Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1909)
240 acres well improved, If miles from Depot in Kas. Good spring. Best of terms. Will take H ~, | _ 40 acres as part payment, balance loiig time at low interest. B^l B 1^1 200 acres miles from depot, Kichardson county, Nebraska. Good buildings and land. Will 1^^ III II I I I I ■ I I ^B^^ B B B B B B B B B 160 acres upland, 1 mile from depot. Kichardson county, Nebraska. $12,000 160 acres Johnson county, Nebraska 80 rods to church and school. Best of terms. Might rent. ™-****.,. ^ 107 acres near Brownvilie, Nebraska. II Ik 4 IT*\ 8 II jfts. I 80 acres J4-mile from Falls City high school. I I I II 040 acres, $8,000 improvements Also 640 acres adjoining. Will take BiOacres as part payment. ^PB^k I ^PB^B I A No. Money to loan Vc J V-____ The County in General The “Doings” of our Country Friends and Neighbors. RULO A Osburn whs h St. Joe visitor Friday. Tom Calvert of Chicago was here W ednesday. John McClellan was a Fall* City visi tor Monday. Albert Anderson of Wymore was here Saturday. Al Ooerner was down from Falls City Friday night ,’oe Butrick of Fortesetie visited friends ltere Sunday. Mrs. Boerner ami twins worcJFalls City visitors Sunday. Charles Cessno of White Cloud was n visitor here Friday. Miss Corine l’artlow of Kansas is the guest of friends here. John Krusor of Craig, Mo . was a visitor here Saturday. Win. Carieo and wife of Falls City visited here last. week. Si Bunker of Forfeseuo wn~ a visitor here one day last week. Frank and I,em Coglilll returned from Fortesetie last week Vaughn MeVev of Fails City spent Sunday with friends here. Harry Coo'.shy is quite siea with symptom* of typhoid fever. Mrs. Wells arrived from Kansas City to visit relatives last week K. C. Walbridge of Table Iloek was » business visitor here Friday. l.dna Murphy of Falls City attended the dance here Friday night W. H. Spicer of Bolview is visiting tils daughters here this week. Henry Cesser of Nebraska City visi ted his brother here this week Jones Hilyer and wife of Ileserve visited relatives here last week Mrs. i'.mma MeVev and son Kd re turned Saturday from Hiawatha. Green Goolsby and little daughter • pent Sunday with relatives inMissouri. Humphrey l’eekinpaugh and wife of Rtawa' lia were visiting here this week. Hurry Butcher of Independence,Mo . '"idled friends here first of the week Mr McCoy of Cruig, Mo., furnished music for the nance here Friday night. Grandma McWain is quite poorly having had the second stroke .if para \asis, Mrs Cvuthia Boerner and children are visiting relatives in Missouri this week. August Johnson returned Sunday Iro " a visit with hi< family at Neb raska i itv. Fred Mai«h has opened a hiwling a ey 'ii 'I e room once used as t'.viocn It r - eroe**n >' hi r. I a- Clinton Bemedy Co. commenced it « ' ils prrftu iti.tin't* in the* opera Inn's M"ii iiij night w Dai L.i! k li i.i .t 'ilt* Saturday , Tiling' to ii lor h go. d pi ice, Col. Marion wa> Hu* auction t r \V .1. Ki nnely who Ini' boon work tug on the M. I church hone returned I;is home In L.ti coin Tuesday. Mrs. Craig returoeil to her home near North Burrow, Iowa. Tuesday niter an extended vis t with friends here. Bode and Blaim Anderson and Wil bur and Floyd Long went to Council Bluffs Saturday to attend the funeral «f a relative. Ftie Ladies Aid Society served luneh at Batekins sale Saturday clearing $14, while three little girls collected $7 for the church bell. Mr. Johnson and wife are visiting their daughter Mrs. Henry Uav this week. Mr and Mrs. Hay are the proud parents of a '< pound son. D. Larabee spent part of the week helping bis brother move from Craig to Preston where he will work tor the Margrave Mercantile Co. Friday nignt a number of the young people went to the Vetter lake to skate. Myrtle Harrison skated into a barbed wire fence, which threw her down cutting a gash under her chin to the bone. Dr. Henderson dressed the wound which took three stitches to close, and she is getting along nicely. There is no ease on record of a cough • cold or lagrippe developing into pneu monia after Foiey’s Honey and Tar has been taken, as it cures the most obstinate deep