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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1909)
THE LOCAL LORE HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME. What Your Friends and Their Friends Have Been Doing the Past Week. — — Eat Sowles Candy. Dr. Tefft. Dentist. Maddox block, opposite court house. —Cold weather is coming. Get your Coal of C. A. Heck. Rev. G. L. Neide returned from Hiawatha Sunday afternoon. Basil Boyl and wife returned to their home in St.Louis,Sunday. Miss Mary Hungate of Weep ing Water is in the city the guest of Mrs. T. J. Gist, Mrs. George Story and son Wilber are in Auburn visiting relatives this week. Mrs. Dave Griffith spent Sun day in this city with her brother, Grant Windle and family. George Story spent the first of the week with his daughter, Mrs. Ida Green at Onida, Kans. Lloyd and Paul Davies are in Verdon this week visiting their grandparents. J. D. Griffith and wife. John Higgins of Baker, Kans., was in the city the first of the week visiting his uncle, Wm. Higgins. Ephrain Withee and wife re turned to their home in Stella after visiting at the home of John Hossack. Walter Boyl, who has been visiting his mothei, Mrs. J. ('. Yutzy returned to Omaha the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. J,im Davies re turned to their home in Trenton after visiting the former’s brother D. M. Davies in this city. Clias. Eeiger and family of Fairview, Kans., spent the week ’ in this city with his sister, Mrs. Carrie Schaible, and other rela tives The Knights of Columbus and the Daughters ot Isabella of this city will attend a dance in Daw son tonight given by the lodges of that place. Peter Menen returned to his home at Burlington, Iowa, Sun day. He spent several days in the city at the home of George Capp. He also visited a cousin at the convent. J. A. Hossack of Primrose and George Hossack of Niobrara ar rived home baturday morning. They are both employed by the Western Bridge and Supply Co-, of Omaha. George is suffering from the quinsy and will remain home for a few days. The telephones between here and Auburn were kept busy Wed nesday evening when our basket ball boys found they could not reach home on the plug and take their lady friends to the dance. The girls, however, attended but were compelled to go alone. The south end of town is to have a series of revival services beginning on Monday, Jan. 4th. The meetings will be held in the Presbyterian Mission Hall and w;ll be conducted by Dr. Bailey and a number of the workers from his church. Special music will be a feature of each meeting, and the general public is invited to attend Private Money. Private money to loan on Real Estate. Mortgages bought and sold. Call at First National Bank. 3-tf A. J. Weaver Good Morning | BETTER SIGHT MAKES A BRIGHTER WORLD My “ Made - to- Order " Glasses make all the world seem BRIGHT Geo.W.Reneker,O.D.,M.D. Eye, Ear, />foje and Throat Falls City, Neb. ____________________________ For Sale A good residence property; six rooms, three lots and a good barn. See II. A. Messier at Bur ris’ News stand for particulars, tf Monday,Dec 2Sth, was the day adopted bv the Freemasons of Brownville tor the celebration of the festival of St. John the evan gelist, and on that day an elab orate banquet was held at which Dr. Bailey was present to make the address of the evening. Mrs. Bailey and Elsie also went along and a visit to the community was enjoyed for a few days. Poultry wanted at Hermes Bro thers We will pay the following prices, good all next week and will pay the ratesif market should be higher. Hens, Me; Springs, *>c. Phone 35. Hekmis Bkos. August Deuchler of near Rulo was operated on for appendicitis Sunday morning. The work was done by Dr. Wallace of St. Joe, assisted bv Dr. Boose of this city and Dr. Henderson of Rulo. Mrs. Ida Vincent and daughter Bessie of Shenandoah, arrived in thecity Wednesday.They brought little Maxine Vincent here to be with her mother, who is ill at the home of W. L. Sears. Mrs. H. E. Kennedy left Wed nesday for her home in (tkmulgee, Okla , after visiting her parents here. She was accompanied as far as Kansas City by her mother, Mrs. P. H, Jussen. Charles Humphrey and wife of the Verdon Vedette were pleas ant callers at this office Saturday. They spent Sunday in this city at the home of George Abbott. W. O. Sharrah was over from Sabetha, Saturday. While i n