The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 12, 1909, Image 4

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Entered a» sccond-clas* matter at
Fall* City. Nebraska, |K>st office, Janu*
u.ty 12, 1904. under tile Act of Congress
on March 1879,
Published every Friday at Falls City,
Nebraska, by
The Tribune Publishing Company
E F SMARTS M»n»*er
One year... tl '*0
Fix months
Three months *°
Some men do their best. <*yen
their best friends.
The premiums on dishonesty
are money and sorrow.
Falls City is to have a glove
and mitten tactory, maybe.
The real philosopher is the
man who realizes without swear
ing that he is burning more coal
this winter than last.
On another page ot this issue
will be fouml a fac-sitnile of a
letter Abraham Lincoln wrote
to our townsman, Isham iteavis.
The imprint of honesty and
right living is almost always to
be read in a man's face. Oc
casionally. of course, a typo
graphical error is made, but not
A jury of twelve men wen
asked Tuesday where they had
read about the Drainage case
and nine out of the twelve said
that they had seen it in The
Tribune. Very large percent, eh!
The State Historical Society
appreciates the articles we are
printing under the head of “Re
miniscences of a Wayfarer” to
the extent that they are using
an extra copy for scrap book
purposes each week.
Every citizen of Falls City and
vicinity will soon be confronted
with an opportunity to either
knock or boost.
There is a move under way
whereby with the proper elTort
on the part of the boosters they
can land a glove and mitten fac
tory here. The chronic knock
ers can do their part by keeping
There's a gentleman from Nel
son, Neb., figuring with the Com
mercial Club, and we understand
that all he asks on the part of
the Club is the co-operation
along the line of labor. If they
can contract enough employees
the gentleman from Nelson will
do the rest.
Come on now! Get busy! It's
not necessary to point out the
whys or wherefores. That it
would be a good thing for Falls
City goes without saying.
Worthily have the American
people joined in an appropriate
celebration oi the Lincoln cen
tenary, and extended it to the
remotest corners of the land.
It is the one hundredth anni
versary of the birth of Abraham
Lincoln. This date is observed
with solemn and yet grateful
ceremony by the whole Ameri
can people, who owe more to
Lincoln than to any other citi
zen of the republic, save only
Lincoln is, after Washington,
the greatest figure in our na
tional history. No other man
performed services so great as
his, or was so high a character.
His conduct during the trying
days of the civil war, when the
union that had been founded
with high hopes for human li
berty seemed destined to be de
stroyed, was such as to appear
inspired by a power greater than
human, and many an American
has thanked God in his nightly
prayers that so wise, gentle,
forbearing a leader had been
raised up by divine direction to
guide the country to safety. His
death was a great calamity, not
less to the south than to the
north; lor, if Lincoln bad been
spared, his qualities of heart
and mind would have made the
task of reconstruction much
easier than it proved and would
have healed the wounds of war
much sooner.
The south will join with the
north in observing Lincoln's one
hundredth birthday, for nyw, in
these latter days his memory is
as deeply beloved south of Mu
; son and Dixon’s line as north of
it. The celebration is worthy
to be remembered as an expres
I sion of the gratitude and affec
tion of a great people
When we once resolve to lay
aside desire to make of I Lincoln’s
life and words an arsenal from
which to draw weapons with
which to tight for special causes,
and consider with quiet thought
Abraham Lincoln as all Ameri
cans know lie w»as, we find the
materials ample.
We see Al>raham Lincoln as a
homely, kindly, patient man,
who loved his country as men
love their mothers. We see him
seeking the welfare of all that
mother’s sons because lie was
one ol them. We see him work
ing humbly and patiently under
burdens such as no American
before, save Washington, and
none since, has been caJled upon
to bear.
We see him always charitable,
realizing that in this human
world men are moved by all sorts
of motives, and appealing to all
motives that in honesty and
honor he could, asking only that
the results of the appeals be acts
helping to save and restore to
peace the nation mother.
