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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1909)
THE LOCAL LORE HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME. What Your Friends and Their Friends Have Been Doing the Past Week. — Eat Sowles Candy. Dr. Wilson, Wahl’s building. Donald McCoy went to St. Joe Sunday evening Dr. Tefft, Dentist. Maddox block opposite court house. A1 Kroh of Verdon was a bus* ness visitor in this city Saturday. Mrs. Jones of Omaha is visit .ng her sister. Mrs. John Young. Roy Swisegood of Verdon was a business visitor here Saturday. A baby boy arrived at the home of Ray Johnson near Salem Sun day. Florence Judd of Dawson will Mart a tailoring school in tlie Miller building, Mrs. C. F, Vaught of this city spent a part of the week with Mrs. J. A. Vaught and Miss Car rie. Mrs. W. E. Davis who was visit ing her sister Mrs. J. M. Jellison, left Saturday for a visit at Coun cil Bluffs. Sauer Kraut Candy, the best ever only 15c per lb. and Peanut Brittle. :Oc per lb. Saturday. January 23. at the Candy Kitchen. R. C. James and Prof. T. J. Oliver were in Humboldt Friday night. They acted as judges in the Humboldt-Auburn debate. L. C. Edwards is now ready for housekeeping, having won a sack of Matthews’Bon Bon Hour given away at the Lyric Thursday night. Miss Lola Thompson of Mor rill returned to this city where she is receiving treatment from Dr. Laurence. She has spent several weeks at her home during the holidays. While pouring some boiling water from a boiler to a wash tub one day last week, Mrs. D. P. Lowe was so unfortunate as to have the water splash in her face and burned her quite bad. This week vfre received a com munication from Wm. Weick of Nampa, Idaho. He states the weather there is lovely, the cold est it has been this winter is 8 degrees above zero, but it is usu ally from 16 to 30 above. Last Wednesday they had 8 inches of snow and it was 56 degrees above zero, without sunshine. You will surely be interested in the timely topics to be discuss ed at the First Presbyterian church next Sunday by the pas tor the Rev. R. Cooper Bailey, Ph. D., and will therefore make vour plans in advance so as to be -present. Topic for the morning, '‘The perplexing questions of life,” and in the evening. “Health resorts.” Hearty, healthy and hopeful are the services at this church. Wholesale Climax Chick Feed, Gold Coin Flour, Salt of all kinds, Brooms, Gasoline, Coal Oil delivered to dealers in any part of city or adjoining towns. Give us a trial order. HKCK & Hahlow. 3-21_ Magnetic healing Miss Lizzie Heitland, a gradu ate of the Weltmer School of Magnetic Healing, of Nevada, Mo. I am prepared to treat dis eases of all kinds- Phone 27‘> Located at Mrs. Burris’ residence south of the convent. 4t School Children Suffer from imperfect vision and are called dull :r> studies We give careful attention to the fitting of children's study Classes Geo.W.Reneker,0.1).J.l). Eye, Ear, JVose and Throat Falls City, Neb. German Evangelical Ghurch 9:45 a. ui, Sunday school. 10:45 a. 01. Sermon. 7 p, m. Young People Alliances 7:90 p. m. Sermon. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:90 p. m. Friday choir practice H p. in. Petek Schtmann, Pastor. Henry Sandrock. a farmer liv ing near Salem, who is suffering from typhoid fever is reported j some better. Dr. Greene | has charge of the case and this i week a trained nurse arrived to take charge of the case, the nurse i who had the case was called away, lie is the gentleman who sold his farm and bought the Martin Ka nalv property and will move to town. Dr. Emma Lawrence reports Mrs. Elva Sears Vincent as being much improved. While she is still in poor health the doctor says she can see each day that she is gaining. This will be welcome news to Mrs. Vincent's many friends in this city. George Hossack left Sunday for Omaha. From there he will go to Niobrara where is employed by the Nebtaska Bridge A- Con struction Co. of Omaha. They are building a government bridge across the Niobrara. Miss Grace Miner, formerly a teacher in our city schools but now one of Omaha’s most suc cessful teachers, has been made president of the Omaha branch of the National Story Tellers league. Charles and GusHeinzelman of Verdon were business visitors here Tuesday. They are two of Richardson countys most success ful and energetic