town he called at this office and placed his name one year ahead on our list. Mrs. Geo. E. Ward and chil dren of Rulo and Mrs. Edgerly of Excelsior Springs were guests in the citv at the home of T. F. Plumb. H. C. Fisher of Verdon was a business visitor in this city Sat urday. Before returning home he called at this office. Mrs. Elton Sherdeman left Mon day for her home in Hastings af ter visiting her parents, J. M. Jellison and wife. Misses Ethel and Florence Parchen spent Sunday in Verdon at the home of their uncle, Ed F raunfelder. Dr. Boose reports the arrival of a babj girl at the home of Wade Whitney and wife near Hamlin Saturday. Charles Sharts and wife spent a few days the past week with relatives and friends in Hum boldt. George Norris and wife of Hia watha were guests of C. A. Mc Creery and wife the past week. Caly Edwards of Humboldt visited his brother, L. C. Edwards in this city during the week. Mrs. Brenizer accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Jobe to Lincoln the lat ter part of the week Mrs- D. O. Schrader of Tal mage was the guest of Mrs. C. II. Marion last week. A large crowd of young people enjoyed a dance at Wahl's hall Christmas night. Mrs. Cbas. Marion and daugh ter were guests of friends in Tal mage this week. E.‘E. Butler on route 2, called Saturday and paid us rash on subscription. Miss Flora Albright is visiting her sister, Mrs. Hayden Prater in St. Joe —For sale—Lakeside organ, as good as new. Inquire at Trib une. Hayden Prater and wife of St. Joe spent Christmas in this city. M. Kiley of Dawson was a busi ness visitor here Wednesday. John Martin returned to Coun cil Bluffs Sunday afternoon. Get your potatoes at Heck’s feed store, 75c per bushel. Col. Marion was a business vis* itor in Omaha this week, i —Order vour coal of C. A.Heck. Guy P. Greenwald is a new sub scriber this week. Ethel Walbridge is visiting rei* atives in St. Joe. Guy Crook spent a part of the week at Albany, Mo. Fred Graham spent Christmas with his parents in this city. Mrs. E. F. Sharts was in Lin coln this week visiting her brother Anna Mason is enjoying a va cation Irotn her school duties. The order ol Eastern Star will have initiation Tuesday night. II I». Kelley of Salem was a business visitor here Saturday. Ethel Hershey came down from Humboldt to spend Christmas. John Mason came down from Lincoln and is visiting his mother. Guy Wahl came up from At chison to spend the holiday vaca tion. Jim Pickett and wife are re joicing over the arrival of a baby boy. Miss Flora Shuck visited Miss Sadie Daeschner of Preston last week. George Harral of Humboldt was a business visitor here Sat urday. 1). W. Sowles and wife spent Christmas with their son Hal in St. Joe. Tom Radinsky spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. James Pickett. Herman Koehler sends us a Christmas greeting from Alaba ma this week. Mrs. Augusta CrotTord of route 1 came in Saturday and renewed her subscription. J. P. King of Shubert renewed his faith in this great weekly during the week. George Slocum and wife of Stella spent Christmas with J. L. Slocum and family. Miss Elizabeth Miller came down from Lincoln to spend Christmas at home. Esburn Wheeler and wife were the guests of Harry Jenne and wife over Christmas. Henry Kuper of Humboldt re membered The Tribune on sub scription this week. Miss Olive Jones of Lincoln is in the city visiting her parents, John Jones and wife. Prof. J. Carl Leister returned yesterday from a visit with friends in Minneapol's, Minn. On Tuesday afternoon Luceil Mettz entertained a number of girl friends at her home. Elmer Schneider of Raymond, Neb , visited old time friends in this city over Christmas. Elder E. L- Yoder and family were the guests of relatives at Morrill, Ivans., Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Saylor of Morrill were in the city yesterday visiting at the home of J. Spragins. Mrs. B- F. Foster was called to Indianapolis, Ind., the first of the week by the serious illness of her daughter, Mrs.Thos- Snyder. Mrs. L. W. Crowford and daughter of Forest City, Mo., re turned home Sunday after a few days spent at the home of Mrs. Katherine Wylie. Tne ladies of the L. B. T. Club closed the old year with a meet ing with Mrs. Wylie. A very pleasant afternoon was enjoyed and fine refreshments were served. C. A. Major, representing the Council Bluffs Remedy Company, manufacturers and compounders of stock remedy, left today for Council Bluffs to attend the annual convention of sales agents during the convention. The anatomy of the hog will be thoroughly and carefully studied and Mr. Major will return to us with many valuable pointers for the stock raiser. German Evangelical Ghurch 9:45 a. m. Sunday school. 