The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 01, 1909, Image 6

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    The County in General
nff tin1 n*tftilor rorrenixiiiitanc^Paifr.
larley Hutu r »ur In Kail* City Mott
lay iHuinm d H»i ry Smith went to
a city Monday
•Vill Palmer of t base county is visit
ing relatives here.
Irs. Mona Allen front Rosalie, JCt ii ,
> visiting relatives here.
lyrd Mitchell made a trip to South
Dakota looking for a locution
John Taylor of Salem visited friends
here the fore pHit of the week.
T. Morehead and family spent Sur.
«ty witli IMoreheaari and wife.
'Miss Anna Mason of Kails City is vis*
,ng her friend Miss Alice Yoder.
Konrad Gerries and wife took Christ
as dinner with Henry Slemerlng.
Jesse Cox spent several days at Kik
i reek visiting relatives and friends.
Marry hi d Uz/.ie Kubrick of Verdon
were visiting relatives here Sunday.
Rudolph Kuhlman of Gage is visiting
Ins uncle, Wm. Kuhlman and family.
Mrs Walter Mitchell ar.d children
, ' Bancroft, is visiting relatives here.
Barry and .lay Slagle spent Christ
i as with their grandfather at Auburn.
Otto Sehsrrlnghausen and wife of
Odell, Neb., are visiting relatives here.
ohn Hohack and wife from Nebraska
City arc visiting relatives in this vl
Henry Slcmerlng anil family spent
'jnilav near Falls City with John
W. llutler and family -pent Sunday
w.tb Thomas Shafer and family neur
Leon V’assar, wife and daughter went
h’ Abilene lad wi ek to make their fut
ure home.
Id Locamper moved from near Ver
non onto the farm lately vacated l>y J.
A Sailors.
Henry ltutler li down from Culver
jiiy Place spending the holidays with
ii;- parents.
Jesse l’rossor, who has been in Kan
•111 City, is here visiting his folks and
many friends
J. I. Martin of Camiia, Colo , arrived
last Thursday for a visit with his sons,
J and C. Martin
Lewis Sehulenhurg and wife and Will
Kuker Htid wife spent Chrldtnas in
Brownville with relatives.
Mrs. H. Woodring Is visiting this
week with her daughter Mrs. Charles
Sehnleubuig near Sbubertj
J. A. Sailors moved from the Sieme
ling farm on to the W. Hutler place,
which he expects to work next yoHr.
Fred (iushard nearly cut oil' one of
hi- toes la-1 week while chopping wood.
The injured member is healing nicely
Mrs. Wm. Rollman and Mr*. ( lara
Wagner spent Christmas with Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Hohaek and family near
1 i u i'«>.
Mr and Mrs J H Kelly entertained
a' Christmas dinner Coney Much holt/
niMwtfi', Fred Sailors and wife and
XS Lettie Langdon.
C. H. Mar'in and wife entertained t i
Phr‘slums dinner. I'lilip Murkt aim
wife, I!. H. D inn and wife, .1 A. Mai
lil a I (1 I. I M i>t II.
M'«. fl.nrt -! m ring-r. rt tumid
i nr I-1 nt H \ fii mi S*. IntM'pli, m l ere
" ' i" '' nl mi up ration She u>.
t ■ - n..-ph Mg it i this k.
'* 1 * M''1 wife returned In
1 |* i ft t'.ei v, . , on Satur
• '' ... pan e i home h>
V 1 *’t in. Ii i, Mi Kin t'nrtin
tt r. Mu y Prilie mrd .on i.dgarwi-nt.
•to -h namio.ih, Iowa, VVidnei-UHt tn
»m ii fern incutioi ; they are ,nnt<-ui
fluting moving there in the near future.
t harle. Htitli sold his farm to hU
brother James and lias rented the Cot
> tiler farm ami mined thereon dame.
Haith has moved onto the farm he pur
i lie Christmas program given in the
Kvargelieal Sunday . hoot was well
rendered, the music by the choru
being especially good. The house was
crowded to its fullest capacity and the
number and value of gifts with which!
the tree was laden test!lied to the pros-1
peritv of the community. The teach- i
ci’s of the Sunday school all remem
bered their scholars with pretty gifts
and the scholars in turn remembered
the teachers and superintendent with
elegant tokens of their appreciation.
All in all it was a very successful affair.
Weddings seem to be the order of the
day and Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Palmer de
cided to celebrate their fiftieth wed
ding anniversary on Saturday. Decem
ber 26th. More than fifty invited
guests were present including their
only living children, Mesdames Wilson
Wamsiey and lllehard Williamson, and
iheir grandchildren. A very elegant
dinner was served. Mt. and Mrs. Pal
mer were the recipients of many nice
gifts. A very charming day was spent
by all, and the guests departed with
congratulations anu wishes that this
estimable couple may spend together
their diamood wedding.
