The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 05, 1909, Image 6
FEEBLE OLD LADY Has Strength Restored By Vinol Mrs, Michael Bloom of Lewlstown, Fa., who Is so years of age, says: ‘ For < long time 1 have been so feeble that have bad to be wheeled around in ar ituvalkl s chair. I had no strength «.d *oK cold at the slightest provoca tion. which Invariably settled on my lungs uid a rough would result. My e.'in learned < ■ the cod liver prep aration! railed Vinol, and procured a t-ottlo for me. It built up my strength rr.pldlv, and after taking three bottles T am able to do most of my work, and 1 can. walk r. quarter of a mile easily. Every aged or weak person who re quires strength should try Vinol. I am relighted with what it has done for me.” As a body builder and strength crea tor for old people, delicate children, weak, run-down persons, and after wtekness, Vlnnt Is unexcelled If it falls to give satisfaction we will re turn your money. 4. G. WANNER, Falls City. Net*. Legal Notice airy Hoyle, will take notice, that on Hie 21st 4 nf January, IWK*. Minnie Hoyle, plaintiff, V -d Ix r petition in the district rmirt of Hielr >t-dson County, Nebraska, against you, the ob :♦ 1 and prayer of which i»etition are to obtain a i- om* from you on the ground that you have * ’bon! u*t canto willfully nlmndoluxl her for ! re than two years last past; that you lining of ■s Miheiit ability to provide a suitable muinten ttii .* :’or her have grv»Msly, wantonly and eruelly i »yloct +\ to do m>f and that you have contributed nothing < taring the last two year* to the support if the issae of said marriage, Hand Hoy le, a minor e.tiid abc*it tbrec years of age. i hr plaintiff prays that she may be divorced Horn yotrand awarded t!»«' permanent custody ■f said itumir child. Youare repaired to answer <*,* «l iH'htiiii on or about tie* Htii day of March. tt«• • Mu cl this .’1st day of January, IWfb Minmi lloyi.K, IHaintitT. 1 K in > Kat l oos , her attorney. .Ml Sot ice to Non-Resident Defendants ■N Fin: DiHTiih r i«0 itr ok i:h h \ 11 HON lOl \ ll m mi \ sk \ 1 Fmierirk, I'laintill 1 - j . n I ltow<'iMi.\ \«1111i11 ► trotor of the Instate of Aunetta M. Yankirk. de eased; Lizzie Yankirk. - lU*rt Yankirk, and * 'o a Bowersox. Defendants '•» non-resident defendants, Alien l. Ih*wet '.•x. Administrator of the estate of Aunetta M Yankirk, late deceased. I.iz/.ie N.mkirk. (iilliert Yankirk. and Cora Howersox you and each of yon will take notice Hint on the HHh day of Jan t . \, A. lb I'.iA*, Mnw's Frederick, plainlilT here in. fill**I in* petition in the District Court of lie hnrdsoti Comity, Nebraska, against you, the -I. I defendants, the object and player <*f which \- to foreclose a certain mortgage exts’iitcd by 0 • ■ \auetta M Yankirk to tlieplaintiff upon tin* f< . lowing describ'd premises: Lot No. ,:i) tlir«*e, iix'k N i Hi six. in lion hum and Bedard » addi* ‘i n to the town of Hub* Proper, liiclianlstm .• unty. Nt'braska, according to the official sur t tberet>f. to secure the payment of a certain v "iiiswtry i»i»ti* dated August 17th, p.His, for H • sum of s.i'ts.iNi .uni due in sixty days after the lid‘’thereof; that there is now tine thereon upon I note ami mortgage the sum of f m*.i)0 w ith !l ‘erest at the late t»f h per Gout |*»r annum from ••aid 17b. day «*f .August. IWN, for which sum w:*h interest, from saitl dale, plaintiff prays for 1 decr«*-x that you, tin* said defendants. Is* re* u .msI Mi pay the ••imii'. or that mul premise** ay tx «* Jd to satisfy the amount found due. You nr 9 required to am wer Haiti petition on or * >re tlu* l-t day • I March, limp. Hod January P. |.x*.i. 1'liKPH’li K. ri.iintiti. Hy John \\u.ihk. Attorney First pubJicuiiou January It.i ■ t : l). S. ricCarthy :: DRAY AND '' TRANSFER :: II jl Prompt HtUMitiou given i' to the removal of bouse* hunt goods, j 1 • , 1‘HONL- NO. 211 ; • I ; ... ; c. h. narson j AUCTION liKR, ^ I ===== 1 £ Sales conducted in S ; scientific and busi- 1 £ nesslike manner | — ■ ~ j J C. h. MARION } .