10:45 a. m. Sermon. 7 p. m. Young People Alliances 7:30 p. m. Sermon. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Friday choir practice 8 p. m. Petek Schumann, Pastor. Police Kept Busy. Shortly after dinner Tuesday a man entered Kob’t l'ruesse’s shoe Ishop and while talking to Mr. I Preusse, who was engaged on a raised platform, picked up a pair of shoes from oil the counter and pusting them under his coat left the shop. Mr. Preusse suspi cioned him and followed him to Leeds’ saloon, where he was try ing to dispose of the stolen goods. The shoes were returned to Mr. Preusse and the thief given in custody of Chief of Police Mart/,. Prof. Carrington Resigns Prof. George Carrington, coun ty superintendent of public in structions of Nemaha county, has tendered his resignation to take effect January 1 and will move to Lincoln. It is understood that Prof. Evans of the Antioch schools of that city is to fill the vacancy. Mr. Carrington has many friends in this city who wish him success in his new field. Nearing Completion. The Boher Bros, have the third story of the National enclosed and have turned it over to the plas terers. With this addition the National presents a very neat ap pearance. The weather has been remarkably nice for the past few weeks and the carpenters have lost no time and have pushed the work through. It will be only a short time until it will be com plete. Public Installation At the last meeting of the(J. A. R. it was decided to install the new otlicers elect on Thursday evening, Jan. 7 at their hall on Lane St. The office of the W. R. C, will be installed at the same time. This installation will be public. An oyster supper will be ser ved by the ladies and all old sol diers are cordially invited. A Faithful One On Saturday, .1. R. Cain came to this office and renewed sub scriptions for Nellie Cain of this city and Harry Cain of Lin coln. lie also subscribed for the Tribune for his daughters, Mrs. Mary McCoy of Hiawatha; and Mrs. Sue A. Julian of Long Beach, Cali., and his son J. Ingram Cain of Choteau, Mont. Changes Hands. On Tuesday of this week a deal was made whereby a Mr- Fugate of Cambridge, Neb., became the owner of the Vaught Pool and Billiard Hall. We have not learned what Mr. Vaught’s in tentions are for the future. Mrs. C. II. Marion and daugh ter Audra were guests of rela tives at Morrill, Kans., during the week. Everett Peckinpaugh of Otta wa, Kans., spent Sunday in this city the guest of Miss Florence Wylie. Earl Cline, who is principal of the Sidney schools, spent a few days with friends in this city. Miss Florence Wylie was a caller at this office Monday and renewed her subscription. Oscar Rhodes, who is teaching at Diller, is enjoying his Christ mas vacation at home. Isaac Rhodes on route 1, came in Monday and renewed his faith in this weekly visitor. W. C. McDertnend has our thanks for cash on subscription during the week. Cass Mooreof Ainsworth,Neb., was in the city on business dur ing the week. Frank Messier and wife of Fairbury are visiting relatives in this city. George and John Hall of Ver don were business visitors here Monday. Mrs. J. C. Leister spent Christ mas in Salem with Mrs. Belle Stitzer. i We received a postal yesterday from Ralph Jenne at Washington, 1). C. Myrtle Bowers went to Verdon this week to visit relatives. O. R. Ross was down from Shubert yesterday. Special Meeting At a special meeting of the city council Tuesday eveningthe council ordered an auto sparker for the motor pump at the water works plant. They also adver tised for bids to install com plete and put in successful operation in the city’s water and light plant the following items of machinery: One new 200 to 210 horse power water tube or internally bred double-drum boiler One new IS00 horse power) open feed water heater equal to Cochrane make. All steam piping necessary to install this pump and boiler complete and connect it with the present system. Kicked By a Horse The little six year old son ot Gotleb Wechter, living six miles east of this city, was kicked by a horse Christmas eve. The