The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 05, 1909, Image 5

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A'hat Ycur Friends and Their
Friends Have Been Doing the
Past Week.
Eat Sowles Candy.
Dr. Wilson, Wahl’s building.
John Gilligan spent Wednesday
in St. Joe.
—Buy your Red Seal Hour at
Heck's feed store. 3*3t
Dr. Tefft, Dentist, Maddox block,
opposite court house.
Ike Lyons returned this week
from a trip through Colorado.
Mrs. Linn Barnes of Salem was
a business visitor here Tuesday.
Henrv Funk was down from
Humboldt looking after business
John Benedict and wife of Ver
don spent a few days in the city
with relatives.
J. II. Meyers of Denver is visit
ing at tne home of John Hoppe
and wife in this city.
Joe O’Grady and Mr. Riley of
Dawson were business visitors in
this city Wednesday.
Misses Nelle Cain and Nellie
Snyder spent a part of the week
n Hiawatha with friends.
Mrs. Lary’ Dore returned to her
home in Omaha Saturday after
spending three weeks with rela
tives here.
Mrs. T. Courtright who is em
ployed in this city spent Sunday
in Preston with her mother, Mrs.
Ed Reiger.
Jas. Sinclair and wife were up
from Preston Wednesday. They
were guests at the home of Mrs.
Margery Grant.
Mel Hershey who spent a few
Jays with his children and other
relatives in this city returned to
Hastings Friday.
Misses May Maddox and Bessie
Arnold spent Sunday in St. Joe.
They returned on the night train
and report a pleasant time.
Guy Wahl came in with the
blizzard from Summerfield, Ks.,
the latter part of the week, where
he has been at work with a bridge
Mrs. Margery Grant returned
Sunday from Dayton, New Mex
ico, where she spent three weeks
with her daughter, Mrs. T.
Henry Wolfe came down from
Omaha and spent Sunday with
his wife in this city. He is em
ployed at the Burwood theater at
that place.
V. G. Lyford left the latter
part of last week for New York
where he will spend a few weeks
selecting a new-line of spring and
summer goods.
Mrs. Noah Peck returned to
her home in the county the first
of the week after spending some
time in the city caring tor her
mother, Mrs. John Yocam.
Word was received yesterday’
from the Korner party that they
have reached Jacksonville, Flor
ida and that they found all the
dowers and gardens badly frozen.
By orders of the mayor a team
was kept harnessed all night,
while the wind was so bad. In
case fire should break out they
would be ready to make the run.
Mrs. Jess Whetstine of Wash
ington, Kansas, arrived Monday
and will spend a week at the
home of Chas. Whetstine helping
care for Jessie Margaret who has
been suffering from pneumonia.
Miss Daisy Shaffer of Wood
River, Neb., who has been visit*
ing at the home of her grand*
father, Stephen Prior, left Mon
day tor Shubert, to attend the
wedding of hercousin, Irvin Shaf
fer to Mearl Weddle, on Tuesday
Having severed my connection
with the firm of Wirth & Winter
bottom, I wish to thank the pub
lic for the liberal patronage ex
tended to the old firm and ask the
continuance of their patronage
for the new firm.
It is said that a colored boy of
Hiawatha married a white girl
from Humboldt, Neb., some time
ago, and in partnership with
another colored Hiawatha
man has been conducting - lot Vi- i
es cleaning establishment Hor
ton and Robinson. The tuple
are now in Hiawatha. .. the
laws of Kansas do not for' 3 such
marriages, the couple anno! be
molested if they behave them
Notice is hereby giver, that the
old firm of Wirtli A Winterbottom
was dissolved on Jan. 27. I 0'<
All outstanding accounts are par
able to J. W. Winterbolt m. and
all outstanding liabilities are pay
able by the new firm. For a
short time the account- nbe
iu the hands of the r.t rm for
collection. :-2t
Mrs. Grant Hollowei rned
the first of the week U :er h me
in Ilaciatn, Kas. She en: ev
eral days in this city w tb her
brother, Chas. n d
helped care for Jessie Margaret;
who has been very ill.
Miss Xetta Camblin re.t ved
the sack of flour at_ the Lyric
Thursdaj night. This .s the
second time in the past month
that the Bon Bon sa:k of hour
has been sent to the Mb e J the
Register of Deeds
Mrs. Ben Foster ret. rmM the
latter part of the week rom a
several weeks visit with her
daughter Mrs. FI lie Seeder at
Indianapolis, Ind. She report1
Mrs. Snyder to be mu:h better at
this writing.
The Royal Neighbor!! h a d
charge of the Electric theater
Friday and Saturday night. More
than 300 people attended and the
lodge people feel wel’ j a d for
the effort put forth,
Ewing Herbert of tne Hinwa
tha World, has been sick the past
wpek He was forced to decline
the invitation to be present as a
speaker at the Kansas Fay ban
quet in Chicago.
Charles Breithaupt and j
left Sunday for Kansas City. From !
there they’ will visit Mt Breit
haupt’s mother in Kansas. They
expect to be gone ah > t week.
Ed Yoesel made a trip to Be a- i
trice Saturday. He went to place
an order for Hempsti vendee.. s.
