The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 12, 1909, Image 5

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What Your Friends and Their
Friends Have Been Doing Ihe
Past Week.
— Eat Sowles Candy.
Dr. Wilson, Wahl's building.
John Hossack spent Monday in
Dr. Tefft, Dentist. Maddox block,
t pposlte court house
Win. Xoeller and iatnily were
up from Preston Monday.
E. R. Christy of Shubert added
his name this week to our list.
Mrs. T. A. Tipton is visiting
her mother in Auburn this week.
Plain Voder returned this week
from a weeks stay in Kansas City.
Ferd Harlow was looking after
business at Salem and Dawson
Mrs. J. W. Cullen and Mrs.
Reese were visitors from Verdon
Dr. Windle and Miss Myrtle
Kamel spent Sunday in Salem
visiting friends.
J. W. Wherry of Modesta, Cal.,
is a new subscriber to the Tri
bune this week.
T. L. Davies and wife of Au
burn spent Sunday with George
Reichers and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Greenwald
are the proud parents of a ten
pound baby boy born Sunday.
Miss Lois Spencer was called
to Hot Springs, Ark., this week
by the serious illness of her sister.
August Hartman left Tuesday
for Blue Hill to attend the funeral
of Ins little nephew. The child
is the son of Mr. and Mrs- Fred
Frank Greenw ald of Huron, S.
D., spent a few days this week
with his wife, who is visiting her
parents, Alfred Resterer and wife
in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McDerm
and came up from Kansas City
Monday to visit the 1 a t t e r s
brothers. John and James Powell
and families
It is reported that Ed Jones and
family will leave soon for Colo
rado where they will reside in the
near future- He has taken a
homestead there.
Mrs. Minnick returned from a
several weeks visit to her son
Herman and family at Atchison.
She also visited a sister at Hia
watha on her return home.
Allan D. May came down from
Auburn Sunday and spent a short
lime in the city at the home of
Mrs. Catherine Wylie, who has
been very sick the past week.
This week T. L. Himmelrich
received word tliat his sister Mrs.
Ranger who has been sick for
some time died at her home in
Albion, Neb. Mr- Himmelrich
spent some time at her home a
few weeks ago when <he was first
taken sick.
During the week the lollowing
named persons have our thanks
for cash on subscription: G- A
Jorn, Carl Lippold. Chas. Putnam,
Mrs. Carrie Schaible, Albert Eble,
Chas. Porr, Mrs. F. W. Oswald,
W. E. Smith, Cyrus Walker and
Dr. Geo. W. Keneker.
Mrs. Margaret Maddox receiv
ed the sad news this week of the
death of her oldest brother, G. W.
Miller at his home at Lewiston,
Idaho. Miss Maddox had not
seen her brother for more than 30
years. He was well known by
all our older citizens.
Notice is hereby given that the
old firm of Wirth & Winterbottom
was dissolved on Jan. 27. 1909.
All outstanding accounts are pay
able to J. W. Winterbottom, and
all outstanding liabilities are pay
able by the new firm- For a
short time the accounts will be
in the hands of the new firm for
collection. S-2t
Hoarse coughs and stuffy colds that
may develop into pneumonia over
night are quickly7 cured by Foley’s
Honey and Tar, and it soothes inflam
ed membranes, heals the lungs, and ex
pels the cold from the system. Kerr's
Dickinson County Farms For Sale
Come direct to us and get half
of the commission We have
quit paying grafters and real es
tate peddlers and give the buyer
the benefit. Write for our book
let and plan, We have been
here thirty years and will give
you a square deal.
K G. 1 i >N K I N,
3.4t Abilene, Kan.
Miss Catherine McMahon» who
teaches at District 5S, will give a
box social at the school house
Monday evening, Feb. 22. All
ladies are invited and requested
to bring baskets with them. The
men are also urged to attend, for
there will be good things in store
for everyone.
Elmer lloehn of St. Joe, one of
the clerks at T D. Matthews de
partment store slipped and fell
Sunday evening and sustained a
broken limb. The injured mem
ber was immediately cared for by
a doctor and at this writing is
resting nicely.
Miss Helen Hrebeck left this
week for St. Louis, where she will
purchase a large stock of spring
and summer millinery. She in
forms us that circumstances have
arisen and she thinks it best for
her to remain in business.
Mrs. H. A. Hart of White
Pigeon, Mich., is visiting her
daughter. Mrs. A. J. Weaver.
Mrs. Hart has visited several
times in this city and is acquaint
ed with many of our people.