little fellow was playing when the horse turned and kicked him in the head. He was immediately taken to Dr. Kellar’s office where the wound was dressed, and it was found necessary to take sev eral stitches. At this writing he is improving. Broke His Leg Jesse Harris of McCandlass switch drove to this city yester day. As he was going down Main street his horse became frightened and ran away throw ing him out and broke his leg. The accident happened just as we were going to press and we did not learn all the particulars of the accident. District Court Judge Kapur held a short ad journed session of the district court on Monday. Aside from a few minor orders on motions not! - ing was done. The sale of the Schaihle eighty to Andy Bergner was confirmed. It is believed that the next jury session will be called for the latter part of January. Will Make Extended Stay \V. C. McDermend and wife leave this week forToukawa, Okl., to spend some time with their children. From there they go to San Antonia, Texas, for a yisit. They will be absent until June. Before returning they will visit Mexico City, Old Mexico. Burglars Busy On Tuesday night while Mr and Mrs. Will Casey were absent from home, some one entered the house between nine and ten by cutting the screen door- They took with them several pieces of jewelry, a 32 revolver and about $100 in money. At this writing no arrests have been made. Sweet Smelling Herbs. The nice old custom of putting lav ender and other scented herbs in linen presses and ether places containing clothing Is not bo much practiced now ns It was a generation ago, orris-root, satchet powder and other things be ing used Instead. Have you any con ception of how old the custom Is? Turn to the twenty-seventh chapter of Genesis, In the Hlble, and you will read that Jacob, when old and blind, “smelled the smell" of Jacob’s rai ment, which he compared to the “smell of a field which the I<ord hath blessed." It Is evident that Rebecca had put sweet-smelling herbs where her favorite son's clothing was kept A Boat in a Knapsack. A Servian named Merehep has de vised what he terms "a boat In a knapsack" for army purposes. The boat Is composed .of linen rendered impermeable by a coating of rubber: It. Is provided with oars, which fold Into each other to the size of an or dinary walking slick, and a cork seat, which also serves to keep It taut when open. The model can accommo date one person only, but larger ones may be made on the same plan for the conveyance of troops and bag gage when crossing rivers. Merchep's Invention Iihh been tried on the Seine by naval experts, who speak of It in high terms. Looking Into the Future. A minister of a church in Edinburgh, Scotland, recently surprised the con gregation at a Sunday evening ser vice by banding in his resignation, lie was only CO years old and was In good health and vigor. The following Sunday a committee of the members waited upon him and expressed their regret at the step lie wan about to take. They said to him: "You have plenty of work In you yet. Why re sign ?" "Yes,” he replied, "I know but you bad better accept my resigna tion now. When I am 70 you will not be able to get rid of me.” The Eternal Feminine. “I'll tell you how I'm saving money bo that I can entertain friends at din ner, Marie," said a Stenographer to her chum as they soar* I upward In an office elevator. “Whenever I am in vited to dine out and do not hav.e to pay for my own dinner, 1 put the 1 amount I save In my little Iron bank. However,” she continued, with the par ticularly pleasant, purr that sometimes ! precedes a scratch, “that plan won’t do you any good, will it, dear, for you are never Invited out, are you?" Cleveland & Son Sell Out During the week Cleveland *v I Son sold their department store in this city to R. A. Dittmar of I New Jersey. They began in voicing ami Mr. Dittmar took charge at once. The new mana ger is a stranger in this city but we speak for him success, and are glad to welcome him in our midst._ Hedge Posts Extra good well seasoned seven foot hedge posts for sale. 4h-2t C. F. Reavis. Simple Remedy for LaCrippe Hacking lagrippe coughs that may develop into pneumonia over night are quickly cured by Foley’s Honey and Tar. The sore and iutlamed lungs are healed and strengthened, and a dan gerous condition is quickly averted Take only Foley’s Honey and Tar in yellow package. Kerr’s Pharmacy.