* Halls City, Nebraska ■ EDGAR R. MATHERS DENTIST I SVoces: Nos. 177, 217 Sam'l. Wahl Building F? F>. ROBERTS If)ElF2'FiS'F Office over Kerr's Pharmacy Office Phone 260 Residence Phone 271 DR. C. N. ALLISON JDEl ra'Ff S'F Phone 24y Over Richardson County Bank. FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA Women Work for Lincoln Huge Humane Plant May Live Forever In His Name. $93,000 Already Raised. New York, .Inn, dO. Solely through the « Hurts of it dozen earnest women, more than SUH,000 has since Christmas t me been re ceived toward making the Lincoln hospital and home in this city a perpetual monument to Abraham Lincoln on the hundredth anni versary of his birth. With more than four times that sum still to be added to the half million fund needed for this living memorial, these women managers of the in stitution are now hoping that their project will succeed. Relying on a ready response from the women of the land, as well as from each admirer of the martyred president and friend of the race lie emanci pated. tin y declared today that the measure of the country's offering should only be limited by the ex tent to which their simple story became known. Forty four hundred white and colored patients have in the last year alone occupied the beds of this second largest hospital insti tution in Greater New York, the records show today, while almost a 100,001) days of expert treatment have been furnished free to poor and friendless members of both races alike. In the last ten years more than a million and a half days of five treatment have been given to the needy patients of this institution, which it is proposed to endow to Lincoln’s memory. Twenty-one young colored wo men, trained as nurses according to the la st professional standards, are today leaving the Lincoln hos pital and home to carry on its work in many sections of the coun try. From the training school of the institution at which these girls have just been graduated a hundred such negro nurses have in the last ten years been sent to give the profession and their own people throughout the country the benefit of their experience. With scores of these Lincoln graduates being spread over t h e country year after year, the medical auth orities here believe great good will result in helping solve the problem of national health. Many of the former patients and po-.rei friends of this work, which it is proposed to make live in Lin coln's name, have today volunteer ed to aid the New 'l oik women who have undertaken the direc tion of llit- national memorial movement. Graduate n n r s e s working in the great winter resorts and among the colored people of the south are this week circulating dime coin cases to be tilled, each with a dollar in silver, and return ed to swell the half million dollar tun I on Lincoln’s Birthday. Sub ■’ Headache? 11' it does, you should try I *r. 11 if >" Auli-Pain Pills. \\ h\ uoi do so. They will relievo the pain in .just a tew min utes. Ask your druggist There are 13.000 druggists in the l . 8. Ask auv of them. A package of 23 doses tosis 23 cents. One tablet usually stops a headache. They relieve pain without leaving any disagreeable a ftev-effeets —isn’t that what you want ? “Sly son Frank Snyder has used Dr. Miles' Antt-Patn Pills for a long time. lie never had anything to help him so much for headache. A year ago he came home, and I was down sick with such a dreadful nerv ous headache. He gave me one of the Anti-Pain Pills, and after while I took another and was entirely re lieved. I always keep them In the house now. and gave many away to others suffering with headache.” MUS. l.OUISM I. FWELDTN, Powell, South Dakota. Your druggist sells Dr. Miles’ Anti Pain Pills, and we authorise him to return the price of first package (only) If it fails to benefit you. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind jstautial checks anil bills of all de nominations are already beyinuiny i to be received by Samuel' Sloan who lias been placed in charge of I tile memorial fund at 175 Fifth j Avenue in this city. The com. mitte who have undertaken to ac complish this national Lincoln project are; Miss Mary Booth,Mrs. Arthur James. Mrs. Julliard, Mrs. Henry Stimson, Mrs. Frank Platt, Mrs. Samuel Van Dusen and Mrs. Samuel Sloan, jr. MARKET LETTER From Our Regular Kansas City Stock Yard Correspondent Kansas City Stock Yards, Feb. 1, 10o!b Cattle receipts here last week were .">1,000 head, lightest wt ek this year, and other markets also lightly supplied. The storm came too late in the week to ae 1 count fur the small run, and the most plausible explanation seems to lie that tin re is a general short aye of cattle on feed ready for market. This