Cl fact* McMh tin* 'pent Christ ms- near
John Yocum sp nt a few days with
his <1 hu g h t r.
Mr* Muler rtonrnep home from Nis
on, Mo.. I ilesday.
Lola Tiurms was a guest of Annie
] III) holder Sunday.
Wm McGowan was a guest of John
Hutchison Sunday.
Wm Hutchison is spending the holi
days with his mother.
Delos Spickler and wife wont to Mis
souri one day recently.
Miss Minnie Reber of Omaha is a
guest of Clara Laugh ry.
Albert Murk of Ruio visited with his
relatives here a few day*.
Ldith Heck returned home Saturday
from a v'sit with friends.
Rebecca Strauss is spending the week
with her sister. Mrs. Otto.
Mamie and Nellie Fisher spent Sun
day with the Misses Strauss
Mr*. Lluvd Kniselv is enjoying a
visit from tier brother of Fern.
Maude Stump is a guest of Wilma
Nedrow a portion of this ween.
Wes Nedrow and wife entertained a
number of friends at dinner Sunday.
Frances Smith and wile were gnests
of Wm. Goolsby and family at Verdon.
Laura Ruegge visited a portion of
last week with her sister Mrs. Klmine!
Frank Cook enjoyed u visit from his
parents of the county home one day last
Allen Gilmore Is spending hi» vaca
tion with tiis aunt at the Murgrave
i lunch.
Mrs. otto died at her home Christ
mas night of Dropsy and was buried
Mrs. h. A Burk enjoyed u visit from
her parents and other relatives last
Anson Knisely and wife spent Christ
mas in Sabctha. Kans , with the latter’s
Mrs. II. J. Prichard and Mrs. F, M.
Kl.nmel were guests of Mis. F. Shaffer
Kverett Higgins was to Robinson,
Kas., on account of the serious Illness
of a sister.
F. Shaffer and family spent Christ
inas in Fall* City with Frances Shaffer
and daughter.
Chester Stump and wife entertained
some of their friends a*, their home
Monday evening.
Mrs-. Geo. Peek and Mrs. Cleon Peek
were guests of Mrs. Noah Peek Thurs
day of last week.
Thos. Ktc'slerand <«dfe of Manley,
Nebr visited part of la-t week with K.
D. Shaffer and wife.
Otto Huetlner sr. and wife and H.
Schrieber spent Christmas with Win.
Huetlner and family.
Misses DeWald, Carico, Kamel ana
Hetneman were visitors at the Silver
Creek school Tuesday
Mrs. H. Gullliams and daughter and
Kiri Sturms spent Christmas in Auburn the former's mother.
< ha# Smith and wife are helping
care fur the former’s father who is aged
and suffering from blood poison.
Frank Him'/. and wife were called
near Geiilun to see tbe former’s brother
and wile who are seriously sick.
Mis 11. Sihrieber ami Lit niece,
I’.lste 11 ucltner went to Whiting, Kas ,
to spend the holidays with A. Ketterer
and family .
I’. K. Shaffer and wife. K. I). Shaffer
and family mid L. Hurt and family
spent. Sunday near Verdun with .lake
(Alible and family .
A series of meetings commenced at
the .Maple Grove church last Sunday
and will last fur about two weeks. Ki
ller Hillow will be with them over Sun
day. Knew body cordially invited.
Martin Centner and Augusta Horn
were married Christmas day at the
brides’ borne at 2 o’clock p. m. A num
ber of relatives and friends were pres
ent and witnessed the ceremony. The
young couple were tbe recipients of :t
great many gifts.
New Man
in Town
From Our Regular Kansas City
Stock Yards Correspondent
j Kansas City Si,»<-k > ardr>, Dec,
Under the influence of '-mall r> -
ceipts of cattle fast week, the
(market was vei‘\ satisfactory,
(milking gains of 20 to 55c on
1 b?ef steers, 10 to 15c on cows and
i heifers, 25c on calves, and strong
to a little higher on Stockers and
feeders. The big steers were
less in demand than yearlings or
handy weights, a Condition near
ly always prevalent at this season
and later. Top yearlings last
week brought £7.10, best heavy
steers £(>.75. Cutlet for the mar
ket in the east is said to be nar
row. but the 8,000 here today met
a strong market, steers 10 higher
in sortie cases, and cows up 5 to
15c- Best steers today sold at
£(> 50 and £(>.(>0, about 40 of the
beef steers at St> or better, bal
ance at £4 50, cows and heifers
£2.75 to £5-75, bulls £2(><> to
£4.55, calves $5.75 to £7.50, Stock
ers $5.25 to £4 50, feeders £4 to
£5.25. Anxiety o f buyers last
ten days has been a surprise, in
view of weak reports from
markets east, and the usual dull
ness around the Christmas holi
days. Cattle receipts here for
December will aggregate 150,000
head, not including 15,000 calves,
an increase of almost 10 per cent
over same month last year. Coun
try buyers have bought more
freely this year than last, and
have taken more fleshy steers
than usual, which left a smaller
number for the packers, and par
tially explains the good market.
