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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1908)
THE LOCAL LORE HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME What Your Friends and Their Friends Have Been Doing the Past Week. Eat Sowles Candy. Miss Dorothy White is home for the holidays. Dr. Tefft. Dentist, Maddox block, opposite court house. Get your potatoes at Heck’s feed store, 75c per bushel. Kalph Lewis spent Sunday with his brother. Thearen, in Omaha. Hear one side and you will be in the dark. Hear both sides and all will be cleai. Mildred Holland who is attend ing school in Lincoln, is home for her holiday vacation. Frank Greenwald and family of Deadwood, S. D., are in the city visiting relatives. Miss Kva Far.kel of Stella, was in the city the first of the week, the guest of Grace Hoppie. Do not kick every stone in the path. More miles can be made in a day by going steadily on than stopping. Rev. R. R. Teeter returned from a lecturing tour through Iowa and will occupy his pulpit as usual next Sunday. The man who wants to be sure of a crowd of buyers at his sale should have his bills printed at the Tribune office and run an ad. The farmer, the same as the business man, should have print ed stationery. The Tribune's work is the best and prices the lowest. Little Joe Ulilig talked fora week about “Mr. Jesus and his automobile” before his parents learned that he meant Charlie Lord of Shubert. Mrs. Alice barley and her daughter, Mrs. Nellie McGregory and a grand-daughter, are up from Atchison yisiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. G.W.Chesley. A local maiden of advanced age is said to have replied to the question why she had never married, that she always noticed that married men made the poorest husbands. We made seven men mad last week by saying that if you asked the first fifty men you met who was the meanest man in Falls City forty would name the same fellow. Each one of the seven thought he was “it.’ Miss Lois Spencer whose work as a librarian has been so satifac tory has participated prominently in a traveling county library that is not only doing wonders in the way of entertaining and instruct ing those to whom a library is inacessible, but is at the same time creating a very kindly feel ing for Falls City. We are going to ask Miss Spencer to explain its workings to Tribune readers in the near future. “In the lives of the saddest of us there are bright days when we feel as if we could take the world into our arms. Then comes the gloomy days, when the tire will neither burn on our hearths nor in our hearts, and all without and within is dismal, cold and dark. Believe me, every heart has its secret sorrow’s which the w'orld knows not; and oftimes we call a man cold, when he is only sad.’' — Longfellow. Frank Pecht broke all records [ for sawing wood Saturday, lie ; began operations at the court house where he finished 2.^ cords of wood, moved his machine to another part of town and sawed | 2 cords before the day closed. I he Odd rellows will hold ! open house New Years day from two to five in the afternoon. In J the evening an entertainment i will be given to Odd Fellows and I their families. This is the time of the year vvhen the farmer does the right thing with the rural route inan jin the way of sausage, back bone and kindred delicacies. Tom Spence and wife, who travel with “The Girl and the Gawk Co.,” arrived in the . ity Monday to visit relatives several days. ‘‘When the millions applaud you, seriouslv ask yourself what harm you have done: when they censure you, what good." Colton. Walter Vogen of Missouri, was in the city the first of the week, visiting at the home of D.Branum and S. Prater. Etta Sheehan of Atchison, spent Sunday at the home of her father, Morris Sheehan and wife. Mr. Hohen of Mptthews De partment Store, spent Christmas day with his family in St Joe, G. W. Wiltse of Dawson was in town Wednesday- While here remembered The Tribune. If the local butchers would only make pork sausage of pork how happy we would be. Mrs. Fred Freie spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs A. HalTele, near Preston. Mrs. John Levda returned the latter part of Ihe week to her home in Plattsmouth. G Fred Cumming-, of Umaha, is in the city the guest of Miss Laura Naylor Miss Helen Brebeck spent Sun day in Hiawatha, the guest of Mrs. Talley. Fred Freie of this vicinity, spent Sunday with relatives in Wymore, Consider the cucumber: it al ways tights hardest when its down. W. S- Leyda and wife left Sun day for a few days stay in Kansas City. John Seiler o: Humboldt, was a business visitor here Saturday. Jas. Sinclair and wile of Pres ton, were in the city Monday. Vaughn McVey spent Sunday at his home in Pu!o. i JEWELRY Is always suitable for wife, mother, lather sis-, ter, brother, aunt, uncle or friend. Here are a few suggestions: FOR MEN FOR WOMEN Watch Watch Ring Bracelets Fob Fancy Hat