Since the recent stor • thev are
in demand.
Mrs. F. W. Saylor and Mrs. C.
W. Kimmel of Morrill were visi
tors here Monday. The former
visited her sister. Mrs ’ohn
Jack Joy of Houston, Texas,ar
rived in this city Tuesday on a
visit to his sister Mrs.Ben Poteet.
This is his first visit here in 23
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Frakes
came down from Nebraska City
and spent Sunday at the home of
the latter’s mother, Mrs. Wm.
Mrs. A. J. Edwards returned to
her home in Humboldt the latter
part of the week after visiting
her soil L. C. Edward1 in this
School opened again at the
Business College Monday after
being closed a few days on ac
count of the death of J.C.Leister.
Mrs. Ernest Bode of Sterling
spent a short time the first of the
week in this city visiting her
many old friends.
Mrs. John Hossack returned
Tuesday from a short visit to her
daughter, Mrs. W. C. Sloan and
family at Verdon
Mrs. Allen D, May and little
son Edgar Wylie,came down from
Auburn Monday to remain several
Harry McConnell of Humboldt
was in the city Monday, a guest
at the home of Dr. M. L. Wilson.
Mrs. Harry Jenne and Miss
Carrie Slocum are in Kansas City
this week visiting friends.
Chas. Hoppe of Preston was a
business visitor here Saturday.
Chris Shelly and Henry Peiger
were up from Preston Monday.
A baby boy arrived at the home
of T. J- McDonald Sunday.
Mary Jenkins spent Sunday in
Steve Miles was a Eulo visitor
Ambrose Parsons of Verdon
spent Tuesday in the vity.
Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Simmons
were here from Salem Tuesday.
Supt E E- Tobie was a busi
ness visitor to Kansas City Sat
Mrs. Dallas Yoder was the j,ruest
of her parents in Verdon tins
Doll Whitaker took a number
of land seekers to Texas with him
Mrs. E. E. Marr is in Elm
Wood this week visiting relatives
and friends.
Mrs. George Laurenceot Salem
was the guest of her cousin. Dr.
Laurence, Tuesday.
The Degree of Honor kensing
ton will meet with Mrs. Gus
N'eit/.el this afternoon.
Misses Lizzie and Nora Kelly
erne down from Verdon Tuesday
md did some shopping.
Gus Schlosser will spend some
time in Dawson, where he has a
rontract for a large building.
J. C. Ouinn returned to Omaha
the first of the week after visit
ng at the home of Jerry Kanaly.
II. F.Hillebrandt who has been
a guest at the Cade home, return
ed to his home in Osborne, Ks.,
the first of the week
The Missouri Pacific depot at
Lien Rock, a little town near Au
burn. burned Saturday and four
box cars were also consumed.
Milton Bohrer spent a portion
of the week in Davenport, Neb ,
where he was awarded a con
tract for a brick school house.
The Humboldt basket ball team
passed through this city Monday
enroute to Peru where they play
ed the Normal team that night.
Mr. and Mrs. August Mitchell
of Wymore spent a part of the
week in the city at xhe home of
the latters’ parents, Pete Lore
and wife.
Mr. and Mrs. George Albright
left Sunday for Tecumseh where
they were called by the death of
the latter’s brother-in-law, Clum
F. G. Sutter and wife of Ge
neva are stopping at the Lindell
hotel in this city. The former is
taking treatment from Dr. Miner
for siatic rheumatism.
Mr. and Mrs. George Piper,
who have been visiting at the
home of the latter s mother, Mrs.
Carrie Schaible, left Monday for
their home in Topeka, Kans.
Pecht & Schuler returned Wed
nesday night from Kulo with their
wood saw-. They have made sev
eral trips there lately. On this
trip they sawed more than 100
cords of wood.
Mrs. Verne Sears was in Shu
bert last w’eek called there by the
sickness and death of her father,
John Chester. She returned home
the first of the w'eek and is very
ill at her home.
.Vhile out on his route, Satur
day a St. Joe mail carrier met
with a serious accident. The
coupling of the wagon broke and
the w’agon was over turned and
the coal oil heater in the wagon
set the contents on fire. Most of
the mail was destroyed.
Falls City lias a daily paper no
better than The World—possibly
not so good. The townspeople
and the country people are stand
ing by it and boosting it. The
Daily World is sent out on rural
routes and delivered in town.
1,200 copies are printed each day.
More people get the daily than
get any other paper in Hiawatha
except the Weekly World. Hia
watha World.
Dickinson County Farms For Sale
Come direct to us and get half
of the commission. We have
quit paying gratters and real es
tate peddlers and give the buyer
the benefit. Write for our book
let and plan. We have been
here thirty years and will give
you a square deal.
R. G. Tonkin,
8-41 Abilene, Kan.
There were two splendid audi
ences at the Christian church Sun
day and eight new members were
added, four by letter and four by;
confession. The sermon next
Sunday morning will be “Grow**
ing; lluildingand Increasing. ' In
the evening the sermon will be
illustrated on the subject “The |
Fall and Restoration of Man.",
There will be baptismal services |
at the close of the services at j
night. A cordial welcome. Come!
and bring your friends.