The hog market closed at the
top point of the week Saturday,
15 to 20c above close of previous
week. The illogical nature of the
packers late stand for lower
prices was futly displayed, and
the fact that thev are operating
on a had to mouth basis was set
forth in their scramble for sup
plies account of the reduced run,
43,000 head last week, only half
the run of previous week. Supply
is N.000 here today, market 5 to
10 higher, top $<>, several loads
put over at that ligure, medium
weights at $5 70 to $5.95, light
hogs 85 30 to 85 75, pigs $4.25 to
The sensational rise of 75c to
$1 percwt was affected by sheep
salesmen last week without much
resistence from buyers, run 15,
000 for the week. Supply today
is 7000 head, market 10 higher,
and highest prices ot the season
paid today for all classes, lambs
at $7 00, yearlings $(>.(>5, wethers
$5 25, ewes $4 75. The raising
of the Michigan quarantine regu
lations in this country and the
refusal of Canada to do likewise
will throw larger supplies on the
Chicago market, as Michigan fed
stuff can not move to the east
through Canada as formerly, a
feature that may effect the mar
ket adversely lor awhile. Few
feeders are included in receipts.
Heart Action
There are certain nerves
that control the action
of the heart. When they
become weak, the heart
action is impaired. Short
breath, pain around heart,
choking sensation, palpi
tation, fluttering, feeble
or rapid pulse, and other
distressing symptoms fol
low. Dr. Miles Heart Cure
is a medicine especially
adapted to the needs of
these nerves and the mus
cular structure of the
heart itself. It is a
strengthening tonic, that
brings speedy relief.
Try it.
"For years I Buffered with whnt I
thought was stomach trouble, when
tbo doctors told me 1 Imd heart
trouble. I had tried many remedies,
.when the Dr. Miles’ almanac came
Into my hands, and 1 concluded to
try Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure. I have
taken three bottles, and now I am
not suffering at all. 1 am cured and
this medicine did It. I write this in
tho hope that it will attract the at
tention of others who suffer ns I did.’’
S04 Main St.. Covington, Kjr.
Your druggist sells Dr. Miles' Heart
Cure, and vve authorize him to return
price of first bottle (only) if it fails
to benefit you.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
The Musical Event of the Season
Manager Gehling washes to
announce to the theatre going
public nl Falls City that he has
secured for one performance, i
at l!i ■ G 'tding, Saturday, Jan. :
2, a high class semi-operatic
production, “The Toyinaker's1
Dream" an adoption from the
German, that is one of the very
few shows on the road today
that is a Guaranteed Attraction,!
not like the ordinary class of j
; shows this is composed of artists
of national reputation and
among its members numbers
such well known people as Miss!
Louise St. Claire who has been!
with many New York successes
and has been in the employ of
the Charles Frohman forces for
past four seasons. She is one
of the few women on the stage
today that possess the follow
ing list of good qualities so sel
dom found in one person, name
ly: Handsome stage appearance,
excellent singing voice a n d
ability to act second to none.
She is a close second to the
star, Wm. C. Cushman who is
too well known to the public to
need any introduction. His
ability has gained for him the
reputation of being one of the
best charaster singing comedi
ans in the world. All lovers of
real good comedy and the finest
kind of high class music should
secure their seats at once for
“The Toyinaker's Dream.
The Musical Event of
the Season!
Saturday Eve., Jan. 2
Independent Amusement Co.
The Eminent Character
Singing Comedian
Mr. William C. Cushman
and a company of twenty
selected artists, including a
Prize Beauty Chorus in the
semi-operatic musical pro
Toy maker s
A Guaranteed Attraction
Secure Seats Early
First 5 Rows of Parquet $1 00
Rest of Parquet and 1st row
of Dress Circle 75c
Rest of Dress Circle 50c!
Balcony. 35c |
A Good Father j
by opening a bank account for
them. It’s a little thing to do.
for your child today. Ask for
one of our pocket banks, give |
it to your child and
Do something definite. A lit
tle start is all they will ever
need. Give them a chance
they will do the rest.
Falls City State
Capital and Surplua. $70,000.00
— At the Court House—
January 5
=— At 2:00 p. m. ——
Mr. George L. Cooley
Expert on Good Roads, repre=
senting the Government, will
be here. Mr. Cooley is regarded
as one of the very best Road
Engineers in the world.
Mr. W. J. Spillman
of the bureau of Plant In=
dustry also will be here. Mr.
Spillman is chief of the divi=
sion of Farm Management in I
the Agricultural Department.
Make It a Point to Be
Present and Show Your
Interest in Good Roads