Pin Charm Belt PinJ Stick Pin Locket and Chain Cuff Buttons Ring Razor Strop Jewel Cases Shaving Set Cut Class Fountain Pen Silverware These are only a few of the many useful and beautiful things we carry that would make an excellent present at a moderate price. R. B. SIMPSON JEWELER North Window Kerr’s Pharmacy J. \Y. Lundy was down from Shubert Saturday. Cold weather is coming- Get your Coal of C. A. lleck. Jake Marniet spent Sunday with his family in this city. J Chas. Weaver of Verdon, was 1 in this city shopping Saturday. Ewing Herbert of "The World' was a business visitor here Friday | night. l)r. Morsman and wife are en I joying a visit from their son from j St. Louis. Wm. Hinton came down from Omaha and spent Sunday with his brother. D. M. Davies and wife spent Sunday in Verdon at the home of J. D. Griffith. Guy Greenwald and wife are in Kansas C'tv where they will spend Christmas. Clyde Chessman of this place left yesterday for Mound City to spend Christmas. Miss Cornford is in Iowa dur ing the holidays, the guest at the home of her brother. May Startzel who has been vis iting relatives in Atchison, re turned home Sunday. James Coupe came down from Lincoln and will remain at home until after Christmas. Misses May and Kate Maddox came down from Lincoln to spend their holiday vacation at home, Tom Davies returned to Au burn Monday after a short visit at the home of George Riechers. Mrs. Fred Cain returned from an extended visit with her daugh ter, Mrs. Adelbert Van Oven, at Bozeman, Mont. Harry J. Pittock came up from St. Joe to spend Christmas at home. He is a student at Ens worth Central Medical college Fok Rent—Good six room house near old water works. New 1} paoered and painted through out. Inquire of Dr- Lawrence. Louie Godfernon, who has been receiving medical treatment at a Kansas City hospital, returned home the latter part of the week. Misses Lucy and Edith Lemon came home from Crete, where they are attending school, and will remain until after Christmas. S. L. Davies left this week for Dakota to look after his claim in terest there, he being among the lucky ones in the Tripp county drawing. Miss Edna Crook returned Sun day from Texas, where she is at tending school, to spend her Christmas vacation with her par | ents here. Ernest Vincent and wife start today from Denver for this place. | Mrs. Vincent is imvroving and ! they will spend some time at the I home of her parents in this city. Mr. and Mrs Abner McKee re turned from Council Bluffs Sun day. They will spend some time visiting relatives in this city be ! fore going to tneir new home in j Colorado, Wm. Sinclair, wife and two lit* tie sons, left Monday for their l home in Kidderville, Kas., after {several days spent with the fornr jer’s sister, Mrs. John Hossack, and other relatives. The News announces a “blue rock” shoot next week which will be participated in b y “Petie’ Frederick and the sporting editor ol that paper. There is nothing like news as is news. The usual Christmas dinner at tended bv all the children and grandchildren will be enjoyed at the home of Mr. and Mrs- Isbain Reavis todav. Twenty-four com prise the total number. That the merchants of Falls City recognize the Tribune as the best advertising medium is shown by a comparison of advertising done during the holidays shown elsewhere in this paper. August Deckinger held a public sale on his farm near this city during ilie week, which was the largest held in this county for some time. The sales amounted to $5,000. Col. Marion was the auctioneer i The reporter saw an Indian j buy a hundred dollars in Christ mas presents in one store Monday. Our merchants in their advertis ing. have not paid enough atten tion to this trade The next cat alogue you get out, try the near by reservation and see what the result is. Mr. and Mrs. Frances Martin are today giving a family Christ mas dinner at their home. John Martin and family and Frank and George Martin are here from Council Bluffs, and also Tom • Martin and family will be pres ent. Ingram Cain who has spent the last two years in New Mexico and Montana is home for Christmas. Ingram is at present located in Montana where he is engaged in business. Many newspaper readers are for one reason or another contemplat ing a change of papers. If you want all the news of the county all the time try taking the Trib une. Will Julian of Long Beach, Calif.,accompanied by his mother, has joined his wife and will visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. R Cain, over the holidays. The hitch racks, the feed lots and the livery barns were scarce ly adequate to accommodate the many teams that were in town last Saturday. Mrs. Clarence Peabody came up from St. Joe Monday and will re main until after Christmas at the home of her father, Samuel Prater. Seventeen attacked turkey at the home of Bob Cain on Christ mas. This number included all the children and grandchildren. It was