is Dome out by tin* slim run today at all points. The market last week advanced 10 to 15 cents but the yairi was yranted under strony protest, and trade | lacked the vim and vigor that sel 1 lers like to set*. Packers claim the price is too high for heavy con sumption, Tue average price for beef steel's on the markets for *lau* nary was highest in twenty-five years, ami Ho cents per ewt liiglit r than the average January prices for the last ten years, figures which seem to hear out the contention of the packers. The run here today is 10,000 head, market unevenly higher, tint nothing very choice in beef steers included. Toppy steers i have been selling at$0.d5 to $0.05, j and are higher today than any pre* 1 vions day this year. Bulk of steers ! sell at $5.50 to $6,135, cows at $5 to $5, heifers up to $5.75, bulls $•3,25 to $5, calves S3.50 to $0 5<>. Country buyers paid up to $5.00 last week for heavy feeders, bulk of feeders at $1.75 to $5 10, stock era at $.3.75 to $5 25. Prices on country grades were uneven last week but averaged steady, and are strong today. (Stock cows and heifers were 1 () to 2<> higher last week, sales at $2.50 to SI.00. The hog market made big gains late last week and the market is 5 to 15 higher today, although clos ing sales toflay were weaker. Re ceipts have been running 135 per cent below a year ago at the big markets since the tirst of the year, and although the late advance in ; prices precipitated a campaign of! selling on the provisions market, which caused the weakness today, demand for bogs has been urgent enough to keep the prices going up Heavy hogs sold at $5.40 to $0 55 today, which was 10 cents | higher than on Saturday, medium ! weights $6 20 to S i.5", lights $5.S5 to S<1 55, pigs $1 75 to $5,50. Av erage weight here for January was 202 pounds, same time a year ago, 20) pounds. Sheep aud lambs quit in the ruck last week, after making a| brilliant start the first of the week, j The run is 5*000 head today, and1 the market opened 10 to 20 higher, j Buyers orders were heavy and ! some late purchases today were extremely urgent, and at prices 25 to 40 cents above close of last ; week. Bulk of the lambs today brought $7 50 to S7.70, yearlings $6.00 to St) 50. wethers $5.00 to $5 50. ewes $1.1.55 to $5.10. Feed ing' stock is in demand at strong prices, lambs at $15 to $7. An Exceptional Investment For one person in each coun. ty. Any amount up to $250 will pay most phenomenal dividends annually. Endorsed by best authorities in California. Posi. tive bank proof and extensive circular matter, making fullest investigation possible. Nothing of a staple character ever offer ed that will pay better and few as well. Commission arrange ment also by which with little effort you can more than pay for stock. Citrus Trustee Company, Citizens Bank Building, Los Angeles. 5-41 MW w mMW WWWvMWWUWtotetfWWWWVU WMWWmUWUWWWWWVMMWW WW4 file Falls City Roller Mills Does a general milling business, and manufactures the following brands of flour SUNFLOWER MAGNOLIA CROWN The above brands are guaranteed to be of the highest pos sible quality. We also manufacture all mill products and conduct a general Grain, Live Stock and Coal Business and solicit a share of your patronage P. S. Heacock & Son Falls City, Nebr. I will sell at Public Sale at my residence, three (3) miles west of Rulo on Thursday, Feb. 11 Sale to commence at 10 o’clock, the following described property: 9 Head of Horses 9 Consisting of one 5-yr. old mare; one 10=yr. old black horse; one ll=yr. old bay horse; one suckling mare colt; one 3=year old horse; one suckling colt; two 2=yr. old sorrel colts; one 3=yr. old horse and one suckling colt. Consisting of three Cows, one fresh; one heifer coining 3 yrs. old; four calves, one steer and three heifer calves. 29 Good Shoats 29 Farm Implements Consisting of one riding plow, one riding lister, one disc harrow, one rid ing cultivator, one double-row go-devil, one end-gate seeder, one lumber wagon, one single seat buggy, two sets work harness—one new, one set single harness, one set fly nets, 200 hedge posts, also household goods. Terms of Sale All sums of $10 and under, cash. On sums over that amount a credit of 8 months will be given, purchaser to give bankable note. If not paid when due 6% interest will be charged. 3% off for cash. J0HNCM00N^l0ci«k,C< CHRISTIAN BOLLER