seated coughs and colds. Why take anything else. Kerr's Pharmacy. SHUBERT I), ''pickier of Uarada was here last week, Mr*. Hranin spent last week with j relatives at Uarada Mrs Weddle whose health has been poorly is improving. <' A. Lord was a business visitor at Falls City Wednesday. Miss Fdlth Hill was the guest of friends at Nemaha last we 'k. John Jones and wife of McCook left Friday after a visit with relatives here. Mrs. Peterson of Falls City and F. Parrott visited relatives here Thurs day. M.H. Taylor and A. L. Shubert were visitors at Burehard during the week. Mr. Palmer and family of Souiers vi I It*, Mo., visited relatives here re cently. Joe Shubert and family now occupy .the Hranin property in the north part of town. Hiram Stotts who has been visiting in South Pnkota returned home during the week. Herman Uucie uud family moved to the country this week where he will work for ills brother. F. M. Oathout returned Thursday from Seotts UlufTs where he was called by the death of his brother, John Shubert and Mesdamcs Speece and Burson of Ord returned home Wednesday after a visit tiere Mr. Shubert will go from Ord to his home in Idaho. Mrs. Simon Leeks met with an aeel 0 dent Tuesday which mignt have prov ed fatal. While cooking around the stove in some manner her dress eaught lire and before tiie flames were extin guished she was badly burned, but under the doctors care is doing nicely. FARGO Mr. Crumps is quite ill ut this writ j lug. (Men Hogrefe is visiting relatives here. Jackson Brinegar was on our streets recently. Mrs. Oils Hernster is very ill at this writing. Fi nest Koelher was a Uulo visitor recently. Mrs. Wright was shopping here Sat unlay • Will Frederick was a county seat visitor recently. Charles McCoy of Missouri was in this vicinity lately Miss Craee lviinuolph was a Falls City visitor Saturday. Bill Sttvcker of near Uarada was in this vicinity recently. Kate Nil/.sche ami Anna Musou were Uulo shoppers Saturday. <Juite h number of our people intrud ed the dance at Uulo Friday night. Conrad Thomas of Ft. Ha/el was j looking after business here Saturday, j John Krusor ami wife were here from Craig, Mo., visiting relatives last! week. Mr. Minimise of near Kansas was visiting friends in this vicinity last week. Bill ('ongs and Mr Wilson came over from Missouri Saturday and -pent the day in this city. There was a dance given at the Red man hall Saturday night. A large crowd was in .attendance and a good time is reported. A birthday surprise party was given at the home of Kd Durfee in honor of Kd Durfee, jr.. Monday night. A large crowd wus present and a good time re ported. The ice men are getting busy with their harvest this week. The ico is about 10 inches thick and if the weath ; er continues cold the ice house will be i tilled with the best ice that has been harvested for some time. Mrs. J. M. Jackson died her home near Fargo on Wednesday. She was 45 years of age, and leaves a husband, I one daughter, a son and a sister, Mrs. Wm. Bach to mourn her loss. Funeral services were held from the home at 9 o'clock Sunday morning and the re mains were taken to Hiawatha for burial. PERU NORMAL NOTES Many of the students have finished their work and are going out all over the state to teach. Thomas Darnell, attorney for the anti-saloon league, gave an interesting talk at the M. E. church on the famous Haywood trial John Oswald, photographer of Kails City was here last week looking after tin* iiiteroi.t of the pictures for the Senior annual. M iss Clatre McDermet of Salem has been compelled to discontinue her school work here because of the deuth of her mother. Miss Wilma Cline, formerly of Kails City, now of Kairbury, has been chosen to assi-t in the department of expres sion at the Normal. I'res. Howie, president of the Ne braska Athletic Association went to Lincoln last week to arrange schedules for baseball next spring. The way in which scenes in Macbeth were presented by the dramatic club lust week shows that they have been putting diligent and earnest practice upon their work. Prof, Gregg has gone to Chicago to further his education along psychologi cal lines. Mrs. Gregg and children