The County in General The “Doings’’ of our Country I'riends and Neighbors. RULO Toe Liberty whs in Palis City Monday 51. s. fou|ii* » «. a count) .-eat visitor Monday. Mrs, Henderson was a St, Joe via tor test week. Green Goolsby moved to Missouri la-t week. Mrs. John Kanaiv »'»■ a St. Joe visi tor Saturda) Mrs. Wallace visited relatives at Salem Sunday George Pcaboby ha- creeled anew machine shed. K. C. Waibridge of Falls City was here Monday. Mrs. Simon visited her son at Pres ton last week Tohn Mooney moved Into hie new house Monday. Thomas Bowker was a county seat visitor Monday. \nnte Hill of White Cloud is visit ing friend- here. Mrs. Ellie Cramer was a county seat visitor la-t week. John Gagnon of Falls City was here one day la-t week Bessie and Paul Burk were county seat \ isilors Friday Os? Daniels moved into John Ka uaiy’s house Tuesday. Si Hunker of Kushbottom was here Saturday on business. J. A. Hinkle spent Monday at Ins la!her- near Forteseue. Mrs. Emma Kern returned home from Falls City Friday Wash Graves of Humboldt visited relative* hero la-t wei k .lake Hooley anil wife are trie par ents of a baby daughter Dr. Richardson and wife moved up -tail's over Hinkle's store. Leslie Inks of Salem came down Sunday to stay some time. I'arl Dicks and wife are the parents of a baby girl born Feb. I. lim Mooney went to Fftlngham, Ks , to visit his sister last week. Vaughn MeVey of Falls City spent Sunday here with his mother. \ new baby arrived at the home of Dallas Jones and wife Sunday. Iosle Murphy returned Monday to her school work at Humboldt. Mr» John Wilson and son of Reserve i i si ted relatives here last week. i hai lie Scott Hud family of 11 iawalba visited relatives here hist week. Mrs. Dan liati kin and little daugh ter visited in Atchison la-1 week. Helen (Jutes came down from Falls City to visit her mothei la-1 week. Mrs. Fierce and daughter Francis returned (mm a visit to Orieda. Ks. Mrs Rati kin is home from a visit with tier daughter at. Centralis, K Arthur Darvean returned Monday from a visit with I ts sister at Alliance. Mr- Duncan and children of IJltie springs vln his wife. Mrs. Carpenter and children of Falls City -p nt last week * with relatives here. A number from here went to White i 'iouu Monday to work for August Johnson, * • leoige Ad am-ot Napier moved onto Mu v. an gv Tuy lot fai m north of here IS.i 11.1,1..j , bLcnuuu WmUuiiU family of White Cloud moved Into Kit Plant's house last wtik. Mr. Nelson of Fails riiy has the con tract lot hutching the iuciile el the new M. K. chut ch. Mr. Mahoney Htid Mi- Mctitiireofl Barneiton attended the funeral of .lac. : Murphy here. Sir. name of the Nelson-Harne Printing Co. of St. Joe was hereon' business la-t week. Fred Stewart returned to Syracuse .'a-t week James Stewart came here as helper at the depot in Fred’s place- j {■1 Mathers and mother moved in from the country and now occupy John Kanaly's house in the north part of town. Dr. Lav ton an eye specialist of Leavenworth, Kan., was here recently. 3e will make regular trips to this city Vora now on. Mr-. Jud Carpenter returned from a visit with relatives in Dakato last ween : her husband met her in Omaha and accompanied her home. Thomas Byrews of Tecuruseh, Law rence and James Sullivan of Omaha, attended the funeral of James Murphy kere on Thursday of last week. Gus Johnson returned from Ne rastca City Thursday and with a gang of men went to White Cloud to do totue riprap work for the railroad. The young ladies of the Catholic ifforth gave a card party Wednesday light at Mrs. Cramers hotel. They re port a pica-ant i vcn'ng and cleared *10. Mr*. Myers and children of Atchison are visiting relative? hero. They will go to California in a short time. John Liberty who has been very sick at Seneca, Kan,, is able to be brought back here. Ben /edgier had one of hi? fingers mashed while working on tne section last week. Service? were held at the Holiness church Saturday night und