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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1909)
Henry C. Smith LANDS & LOANS s----/ 240 acres well improved, H miles from Depot in Kas. Good spring. Rest of terms. Willtake I 40 acres as part payment, balance long time at low interest. 200 acres miles from depot, Richardson county, Nebraska. Good buildings and laud Will R take 40 or 80 acres as part payment j 180 acres upland, 1 mile from depot, Richardson county, Nebraska. $12,000. j 100 acres Johnson county, Nebraska 80 rods to church and school. Rest of terms. Might rent. 1 107 acres near Rrownville, Nebraska 80 acres U -mile from Ralls City high school. I 840 acres, $8,000 improvements Also 6441 acres adjoining. Will take 180acres a- part payment. | Hue running water. A No. 1 opportunity. I Money to loan. Snnin...-.. ...J The County in General The “Doings” of our Country Friends and Neighbors. SHUBERT Mrs. John I ’oteraen 1“ quite ill. >. U. Itoss of Nelson is visiting home to". KS. Gladys Taylor is visiting relatives at Hi rebard. Verne Taylor of lturchard Is visiting ■ atives here. Mrs. Fred Kinton who has been sick now doing nicely. Miss t.cao 1’aimer of Lincoln is here \ siting home folks. . V. McClain lift Saturday for St Joe to spend a few days. Mrs. Woodring of Harada Is visiting 1 or daughter near town. John Shubert of Idaho arrived here h :ew days ago for a visit. Clyde Hill is home from Lincoln wEerohe has employment. George Paul and wife of near Verdon were visitors here recently. John Leslie and son ol South Dakota are hero visiting home folks. Kftie Ham of Stella ate Christmas dinner here with her mother. Mr. McHenry and wife of Falls City are visiting relatives near town. Mrs. Donaldson Is visiting ;i sister in Missouri Valley, Iowa, this week. Misses Gertie and Klla llerg of Stella spent last week with relatives hero. Mrs. John Speeoe and daughter of Ord are the guests of relatives here. J. M. Fvans Is the owner of a fine touring ear which lie purchased of C. A Lord. Lewis Urislty and wife lire rejoicing over the arrival of a baby girl on Sat urday last. John Shook from the western part .if the slate is visiting his son Or. Shook and family. M. ltupard who is a traveling drug gist spent .1 few days witli tils family here U-t wei k Mrs. t'has. Townltsy returned home Tuesday from Wyoming where she had Wen curb g for her daughter Miss Bert! a Snuliert and Buy Bavi *r--re married Wednesday. They have a hmt of friends here who extend eon g rainlat ions. Snr«n V\ est of this p'aee and Karin Gilbert of St-*| a left Tuesday for Kan sas, You can all gaess why, after which tie, will visit the former’s sister. Mr- Grant Shuberi was by the lied side of tiei father at Howe Wednesday when In- dieit. i,f er several wet ts Hi nes-. I’n, \ i in.- the -v apathy of the entire eomu unity. Mis. 1,1-1. gave a d i. I er X nut- to nd tin- im-minis of h.-r family . AH In. v 1 e were present except on. •i . T - Oh. «n- -pent in such a -' ■! - >. i - r in intu-i-ed by all !> - 1 I j'n. i - is , u . ..... c i u ot a cough rold or lagrippe u. v n.i-i-ig inio pneu monia alter t-ol. y .- II ie \ and Tar ha- I. -i n Uki-ii, a- it eiiris the most Host,u«U- d.-.-p sealed CiiugilsitllU coals. \Vhv take anything el-e Kerr’s I’aarmacy. FRANKLIN . W. Dodds visited in the county ‘ .it last Srturday. Mbs Pose Parker is stay iug with her sister near Stella. George Alberts lost a valuable horse. Soft corn was the cause of its death. l’iue Pidge literary society adjo ’rn- i ed for two week- during the holidays Mr. lligley and family of near Plattsmouth are visiting his daughter here. Miss Nellie Snoke who teaches in Table Pock is spending her Christmas vacation at home. H. U Jones and family of .MorrowJ rille, Kaus., visited Christmas week vitb relatives here. Lillian Stump and Maude Lippold of Falls City visited this week at the bovne of J. W. Dodds. A box social was held at district 11 Tuesday. A short program was ren dered by the pupils. Maps will be purchased with the proceeds. If you will take Foley’s Orino Laxa- | Pvt until the bowels become regular you will not have to take purgatives constantly, as Foley’s Orino Laxative positively cures chronic constipation and sluggish liver. Pleasant to take. Kerr’s Pharmacy. FARGO Will Wheeler was In Kail* <'it> Sat urday. Dan Waggoner was a caller here re cently. Albert Abel and son were here on Monday. K K. Durfee and wife were in Pres ton Moii day. Deo Win!