will visit relatives in Ohio during his stay at college. They will return to Peru next summer. Miss Eleanor Lully gave an interest ing talk at conference of the practice, teachers Monday. She told of the management of schools in England that she had visited. The seuiors learned that the students in England also had to write lesson plans and they extend to them their deepest sympathy. The great marvel of radium, liquid air and wireless telegraphy were clear ly demonstrated by Prof. Patty in the Normal chapel last Saturday evening. The marvelous feats were more start ling than those of famed magicians, According lo his estimation, aO years hence all that the farmers will have to do is topless the button and his ma chinery will be set in motion. Memborsofthe Normal are pleased to iearn that Jesse Hnrris, who was in jursd a few weeks ago at Falls City, is improving. The Senior class sent Pres. Moore and Glenn Jenkins to visit Mr. Harris. They also took with them a Moral offering. This action is to he highly commended. Too often we wait until the recipient lias passed to the great beyond and then heap Mowers upon their grave. Last Friday evening oecured two great ball games of the season. .Second girls team of the Normal vs. Nebraska City high school met on the lield of basket hall, the Normal girls carrying oil the laurels. The faculty hoys vs. senior men engaged in an indoor base ball game. The senior men were vic torious by a small score but this defeat is somewhat to be overlooked because some of the hoys of the faculty are get ting old and still. The Senior anuuiil is to be called The Perivian Yol. i I. and is to be deoi oated to .1 M. McKenzie, the first, president of the Peru Normal. He was the first person who stamped the educational taste upon the minds of the people and the first to give them an inspiration fot* intellectual advance tuent. He has always shown an in tense interest in the Peru Normal and is now writing a book of the history of the school at this place. It is for these reasons that the annual was dedicated to him. Simple Remedy for LaCrippe Hacking lagrippe coughs that may develop into pneumonia over night are quickly cured by Foley's Honey and Tar. The sore and inllamed lungs are healed and strengthened, and a dan gerous condition is quickly averted. Take only Foley’s Honey and Tar in yellow package. Kerr's Pharmacy. »+ MM I HI I ♦ I llllll.. :: l). S. ricCarthy | :: ID RAY AN1D ;; ;; TRANSFER ;; ! I Prompt attention given ' ' ! j to the removal of house- ’ J ! ' hold goods. J [ :: phone no. 211 ■ “HttHI HWHH II I I I I ; n* VERDON. Krtle Ham of Stella was here Friday. Mr?. Sturms of Straussville was here Friday. A. K. Stout of Auburn was here Monday. Rev. Rowan returned from fliawatha Monday. Miss McCray was a Stella visitor Saturday. Dr. Griffith of Falls City was here Wednesday. Florence 1 udd was here from Raw son Thursday. Clarence Clark came up from Kansas City Tuesday. W. F. Veach returned Iroitt Kansas City Thursday. Sheriff Fenton wa? up from Falls City Wednesday. C. A vers and W. S. Byerly went to Nemaha Sunday. Mrs. Veal and daughter returned from Salem Sunday. Edna Parsons of Peru visited home folks the past week. Mr. McDermett and children of Sa lem spent Sunday here. J. C. Ayers and wife went the coun ty seat Monday In their auto. J. C. Ayers and Mr. Smith were county seat visitors Thursday. Rev. Lehman and Pheneas Fisher of were here from Straussville Friday. Mrs. John Walker and children of Falls City were visiting relatives here Sunday. Henry Fisher bought the dray line of \Vm. Cook last week and took pos session Monday. Mrs. Dallas Voder and Elmo Cook were up from Falls City Friday to at tend the funeral of their grandfather. Minnie Boyle and Cora Swisegood returned from Lincoln Wednesday where the latter had been taking medical treatment. The window drapery at the Verdon Mercantile Co’s, store caught fire Sat urday but the blaze was extinguished before much damage was done. BARADA Neil Piersol was in Nemaha last week. W. S. McGowan was in Shubert Saturday. Eliram Stotts was over from Shubert Thursday. Cecil Elder is visiting her sister near Falls City. Clabe