Sunday. Mrs. Arthur Darvean wh? a county seat visitor last week. I’hil Horan? baby hu? been very sick for the past few day*. Foley’? Honey and Tur clear? the air passages, stops the irritation in the throat, soothe* the imllurned mem branes, and the most obstinate cough disappears. Sore und irntlamed lungs are healed und strengthened, and tiie cold is expelled from the system. Lle fuse any tint the genuine in the yellow package. Kerr's Pharmacy SHUBERT J. P. King Is in Lincoln. Mr.Jobe of Falls City wa- here Tues day. Mr. Sehueth was a Stella visitor re* eentlv. Mr. Krug was an Omaha visitor the past week. Mr. Stotts and family are moving to their farm east of town. Mr. Arnold of Salem visited bis daughter here Monday. H. H Woodring and ,1. Arnold of Bar Hda were here this week. Leon Barnes and wife of Salem spent Tuesday with relatives here. Mrs. Williams is very siek but is thought she will be out soon. Lewis Shulenberg and wife of Barada visited relatives here Friday. Dr. Haskett of Salem was called here tnis week to assist Dr. Stiook. Mrs. Shubert attended the funeral of her uncle at Auburn Thursday, Miss Coglavsler of Stella was the guest of friends here last week Fred Cogia/.ler purchased the Stotts property on main street last week. Mr. Snelling lias rented the Cooper property and will take possession soon. Mesdames Crook and Stanley of Sa lem were guests of relatives here Mon day. Levi Bright supplied his home with a complete water works plant during the week. Mrs. Ogg has purchased the Lee Bolcjack property and will lake pos session soon. The Stellu telephone men were over last week and now have our lines in good condition after tho storm. Thomas Howard and family formerly of tills place but now of McDonald.Ks., moved bai k to their farm east of town last week. Irvin Shuler and Merle Weddle were married at the home of the bride Tues day. They have a host of friends who extend < n_* rat illation-. K'tner Zook who was found dead at Auburn Tuesday is supposed to have been poisoned from a bad can of salmon was an uncle of Mrs Lee Shubert. Mrs. Weaver who had I con attend ing Mrs. Weddle, was taken s’ck and compelled logo home, leaving Mrs. W. in u critical condition of which the doctor ?a\ s there Is no hope. FARGO Mary Iluunk- spent S indav at home. Kudie Yoeglo wu- a visitor iiero Friday. Sam Nolte spent Sunday with his brother. Kd Durfee and wife visited friends here Sunday. Dan Wagoner attended the show Friday night. tins Herbster lost two of his fine horses last week. John Neideeker attended the show here Friday night. Frank Frederick and lady attended the dance here Friday. John Koso and Herman Faller were Fargo visitors Saturday. There has been a protracted show in this city for the past week. Irving Frederick and lady attended the dance given here Friday night. t 'has. Santo ami R. D. Wagoner are in Falls City on the jury this week. ) Adolph Saal won the ivory pen holder I for being the homllest man in town. Fred Rockwell and Henry Gearldt attended the show here Friday night. There was a dance given at the hall Friday night after the show. A large crowd was present and a joyful time is reported. Foley's Orino Laxative cures con sumption and liver trouble and makes the bowels healthy and regular. Orino is superior to pills and tablets as it docs not gripe or nauseate. Why take anything else' Kerr's Pharmacy. STELLA J. R Cain visited hi- son- in Linroln Sunday Win Palmer of Shubcrt was here Tm sduy. Mr. French of Auburn wa- in town T ucsday Abbie Lyons of Nebra-K t City spent Sunday here. Mrs. Adam- of Iowa i? visiting her parents ht re W. F. Gritilth was in Shubert tiiis week on business. Freest Wurne spent -Sunday in Au burn with friend D A Watson shipped a car of hogs to Kansas City this week J. H. Holland lias sold his I a no near Gortnan, Ks., the past week. Thus James left Tuesday for Idaho where lie expects to buy land. Jim Plasters of Hrownville visited Iris brother here the