The Falls City Tribune. Vol. VI FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA, F RIDAY, FEBRUARY 12. 1^. Number 6 SOCIETY NOTES *'S TWAS TOLD TO OUR SO CIETY EDITOR Various Kinds of Entertainment by Individuals, Lodges. Clubs, Churches. Etc. Yesterday afternoon Mrs. \Y. ■{. Holt entertained the married ladies’ kensington at her home ■est of this city. The L. B. T. club met at the ome of Mrs. George \Y. Holland >n Friday afternoon. All enjoy 1 a very profitable meeting. On Thursday afternoon Nolle ' nyder entertained t h e whist 'ub at her home. A jolly time as reported by those present. Misses Clara Gagnon and Put aiu entertained a number of ■fiends at the home of the former Thursday evening. The evening /as spent in playing whist. A nice lunch was served. At the dining room of the Na tional Hotel last night the Epis jpal church people enjoyed a Parish Mid - Winter Picnic." There was a large number present -\nd the affair proved to be a .rand success. On Saturday evening a number of friends surprised Mrs. Orville Schoenheit and reminded her it as her fifteenth wedding anni* ersary. Whist was played dur ng the evening and a nice lunch • as served. Mrs. Schoenheit was presented with one dozen cut /lass tumblers. The Sunny Slope kensington >et with Mrs. Nancy Flshire Wednesday. Music was furnish ed by Mrs. F. Kuhn and Mrs. J. Deaton, recitation by Carrie /atnsley. The afternoon was .ertainly a very pleasant one. The next meeting will be with, . !rs. Haltr, Feb- 10. On Friday afternoon Mrs. D.M. Davies was hostess to the Presby terian Dorcas society. More than seventy-five guests were present, and the afternoon was pleasantly -pent in guessing games and other amusements. A two course inch was served Mrs. Davies was 'ssisted by Mesdames A. Neitzel, G. Boyer, F. Parchen, and S. L. Davies Mrs Floyd Giannini and Mrs. Albert Maust entertained the Tarried Ladies kensington and heir husbands at the Giannini pome on Thursday evening of last week. During the evening the company enjoyed whist, their oeing six tables full. This ken tmgton has become very popular nd on this occasion ail unusually pleasant evening was spent. A delightful two course lunch was served. Monday evening the Woman’s Auxiliary to St. Thomas church met with.Miss May Maddox and a very interesting and instructive meeting was held. Miss Maddox read a report of the “Tri-annual invention held at Richmond, Va.’’ Miss Tanner a paper on “Mis Aonary Work in Japan” and Mrs. John Powell read a paper on Japanese Settlement work in San Francisco.” These members vere followed by general discus sions. Miss Jessie Paxton sang a beautiful solo. A nice lunch -as served by the hostess, assist e 1 by Mrs. John Powell. A special meeting of the City federation of Women’s Clubs was :eld in the Elks Club rooms Sat urday afternoon. After the con sideration of important business, lduding that relating to Mr. Clarks's dramatic recital, “The Servant in the House,” to be given :ere March 1, the Federation ad journed to meet again Monday zfternoon, Feb- 22. at 3 o’clock, •in the same place DR GEO. l_. MILLER. PRESIDENT CLARENCE S. PAINE, SECRETARY JVebrasftja State Historical Society Office: State \Jnixlersity Library 'Butidin# Telephone F-/466 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. February 1, 1909. Editor Falls City Tribune, Falls City, Nebr, Dear Mr. Sharts: You are running a series of articles, "Reminiscences of a Wayfarer," which are very valuable, and we would be glad if we might have duplicate copies of your paper during the •ontinuanoe of these arti -les, so that we may clip them and arrange in scrapbook form. Will you not send me these from the date of the beginning of the series? You are entitled to great credit for your enterprise and public spirit in securing and publishing these •ontributions. I would be glad if I might know, for my personal information, the name of the writer. Yours very truly, C. S. PAINE], Secretary. JOHN FRANCIS McKIEVER Died at His Home in this City Sun day Morning Again this week it has been proven to us that “In the midst of life we are in the midst of death.” God in his infinite wisdom sent the death angel to this city and took with it one of our most high ly respected young men. After only one short week of illness John Francis McKiever died at his home in this city. He suffered an attack of appendicitis and was thought to be much better, in fact was better and was able to be up but on Saturday afternoon he grew suddenly worse and it was found absolutely necessary to per form an operation. The operation wjas performed late Saturday night and Sunday morning,Feb.7,about 8 o’clock this young man drifted in to the great beyond The deceased was the son of Mr. aud Mrs. Edward McKiever and wras born at Petersburougb, Canada,a little more than 27 years ago. He came to this city when quite young and this has since been his home. He was a painter by trade, and was an artist in his line. Iu the very pr me of life, with all the hopes and promises of this world before him, tie was so sud denly taken from his home and his father and mother and all those near and dear to him. All that mortal hands could do was done but -Tack only found relief from his suffering in death. He leaves a father, mother,three sisters and four brothers, beside a host of friends to mourn his un timely death. The funeral ser vices were held-from the Catholic church. Tuesday morning at !