The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 01, 1909, Image 2

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    To the Ladies
1 am prepared to do all
kinds of I lair Work. If
in need of a Switch, Puffs,
Curls, or anything in Hair
Goods, give me a trial.
Mrs.C. McCoy
Phone 370
Sales conducted in
scicntilic and busi
nesslike manner
Falls City, Nebraska
1). S. HcCarthy
Prompt attention given
to the removal of hou*e
hold good*.
Passenger Trains
South Bound
Tr. 104—St. Louis Mail and Ex
press .1:23 p. in.
Tr. loti Kansas City Exp., 3:41 a. in.
Tr. 1.32 x K. C.local leave*. .7:30 a. in.
Tr. 13H x Fall* City arrives 0:00 p. in.
x Daily except Sunday
North Bound
Tr. 103 Nebraska Mail and Ex
press.1:52 p. m.
Tr. 105 Omaha Express... ,2:23 a. in.
Tr. 137 x Omaha local It lives ti:15 a.m.
Tr. 131 x Falls City local ar
rives. . .... .K;45 p m.
x Daily exceot Sunday
Local I rt. Trains Carrying Passengers
North Bound
Tr. 102.x—To Atchison.11:10 a. in.
South Bound
Tr. lOlx—To Auburn.1:23 p m.
J. B VARNER. Agent
Hides and Furs
Highest market prices—1st
house south of I’eter Freder
ick, sr.
Phone 422
/ Sam K. Trower. Harr> \\ Trower \
\ and Ben L. Rively /
are now associated with
Geo. R. Barse Livestock
Commission Co.
at the Kansas City Stock Yards
where they are taking care of and handling
all the business «»f their patrons the same as
in the past. Oui pen location I* the name
as fof the past twenty years.
Plent\ of Yarding Space and Plenty of
Help, enables u* to handle all business to a
Better Advantage than ever before.
Phones: Nos. 177, 217
Sam'l. Wahl Building
Office over Kerr’s Pharmacy
Office Phene 260 Residence Phone 271
John Whatsel
Practice in Various Courts.
Collections Attended To.
Notary Public. FALLS CITY
Warns About Dry Farming
William E. Curtis Believes it to Be Critical--Thinks
That Farming Has Been Pushed Too Far West and
That Trouble Will Ensue.
William E. Curtis in tin* Chica
go Record-Herald:
There in a great deal of imjuiry
and agitation in progress just now
concerning the material resourses
of the country. There have been
several conventions in Washington
lately to discuss subjects of that
sort. Several commissions a p
pointed by the president are en
gaged in investigations of condi
tions,"prospects and possibilities.
Agi ids i f the interior and the
agricultural department, the fores
try service, the reclamation ser
vice, the agricultural experiment
stations of the government and tin*
universities of several states are
seeking the truth and looking into
the future to locate and define
difficulties and dangers, so that the
development, and prosperity of our
agricultural sections may not be
These investigations have dis
closed some facts winch should be
made known to the public, and
will doubtless appeal in official
with official sanction very soon.
For example, it is thought neces
sary to warn land-hungry people
who are taking up homesteads and
buy ng small farms in the semi
arid regions of western Kansas,
eastern Colorado, Wyoming, I'tah
and other states, that “dry fann
ing” is a very critical proposition.
It is also considered important
that homeseekers should know
that many million acres of our
arid land can never be irrigated
under any circumstances, because
of the lack of water, and that the
prevention of waste of watei is one
of the most important duties of
the American people.
One of the ablest agricultural
experts in this country, who has
recently made an investigation of
the conditions in the “dry farm
ing” section on the slopes of the
llocky Mountains, says:
“I have been a pretty thorough
student of what is known as “dry
farming", and have urged farmers
when moving into the semi.arid
section, say west of the ninety
ninth meridian, to purchase noth
ing less than a section or two sec
tions, and to combine stock grow
ing with ‘dry farming’, and not to
undertake it all except with enough
capital to carry them through a
period of three years. In Salt
Lake City 1 made special inquiry
of the president of the agricul
tural college, and others, who in
form me that ‘dry farming’ has
been practiced there since 1865,:
and that the average yield of the j
land, which is put in wheat each
alternate year, is 8 or b bushels a ;
year, ami that the land will soon
need vegetable matter in order to
maintain its fertility. At Chey
enne I was told that the minimum I
of land needed for successful!
farming was 1120 acres and the
minimum of capital $2,000; that
while some men will succeed with
$1,000 or even $500, many would
fail even with $1,000, but that
$2,000 is required to be safe. The
agricultural experiment station
sent out circulars asking d r y
farmers as to the amount of land
required to make a living, ami the
average given was 500 acres.
Over most of the territory west]
of the 99th meridian there lias
been 50 per cent of rainfall above
the normal far the last three years.