Miss Dora Glines left Monday
afternoon for St. Joe. She will
spend some time in a wholesale
millinery house there, before start
ing out for her spring season's
Tonight the Falls City boys
will play the Wesleyan Univer
sity boys a game of basket ball
at the “gym.'’ All turn out and
encourage the young people.
James Camblin of Newton, Ks.,
spent a few days in the city the
guest at the home ot his uncle,
F. M. Camblin and family. He
returned home Tuesday.
John R. Smith returned this
week from Topeka where he has
spent some time. He is interest
ed in matters connected with ihe
district court.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L- Voils and
little son and the formers sister,
Mrs. C. W. Benedict of Verdon
were visitors in this city Satur
Mrs. Louis Bank and children
came over from Missouri the lat
ter part of the week, the guest of
her sister, Mrs. Carrie Schaible.
Mrs. Frank Gossett came up
from Horton, Kansas, and is vis
iting at the home of her parents,
Lawrence Snyder and wife.
John Parlier and wife have de
cided to take up a homestead in
Colorado. They will leave some*
time about March 1.
Miss Elizabeth Sanford left
Saturday for St. Joe, where she
will enter a wholesale millinery
establish tnent.
Mrs. Jake Derr and two chil
dren spent a few days this week
with Hayden Bowers and family
at Verdon.
Wm. Carico and wife spent Fri
day and Saturday in Rulo with
the latter’s mother. Mrs. Emma
Mrs. John Rhodes of this city
went to Rulo Sunday to attend
services at the Holiness church.
W. A. Greenw’ald and wife
spent Sunday in Salem,the guests
of Silas P. Gist and wife.
Miss Helen Ere beck was a busi*
ness visitor in Lincoln the latter
part of the week.
It is reported that there will be
another millinery store in town
this spring.
D. Sutorius of Humboldt is a
new subscriber since our last
Con Horan came down from
Lincoln and spent .Sunday in this
Clare Foster spent a few days
in the city the first of the week.
Hugh O'Grady of Dawson was
a visitor here Monday.
Lesley Leeds is among our new
subscribers this week.
Col Marion was a Dawson visi
tor Monday.
John Lichty was a business vis
itor in Lincoln tin's week.
Helen Burchard was the guest
of friends in Hiawatha this week.
Prof. Harnack this week pur
chased him a fine home in Hia
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Deaton
spent last week visiting in Hick
Mrs. Will Kentner of Beatrice
is visiting Mrs. ]'. K. Kentner in
this city.
Elizabeth Wolf left Tuesday
for the wholesale millinery house
in St. Joe.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schrader
were among the Salem people
here Friday.
diaries and Nellie Weaver of
Verdun saw Magda at the (,elil
ing Thursday night.
The high school debating club
accompanied the basket ball j
teams to Peru Friday.
(iuy Crook was in Stella Satur
day evening. 5. K. Cain accom
patiied him to Falls City.
Ewing Herbert of the Hiawatha
World attended the play at the
Gehling Thursday night.
Mrs- Hurst was called troni
Dunbar Sunday by the illness of
her son. Prof. E. K- Hurst
Mrs. W. S. Ley da was among
those who attended the basket
ball game at Peru Friday night.
Miss Anna Furrer left this
week for St. Louis after an ex
tended visit with relatives near
tnis city.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Boyd's little
son lias been very ill but is much
better. Mr. Boyd and family live
west of town.
Charles Lord and wife of Shu
bert came down in their auto and
attended the play at the Gehling
Thursday night.
Miss Martha Stockton came
down from Lincoln and spent
Sunday with Miss Lillie Oswald j
and other friends.
Miss Emma Leitzke returned
to her work at Wilson’s tailor
shop this week after enjoying a
two week's vacation.
The Boston Ideal Opera Co ,
which appeared here a short time
ago in “Mascotte" will be back
Feb. 18 in a new plav.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Yeach
and John Hall were among the
Verdon people who attended the
theater here Thursday night.
Mrs. E- J. Satterwhite and
little daughter left Wednesday
for Plain, Kansas, for an extend
ed visit with relatives and friends.
Mrs. Frank Hoppe and little
boy arrived in the city Monday
from Chicago and is visiting at
thehomeof Mrs. Catherine Hoppe
in this city.
12. A. Maust will leave tomor
row for California where he will
spend some time. He will be ac
companied as far as Kansas City
by Ins son I. C. Maust.
Mr. and Mrs. Claud Fergus of
Humboldt are rejoicing over the
arrival of a baby girl at their
home. The mother was formerly
Miss Maggie Fergus of tins city.