• o’clock. A HUSTLER ALRIGHT Improvements Are Being Made at the Business College Prof. J. Carl Leister has equip ped his college with new No. 10 Remington- visible typewriters, the latest invention in the type writer line; also with a No. <> Neostyle, the most modern ma chirie for reproducing typewritten copies. This makes the steno graphic department stictly up to date in every respect and a great deal more complete than in many colleges. Mr. Leister has spared no pains or expense to make the Business College the best in this part of the state. The people of Falls City and vicinity should feel j proud of this school and lend ev-; ery influence to make it a success.’ FACTORY TALK COMMERCIAL CLUB MEETS AND TALKS MATTER OVER Mr. Cope of Nelson Visited This City Saturday and May Open a C'lotfe Factory Here Mr. Cope of Nelson, h glove and mitten manufacturer, came to this city Saturday with a view of open iiilt up a factory and locating here. Fie went to the office ofSupt. T..T. Oliver and in company with him met several members of the Com mercial Club and arranged for a meeting that night. The club met with Mr. Cope that evening at Wirth & Winter bottom s hardware store and talk ed over the situation for the locat ing of such a factory. Railroad rates were presented to him. We have Missouri river freight rates that cannot be secured by other towns, and that for one thing wa6 an inducement. He did not ask the Club fora bonus all he asked was that he could secure from 40 to bO women and girls to help him in his work. The club as an inducement offer ed to furnish him upstairs rooms for his factory for one year free of charge. They also agreed to can vass the town and find out wheth er or not they would be able to se cure the help and let linn know- at an early date. I'ntil the power is put in, the women and girls will be allowed to take their work home with them and work there. He says at first they may not make more than 50 cents per day but in a few weeks they will be able to earn from $1 to SI.50 per day, owing to the length of time they work and the amount they can accom plish. Mr. Cope says the out look is good and he was favorably im pressed with the city and the bus iness men lie met. The Commer cial Club did what they did to persuade him to establish the fac tory here instead of Fairbnry. We hope the women and gills will be interested in this work and will offer their service that the factory may be located here. Card of Thanks We desire to thank the many friends who so kindly assisted us during our recent bereavement, and for the beautiful floral tributes. Mrs. Elizabeth Leister, Mrs. H. L. Darker, .1. Carl Leister, Henry Leister. C. A. R. SERVICE APPROPRIATE EXERCISES AT THEIR HALL Will Celebrate the One-Hundredth Anniversary of the Birth of Abraham Lincu’iT'. Y ! The G. A. R. s will hold a meeting at their hall tonight and celebrate the one-hundredth anni versary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln. An appropriate address will be delivered by Edwin Fal loon. David Crow' will deliver the Gettysburg address; Winetta Rule, reading; Alice Cleaver will render “Hail Columbia” as a violin solo and Eert Simanton will give the army trumpet calls. Rev. F. Ellsworth will render the invocation. Special music will be rendered. Plenty of seating room has been provided and every arrange ment made for a good time. CAME AT PERU Falls City Girls Went to Peru Fri day Afternoon The girls basket ball team went to Peru Friday to play a return game with that team which in the previous game at this place had been defeated. Principal Hurst had requested that the sec ond game be a strictly “line game,’’but Peru refused to play such game. It was finally agreed alter our girls reached Peru to play the game half one way and half the other. The first half was to suit Peru which was open field which resulted in a score of 17 to 7 in their favor. When our girls called for line in the second half Peru refused to play, and they did not finish the game. At the Gehling A good troop played “Magda'’at the Gehling Thursday night. The leading lady, Hortense Neils1 n, was far better than the average. The crowd was not as large as it should have been, but owing to the fact that there was only a few days to advertise, after it was billed, the house was good. Mana ger Gehling informs us this same troop will appear at the Gehling again before the season closes in an entirely different play. We feel sure every one present was more than pleased Thursday night. Sold Jewelry Store Tom