Ransom of Illinois is visiting relatives here. Levi Frederick visited the county seat on Friday. Mrs. Martin and Hattie Lilly were Shubert visitors Monday. Galen Elder this week moved into the Schulenburg property. Mahlon Cline has moved onto the Mount farm north of town. Henry Siemering and H. J. Kuker were Falls City visitors Wednesday. Will McGowan and lady took in the theatre in Falls City Monday night. Mrs. James Stephenson visited last week witi. her daughter in Falls City. Mrs. Emma Siemering returned Sunday from St. Joe much improved' in health. I. H. Warren went to Medicine Lodge, Kansas, Saturday where tie ex pects to make his home, John Martin who is spending the winter with his sons here returned Sat urday from a visit in Iowa. I). K. Burgess was called to Alexan der. Mo., by the serious illness of his brother resulting from typhoid fever. Joseph Johnson of Dawson was here and announced his intention of return ing to Buruda as soon as lie could lind a location, Will Bridgeman and wife left Tues day for the vicinity of Verdon where they will make their home for the com ing season. Miss Ruth Boos was surprised on Tuesday evening by the gathering of a large number of her friends at her home to help her celebrate her 17th ! birthday. All report a very pleasant | time. Many little lives have been saved by Foley’s Honey and Tar, for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough. It is the only safe remedy for infants and children as it contains no opiates or other narcotic drugs, and children like Foley's Honey and Tar. Careful mothers keep a bottle in the house. Refuse substitutes. Kerr's Pharmacy. STELLA Mr. Yoder of Lincoln was here Sun day. Art Bronson of Verdon was here this week J. C. Higgins of Shubert was here | Saturday. Prof. Kindis: of Nemaha was here : Wednesday. Theo. Schulz visited in Brownville the past week. C. E. Hill of Dawson visited friends here Saturday. J. C. Robb of Lincoln was here Mon day on business, Mrs. Ot*o of Verdon visited rela tives here Sunday. C. D. Kelso of west of Howe brought hoais here recently. Arthur Allen of Auburn was here Saturday ou business. W. F. Leslie of Shubert was here Thursday on business John Tighe of Humboldt was a visi tor riere me past week. M. Shatter broke three rib» this week by falling from a 1 av rack. John Mann of Brownvillo visited friends here the past week. Mrs. Cain went to Kansas City the past week to visit relatives. VI. Barstler sold his land near Her man the past week lor $12,500. Rev. Ogden of Bethany preached at the Christian church Sunday. James McFarland of Falls City was here on business the past week. W. H. Wheeler sold .'120 acres of Kansas land last week for $9000. Ur. Montgomery and wife returned from to New Mexico the past week. N. W. Pugh smashed his foot by let ting a cake of ice fall on it this week. W. D. Easley of Kansas City spent the past week here visiting relatives. D. D. Davis of near Nemaha sold a bunch of steers to the buyers here last week. Rev. Gould pastor of the M. E j church is holding meetings in Shubertj this week. Lou Slama of Humboldt and J. T. ; Left’ went to Shubert Monday in an automobile. M. II. Vandeventer and A. Tynan I were called to Auburn Tuesday on the Hoover case. J. Q. Hopper left for Kansas Wed nesday where he will complete his building on his farm. Word came to us Monday that two of C. E. Lambert's children were ill with pneumonia fever. Tiie Ladies Aid Society of the Luth eran church had an all days meeting at the home of Mrs.ReimersThursday. F. M. Hinkle put up ice the past week. Reimers Bros, put up 700,OtiO pounds and have room for .'10 tons more. At a meeting of the township board the past week H. V. Davis resigned the clerkship and Jason Timejman was appointed to till vacancy. Walter Radinsky who has been em ployed in a store here for the past year left Saturday for Iowa. He yisited a sister in Falls City before leaving. J. H. Miller of Tecumseh took away 10 fine horses from this place Friday. A. L. Bright sold a team for $1175 and J. L. Coleriek sold a horse for $1110. J. W. Summer who went to the sol diers home at Leavenworth, returned to this place last week