F. (1. Sutter and wife returned
to their home in Geneva Friday.
The former has been taking
treatment of Dr. Miner in this
city and is much improved in
A Hiawatha paper says Mis
souri Pacific trains no longer
whistle- not having steam t o
waste. Every time a Missouri
Pacific train wh'stles it falls
back dead for lack of steam
Roy Daggett who was serious
ly hurt at the mid at Salem, and
who has been in a hospital at
Fairbury for many weeks was
able to return home this week
His right limb was amputated
and he is doing nicely.
C. ii. KInner, the jeweler, 1000 Vir
ginia ave., Indianapolis, Ind , writes:
"I was so weak from kidney trouble
that I could hardly walk a hundred
feet Four bottle.-, of Foley's kidney
Rentedv cleared my complexion, cured
mv backache and the irregularities
disappeared, and 1 can now attend to
business every day, and recommend
Foley’s Kidney Remedy to all sufferers
as it cured mo after the doctors and
other remedies had failed.” Kerr's
The ahove is the name of u German
chemical, which is one of the many
valuable Ingredients of Foley's Kidney
Remedy. Hexamethylenetetramine is
recognized by medical text books and
authorities u« a uric, acid solvent and
antiseptic for the urine. Take Foley’s
Kidney ib'inetU as soon us you noth' •
any irregularities, and avoid a serious
malady. Kerr's Pharmacy.
Charles ami K<1 win Brown of
Wellman. Iowa, arc in the citv
and will spend a few days with
their sister. Mrs. T. C McMillan
and family.
Joseph Clark of IMgar, Nebr.,
arrived Tuesday to visit bis old
friend. J. R. Wilhite. These two
gentlemen have not met for forty*
four years,
Mrs. Thomas Naylor returned
the first of the week from a three
weeks stay with her daughter.
Mrs. Tlios. 11 net r, at Lexington.
Mrs. H a/.el Sherdeman returned |
to her home in Hastings after
spending some time with her
mother. Mrs. J. M. Jellison in
this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Stanfield oi
this city moved their household
goods to a farm nearSabetha this
week, where they will make their
Olive Heikes of Hiawatha
spent the latter part of the week
in the city visiting at the homes
of George Prater and A. Bentley.
Charles Stein brink and wife
living near this city are rejoicing
over the arrival of a baby girl at
their home Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Foster were
in Peru the latter part of the
week for a short visit to the lat
ter's father, Rev. Elza Martin.
The Misses Patzman left this
week for St. Louis, where they
will purchase their spring and
summer stock of millinery.
Mable Heller returned to her
home in Verdon this week after
spending some time with her sis
ter, Mrs. John Walker
Mrs. Glen Curtis of St. Joe
spent this week in the city visit
ing her sister, Mrs. K. R. Rule
and numerous friends.
John Gossin, a stone mason
who is working on the new Catho
lic church, spent Sunday with his
relatives at Auburn.
L. E. Evans received the sad
news that his mother died at her
home in l dell, Iowa, after an ill
ness of four weeks
Mrs. Lee Haskett ami little son
of Auburn spent Sunday in this
city at the home of the former's
cousin, Geo. Story.
Miss Dora Schultz returned to
her home in Hiawatha Wednesday
after visiting friends and rela
tives in this city
Mrs. James Whitaker who is
busy as a stenographer at the
legislature spent Sunday in this
Kolia Miller ot Shenandoah,la.,
spent a few days the first of the
week with friends at this place.
W. II. Keeling and wife spent
Wednesday near Strausville with
their daughter, Mrs. Ed Morgan.
During the absence of Miss
Spencer at the library, Miss Xann
Hutchings is acting as librarian.
Mrs. Anna Sedlmeyr came up
from Kansas City and spent a few
days with friends in this city.
Art Moss and wife are the proud
parents of an eleven pound baby
boy born Tuesday.
Miss Elizabeth and Margaret
Kelly were down from Verdon
Fred.Hogue and Cora Spurgin
of Salem were in the city Wed
Mrs. Mary Strunk was down
from Dawson Saturday on busi
James Avers and wife were
down from Verdon shopping Mon
Mr. and Mrs E. L. Bowers of
Verdon were in the city Monday.
N. B. Judd was a business visi*
tor to Stella the first of the week.
Henry Gerdes came down from
Lincoln to spend Sunday.
W. Leo spent a part of the
week in Lincoln.
John Crook left Tuesday for
Nebraska Citv.
GRAPES, from their most health
ful properties, give ROYAL its
active and principal ingredient
Baking Powder
Absolutely Pure
It is economy to use Roynl Baking Powder.