The soil is rich, most of it at I
least. Some of it is very easily j
tilled; some of it is of abode for- i
mation, which is a hard soil toi
manage and should never be plow- j
ed at all. The whole country from
the national boundary to and in-;
eluding the Panhandle of Texas
has been exploited for the last 3
or 4 years by companies more or
less closely affiliated with the rail
roads who have purchased their
land and have proclaimed far and
wide the doctrine that rain follows
the plow, that the east is moving
west, and they are selling these
lands pleading that a homestead
can be secured alongside at from
$6 to $20 mi acre. They secure
about a tliiril pny merit down,which
is about the original cost of the
land, and take mortgages running
at s per cent interest for the bal-,
If normal rainfall should return j
a calamity would strike this whole
area from the '.tilth meridian to the
1 Odd meridian,the whole length of
the country, that would be greater
than the calamity that struck
western Kansas and Nebraska in
the In fact, I believe that,
the whole agricultural population,
outside of the irrigation districts,
would be driven back two hun
dred miles, bankrupt and hopeless.
The mortgages will be fote doBed
on these lands, and they will be
converted into great ranches and
the grasses allowed to reseed them
selves, which they will do in the
course of probably 10, 15 or 20
I believe that dry farming ou
these soils, other than the adotie
and red clay sections, could be
made profitable by men of large
meins and of the highest. sjpll, by
deep plowing, so to speak, by [Hit
ting a cistern u ider their farms,
and by subsoiling to put a lid ori
it, thus by continuous cultivation
growing a crop of winter wheat
every other year. But to send
poor, land-hungry people out onto
these lands as homesteaders and
to sell the adjoining railroad lands
at prices above mentioned is
cruelly heartless. Men who have
made it a study for 10 to 20 years
know the folly of undertaking to
farm where nature never intended
anything but the steer or cow to
exisit. In their judgment the
homestead laws would be so
amended as to permit the farmers
to homestead a section, ns intend
ed in the Kinkuid law. In this
way they could ‘dry farm’ 80 acres
or a quarter, leaving the rest in
the grass of which it requires from
15 to .10 acres to support a steer,
and by doing so they could make
a living. ”
What Others Say
The Fulls City Tribune of last
week whs a hummer, issuing six
teen pages enclosed in a hand
some holiday cover. That the
merchants of our ‘‘east end”
neighbor are a progressive‘‘bui>ch”
who seeui to be thoroughly im
bued with the efficacy of printer’s
ink, is evidenced throughout the
issue in well worded, neatly dis
played ads, and Manager Shads
is to be congratulated, not only
upon the enterprise displayed in
the production of such an issue,
but because he merits and is re
ceiving the loyal support of the
business interests of the city.—
Humboldt Standard.
The attractive special Christinas
editions issued by newspapers at
Fairbury, Falls City and other
points in this part of the state re
lied the enterprise of publishers
and advertising dealers. Convin
ced that newspaper advertising is
the only profitable kind, merch
ants are following it liberally and
persistently, and thus make it pos
sible for publishers to give better
service, Beatrice Express.
Wanted Recruits
for the Boy’s brigade. Boys from
12 to 18 years are elligable. The
requirements are to abstain from
bad habits and to obey the super
icr officers, This company will
be conducted strictly upon mili
tary principles and in a short time
soldier suits and guns will be pro
vided. This is a tine tkiug for
the boys and our plans are to give
them lots of good times and to
keep them under a moral and
spiritual influence. The recruit
ing office is at the Baptist church
and will be open for volunteers to
register Saturday from .’> to 4 p.m.
Boys do you want to be a real sol
dier? Now is your chance.
Rev. G. F. Reichel,
Recruiting Officer.
Final Estimate Given by Depart
ment of Agriculture.
The final crop estimates for!
the year 11108, as given out by j
the department of agriculture
give the corn crop HU0.000 in
crease in acreage, with a total
increase of 7*5 million bushels
over that of last year. As a|
consequence the price of corn in
the Chicago pit has fallen off
several cents, the situation be
ing construed as bearish, by
most of the professional specu
lators. in regard io this phase
of the situation, one of the crop
staticians has the following to
say: “It is quite evident that
the enlarged figures are based
on a revision of the estimates of
previous years and do not indi
cate an actual increase over the
area of 1907. The adverse char
acter of the p anting season
makes it impossible to believe
that farmers were able to plant
a larger area of corn last spring
than in the preceding spring.
Crop statistics are of value only
by comparison, and therefore a
revision of estimates that makes
an apparent increase but does
not signify an ac.ual increase is
misleading. The final estimate
of this year’s corn crop is much
larger than that of a year ago.
As a matter of fact, the crop
this year is probably somewhat
less than that of last year and a
proper revision by the Wash
ington bureau of statistics would
have shown this. When a re
vision is made that is in the na
ture of a correction of mistakes
in the precedingyears, lull pub
licity should be given to this
A Well Selected Line of Books Ar
rived This Week.
