
a young man robbed her of iter
poeketbook, took 1 • * tin mfroui
and dropped the poeketbook to the
floor, A telephone message called
up Night Marshal Xeiber who was
on hands when the train arrived
and accosting the young man as to
where he hailed from the fellow
a knitted coming from Falls City,
but he said he drove over and Zei
b'r allowed him to go the Del
monico for breakfast, while he
telephoned the livery stables to
inquire if any team had come in.
< hi going back to the Delmonieo
he found that Ins man had eeeap
by the tiaek door. Hiawatha
Serious Accident
Monday morning Mrs. Jake
Fickle ol k’ulo was holding her
four weeks old bake in her arms,
when she fainted. In falling she
struck her head and lace on the
heating stove and was badly
bruised and burned. The little
one was seriously hurt
Mr. anil Mrs Chas. Dreithaupt
returned Monday from Kansas,
City where they visited thclatters
parents. Key. .1. Schmidli and
wife- They also visited relatives
in Kansas before returning’home
Mrs, Ida Davis, who has been
visiting relatives at Council Illuffs
returned to this city. She will
stay a short time with her sister,
Mrs. J- M Jellison, before return
ing to her home in Washington.
The big window that was bro
ken at Sell’s clothing store dur
ing the storm last week was re
placed Monday, and that night it
was broken out again by the
heavy wind
John Kothenberger of near:
Humboldt, who lias bought pro
perty in this city, moved his fatti
i ily to this place during the week.
Dr- II- 1C. Foster left Friday
for Seward. Neb , where lie and
his family will make their home
in the future.
IVeht iV Schuler have ordered
their new sawing outfit and will
be ready to saw wood in a few
' days.
A. J. Kumbaugh and Lewin
I Bowman of Harada were in the
citv Saturday.
Miss Etta Smith <>f Hamlin,
Kans.. is visiting at the home ol
her uncle, T. E. Hitnmelreich and
Misses Sheoherd, Hicks and
Ella and Clara Meyer of Hiawatha
spent Sunday in this city .the
quests of Miss Oddie Lapp.
A number of the ladies of the
Herman Society met with Mrs.
Win. Faller Monday- Mrs- Anna
Sedlmaver of Kansas City was
the finest of honor. A fine lunch
was served.
The Citv Federation of Wo'
men's Clubs is happy to announce
that l'rof. Clark's appearance here
in the dramatic recital of “The
Servant in the House"on Monday
evening, March 1 • is assured. No
one can afford to miss this oppor
tunity of hearing Mr. Clark in
this widely talked of drama. Re
member the date.
Not For Humboldt
According to the L i n c o 1 n
Trade Review the chances for
Humboldt securing the new in.
stitntion have gone glimmering.
The Review says; “The State
< »dd Fellows Home for aged and
decrepit members of that order
and thi\r orphan children will
beyond question be located a
few miles east of Havelock. The
committee having the site in
charge have expressed a prefer,
ence for the east Havelock site
and it is understood nothing re
mains but the arranging of a
few minor details before the
tinal closing of the matter."
Hurt at Humboldt
Wuile handling a 22 calibre re
volver, which he supposed was
empty, Henry Cooper, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Will Cooper, man
aged to discharge the weapon on
Saturday, the bullet passing;
through the llesby part of his!
left hand, just grazing the edge!
of the bone No serious results I
are anticipated from the wound
unless complications ensue.
Humboldt Leader.
Miss Maggie Faller is enjoying
a vacation at her home and on
Thursday night her friends plan
ned a very pleasant surprise for
her- A delightful lunch was
served and the evening was one
pleasantly spent by all present.
Chas. P. Stump and wife will
leave soon for Nebraska City
where they will make their future
home. Mr. Stump is identified
with a correspondence school
with headquarters at that place.
•1 H. Pecht wishes to thank j
those for their kindness shown i
him. the night of the fire and es-,
peciaily the kindness of Mr. IIos
sack and Mr. Schuler.