/, delivered wheat at Pres ton recently. John Speers was a county seat visi tor one day last week. Mrs. Saul spent Christmas with her daughter Mrs. Speers. Albert Zimmerman was a county scat visitor last week Flu by- Waggoner was a Falls City visitor one day’ last week. Hen and Albert Bauman attended the dance at Werners Saturday, Otto Hershberger and wife are the proud parents of it baby hoy. There was a dance given at the home of Philip Werner Saturday night. Frank King purchased u team of horses at the Deck nor sale for $'100. George Wintz. and Henry Popkle hauled hay for George King Monday. Mr. Davis of Missouri was over to attend the dance on Christmas night. John Futeher raffled off a kitchen cabinet valued at $lf>. Louis Jones won it. Arthur Nitzscbe came down from Atchison to spend the holidays with tils parents. There was a wedding dunce given at the Redman hall in honor of Henry Furgerson and wife. John Speers presented his daughter Dora with a beautiful organ for Christ mas. Dora is very proud of her musi cal instrument. Uncle Abe Jones is spending the • holidays with ills great nephew F.d | Durfee. Uncle Abe is now K8 years j old and is hale and hearty. There was a hox supper and Christ mas tree at Mary Wiltse school house of Ft Hazel Quite a large crowd was in attendance and all report a good time. Miss Mable Koehler and Henry Fur gerson were united in marriage. The bride is the only daughter of F.rnest Koehler one of the business men of this city. VERDON. Fdna Wheatley of Lincoln Is visiting friends here. .11ni Ayers and wife were Falls City \ isitors Friday. Dave Clark returned from Burweli, Nebr. Thursday. John Parkhurst and wife drove to Falls City Friday Henry Heineman was a Falls City visitor Weonesday Jake Cook was a Falls City visitor a few days last, week. Win. Vowerv of Stella wu- in town a short time Tuesday. FI mo Cook of Falls City is visiting her patents here this week. Mrs. Boss Goolsby returned to her home at Falls City Saturday. Mrs. John Walker and children re turned to Falls City Saturday. Ralph Miller ot Aurora has been vis iting relatives here last week. Chloe Wilkinson returned Tuesday from her visit at Nebraska Citv. W. II. Mark attended the funeral of Mr. Crook at Fall* City Saturday. Mrs. Wm. Cook and daughter Sarah returned from Falls City Saturday. Charley Bowman of Lincoln visited his brother here a few days this week. J. C. Ayers and wife and Jay Carsons and wife went to Lincoln Tuesday in their autos, Hev. Dillow of Hastings held quar terly conference at the F.vangellcal church Monday. John Leefers. wife and daughter re turned Sunday from a few days visit spent at Nebraska City. Julia Fraunfelder came up from Falls City Wednesday and remained until Monday visiting her parents. Quimby Hossack came up from Falls City Wednesday and spent a few days with his sister, Mrs. W. C. Sloan. Mr. and Mrs, Skinner retjrned to their home at St. Joe, Mo., Sunday af ter a few days spent at the home of C. W. Ocomb and family. STELLA. .foe Mourer of Lincoln is visiting his parents here. •I. M. Goodloe made a trip to Falls City Monday. Kd Hopper of Colorado is visiting relatives here. H. M. Hays visited friends in Omaha the past week. Charles Atwood of near Humboldt wa* here Tuesday. Miss Fairy Thomas of Lincoln is vis iting relatives here. Miss lone Hinds of Kansas City is visiting frl 'ttds here. O-eir Wright of Custer, Okl., is visiting relatives here. I. L. Plasters