The following new books were
put in circulation at the Library
this week :
On The Training of Parents.. Abbott
Old Steamboat Days on the Hudson
River.Buck man
Furnishing a Modest Home... Daniels
.lock of tile Bush veld.Fitzpatrick
Dame Curtsey's Book of Guessing
Cortes's .Glover
Ibsen .Gosse
Efficient Life. Gulick
Elimination of the Tramp .. ..Kelley
Servant in the House.Kennedy
History of Music. Pratt
In God’s Out-of-Doors.Quajle
Young Malefactor.Travis
Through the Gates of the Nether
lands. . . Waller
Religion and Medicine.Worcester
Philosophy of the Spirit .Dres-er
Power of SileDce.Dresser
Advanced Lessons in Yogi Philosophy
Science and a Future Life.Hys op
Santa Lucia ..Austin
Post Girl. Booth
Three of a Kind.Burton
Kincaid’s Battery. Cable
Olympic Victor..Connoly
D ana of Dobson's.Hamilton
Master of the Inn.Herrick
Spanish Jade.Hewlett
Lewis Rand.Johnston
Bigelow Papers. Lowell
Exton Manor.Marshall
Car and the Lady.Megargel
Little Brown Jug at Kildare. Nicholson
At the Foot of the Rainbow.... Porter
Flower of the Dusk.Heed
Opeu Window.Wright
.irVenice hooks.
Little Women (new ed ).Alcott
Wizard of Oz . Baum
Mother Hubbard Picture Book. .Crane
Miss Betty of New York.Belaud
On the School Team.Karl
Indian Primer.Fox
Holy Land.Finnemore
Switzerland .Finnemore
Jack the Young Trapper Grinnel
Bays Before History..Hall
Trooper Ross, and Signal Butte. King
Little Journey to our Western Won
.lack and the Beanstalk. Heller
Fairv Tale of a Fox.Heller
Our Little Arabian Cousin.. Mansfield
Our Little Scotch Cousin. . .Mansfield
Anne of Green Gables. . . Montgomery
Snow Baby.Peary
Snowland Folk.Peary
Squirrel Nutklti.Potter
Two Bad Mice.Potter
Jemima Puddleduck. Potter
Nancy Rutledge .Pyle
Round the Corner in Gay Street...
Our Little Alaskan Cousin.Roulet
Five Little Peppers in the Little
Brown House. Sidney
No son. the Adventurer.Smith
Three Little Pigs.
Two Bad Mice.
Three Colonial Bo\ s.Tomlinson
Four Boys on the Mississippi.
Betty Baird's Ventures.Weikel
"Us Fellers".Forrester
Shaggy Coat.Hawkes
Picture Book No. 4.. .. Caldecoft
Foolish Fox.
Having moved to town, I will sell at public sale on my
farm, 3*4 miles northwest of halls City, on
Tuesday, January 5, 1909
the following described property to-wit :
One bay mare, in foal bv
jack, cortiing 7 yrs. old.
One sorrel mare, in foal by
jack, coming 10 yrs. old.
One sorrel mare, in foal by
jack, coming i^yrs old..
One bay mare colt, coming
2 yrs. old.
One sucking colt.
One mule,extra large,com
ing 4 yrs. old.
One mule, coming 3 yrs.
One mule, coming 2 vrs.
()ne sucking mule.
One cow.
One heifer, 3 yrs. old.
Five steer calves.
Five sows and 25 pigs.
25 tons timothy hay, baled.
10 tons loose timothy hay
in barn.
(hie stack of alfalfa hay.
50 bales straw.
Implements and machin
ery of all kinds.
Term made known on day of sale
COL. MARION, Auctioneer GEORGE HOLT, Clerk
Fat and broke to work — from 4 to 8
years old. Bring in your stock and
get the highest market price, at
Mettz' Sale Pavilion, in
Falls City, Sat.y Jan. 2d
Most Extensive Dealer in United States.
Pittsburgh Perfect Pences
are enjoying phenomenal success, and are conceded to be far
superior to any other fences on the market. Thousands of
pleased fence users will testify that “Pittsburgh Perfect” Elec
trically Welded Fences are superior.
They will not sag in Summer’s heat nor break in the cold
of Winter. They are made of the best material for fencing
purposes. They will conform to the most uneven ground and
can be erected over hills and through valleys as well as on level
ground. They have MANY other points of merit.
Palls City, Neb. TANNER
have good teeth whi e they are young—
but they don’t keep them. First-class
dental work is practically unknown in the
Orient. You have a big advantage over
Eastern people in this respect, American
dentistry is the most painless and effi
cient in the world. Come to us for the
best teeth-treatment.
BERT WINDLE, D. D. S„ Assistant
Falls City, Nebraska
gggpggnggggJgBggQBKHHHBBHHHHH Formerly President of St. Anthony's
D_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hospital. For years the leading spec
mMw ■ M iulist in the middle West. HIS TONIC
I ■ W W M • Hi ■ ■ wonderful success,
NO MONEY REQUIRED tostart treatment. If parties are responsible. You can pay as
you get results. Consultation free at office or by letter, Guaranteed Cures in all curable
cases. Names In private cases kept confidential. Charges low. Men, nervous debility,
catarrh, stomach, heart, kidney, blood and skin diseases, rheumatism, stricture, weakness,
drains, backache, etc. One visit to the office for con .citation is usually enough, after that
the treatment can be taken at home. His seven-day treatment for varicocele is a great
success. Women, caturrh, dyspepsia, nervousness, backache, constipation, eczema, etc.
Office hours on week days 10 to 12 A. M. and 2 to 4 P. M.; on Saturday evening from 7 to 8:30.
on Sunday morning from 11 to 12.