And so Abraham Lincoln
wrought with the tools at hand,
never complaining of their hu
man imperfections, using to his
great end not only the noblest
aspirations of the best but every
force of human desire, and thus
delivering a race from bondage
and saving a nation because he
ever wrought “with malice to
ward none and with charity tor
In the February Circle Maga
zine this is the way James Op
penheimer pictures Lincoln the
night before the signing of the
Emancipation Proclamation
“He knew how well he knew
at that moment how little a
part he was playing. Something
behind all things something
beneath all things the vast
power and Love were working
oui in America the liberation of
the toilers of humanity. And
he? He, the common man the
boy born ot “white trash,” poor
whites in Kentucky the boy in
ured to hard farm hand labor—
the poor country lawyer Old
Abe—the rail splitter yes he
smiled grimly to himself though
on a throne, he was still a com
mon man same old stuff same
old Abe same old loaier and
joker and comrade. He hail a
Napoleon's position and power.
He laughed at himself. How
poorly Napoleon's shoes fitted
his big feet.
And then he thought again of
his Proclamation. It was safely
waiting in some desk drawer.
Which? He forgot which. He
was pretty shiftless about things
and tin- old Proclamation might
be in his hat band for all he
knew. For a moment it Hashed
across his miud that this Proc
lamation might lead to his own
downfall, his disgrace. Was
the country ready for it? It
was a daring act, and he had to
do it alone. No one else could
share the responsibility. Atone
stroke of the hand of one man
and that man himself theslave*
of two centuries, the mi.lions of
black animals, would be prom
ised their freedom it the Confed
eracy did not surrender by tlie
first of the year. And it he made
the promise he would keep it. A
terrible power was in his bands.
That stroke of liis pen might
ruin these United States with all
| the future millions on millioi s
1 of human souls!
He lay for some time staring
inio the darkness. Hut up and
up he looked, as if he saw God.
And then into his breast ng
heart, his shattered soul, a flood
of light seemed to be poured: it
streamed into him; it swept
through him; the room seemed
charged with spirit. Making
him tingle, came the divine glo
ry. He felt strong: he felt buo
pant: he felt sure. It was the
sacred moment. He knew now
he would go on with the task
until it was ended. He knew
now that Hod was with him.
He knew now that he was the
tool which < bid's great hand was
using in the Nineteenth Cen.
tury. He determined, once and
for all, that come de. th or de
feat, he would go forth on the
morrow and issue his Procla
mation. The slaves would be
A Superb. Sensational Scientific Surprise
A Vivict Portrayal ol the Far West
Lincoln J. Carter's Special Production
The Worlds Greatest
Genuine Indian Brass Band
Big Special Cast of People
— SEE =
The Council Fire and Ghost Dance <
The Attack on Old Fort Reno
The Genuine Indian Brass Band
PRICES 75c, 50c, 35c
A Good Father
by opening a bank account for
them. It’s a little thing to do.
for your child today. Ask for
one of our pocket banks, give
it to your child and
Do something definite. A lit
tle start is all they will ever
need. Give them a chance—
they will do the rest.
Falls City State
Capital andtSurplus, $70.000 00
Magnetic Healing
Miss Lizzie Ileitland, a gradu
ate of the Weltmer School of
Magnetic Healing, of Nevada,
Mo. I am prepared to treat dis
eases of all kinds. Phone 27‘*.
Located at Mrs. Burris’residence
south of the convent. 4t
.John Whytsb,
Practice in Various Courts.
Collections Attended To.
Notary Public. FALLS CITY
D El N Hl' 1 ^ T
Phono 248 Over Itlehardeon Countj
Will come back to you if you spend it at
home. It is gore * ver if you send it to H
the Hf&D-O ler I A glance through II
cur advertising columns will give you an ||
idea where it will buy the most.
These Notices are Prepared and
Handed in By the Local
Sunday school ‘4:45 a. in.
Preaching 10:45 a. m.
Junior C. K. and Mission Sab-j
bath school 2:50 p. in.
V. P. A. meeting 0:50 p. m.
Preaching 7:50 p. m.
Prayer meeting Wednesday
7:50 p. in.
The response of the people to
the exhortation to be present at
the communion service last Sab
bath at the ' Presbyterian church
was gratifying. Two excellent
audiences greeted t li e pastor.
Four persons were received into
fellowship, two of them receiving
the rite of Christian baptism.
Next Sunday morning the pastor
will appeal to the patriotism of
the people with a sermon on
“Lessons the life o f Lincoln
should teach- In the evening
the topic will be “Whose son art
thou?” In the absence through
sickness of our regular choir lead
er, Miss Agnew. we were favored
with a solo by Miss Mabel Poteet
in her usually pleasing manner.