and famil.C spent Xir-as with friends in Auburn. Mr. Phipps of Iowa is visiting i. is daughter north of town. I). S. Hinds and wife of Kansas City | are visiting relatives here. Win. Thompson of Fulls City is visit-, ing iiis mother here this week. George Quick went to the country j to visit W. Ulmer the other day. Thus. Higgins and family of IC'.k \ Creek are visiting relatives here. Mrs. S K. Timer man was brought; home from North Platte Tuesday. Kltner Jones and mother of near Howe were visitors here recently. A. J. Nutter, wife and'children arc here visiting friends and relatives. J. If. Hinds at (1 wife of Kansas City are visiting relatives south of town. Joe Withee left Sunday for Colorado Springs where he will visit relatives. John O’Brien and son ieft for Mon tana this week where they file on land K. M. Knapp and Walter Radinsky went to Nemaha for a visit last Sunday. George Benson of Geneva Is spending the holidays with his daughters here. Warren Briggs of west of town had a good sale Tuesday. The sale totaled *1811.58. J. H Holland and family attended the funeral of Jesse Crook in Falls City Wednesday. Mrs. Morgan has been very ill at her home north of town the past week, but is improving. Clyde Harden and wife of Verdon were visiting at the latter’s parents west of town Sunday. Thus. Higgins and family spent Sat urday and Sunday in town visiting his brother, W. Higgins. Walter Radinsky went to sterling Friday and spent Christmas with his parents, returning here Sunday. Henry Shefferd moved from the Nut ter place west of town the past week to the Hays farm southeast of town Miss Caroline McCready left Thurs day for a visit with her parents at Campbell, Neb., over the holidays. Barney Mullen celebrated his 72d birthday Tuesday. llis children re-' membered him with some nice gtfts. Warren Briggs was able to go up home Xmas day. The family expect! to leave for Indiana the lirst of the I year. Norm Mead of near Howe was here ! Thursday. He will go to Indiana with i the Hrigg> family -ome time the corn ing month. J. \V. Sumner left for the soldiers home at Leavenworth, !<*., Wednes day. G. II. Timmerman and George Wixon accompanied him. Miss Alma Plasters, who is attend- i ing the Avburn high school came home Tuesday. She taught iu the absence of the assistant principal in our home j town Thursday. Word came to this place Thursday ! of the death of Lucions Coeur, near Howe.where he had resided for a num ber of years. His many friends extend sympathy to the bereaved ones. A series of meetings have beguu at the Ev. Lutheran church of this place this week and will probably continue for two or three weeks Rev. Shirck, pastor, will have charge of the Services. Fermer students called on the schools here Thursday, and in the evening a basket ball game was played in which the high school boys played the alumni. The out come of the game was in favor of the high school boys. John Rausch, a farmer west of town, has found a remedy for hog cholera so we are told and feels very good over his finding. Hog cholera has been the fear of the farmers in this part all the fall and many have lost heavily from the disease. And now if this be true that Mr. Rausch has succeeded in cheeking the disease in his bunch of hogs it would be a relief to the farmer. RULO Frank Graves returned from Lincoln lust week. Sum Hall visited friends at Salem j last week. Mrs. Fierce visited relatives in St. Joe lust week. George Jarrott of St. Joe visited : here last week. Frank Clumby of Havelock is vislt ! ing friends here this week Hessie Anderson went to Hiawatha i Christmas to visit relatives. Lizzie Alkman of Du Hois is spending i the holidays with her mother here. Mrs. Will Morehouse departed last week to visit relatives in Minnesota. Fred Jondrow and wife are spending the week wtt.h friends at Gardner, ICs. Mrs. Moore and Dr. Coleman of Dor chester visited friends here this week. Charlie Vastine of St. Joe