interesting to see Dave Reavis and Wilber Leyda try not to look proud during the basket ball games last Friday night. Mrs- Della Stumbo and daugh ter, Jennie Pearl, of Lincoln, are visiting the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Prater. Mrs. Tom Palmer came down from Shickley, to spend the holi days with her parents, Rube Hor rocks and wife. Col. C* II. Marion wishes to announce that he has plenty of open dates between now and February 1. J. R Shelly and wife and Wm. Mohlerand wife were among the Preston people shopping in town Saturday. Miss Hand left Saturday for Ft. Leavenworth to spend the holiday vacation with her soldier brother. Clifford Wahl, who is attending St. Mary's college, at St- Marys, Kas., is in the city for a short va cation. A reporter counted eight tour ing cars in town Saturday and each one was owned by a fanner. Mrs. Bob Johnson and daugh ter, Katherine, of Superior, are visiting relatives in this city. Miss Gladys Hoffman of Lin coln was the guest of Marion Simauton this week. Miss Helen Murohy of Kulo, visited her sister, Mrs. Dennis McCarthy, Saturday. Miss Cecil Kanaly and Miss Gilbert ot Eulo, were Saturday visitors in this city. Chas. Banks of Dakator, Okla., is visiting at the home of his pa rents in this city. Miss Myra Bush, the postmis tress of Preston, spent Saturday in this city. Miss LooKabill is spending her Christmas vacation with relatives in Iowa. — For sale Lakeside organ, as good as new. Inquire at Trib' une. Mrs. Kate Eieger has been quite sick during the week. Joe Lord and wife of Salem, were in the city Saturday. Miss Field is enjoying a visit at her home in Lincoln. Turner Tefft spentSunday with friends in Lincoln. Mrs. Joe Neitzel came up from Preston Saturday. —Order vour coal of C. A.Heck. Dr. Clifford R. Tefft DENTIST All Work Guaranteed and promptly attended to. Modern Equipment OPERATIONS Gold Bridges Gold Inlays Gold and Porcelain Porcelain Inlays Bridges Gold and Rubber Plates Gold Crowns Alcolite Inlays Porcelain Crowns Gold and Silver Fillings All Work Strictly Up-to-Date and Guaranteed MADDOX BLOCK Opposite Court House Falls City, Nebraska Telephone 259 Dan Filey jr., of Dawson, was in the city Friday. Wm- Deckinger of Preston, was in the city Saturday. George Uri of Steinuer, was a visitor in this city Friday. P. W. Sainuelson came down from Lincoln Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Julian left Sun day for Kansas City, for a short visit Mrs. C. Hermes of St. Joseph has our thanks for cash on sub scription. Will Ruegge was in Omaha at tending the Implement Dealers’ convention last week. Miss Agnew left Friday for Rockford, 111., to spend herChris mAs vacation with relatives. Uncle Jesse Crook’s many friends are sorry to know that he is very ill at his home in this city. Ed Hammond of Lincoln, or ders the Tribune sent to him for another year. He is one of our satisfied readers. J. W. Macomber and wife of Coweta, I. T., are in the city vis iting the former’s sister, Mrs. G. J J. Crook and other relatives. Mrs. C. M. Wilson left Friday for Valparaiso, Ind., where she will spend the holidays with her daughter who is attending the conservatory of music at that place J. W. Dodds of Humboldt, rer membered the Tribune on sub scription this week. Mr. Dodds always remqinbers 11s January 1, lie being the first cash subscriber , to the Tribune when it started. H D. 'Pinker, a former resi dent of this county, but now of Douglas, Arizona, writes that he is prospering in the home of their late choice, where he is interested* in paving He also renews his faith in the Tr bune, Karl Catnblin of Ross, Wyom ing. arrived in the city the latter part of the week to visit at the home of his father, Frank Camb 1 in. He will remain until after the holidays. J. W. Mumford an old Richard son county man. writes us from Victor, Col., and encloses a check to he applied on subscription. A. II. Voegelin came up from Rulo Saturday, to look after bus iness matters and to call on his many friends. Fred Bahr is spending the week at Reynolds, Neb,, being called there hv the illness of a brother. Dr. J. L. Gandy of Humboldt was in the city yesterday and re newed his faith in The Tribune, Miss Myrtle Bowers entertain ed relatives from Washington state and Verdon on Wednesday-. R. M. Gillan of Auburn, spent a few days in this city last week, returning home Saturday C. S. McCool and W. W. Mc Dermett of Salem, were business visitors here Saturday. Mrs.. H. D. Weller of Stella, spent a few days this week with Mrs. A. Graham. Mrs. John Stockton and daugh ter Clara are visiting relatives at Stanbury, Mo. Although many of the lines in our stock have been considerably de pleted, there still remain many articles, which would make ad mirable gifts. If you are look ing for a New Year’s remem brance or have a gift want to fill, your needs can still be met at Jciquet’s, with success. A. E. JAQUET “The Old Reliable"