real estate men. Gertrude Lum came down from Verdon Friday and attended the meeting of the Friends of Coun cil held that evening. She re turned home Saturday. On Thursday of last week Prof, and Mrs. Harnack of Hiawatha were made glad by the arrival of a baby at their home. We ex tend congratulations. Louie Godfernon left Sunday for Wymore. He is trying to re ceive judgement from the railroad company for injuries he received in the summer. Katherine Casliman and Ther essa Rawliegh of Barneston are visiting at the home of their un cle, Wm. Higgins and family. Elza Williamson of Sabetha was a visitor in this city Satur day. He was the guest at the home of Earl Frakes This week E- J. Satterwhite asks us to send his paper to this city instead of Salem as he is moving back here. Goodloe and LaForge will go to Rulo next week where they have a big job of house moving awaiting them. Mrs. James Stephenson of Bar ada spent several days in this city visiting at the home of her daughter. Mrs. J. R. McCleary spent Sat urday in Verdon, on ^combina tion business and pleasure trip. Win. Zentner and wife are the proud parents of a baby boy born to them during the past week. A tiue newspaper is a teacher of good morals, and a dispenser of true and useful information. it takes about all the thought and work which one man can give to run one man right. W. F. Veach and wife came down from Verdon in their auto Saturday afternoon. T. C. Kelsey called Saturday and renewed his faith in this family necessity. Florence Judd of Dawson was in the city visiting at the home of N. B. Judd. Hot air can take a balloon up a long ways, but it can’t keep it there. L. C. Edwards was a business visitor in Humboldt Monday. Frank Blakenev war down from Nims City Friday. -Buy your Red Seal hour at ! Heck’s feed store. 3*3t Dr. Ed Hays of Dawson was in the city Friday. Fred Sebold spent Monday in ! Humboldt. I Mrs. James Moss spent Monday in Salem. Buy your Red Seal flour at Heck’s feed store. d-Jt Terry Kemist was down from from Dawson Tuesday. Dr. Clreene purchasen a Max well automobile Wednesday o f Spickler Bros. Earl ShalTer and wife are the proud parents of a baby boy born Friday. S. I*. Hist of Salem was the guest of his son, T. J. (list, the first of the week. The Presbyterian ladies held an exchange at D. W. Sowles' Saturday afternoon. Mel Hershey of Hastings ar rived Wednesday to spend several days with relatives in this city. Frank .Pecht of the Schulen berg A Pecht restaurant started Thursday night for New York. Ernest Vincent who was visit ing his parents and baby at Shenandoah, Iowa, returned to this city Monday. Dr. Greene reports M. E. Leon ard living south of Salem improv ing. He is suffering from an at tack of appendicitis. Iv. E. Evans, wife and sou were called to Centralia, Iowa, the first of the week by the illness of the former's mother. Sheriff Fenton was in Dawson the first of the week. His visit was of an official nature connect ed with the drainage matter. John W. Kieschick, one of our most prosperous farmers, won prizes at the corn show held in Omaha on his fine Boone county white corn Mrs. Iv E. Scott returned Tuesday from Beatrice, where she has been visiting her uncle, John Ashenfelter and family for several days Francis Martin, wife and daugh ter, Miss Helen, left Saturday for Council Bluffs, where they will spend some time with their sons at that place. Frank Zorn of Salem was a business visitor in this city Mon day. He called at this office and favored us with cash to be applied on his subscription. At the Interstate telephone convention held in Lincoln last week Ned Towle, our popular telephone manager, was elected a member of the executive commit tee. Joe Speck, an engineer on the Missouri Pacific plug, is enjoying his first vacation in thirty years. J. L. LaCount of Kansas City is working in his place while he is away. J. Hurst rreel who has been visiting at the home of John Hos sack in this city, and with rela tives at l’reston returned to his home in Onega, Kansas, this week. Rev. Day and family moved from Nelson the latter part of the week and are nicely settled in the Henry Brecht property in the east part of town. Rev. Day is the new pastor at the Christian church. Will Stanfield and wife left Monday for Sabetha, Kansas, where they will both be employ ed at ihe home of Kina William son. They