spent a few days with his parents here last week. Mrs. Arthur Darveau and children spent Christmas with her mother in Fulls City. Charlie Markum and wife of Ridge way, Mo., are visiting relatives here this week. Dave Cook and Garnett Wilson of Preston ate Christmas dinner with friends here. Mrs. John Anderson's children all came home Christmas day to hold a family reunion. Henry Schmidt and family spent Christmas with the family of Henry Fisher near Arigo. Mrs. Roily Harrison of St. Joe came Monday to visit relatives. She was accompanied by her sister Mrs. Yocam of DuBois who has been visiting with her. There was an entertai^ent und tree in the new M. E. church on Christmas eve, and although the church is not quite completed the crowd was accom modated nicely. Besides there were a number of tress in private families and a number of family dinners. On Tuesday of last week Virgil Coupe was badly hurt at school by jumping to catch a boy swinging on a rope. Fie missed catching tbe boy, fell striking his face on the hard ground. A badly sprained wrist and several painful bruises was the result. When these jottings are being read by the readers of tbe Tribune the year 1908 will bea thing of toe past. An other year with its joys and sorrows, its hopes and promises, its successes and failures gone. Rut a new year will dawn, which bids us all take heart.and hone again. To all the readers or the Tribune the writer wishes a Happy | New Year, and to those who once call ed Itulo home (many of whom I know, and think of every time I writel if in their far olT homes these items have ever brought them cheer, then I feel that I have succeeded to some extent in what have I wished to do. Little Coyt, youngest son of Louis Jones and wife, was Kicked by a colt Christmas and it was thought fora while he was seriously hurt, but next evening be was able to sit up. Mrs. Emma McVey and son Ed came home from Kansas to spend Christmas, | returning that evening. Hattie and Guy Kart after spending a few days at home, returned to their work in St. Joe Sunday. Mr. Crooks who was in business here a few years ago, but now of Kansas, was here this week. Bessie and Carrie Harrison left for Lincoln Sunday after a few days visit with home tolks. Sophia Pierce returned the first of the week from a visit with St. Joe friends. Boy Dykes and mother arrived Fri day from Jansen. Neb., on a visit to relatives. T. F. Plumb and family drove dowu from Falls City Christmas to visit Mrs. Bowker. Melvin Ilinehart and wife of Smith Center came Saturday for a weeks visit. Frank Brown and family went to Falls City Saturday night on a visit. Mamie and Margaret Ivanaly spent Saturday with friends in Preston. Sterling Mendinhall visited his father in Beatrice Sunday. EdnaSteinhauer went to Ord, Neb., last week to visit friends. B. F. Jarrott spent Christmas with his sister at White Clond. Ella Carpenter arrived from St. Joe Sunday to visit friends. Bessie Miller is spending the holi days with home folks. Frank Biair of Highland visited his I mother here last week. Cecil Kanaly ot Salem came home to spend the holidays. Al Burk visited with Falls City rela tives this week. Irvin Pope went to Troy Monday to visit a few days. Mrs. Charlie Story was a St. Joe visitor last week Grandma True of Union is visiting relatives hore. Charlie Maze of Dawson spent Christ mas here. J. E Pope was a St. Joe visitor last week. Iloj Royd wont toTarkio last week. Max Gesst r was a Falls City visitor last week. Mrs. Graham was a Falls City visitor Thursday. Mrs. Pope left Tuesday to her grand mother at Memphis, Mo. Gus Johnson visited his family in Nebraska City Christmas. Humohrey Kdgecomb spent last week witli his son at Geneva. Nellie Coupe went to Falls City to spend her vacation at home. Karl Shepherd came up from St. Joe Friday for a visit with home folks. Miss Kernen went to Dawson to spend her vacation with her mother. Mrs. Whalen and daughter came home Thursday