January Clearing Sale! Starts Saturday, Jan. 9--Closes Saturday, Jan. 30 A tremendous Fall business has left us with broken lots of Men's Boys' and Children's Suits and Overcoats. It is our intention to close up each season's stock in the season it belongs—hence our Great January Clearing Sale. It s a known fact that M. Seif sells Good Clothing for less money than any store in the city; this, coupled with our sharp price REDUCTIONS from our regular prices, makes it the Greatest Clothing Sale ever held. Remember our guarantee: “Any Article Purchased Here that is Not Satisfactory, Can be Returned and Money Will be Refunded." Clearance Sale Men's Suits and Overcoats 40 Men’s Suits, small sizes, $7.50 and $S. 5c. 4?^ 7^? values; Clearing Sale price. V "*•* $ 10.00 Men’s Suits and Overcoats. Clearing .4*7CL Sale price. sJ $ 12.50 Men’s Suits and Overcoats, Clearine 4*0 f A Sale price. Si |.oo Men s Suits and Overcoat' Clearing Sale price.«Px#/J $16. so Men’s Suits and Overcoat". Clearing d|1 1 AA Sale'price. iplI.UU $ i S.oo Men’s Suits and Overcoats. t learing ^ *7 Sale price. Young Men's Suits &. Overcoats A Big Saving Here $u> Suits and f A Overcoats ... $7. 50 Suits (K Overcoats ... $(> Suits and AA (Kercoats nowV“»vU $5 Sllits and d*“2 AA Overcoats nowvs'*Vv $4* on Suits and Overcoats, in this January (p4^! £^A Sale, for.. Big Reductions in Furnishings 75c Men’s Leather Mittens, Clearing Sal* price, now. $1.25 Fur Gloves, in this Sale, reduce 85c $1.50 Men’s-Hats, in this Sale, reduced 95c $2.00 Men’s Hats, in this Sale, reduced $1.39 #2.00 Men’s Duck Coats, in this Sale, ^ 1 ^4*2 35c Boys’ Fleeced Underwear, in this Sale | each.1 Savings for Your Feet * V> pairs of one-buckle Felt Boots, d* 1 QC now for, pair.