At a meeting of the lktildingj
iV Loan Association the following
officers were elected for the ensu*
ing year: George Fallstead, pres
ident; 1*. 11. Weaver, vice presi
dent; W" II. Schmclzel, secre
tary; W. A. Greenwald, treas
Mrs. II. K Smith and two chil
dren spent a few days in this city
with the former's sister, Mrs. V.
Sears. They were on their way
from Shubert, where they had
been called by the death of Mr.
Chester, to their home m Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Neilson
wish to express their thanks to
the many kind friends and neigh
bors who did all in their power to
lessen their grief and to assist in
every way during the sickness and
death of their mother.
Mrs. Kli/.abeth I’earscn of Ak
ron, Ohio, is visiting at the home
of her brother, John Jones. She
has many old acquaintances here
as this was her home a number
of years ago.
Rev. W. 11. Alexander of Lin
coln spent a short time in the city
Wednesday with friends. A few
years ago lie was pastor of the
Methodist church of this city.
Dirk Sutorius of Humboldt
spent a portion of the week in the
city. He was interested in mat
ters before the district court.
Richard Ilaggar and Harry
Redman went to Table Rock Wed
nesday, where they will put up a
steel tank for the C. 11. & <«>•
Abe Liberty of Rulo was in the
city Monday enroute to Hiawatha,
where he was called by the seri
ous illness of his father.
Judge W. II. Kelligar came
down from Auburn Wednesday.
He was interested in the work of
the District court.
Roy Mettz, who has been visit
ing his uncles, John and Jim
Powell, returned Sunday to his
home in Sabetha
George Fallstead left for the
Panhandle, Texas, country Tues
day, accompanied by a number of
land seekers.
John Terbush left Wednesday
for Enid, Oklahoma, where he
will superintend the erection of a
steel bridge.
John Rothenberg of Dawson
has purchased a residence in this
city and will move here in the
near future.
I. E. Smith of Humboldt was
in the city the first of the week
where he was interested in court
Mrs. Sophia Gunn and Miss
Amelia Gehling were business
visitors in Kansas City during the
The repairs on the new water
tower are now completed and the
same is now as tight as a drum.
L. H. Rohmeyer, editor of the
German paper was down from
Auburn Wednesday.
Miss Gertrude Lyford came
down irom Lincoln and spent
Sunday at home.
R. R. Rule was a lucky hunter
Monday. He returned from his
trip with a wolf.
Harry Craig and Ralph Simp*
son were visitors in Salem Tues
day evening.
Conrad Gerdes and wife of Iia
rada are the proud parents of a
baby girl.
Otto Krdman’s daughter is suf
fering from an attack of pneu
Calvert Edwards was down from
Humboldt the first ot the week.
Blaine Yoder spent a part of
the week in Kansas City.
Buy your Red Seal flour at
Heck’s feed store. 3-3t
Grapes give^^^j
the chief ingredienic,
the active principle,
and healt hfulness, to |fe:r=
bjolulelyr Pure
"Insures wholesome and deli
cious food for every da
in every home
No Phonphateu
No Alum
Tuesday, Feb. 16th
Forty Head Registered
Aberdeen Angus
Five Bulls, 8 to 13 months old ; Ten Heifers,
yearlings ; Five Heifers, Twenty Cows
125 head of Cattle, representing the following families from
which we select forty
Easter Tulloch Duch
Nellie of Craighead
Bloomer of Cardeston
Kinochtry Bluebelle
Drumin Lucy
Rothmay Georgina
Kinochtry Favorite
Lady Haddo
Grace of Westside
Easter Tulloch Prim.
Jaquenetta Drumi
nor Duchess
Queen Mother
Pride of Aberdeen
Mabel of Drumln
Rose of Wcstside
Car fare 100 miles and return to purchaser of one
or more head of cattle
7 Head Angus Steers
Free conveyance to farm from 10 o'clock to II o'clock on morning
of sale to inspect the herd I am keeping. The State Agricultural
Farm selected their prospective show steer from our herd this year.
At my first Angus sale our average was 5137 50. We have a better
herd to-day. At that sale one cow With offspring 17 in number,
brought $1,630 in 8 years, after selling all males of servicable age.
Cash or bankable note. Please bring reterence
M. W. Harding
J. C. Marshall & Son
1 COL F. M. WOODS. Lincoln. Neb.
Assisted by Cols. Walter Albright Clerk
Frank Wilson and Jake Snethen H E BOYD
Tea Special
A Japanese Clip and Saucer Fret- with
a pound of tea. See them in our north
window, A big line of New Glassware
iust in. Big ( dass Bowls from ten cents
up. Four-piece Table Sets, Berry Sets,
etc., on sale at j
Chas. M. Wilson’s
in the matter of care for your teeth. But
we can’t do you any good unless you call
upon us, have your teeth examined (that
costs nothing) and take our advice. The
k short of it is that, you should visit - and
■ do yourself and teeth a favor.
' BERT WINDLE, D. D. S., Aselgtant
Falls City, Nebraska