J. II. Pkciit. j
Don’t fail to attend the sale of
Chas. P. Stump at the A. J
Weaver house, east of Harlan
street school house.
K. K. Grinstead and Elmer
James were among the Salem
people attending court Wednes
Paul Weaver returned Wednes
day from Chicago. Mrs. Weaver
remained there for a few days.
Miss Hannah Anderson of Ma
son City will open up a new and
thoroughly uptodate stock of mil
linery in the Maddox building
Mrs W. II. Moran of Verdon
is very ill suffering from poison
caused from eating canned hom
iny. She is a sister of Dr. Hous-1
ton and he has been there several
times during the week to see her. j
Lincoln J.Carter's border drama
‘‘The Flaming Arrow” will ap
pear at the Gehling. Feb. 12. It
is said to possess the true western
melodramatic llavor depending
for its success upon the brish ac
tion. exciting climaxes and stage
mounting, together with an
adroitness of dramatic conception
and an excellent plot. The com
pany number 30 people and other
paraphernalia connected with an
attraction of this calibre. At the
Gehling, Feb. 12. admission 75c.
50c and 35 cents.
Right He Is
There is a farmer near Shubert, ’
Neb., who is mighty tired of
having his farm tramped over
by hunters. A few days ago he
set to work to compose a notice
on a couple of barrel staves, and
nailed them to a tree, where they
conveyed to the world the fol
lowing startling information :
“Notis—Trespasers will be pro
secuted to the ful extent of 2
mongrel dogs which aint never1
bin overly soshubel to strangers
and one dubbel-barl shot gun
whitch aint loaded with sofy
pillers; dam if I ain’t gettin
tired of this hell-raising on my
property. ”—Hiawatha World.
D. S. TlcCarthy
Prompt attention given
to the removal of house
hold goods.
Sales conducted in
scientific and busi
nesslike manner
Falls City, Nebraska
I) R X T I ^ 'T
F’hones: N'os. 177, 21T
Sam’l. Waiil Building
Office over Kerr s Pharmacy
Oflice Phone260 Residence F:>bone2Tl
Commencing Friday Morning, Feb. 12, and Continuing for TEN DAYS
we will make the following CUTS IN STAPLES
Men's Heavy Fleeced Underwear
35 cents
All other Underwear, men’s and ladies’
54 One-Fourth Off >4
All Men's Hals
!4 One-Fourth Off *4
For Ten Pavs Onlv
• •
Our stock of Ladies’ Furs
At Half Price
Grab the chance—a rare opportunity.
New Spring Goods
Are arriv ing daily, and we are now show
ing New Ginghams, in Staple and Fancy
' hecks. Side Bands and Novelties at
8'/.tc, 10c and I2'2c
All Ladies' and Misses’ Coats
J6 One-Third off l/$
All Ladies Skirts—a great variety
One Fifth Off
One lot of Carpet Samples in rug lengths
Velvets, Axminister and Tapestry
98 Cents per yard
One lot Carpet Samples, t yard square
in Ingrain
For 49 Cents
All Purses, Belts and Combs
At Half Price
Only one to a customer
Remember this is for Ten Days Only
20 lbs. Best Granulated Sugar, | A/j ___________ —4 Cans Standard Peas, we quote
for 10 days . «pl.UU Try a Sack of MATTHEWS this sale at LjC
Good Bulk Coffee, for ten days. 12^c Bon Bon Flour j 12 Bars Laundry Soap, we quote for 25c
Highest Patent
4 Cans Standard Corn, we quote AN D EVERY SACK GUARANTEED Gallon Bucket of Syrup, for 4he "IC
this sale at CJL ___Great Ten Days Sale J3C
NN e are now featuring our New Spring Styles in Oxfords and High Cuts. TANS, OX BLOODS,
and PATENT LEATHERS. A trial trip will convince you that WE ARE PRICE KILLERS.
Produce, Cream, and General Merchandise «