did not move their furniture but just closed their house up. On Sunday Alfred Greenwald, the4yearold son of Frank Green wald and wife, suffered a painful accident. He stepped on a nee dle and run it into his foot, and it was necessary to take him to a physician to get it out. Goodloe and KaForge have just completed two big jobs of moving buildings. .They moved several buildings at the home of Andrew Lippold living 11 miles northwest of this city for S180- At the home of Joe Schwang they moved four buildings for S31S. You would not delay taking Foley’s K'dney Remedy at the first sign of kidney or bladder trouble if you realiz ed that neglect might rcMilt^in Frights, disease or diabetes. Foley's Kidney Remedy corrects Irregularities and cures all kidney and bladder disorders. Kerr’s Pharmacy. Dickinson County Farms For Sale Come direct to us and get half of the commission. We have quit paying grat ters and real cs tate peddlers and give the buyer the benefit. Write for our book [let and plan. We have been here thirty years and will give you a square deal. lv. (J Tonkin, Abilene, Kan. Frank Sullivan, clerk at the I,indell Hotel, left the latter part of the week lor Tecuuiseh, where he has accepted a like position. James Doyle, of this city, has taken liis place at the Lintlell. A. X. Harris came to this city Sunday and took his son Jesse home with him. Jesse lias been at the home of 1*- S. Ileacock since he was hurt in a runaway here several weeks ago. Wm. Norton, editor of the Standard and Louie Wat/.ekcame down from Humboldt to assist Mr. Werner with the orchestra music for the Highlander dance Wednesday night. Rev. Reichel who has been holding a series of meetings at Lorton, Neb., will be back to this city and till the pulpit at the Baptist church next Sunday. While putting up ice Saturday James Brackhahn fell on a pair of ice tongs. The accident was very painful although lie is get ting along nicely now. Mrs. 1). O. Schrader of Tal mage is in the city visiting at the home of C.H. Marion. She came to attend the installation of the Royal Neighbors. Miss Jessie Grabe of Greeley, Colo., arrived in the city to spend some time visiting at the home of her uncle, L. C. Manger and wife. Henry Bean was over from Morrill Monday where lie is liv ing with his son. While nere he subscribed for The Tribune. C. R. Berger of Reserve called at this office Thursday and made the printer glad by favoring us with cash on subscription. The Royal Neighbors will hold their installation tonight. The Reserve <1 ri 11 team will come to this city and do the work. Mrs. Elton Sherdeman arrived from Hastings, Wednesday to spend a week with her mother Mrs. .1. M. Jellison. Wm. Berger of Reserve was in the city Monday. While here he was the guest at the home of Frank Werner. W. A. Albright of Dawson was in the city the first of the week, the guest of bis brother, George Albright. R. C. James left Tuesday for Washington, D. C., where he is interested in the U. S. Supreme Court. O.R. Ross returned to his home in Shubert Sunday after spending several days in this city and Au burn. Mrs. Hayden Prater left Tues day for Dawson, where she will spend a few days with relatives. Wm. Carico and wife were guests of the latters mother, Mrs. Emma Kern in Rulo Sunday. J. W. Spickler of Shubert was in the city Tuesday. He was a pleasant caller at this office. Paul P. Howell of St. Joe re newed his faith in this weekly necessity during the week. Eugene Hawley of Tynon.Xeb., has our thanks for cash on sub scription during the week. _ Mr. Zentner of Shubert called and renewed his subscription since our last issue. J. W. X'ausler of this city re newed his faith in this family necessity Monday. E. E. Ewing and Sam Han cock were here from Verdon Tues day on business. A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Strecker during the week. S Weddle, wife and daughter | of Shubert were in the city Sat | urday. You can trust some womens ; taste on everything, except men. E- F. Thompson of Morrill is a new’ subscriber to the Tribune Billie Boyd wTas down from Sa lem Friday. Facts are stubborn things. (i. W. Sheeley was clown from Salem Saturday. k’ex Oliver spent Sunday in Verdon visiting friends. S. A- Little was a St. Joe visi tor the lirst ot the week. K. A. Dittmar was a Kansas City visitor the lirst of the week. Mrs. George Russel was a bus iness visitor from Salem Saturday. Nellie Weaver came down from Verdon to do some shopping Sat urday. Will Kentner of Beatrice spent Sunday in the city with his many friends. Miss Augusta Wittrock spent Wednesday with friends in Hia watha. II. H. Clayton of Hamburg is visiting relatives and friends in this city. i Roy Leach and wife of Pawnee Citv were registered at the Li 11 dell hotel Sunday. Mrs. Larwence Priest is visit ing her mother Mrs. Adolph Messier in this city. Arthur Harris and family are this week moving to their new home on Chase street. 