past week. Mrs. Gilliland of Auburn spent last week with her son west of town. J. F. Winfrey and M. Morris were county seat visitors the past week. B. L. Mullen of west of town had all lbs windmills damaged by the storm Jacob Hinkle, jr., and family moved into ti c Amd Mortiz house this week. Mrs. Hout ke of northeast of town has been sick with tonsilltis the past week. * Mrs. Mason is staying at her tome here again after a visit with her chil dren. Wesley Pearson bought property in Auburn the pa-t week where lie will move. Lufe fligg'ur. of Auburn bad hi? ele vator at this place reshingled the past week. Thus. Higgins of Elk Creik went to Clay County the past week in quest of a farm. Miss lone Shick and a friend of Peru weie here Sunday visiting the formers mother. Miss l’inney a trained nurse of Chi cago is here earing for her grand mother. Evangelistic meetings began at the M. E. church Sunday and will continue for some time. Four sons of Don Fraker of Lincoln attended the funeral o f their great grandmother here. Ezra Stonecipher completed t h e plastering work of the J. S. Johnson house east of town last week. VV, S. and F. C. Helmick returdrd the past week from their trip in the west much pleased with tie country. d. [1. Coons traded bis 80 acres farm to Robt. Drake for 100 acres. Some money was paid to Drake in the trade. One of our farmers was arrested Saturday for violating the law, pro hibiting dead carcases Ring along the public highway. Ron liowuian who has been working for VV’. E. Oriffith outhe farm for some time will leave soon for Oklahoma where he will farm. Two cars of caitle and two ears of hogs were shipped from here Monday night. .Toe Wagner and C. L Johnson shipped the cattle and Joe Nedrow and .1. T McNeely the bogs. The ShefTet'd family whose home was destroyed by lire recently are again located in Summer house east of town. $208 was raised for them which pnt~ thetn in good shape again. VERDON. Mrs. Moran visited Peru last wetk. Fred Douglas was a Stella visitor Sunday. Grace Bennett was u Shubert visitor Saturday. Mr. Smith was a Kansas City visitor this week. .lake Bloom was up from the county seat Monday. Doliie Hall of Stella visited friends here Sunday. Mrs. Adams of the county seat spent Thursday here. Miss Kernen visited her sister at Peru Saturday. Blanche Aruibruster returned to Falls City Sunday. Jim Ayers and family were county seat visitors Saturday. Mrs. Hull and daughter visited rela tives at Shubert last weea. Rhinda Roberts and Wilson Hinkle were Stella visitors Sunday. Several from here attended the play at Falls City Thursday night. Nelle Weaver and Ethel Saylors were Nemaha visitors Sunday. Charley Weaver and Cap Saylors visited friends at Nemaha Sunday. Mesdames Fraker and Ball went to Stella Wednesday to visit relatives. Mrs. Vredenburgh returned to King fisher, Okla . after spending a week here with relatives. Fred and Herman Kernen who were on their way to Canada spent Thursday here with their sister. Pneumonia Follows LaGrippe Pneumonia often follows lagrippe but never follows the use of Foley's Honey and Tar, for lagrippe coughs and deep seated colds. Refuse anv but the genuine in the yellow package. Kerr's Pharmacy. PERU NORMAL NOTES Mr. Benj Franklin of liarar'a spent a tew (Jays in Peru lust week Mi-s Myrtle B. Yocum was call'd to 11or home at Fall* City because of the serious illne-s of h r mother. Frank Medley had the misfortune to have ore of his fingers torn olT in the machinery at the engine house. Miss Fehlee was asked to give a re port of her trip to Germany in the late teacher's association held at Auburn. The Philomathean and F.verett liter ary societies gave their fourth annual contest in the chapel Friday and Satur day of last wet k. We are glud to hear that Mr. Jesse Harris, who was injured in Falls City sometime ago, Is improving and will be able to return to his .school duties in a short time l’rof. E. L. Rouse went to Auburn last week in the intere-t of his new business, inspector of the normal course in high schools. He will also continue his work at this place as superinten dent of the model school. Prof. Cbas. R. Wies ol Falrmount has been elected as Professor of Agri culture at the Normal, lie 1.