Vol. V FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JANUARY I, 1909. Number 52 A PIONEER GONE — JE SSE CROOK, COUNTYS OLD EST CITIZEN. IS CONE !>KK FOKTNKU (lien Elder of Barada and Viola Fortner of this city were united in marriage at the court house by Judge (lagnon last Monday. BASKET BALL Falls City Wins Two Games Dur ing the Week * >ne of the roughest and at tha same time one of the beat basket ball games ever played in Falls City took place Tuesday evening between the local boys and Crete. The Crete team lias been making a tour of the state and won every game played. They were anxious to keep the state clean and went into the game determined to put Falls City’s crack team out. So determined were they that at times the game looked more like font ball than basket ball. Great dissatisfaction was displayed by the large crowd at the rulings of Crete's ollieial which did seem un fair. But notwithstanding t h e evident unfairness and the rough play our hoys met eveiy effort of the opposition and went them one better. There was never a time when more than two points between the two teams and some of the time the score was tied. The first half ended 15 to 12 in favor of Falls City and at the end the score was 25 to 22 in favor of Falls City. Crete has a splendid team and our hoys are entitled to great credit for beating them. Prof, llurst accompanied by our boys basket ball team went to Auburn Wednesday to play ball with the team of that city. Ar rangements had been made to play in the afternoon, but when our boys reached that place Auburn refused to piny until that evening. It was a good game and our boys won it, the score being 22 to 12. LEG AMPUTATED Milton Carnahan is Badly Injured Near Verdon. While Milton Carnahan was trying to rope a cow at the home of Van Saylor near Verdon, he was in some manner thrown against a tree with force sufficient to break his leg above the knee. Last Sunday the limb was ampu tated. At this writing his con dition is considered to be very serious. Stereopticon Lecture. Rev. R. K. Teeter will give an other illustrated lecture at the Brethren church next Sunday eve ning. The church is too small to accommodate all whoare attracted by these popular lectures on the mission fields of the world, but every effort will be made to make the congregation as comfortable as possible. The subject next Sunday evening will be ‘‘An Eve ning in China.’’ Admission is free, but a free will offering will be made to meet expenses. A Small Blaze The fire department was call ed out Saturday afternoon to the home of Cal Wilson. Fire broke out in the wood shed and was extinguished before the de partment arrived on the scene, and very little damage was done. Suffering From a Felon Miss Lilly Sheehan is suffering from a felon on her finger. It had been very painful for several days and on Monday it was found necessary to operate on the in jured member. Since that time she is much easier. SOCIETY NOTES AS TWAS TOLD TO OUR SO CIETY EDITOR Various Kinds of Entertainment by Individuals, Lodges, Clubs, Churches. Etc. The colored people of this city enjoyed a social dance at Wahl’s hall Monday night Last evening Mrs. I. C. Maust entertained a company of young people at a Whist party. The Shakespcre club and their husbands will be entertained to night at the home of C.F-Reavis. Last evening Reavis Cist enter tained a company of young people at his home on south Stone street. Miss Rdna Carico was hostess to a house party at her home in the country during the week. A number of young ladies from town were present. The children of the Episcopal church were given a Christmas party at the home of C. G. Har grave. They were assisted in entertaining the little folks by the older members of the church. A nice time is reported. Miss Martha nickel and her mother entertained the members of their family in the form of a home coming Monday, at their home in this city. The married children and their families from different points wore present. They spent a very pleasant day On Wednesday night the young people of the high school gave a dance at the Klks club room in this citv for the benefit of the “gym”. 'I'lle basket ball boys were delayed in Auburn and were unable to attend, which was deep ly regretted. A nice time was reported Mrs- Jno. Powell and Miss May Maddox gave an at home Wednes day afternoon at the Maddox home in honor of Mrs. George Dietsch of Hastings. There were about 100 guests present and a most enjoyable afternoon was spent. Two very unique guess ing contests formed a part of the entertainment. Very elaborate refreshments were served. The out of town guests were Miss Winifred Hill of Hiawatha and Mrs. Ocomb and daughter of Kulo. and Miss Mable Bridges of Lin ed n. A most delightful party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. .!• Gist on Monday eve ning to a number of their friends The house was beautifully deco rated in holiday greens and (low ers. The early part of the eve ning was taken up with playing the new game of “Division ’ which was greatly enjoyed by alb Delightful refreshments were served after which a list of ques tions were given each guest which were quite unique. Each ques tion consisted of a sentence of three words, the words containing the initials of some one's name and the guests were required to guess the name. ‘‘Just Causes Yells ’ proved to be J C. Yutzy and “Eternally Hustling Tele phones” was E- H. Towle. Great merriment was aroused by this game and the host and hostess were congratulated bv all upon a most unusual and pleasant enter tainment. Christmas Entertainment Miss Florence Wylie who teaches at Lake Side, east of town gave & Christmas entertainment Wednes day evening. The room was beautifully decorated with chains, fol age and Christmas bells. A nice program was rendered by the pupils, and a large crowd was pre sent. A tree was nicely decorated and filled with little gifts; also a nice treat from Miss Wylie. The children presented their teacher with a beautiful souvenir spoon.