from a visit with Pres ton relatives. Jim Glenn passed through here last Thursday on his way to Highland to visit his parents. Alfred Morehouse who has been husking corn in Kansas has come home to help his father in the restaurant. George Dietsch of Hastings came Friday for a visit with his parents. His father has been poorly for some time. You would not delay taking Foley’s K'dney Remedy at the first sign of kidney or bladder trouble if you realiz ed that neglect might result in Brights disease or diabetes. Foley’s Kidney Remedy corrects irregularities and cures all kidney and bladder disorders. Kerr's Pharmacy. A Religious Author's Statement For several years I was aillicted with kidney trouble and last winter 1 was suddenly stricken with a severe pain in my kidneys and was confined to bed eight days unable to get up without assistance. My urine contained a thick white sedimeDt and I passed same frequently day and night. I com menced taking Foley’s Kidney Rem edy, and the pain gradually abated and finally ceased and my urine became normal. I cheerfully recommend Foley's Kidney Remedy. Kerr’s Pharmacy. IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR RICH ARDSON COUNTY, NEBRASKA. #J. II Brinegar, real name John II. Brinegar, Plaint iff. VS. Pont Boerner, Amelia Boolean, Emanuel Bedard, Defendants. The above named defendants non-residents wilt take notice that on December 22, 1908, plaintiff filed his petition against said defendants in the district court of Richardson County, Nebraska, the object of which is to quiet the title to lots 1, 2, 8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, lo, 11, 12,13, 14, 15, 16, in block 58, in Uoalean's and Bedard's addition to the city of Rulo, and to exclude each of you from any interest therein. You must plead to said petition on or before February 22, 1909, or the allegations of the petition be taken as true and decree rendered accordingly. John H. Bkinegak. Plaintiff. Keavib & Reavis, attorneys for plaintiff. 4t*—4 CHALLENGE! A Timely Notice From the Council Bluffs Remedy Co. On account ot the method that is being practiced by unscrupulous competition, we here in challenge any Stock hood or Remedy Company in the County, to make a test with us. \\ e will go into any herd, and cut out 20 head of the culls, and will then give our competitor the privilege ol selecting 10 best out of the lot, we will take the remaining 10 head and guarantee to produce as much tat with S bushels ot corn as you or lie can with 10 bushels,or lose S200 in ten weeks test. Gentlemen this means business. It you have what you claim, the same goods only under a different brand, come out and prove it to the farmer. STOCK RAISERS 1 he above statement ought to prove the value of our goods. When we can p roduce r.s much fat with 8 bushels of corn as you can with ten, we immediately become a lenef r'V to you, by increasing the earning power of the corn. Besides that we protect you rga'n the terrible death loss. ^ e guarantee to save 75 per cent ol any herd we tieat or the goods will cost you noth ing. Gentlemen, can you afford to be without this protection when the Government re ports show that the loss of hogs in this state alone amounts to more than a million dollars annually Bo you want to help to make up this loss? Certainly not. Then let us protect you. We have an honest medicine of genuine merit, it cures when cure is possible. While you are growing hogs you have but one object in view that of making money, and when we stand ready to go into a ten weeks test, backed up with a guarantee of Two Hundred Dollars, deposited in any bank, that our Remedy will do as claimed, it certainly proves that we have got value in our goods, and you cannot afford to be without them, C. A. MAJOR Of Falls City, Nebraska, is our Local Agent, and will be glad to give you further information. See him and investigate. Council Bluffs Remedy Co. Manufacturers of Stock Remedies, Not Food