- to begin his duties at once. He comes on the recommendation of Profs. French. Crcgg and Duncanson of the State Hoard of Agiiculture and the profes sors of the Pniversity State Farm. Mr. Robf rt Mickel, husband of Mrs. Mickel, who is a memiter of the Senior class of this place, died at tlie home of Mrs. Cornell in this city. He was laid to rest in the cemetery at Verdon. The entire school and community extend to the heart-stricken family their deepest sympathy in this their hourof bereave ment. The girls basket .ball team went to Falls City Friday, where they met tlie Falls City girls in a game of basket ball. The Peru girls are excellent players but the Falls City girls proved too much for them and carried off the game 2"> to 14. They will play a re turn game next Friday evening in the gy tnnnsium of the ('hapel. Miss Alice Loomis, during her years leave of ab-ence is attending ’he Rhode Island college of Agriculture and Econ omics. She gave a talk at Washing ton, I) and was asked to give the Peru plan of self-boarding. Since the self-boarding dormitory has been used in Peru, the plan has become wide spread and many schools all over the country are adopting the pjan. OHIO Wm. Hutchison was down from Peru Friday. Earl Shaffer was guest of his parents Sunday. Sadie Peek was a guest of Daisy Peek Sunday. Lucy Smith was guest of Mrs. Her man Beachy Sunday. Jesse McCann was a guest of his sis ter. Mrs. H. A. Burk. Wes Nedrow and wife are visiting in Illinois with relatives. Nlahlon i’eck was a guest of Lloyd Knisely and wife Sunday. Ed. Kuker of near Verdon was a visi tor in this vicinity Sunday. Mrs. Way of Davenport is visiting her daughter Mrs. Cleon I’eck. Mrs. Will Strayer is visiting with Mrs. Cnester Stump this week. Mrs. X, Peek and two smallest chil dren spent Sunday in Falls City. Vera Shaffer spent Saturday night with her brother Earl and wife. II. Coon, wife and daughter visited with Guy Prine ami wife Monday. Wanda and Roma Shaffer were guests of Ethel Peek Wednesday. Mr Burk aud wife of Bulo were guests of relatives in this vicinity. Sadie Koss of Albany, Mo., is visit ing with her cousin. Mrs. Guy Liehty. O. A. Burk and family spent Sunday with their daughter Mrs. F. Chestley. Will Bartlett and wife were enter tained at the home of H. A. Burk and wife. Mr-. Lloyd Knisely is enjoying a vis it from her sister, Miss Red fern of near Peru Ellis [lout/, and family of Falls City were guests of the former's parents Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dowty of Falls City visited Sunday with thdir daughter Mrs. P. Fisher. Edna Shaffer is spending a few days with her cousin, Mrs. Jesse Spangler, near Morriil. Kas. Chester Stump and family and Mrs. Strayer were guests of Frank Eichty and family Sunday. Anson Knisely and wife spent a few days of last week with the latter's par ents in Sabetha, Kan. Guy Lichty and Geo. Prichard and their wives spent Sunday near Harada with Delys Spickler and wife. Mr. McCleary and family of Falls City came out Thursday and visited with Chester Stump and family. Thurs day evening they furnished some ex cellent music at the Center literary which was very much appreciated. Everybody wishes them to return agaiu. Brood Sow Sale I wilt offer at Chapman's Sale Pa vilion, Falls City. Neb.. 25 Duroc Jersey Bred Sows, on Saturday. Feb. 20. Write for catalogue. F. W. WITTROCK. HUMBOLDT Claud had business in St Joe I this week Fred Sulder - ht-re from Oklahoma i visiting relatives | Roy Potlpot arid wife visited Vesta friend- this week. Mrs. Me Keel.v is -pending the week ! with Lincoln friends. W.l! Rourquia of Tally, Ks.. is the guest of friend.