It saves labor, health and money.
Where the best food is required no other
baking powder or leavening agent can take the
place or do the work of Royal Baking Powder.
lv (). Lewis. Chris. IJeiser ami
Miss Cruce Saylor are among t! c
many who renewed their sub
At the request of the local
board of health Dr. W- II.Wilson,
inspector for state board of health
was in the city Wednesday look
ing after the scarlet fever cases.
Next week The Tribune will go
into detail with extracts Iron, the
state law governing contagions!
Evangelistic Meetings
There are evangelists a n <1
evangeists. Just as there min
isters and minsters. The less
there is in a ininistic the more he
has to force himself upon public
notice and bring all the clippings i
which will give the world to
know how wonderful man he is.
Evangelist Miller is like no other
evangelist of which we have
knowledge. II e conducts his
meetings differently. Twenty
eight years ago Mr. Moody se
cured Mr. Miller to lead the sing
ing in his great tabernacle. For
some years he was singing evan
gelist with Mr. Potter. For nine
years he has been evangilizing
alone. .1 announced Mr.Miller to
my congregation.
Alter hearing him they now
say 1 did not represent his ability
both as a singer and an evange
list up to his ability, I knew Mr.
Miller so well I knew lie would
not like any exagerated state
ment concerning himself. It will
be a long time before you will
have the opportunity to hear
another so great singer. He
sings the gospel and his evange
listic work is equally effecting.
The meetings began Monday
night in the Methodist church
and will continue every night
and Sunday. It will give the
church pleasure if the pastors and
members of the city churches will
cooperate to firing about a genu
ine work of force. Any one who
will obey the gospel and accept
Jesus will be given the privilege
of choosing the church in which
they will make their church home.
All come and worship with us.
C. A. Mast in.
An Exceptional Investment
For one person in each coun
ty. Any amount up to $250 will
pay most phenomenal dividends
annually. Endorsed by best
authorities in California. Posi
tive bank proof and extensive
circular matter, making fullest
investigation possible. Nothing
of a staple character ever offer
ed that will pay better and few
as well. Commission arrange
ment also by which with little
effort you can more than pay for
stock. Citrus Trustee Company,
Citizens Hank Building, Los
Angeles. 5 ft
Good Morning
FOUND That to have satisfac
tory glasses, they must be scien
tific in construction.
Come Here!
We are prepared tor all difficult
Eye. Ear. ^/ote and Throat
Falls City. Neb.
Passenger Trains
South Bound
Tr lot—St. Eonis Mail ami Ex
press . I:23 p. i .
Tr lot) Kansas City Exp., 3:11 a. tv..
Tr. 132 x K. C.local leaves. .7:30 a. n..
Tr. 13H x Falls City arrives 0:00 p, r.
x Daily except Sunday
North Bound
Tr 103 Nebraska Mail ami Ex
press . 1:52 p m.
Tr. lofi— Omaha Express... .2:23 a. m.
Tr. 137 x Omaha local It uves 0:15 a n
Tr. 131 x Falls city local ar
rives. H:4"i p i
x Daily exeunt Sunday
Local Frl. Trains Carrying Passengers
North Bound
Tr. I02x To Atchison .ll:10a. iv.. %
South Bound
Tr lhlx—* To Auburn t-23 p tv.
J. B. VARNER. Agent
Burlington Route
‘West Bound
No 13 Denver Exp .1:39 a. in
No 13 Denver Exp. (l.ocal). 1:13 p. tn
No 13 Portland Exp 10:17 p-m.
No. II Portland Exp.2:29 p. m.
I No. 121 Eincoln Eoc. via Ne
braska City.5:00 a. m.
East Bound
I No, II St. .1., K. C N St. E..7:ll a. in
No. 41 St. J., K.C. & St. E .
Eocal) . . 11:02 a. in.
No. bl St. .1., K C. «V St. E. 1:3(1 p. m.
No. 42 St. .1 , K C. & St. E. .7:00 p. n:.
No 122 From Eincoln, via
Nebraska City. 8:43 p itt
E. U. WillTfOkD, Agent.
When You Buy
The Home Merchant* merit your support,
j they ate the msinatay* of the community.
And when you buy of Home Mcicbants,
: buy of tho*e who advertise.
>■11 >!■■——■————
Tea Special
A Japanese Cup and Saucer I'ree with
a pound of tea. See them in our north
window, A biy line of New Glassware
just in. Hie- Glass Howls-from ten cents
up. f our-piece Table Sets, Berry Sets,
etc., on sale at
Chas. M. Wilson's