Kkv. K. Coopkk Bailky, Pastor.
Sunday school 9:45 a- m
Public worship 10:45 a. in.
Junior League 2:30 p. in.
Epworth League 0:30 p. m.
Evening service 7:30 p. tn.
Prayer meeting Wed n e s d a y
7:30 p- m.
The second quarterly confer
ence of the Methodist church will
be held Monday. '» a. in. All the
officiary are requested to arrange
to be present.
Rev. C. A. Mastin, Pastor
Sunday school 9:45 a. m.
Morning service 11:00 a. m.
Evening service 7:30 p. m.
Prayer meeting W ed n es d a y
8.00 p. m.
The one hundredth anniversary
of Lincoln’s birthday will be
celebrated at the Baptist church
next Sunday by a memorial ser
vice at night. An address on
Lincoln will be given by the pas
tor and special music has been
prepared. A very interesting and
helpful program has been arrang
ed. Every one is welcome.
Rev. Geo. H. Reichei.. Pastor.
brethren church
Sunday school 9:45 a. tn.
Sermon 10:45 a. m.
Christian Endeavor <>:30 p. tn.
Sermon 7:30 p. m
Prayer meeting Wednesday
7:30 p. m.
Rev. R. R. Teeter, Pastor.
9:45 a. m. Sunday school.
10:45 a. m. Sermon.
7 p. m. Young People Alliances
7:30 p. m. Sermon.
Prnyer meeting Wednesday 7:30
p. m.
Friday choir practice 8 p. m.
Peter Schumann, Pastor.
9:45 a. m., Bible school.
11 a. tn., Preaching service.
5 p. tn., Junior Endeavor.
6:30 p. ni., Y. P. S. C. E.
7:30 p. tn.. Preaching Service.
East Sunday’s services were the
best yet. Five additions at the
morning service and six baptised
at tne evening service. Audience
wonderful. Church packed and
scores turned away at the even*
ing service. The morning sub
ject will be “The tree of Life.”
In the evening the pastor will
preach on “The cost of a Chris*
tian Life.'*
F. Ei.i.sworth Day, Pastor.
Public Sale
Having decided to move to Ne
braska City, Chns. 1’. Slump will
sell at his home in this city, M<n
day afternoon, Feb, 22, his house
hold goods, and many articles to
numerous to mention. Remember
the date.
John K. Jones is a new sub
scriber this week.
Cr£am Baking Powder
is tne most efficient and
perfect of leavening agents.
No alum, lime or ammonia.
1 w'll sell at Public Sale at my farm. 1 mile <lue north of Kails City, on
Monday, Feb. 22,1909
< ommenciDg at 10 A. M., the following described property to-wit:
22 head Horses and Mules 22
Ten Mules, all coming 3-year olds; Six Mare Mules and Four
Horse Mules.
1 pair roan horses coming 4 and 5 2 brood mares, coming 12-yr olds,
year olds, wt. 2600. wt. 2500.
2 unbroke mares, 5 and 7 yrs old. 1 brown horse, coming 5 yr. old
1 bay mare, coming 2 yrs. old. wt. 1200.
1 child’s pony, 7 yrs. old. 3 mare colts, coming 1 yr. old.
10 CALVES 10 _
10 Thoroughbred Poland-China Brood Sows
Bred to Thoroughbred Poland-China Boar
1 old wagon, 1 riding lister, 1 riding cultivator, 1 double-row go devil,
1 two-row stalk cutter, 3-section harrow, 1 hand corn sheller. 2 sets
work harness.
TERMS OF SALE - -'urns of $10 and under, cash; sums over *10 a
credit of 0 months wi 1 be given without interest if paid when due. It
not paid when due, 8 percent from date; 4 per cent off for cash. No
goods to be removed until settled for. ,
C. H. MARION. Auct. lAULI D lOkllTC
N B JUDD. Clerk JUnll f\. JUllLO
On or about Feb. 25th
1909. I will open in the
Maddox building, op
posite the court house,
witn a new and thor
oughly up-to-date stock
Watch for my open
ing announcement.
Miss Hannah Anderson
Fat and broke to work — from 4 to 8
years old. Bring in your stock and
get the highest market price, at
Mettz' Sole Pavilion, in
Pal is Citv, Sat., Feb. i6
Most Extensive Dealer in United States.