'l'lie Episcopal ladies will hold an exchange Saturday afternoon at the Electric theater. J. II. Brackliahn left Monday lor Atchison where he went to look after business matters. Anna Pribbeno was iti the city Tuesday on her way to her home in Preston from Waunetta, Neb. Mrs. Ayers of Hiawatha arriv ed in the city Monday for a visit to her niece, Mrs. George Sperry. Mrs. Peter Kaiser is in Hiawa tha this week visiting her new grandson at the home of Prof. Harnack. The Boys Brigade will meet next Wednesday afternoon at the usual time. All the boys must be 1 resent. Mrs. Tom Davies came down from Auburn and spent a few days with her parents, George Reichers and wi fe. Jessie Margaret Whetstine the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whetstine is quite ill at their home in the east part of j town. Mrs. E. K. Kentner and Helen I arrived in the city and will spend the remainder of the winter here. They have secured a suit of rooms ! at the National. James Perry, a stone mason 1 who was working on the Catholic j church, while returning to his1 home in Auburn, fell from the j rear uf the train and was quite 1 badly bruised. A Bargain A good J. I. Case 15 horse power engine and 1 ’earless Sepa. a tor complete Threshing K’ig a", a good one to trade for a team wagon and harness and a little | money. Good reasons for givir..-. you a good deal on this rig.Cot: ■ and see me soon. You farmers who have more horses than you need get busy and get you a good rig to do your own threshing when you want it done and save your grain- Loucks & Joni.s. The young man who was very ill at the City hotel and who was being eared for by the M W. A. was taken to the home of his up cleat Reserve. Mis sister cam from Forest City and accotnpa:’ ied him. Mr. and Mrs. Abner McK. left Wednesday for Kansas City to spend a few days with the kil ters brother. Jule Schoenhcit and family. At this writing Mr. Schoenhcit is reported a little better. The Daughters of Isabella w 1 install their officers tonight for the ensuing year. They will give a reception to Knights cf Columbus after the closing c lodge. The juniorsniid freshmen clas es of the High school played an interesting game of basket bail at the “gym’’ Tuesday night. The score was 41 to 7 in the fresh men's favor. Mrs. Lou Holier fell several days ago and sprained her wrist. It has been a very painful mem ber and at this writing she ;■> still unable to use it. Miss Mona Wilcox who teaches school 7 miles northeast of town was compelled to close school fcr two weeks on account of scarlet fever. lOdna Murphy who has been visiting relatives here for some time, returned Tuesday to Arte sia, New Mexico. Mrs. W. (Iray of St. Joe is in the city visiting her sister, Mrs. Fred Keller. Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Jenne are both suffering from the grip this week. Mrs. J-Yocaiu is suffering from pneumonia at her home in this city. Lee Huston is among our peo ple who are under the doctor* care. ICdna Murphy spent a part of last week with relatives in Rule. Mrs. C. Vaught returned from a visit in Stella this week Miss Lola Heineman is report ed among our sick ones. Miss Mable Lyford is in Oma ha visiting friends. CLEARANCE SALE OF WINTER GOODS In order to make room for new goods we will sell all Winter Goods, Blank ets, Comforts, Ladies' and Children's Coats at greatly reduced prices. Come and look them over. You will find the old force of clerks, with the ad dition of Mr. Himmelreich, who has charge of the Dry Goods Department. R. A. DITTMAR FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA 11VR wish to announce to the ladies of Falls City ■ ■ and vicinity that we are prepared to do Mani curing, Shampooing ami Massaging. We solicit your patronage. PATZMAN SISTERS Falls City Nebraska