L. Davies has sold his jewelry and music store at Au burn to C. A. Scamman of that city. Mr. and Mrs- Davies will return to this city where they will make their home. MARRIED During the Week There are Sev eral Weddings James Goolsby and Miss Ollie King, both of Rulo were married in this city this week. They have gone to houae keeping on one of Joe Miles' farms north of ! Rulo. I On Wednesday Mrs. Harriett Otto and John P. Walker, both of Verclon were quietly married at the bride’s home in Verdon. The bridal couple have many friends in the county who extend con gratulations. Paul F. Schully and Lydia E. Friedley of Humboldt were quiet ly married during t li e week. Both young people are well known at Humboldt and have a host of friends who extend [congratula tions. Charles Foreaker and [Bertha Spurgin of Salem came to this city Wednesday and were married at the court house by Judge Gagnon. BARN BURNED —._ t James H. Pecht Loses Wood Saw in the Fire About 2 o’clock Saturday morn ing our citizens were awakened by the ringing of the fire bell, and upon reaching the scene of the lire discovered the barn of James H. Pecht to be ablaze. A large crowd arrived and all that could be was done but Mr. Pecht was a heavy loser. He lost his wood saw. feed, and hay but was fortunate enough to save his horses. Prof Hurst III While Prof. E> K. Hurst was returning from Peru, where they played basket ball last Friday evening, he was taken suddenly ill. lie grew steadily worse and on Sunday it was decided by local physicians that an operation would be necessary. So on Mon day he was operated on for ap pendicitis. At this writing he is better,and we are glad to report 'that physi cians say he will speedily recover. District Court The case of Addie Reed vs. Ed Reed for divorce,“granted. The case of Thomas Bowker vs. Drainage District Xo. 1, has at tracted the attention of the court the greater part of the week. It has been warmly contested and at the time ot going to press the jury have been unable to render a verdict. MANY DEATHS SEVERAL DEATHS DURING TMiE PAST WEEK Deaths Are Reported To Us Frorn Rulo Stella, Salem and This City The infant son of Mr and Mrs. Steve Harmon, living in the south part of town died Tuesday of pneumonia. The little one was taken to Dawson for burial. Thomas Randolph died at the home of his cousin. John Ran dolph in Rulo Thursday morning. < )n Wednesday he was enjoying his usual good health and took dinner with a neighbor, but that night he suffered a stroke of par alvsis and lived only until the next morning. The funeral ser vices were held at tlie home Fri day and interment was made in the Rido cemetery. Mrs. Mary Overman died at the home of her daughter Mrs. Frak n at Stella Thursday, Feb. 1. after a long illness. She whb horn in Clark county, Indiana, May Iff, !S1U, in which county she grow to womanhood. < >n December ‘J, l8lo, she wan married to J. L. Overman atld to this union four children were born. In 1852 slip moved to Nemaha county, Neb., living at St. Heroin until the war broke out. The husband going to the army took his family to St. Joe, Mo. Tlifi next 10 years of her life was spent in Missouri and Kansas, removing to Nebtaaka in IH78, to this place where she resided until death came. In her early girlhood she united with the church and hau been a life member. The funeral services were held in the Christian church Saturday at 10:80 a. m. The remains were taken to theStella cemetery. Mrs. James Kelley died at the home of her mother. Mrs. Adams in Salem Wednesday morning, ^he had gone to Salem to see a sister who had been real sick, and while there Mrs. Kelley was takea suddenly ill and when physicians arrived they knew she could not recover She bad been a sufferer from gall stones for many years, and Drs. Green and Geiger of St. Joe were called to perform an operation but when they arrived it was too late to lend any assis tance. Mrs. Kelly leaves two children, and husband,beside a mother and sisters. Mrs. Wm. Oswald of this city is a sister of the deceased and Mrs. Hal StoutTer is a sister to Mrs. Kelly. The funeral will he held today. FINED S50 Cannot Pay Fine, Must Lay it Out in Jail Fred Talbert, a colored mao. from Hiawatha went to the bow'., ing Monday night and stole an overcoat belonging to Mr. Tynan and went on bis way rejoicing. Chief of Police Marts was imme diately notified and the man was soon under arrest. He was tnkeu before Police Judge Spragins and fined $50and cost. Being unable to pay it he was taken to the county jail, to lay out the fine. Change of Firm This week the Hennes Bros, poultry business was sold and here after will be under the name of P. H. Hermes. For many years Mr. Hennes was in business alone but a few years ago, he took his brothers in with him, and again this week he informs us he is the sole proprietor of that institution. Phil is an industrious and ener getic young mau and we are glad to know he will still be identified with our business men.