- here, C. Liunberger left Tuesday for Su perior to visit a bother. Homer Reaver and family moved this week to a farm near Stella. llarry Gravatt of Sabetha was here last week visiting his brother, Philip Flunzeker was up from Falls City Saturday visiting friends J, W. Dodds has sold his farm to Frank Church for 870 per acre. Rex Craig of Argentine, Kan., was here last week visiting relatives. Mrs. Irvin Shirley entertained the ladies of the Uaptist church Friday. W. G. Hummell returned Friday from a visit with relatives in Oklahoma Grant Pdrtons is in Monmouth. III., where he was ''ailed by the demise of a sister. Mrs. Kozel and Royal arrived the past week front Ord. where they have been located. Mrs. Hummel has returned from Illinois where she was called by illness of two sisters. Ralph l’hilpot and wife drove down near Dawson Sunday and -pent the day with relatives. Claud Fergus and wife are the proud parents of a little daughter born to them Wednesday. Carpenter work on Wayne Hamil ton’s house in the north part ot town is nearing completion. Champ Wright and Perle Cross drove to Pawnee Saturday and were married by the county judge. John Sehuet/ and wife residing south of town are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby girl at their home. J. G. Rcmp and family leave this week for Newton, Ks . where they will reside on a farm they purchased. The family of W. C. Norton came down from Lincoln this week and are now located in the Boss property. Billings sisters are moving their inillinary establishment to the building formerly occupied by the Cash store. Rev. Iloheowald stopped olT here last week for a brief visit with friends. He was enroute from Clatonia to Falls City. A portable skating rink with a ca pacity of .'100 arrived in town this week and is furnishing amusement for the young people. Macie Vumer, primary teacher in the city schools, was detained from her duties this week as the result of an attack of chicken-pox. Mrs. Guy Hummel who was called here several weeks ago by the death of her father departed the past week for her home in Nakomis, Canada. George CernboiaveK is expected to arrive this week from Idaho, where he has been located for a year and will be employed by Herwlgg N Briggs. Tom Smith, rural carrier on route 4, left this week with his family for Washington, Kus.. and from there will go to California to spend a month with friends. The Quaker Indian Medieiue Co. till ed a weeks entertainment here .Satur day uight. playing to fair sized audi ences. Mary Hays won the gold watch for being the most popular young lady of the town. 11. W. Howe is making preparations to move into town and will occupy the Art Wilson cottage, the latter having made plans to reside on the Wilson farm north of town the coming year. Wid Power will reside on Mr. Howe's farm. DAWSON i Dr. Kit. Hays spent Sunday in Ver don. Miss Brooking- spent Saturday and Sunday in Aurora. Henry Layson was at Humboldt be tween trains Sunday. Mr Ira Draper is attending court at Falls City as a juryman. Misses Loura Kelly and Ruby Stover were in Dawson Sunday, Mrs. Bob Tyree spent a few days last week with her son at Salem. Arthur Kliraa who is attending the Normal at Peru, was visiting home folks the latter part of last week. Miss Luella Heim, who is attending the tailoring school at Lincoln was vis iting her folks at Dawson Sunday. Misses Iiuth McCoy and Lilian Per cale from Table Rock were vMt'ng in Dawson over Saturday and Sunu..;\ In the boys’ basket ball game be tween Verdon and Dawson Saturday, the score was 37 to 9 in favor of Dawson For several months Paul Heim, son ol Henry Heim living north of town has been suffering with appendicitis. His ease became so serious that it was thought best to take him to a hospital at Omaha and have an operation per sormed. This was successfully done and he is now back home and considers himself out of clanger. One of the more interesting incidents we have noticed lately, which illus trates the change of our neighborhood from the wild prairie of e;-.;!y days to tli thiekij settled country of today ia the fact of H. it. Drawn- felling a plow tree grown on his farm north of towc, from wuien a saw log was taken to tta Stites saw mill and cut into lumber. While «c write these items the wind is blo.vidg apparently at the rate of ’steen miles a minute and it is so cold that people have to have clothes aljoct the stove to keep warm and the school authorities are talking of dismissing school. As the living rooms of the writer’s house are on the south and east of the building, we are not suffer ing with cold so much as though with these rooms on the north. Another consolation we have is that there is no immediate danger of a southwind, be cause at the rate it is going to the south east it would not seem possible for it to stop this side of Kansas City and could not possibly regain con sciousness and get back here in lesa than three days. BARADA Kay Dunn was a Shubert visitor Sat urday. Cod Gerdes shinned a cir of bogs oa .Monday. Horn to Jacob Stt-iahauer and wife on Feb .*>, a girl. C. II. Martin and wife were FaUn City visitors recently. Henry Meinhart of Falls City waa here one day last week. D. K. Splckier and wife entertained a number of friends on Sunday. Mrs. Roe and son Verna were here from the county .-eat last week. F.. E. Butler and wife spent Su:.. ay at the home of E>r. Stong and wife. Henry SiemeriDg and wife spent one da) last week with Otto Lietzka and wife Yak Michyel's and daughters return ed to Stella Sunday after a visit with relatives here. The infant child of C E. Burgess' brother who is visiting here received 3. broken arm from a fall while playing Dr. Van Osdel removed a tumor from the arm of a daughter of Bernard Duerfeidt on Saturday. Miss Duer feidt is doing nicely. Rev. Rouen drove to Yerdon Sunday that he might conduct his regular ser vices at that place. He returned to Barada Monday to continue his evan gelistic work. The stockholders of the Barada State Bank held their annual meeting on Wednesday, PY-b. li. They reelected the officers ot last year. General satis faction was manifested with the result of the year's work and $500 was added to the surplus account. Legal Notice Harry Beyle, will take notice, that chi the 2!st clay of January, ISO!), Minnie Boyle, plaintiff, filed her petition in the district court of Kicti nnlson County. Nebraska, against yon, the ot ject and prayer of which petition art* to obtain a divorce from you on the ground that you have without list cause willfully abandoned her for inure than two years lust past; that you being of sufficient ability to provide a suitable mainten - ance for her have grossly, wantonly and cruelty neglect.Hi to do so. and that yon have contributed noticing during (he last two years to the support of the issue of said marriage. Basil Boyle,a miner child about three years of age. The plaintiff prays that she may be divorced from you and awarded the permanent custody of said minor child. Yon are required toauswc-c said petition on nr about thestli day of March, 1900. Dated this 21st day of January, 1900. Minnie Hoyle, Plaintiff. By Maw in 1-'ai.i,oon. her attorney. 3-4* A Give Me Your Order for Coal and Wood. Home Grown Potatoes at 75c per bushel. Red Seal Flour. Buckwheat and Graham Flour. Wisconsin Rye Flour. Rock Salt, Barrel Salt. Sack Sa!t--any size Oil Meal. Tankage Cider Vinegar at 25c pergallon Gasoline at 20c per gallon. Coal Oil at 15c per gallon. I pay cash for Poultry and Eggs Highest Market Price paid for Hides and Furs. Don't forget me when in need of Coal and Wood. C. A. HECK We Print Sale Bills AM PRilT THIN RI8NT =acSC and we can handle all Unee of Job prlnllnf'-* lt makes no ditfermbe how large or email thh job may be. Call at thle office and look oy«r our samples of letter h*ad». envelope*, b»elne*g card* and Wed ding stationery. You'll be pleaedl with our work, and price* will gpi^ »nt Work,,, Mott RtxoniHt Priff