saying he had enough of the home. He went from hereto Aubirn where he is visiting his sister. H. D. Weller an early resident of this section suffered a stroke of paraly sis Sunday night. While his condition is serious yet he is not believed to bo dangerous unless another attack comes on. His son Ralph came down from Omaha Sunday and brought a nurse to attend his father If you will take Foley's Orino Laxa tive until the b.iwels become regular you will not have to take purgatives constantly, as Foley's Orino Laxative positively cures chronic constipation and sluggish liver. Pleasant to lake. Kerr’s Pharmacy. Legal Notice Harry Hoyle, will take notice, that on the -1st day of January, 1909, Minnie Hoyle, plaintiff, filed her petition in the district court of Itich ardson ('minty. Nebraska, against yon, the ob ject ami prayer of which petition are to obtain a divorce from you on the ground that you have without list cause willfully abandoned her for more than two years hist past; that you being of sufficient ability to provide a statable mainten ance for her have grossly, wantonly and cruelly neglected to do so. and that you have contributed nothing during the Iasi two years to tin* support of the issue of said marriage. Basil Boyle, a minor child about three years of age. The plaintiff prays that sin* may lx* divorced from you and awarded the permanent custody of said minor child. You are required to answer said petition oil or about the 8th day of March. 199M. Dated this ’1st day of January, 1W, Minnik Hoylk. Plaintiff. By Edwin Falloon, her attorney. J-4t OHIO. The little son of Ed Kimmel is sick George Sturms is laid up with a lame back. Win. Dragoo who has been ill, is im proving. Born to E. D. Shatter and wife a son on January ltt. Daisy Peck has returned from her visit at Navarre, Ks. Born to Wm. Strecker and wife a daughter January 12. Delos Spickler and wife of Barada. visited with friends here Thursday. Mr. Osborn and wife of Altoona, Ks. visited in ibis vicinity last week wita friends. Mrs. Chas. Stump and baby went to Piattsmonth to spend a few days with her husband. Grace McManus is quite ill at Mrs. N. Peck’s and her mother of Falls City is caring for her. Mrs. George Peek and daughter Edith went to Oklahoma to spend the winter with relatives. Will ^trayer and wife of uhe western part of the state are visiting relatives in and near Falls City. Mrs. Noah Peek is in Falls City ear ing for her mother who is seriously sick with pneumonia fever. Ralph Nelson of Shickley and Mabei Sailors of Barada were married Wed nesday at the court house. They left for Shieklev the same day. They were given a shower of rice by some of their friends as they left on the train. Guy Lichty and wife returned home Saturday from their visit in various points in Missouri and on Saturday evening they were given a surprise by many' of their friends. A glorious time was reported. Refreshments were served. O E. S. Installation A very delightful session of Falls City chapter of the O. E- S. was held in the Masonic lodge room on Tuesday night. Miss Mary Freese of Verdon was pres ent and received instruction and initiation into the mysteries of' the order. Every meeting night there is work for this degree team and the lodge seems to be pros pering quite satisfactorily. Dr. and Mrs. Bailey and the Misses Hoff of Chicago who are visiting at the home ef their parents J. A. Hill and wife, were among the visitors present- At the close of the session the tables were spread and an elegant supper was served which contributed to the making of a very delightful evening for all who were present Give Me Your Order for Coal and Wood. Home Grown Potatoes at 75c per bushel. Red Seal Flour. Buckwheat and Graham Flour. Wisconsin Rye Flour. Rock Salt, Barrel Salt, Sack Salt--any size Oil Meal. Tankage. Cider Vinegar at 25c pergallon Gasoline at 20c per gallon. Coal Oil at 15c per gallon. I pay cash for Poultry and Eggs Highest Market Price paid for Hides and Furs. Don't forget me when in need of Coal and Wood. C. A. HECK DR. C. N. ALLISON DENTIST Phone 2t* Over Richardson County Bank. FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA