Richardson County An Empire of Agricultural Wealth. Falls City. Its Capital A Busy Town of Enterprising Citizens and the home of Prosperous Men, Who Keep Abreast of Progress in the Best of Its Modern Madifestations Cnder the above head and sur rounded by fine half-tone cuts of different scenes in and closi toi Falls City, the Omaha Dee oT | Sunday. Dec. 20th, lias this to j say of us; There are three great pictures1 of southeastern Nebraska. One that was, one that is, and one (bat is to be, 'The early western 'ife was primitive, but it never was the life of a peasantry. Tor more than ball a century the far mer lias been tilling Richardson county, but he is just beginning to learn how to use it, how to en rich himself from it, how to en oy it, how rdlly to feel the mas tery over it. In the recent his tory of Richardson county, one fact stands out vividly: the day of speculation and experiment lias passed away, substantial business progress based on plans of per mancy lias succeed it. New gen erations are coining on the stage, new enterprises are being devel oped, new territory is being open ed through the adoption of new farming methods to the existing conditions. It is an unending procession of home seeking and home-building, ard it continues today with as regular a move ment as it possessed forty years ago. It is one of the great fac tors in the development of Rich ardson county. This whole eastern pai't of the state has broadened, expanded and matured within the last few years. Wider knowledge of pos sibilities, firmer grasp of oppor (unities and richer resources mark it than at any time in its history. The traveler who has only seen eastern Nebraska from the car window could say the same if they had passed over it in a bal loon or sailed by it in a boat. To see and know the state reouires more than a day, a week or a month. The saddle is indispensa ble to the full enjoyment of Rich ardson county. T li e rolling farms and wooded streams are always beconing the rider. Many a delicate woman finds her way where she wishes without escort and careless of fashion in mount ing. Either she is bent on re cruiting her health, or means to have a good time, or has business reuniting her attention. The Ikirlington and Missouri Pacific ir.iins steam past the farm homes a i! through the great corn fields, ni'd the rural mail carrier trots bv with In-, portion of forty miles >> suburban mail delivery, He* t"ie i n.g be trolley lines will be 1 <1 in re. cabs fi‘v is the commercial c ..erol Ev'nr Is'," -on>1 ♦ v. Tfroj' a lollar anywhere in the vounti and it will i\dl into Falls Citv as j natural as water runs down hill. | l nc old time idea ot producing raw material only is passing away. The manufacturing era is to be next on the western stage. The county has eight (louring mills, one vinegar factory, one canning factory and a pressed brick plant employing thirty men. T h e county lias 2,100 farms, with -00,000 acres under cultivation. The last season the countv pro duced 25,000 acres ol winter wheat and 20.000 acres of oats B.nd 100,000 acres of corn. The county also has 80,000 acres in tame grasses. Richardson county is the banner county of the state as a fruit-pro ducing section, consisting largely of apples, pears, peaches, plums and cherries. They have 200,000 apple trees, 10,000 pear, 80,000 peach and 78,000 plum trees. The products sold from the farms are about as follows. Hogs, $1.200,-1 000; cattle, $(,00,000; corn, $750, 000; oats, $100,000; apples, $100. 000- On these farms the dairy industry is attracting more and more attention each year, but while there are 10,000 cows to supply the demand,but 700 cream) separators are in use in the coun tv. This county is fortunate in ha ving 70 miles ol railroad with in its borders and 20,000 acres of timber land along the streams The county will soon add 40,000 acres of the best tillable land to1 its area by a drainage system to cost $280,000. Richardson is not one of the small counties of the state, as it has 560 square miles and the pop ulation is 24,000. Falls City, the county seat of the county, has 4.000 inhabitants and was estab lished in 1857; Humboldt has 1.500; Rulo. 1,000; Stella 7u0,and Salem, once the county seat.with Dawson and Verdon, each have about 500 population, and all ex cellent shipping points for a rich farming country. Shubert has but 200 people, but is one of the best little shipping points in the state. There are 110 school houses in the county with 130 teachers. This excellent school system has attracted the best class of citizens and the social atmosphere is of the highest order. This county is, fortunately, on the line that is not too hot or too dry, and has the happy medium of 32 inches of rainfall. Natural conditions are ideal. It enjoys the warm south ern winds ot winter seasons and the cool, pure breeze during the long summers. Nor is there one of these features that is not already giving somebody some tiling to do. something new and full of thrift, something new and encouraging in the prospect it of fers for the prosperity and pro gress of tomorrow. A glowing new life has come upon h’ichard son county. Things are doing again as they did in the immi grant day and in the sixties. Hut it is as impossible to ignore Falls City as it is to ignore the great Missouri river. The city is an ever present factor. Its location gives it command of the commerce of the valley. It has had a steady growth from the start- People went to Falls City, not because it was advertised, for it was not; not because it was boomed, for it was not; not be cause of its hospitality, for it was anything but hospitable in early days, but they went because they could make money there. The city's position gave it advantages over any other city of the county advantages that will always keep it supreme. And so great were the opportunities, so vast the development, and so impor taut the commerce which continu ed to How that all who came pros pered. The city grew for the same reason that a great bank grows because o f its utility. And it grew in much the same way that a bank grows, with no hubbub, no shouting, no booming of any kind; it grew because of a normal, inevitable demand that it should grow. Falls City must be studied and understood to be appreciated. It will never shout to attract atten tion. It is a stranger to what is known as the hot air method of exploitation! The city is indebt ed very largely to its present Commercial club for its progres sive methods and unusual pros perity. The people are not wor rying about how much popula tion the city has. “What differ ence does it make to us what city in the valley is the largest,” said one of the Commercial club. “Falls City has an interest in all of them." This lack of brag is more than compensated for by the intense affection that the city's sons and daughters feel for their homes. This pride and fondness is contagious. It is the same pride that a craftsman feels in his handiwork, the inventor in his creation, and the wife in her home. THE LOCAL LORE ■-— ■ I HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME What Your Friends and Their Friends Have Been Doing the Past Week ICdgar Schock is home for the holidays, John Hall of Yerdon, Sundayed in this city. (irace Cronin oi Rule, visited relatives here Sunday. John Hutchings is atCriggsby, Ind., visiting relatives. Mrs. I». A. Rose and son. Wes 1 *y. of Salsm, were in town Tues d a y. Mrs. Walter V eac li and Nelliei | Weaver were Yerdon visitors here j T uesda y. Mrs. Rebecca Brinegar of Salem, visited Mrs. Arthur Harris Tuesday. J. G. McGinnis of Dawson, re newed his faith in the Tribune! this week. Walter Boyle of Omaha, is in the city visiting his mother, Mrs. J. C Yutzy. Mrs. Frank Snyder and Miss Anna Pyle were up from Pres ton. Tuesday, Miss Josephine Graves came home from Fremont to spend her Christmas vacation. Dorothy Morehead, who is at tending school at Lincoln, is home for Christmas. Mrs. Lillian Stephenson and baby, are visiting the former's grandparents at Lincoln. The Episcopal ladies will hold a food exchange at the Electric theater, Saturday afternoon. Dr. Fordyce came down from ! Lincoln and is a Christmas guest at the home of W. II. Maddox. Basil Boyle and wife will re main in the city at the home of Dr Yutzy until after Christmas. F. F. Page and wife of Troy, Kansas, are in the city visiting their daughter, Mrs. Dr. Rene ker. Mrs. Bruno Hanson and baby are visiting at the home of the former’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. Kerr. Nap DeMers a n d daughter Grace, will spend Christmas with the former’s brother, in South Dakota. Mrs. Edward Wilcox came in from Burlington, Col., to spend Christmas with her mother, Mrs. Jenkins. Jake Bloom of Verdon, has purchased the Morris property and is moving his family here this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Weaver left Tuesday for White Pigeon,Mich., to spend Christmas with Mrs. Weaver's home folks Miss Mattie Shilling and sister, of Bloomington, 111., are in the city, guests at the home of their sister, Mrs. Sam Mower. Dr. Lawrence and sister, Miss Pearl, are spending a few days at Western, Neb., with Mrs. Elizabeth Carney and daughters. Mr*, John Sloan of Norcater, Kas., returned home Tuesday, af ter a short visit with her cousin, Arthur Harris and family, in this city. Mrs. Will Sears will return Sunday from Denver, where she has been for some time helping to care for her daughter, Mrs. Klva Vincent, G. H. Simpson, who is attend ing school in Columbus, Mo., spent a few days in this city with his brother, R. B. Sitnson, on his way to Ins home at Wahoo. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker of Council Bluffs, are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby boy, born Saturday. Mrs. Walker was form erly Miss Alice Hutchings, of this city. Harvy Hudson was down from Humboldt Wednesday, with a load ot those fine home grown sweet potatoes, for which he has become the premium grower of the state. While here he renewed his faith in this family journal. What's a Good Newspaper? The Tribune tells the news as faith fully and truthfully as it can, without fear and without favor, and comments on it with the best intelligence it can command. The Tribune is in league with all men and women who think, and with all the agencies that strive for the happiness of the people. The Tribune shields no wrong that ought to be exposed and stops at no truth that ought to be uttered. The Tribune does not lend itself to the making of strife between citizens, neither rages like a demagogue nor weeps like a charlatan. The Tribune has ideals, believes in progress, and wins its way by courage, plain speaking and fair dealing. The Tribune assembles each week as much of the good things that are done in the world as it can find and no more of the foul than it must. The Tribune has political opinions and may belong to a party, but it cannot be an organ and keep the high faith of the best journalism. The Tribune knows no boss, leans to no petty satrap of office, and owes no alle= giance but to that which is believed to be true. The Tribune is run on business princi pies and should make money and prosper like any other business, but probably won’t if that is its sole aim. The Tribune takes a cheerful view of the world, is kind to human failing, and helps men more by entertaining them than by ranting and scolding at them. The Tribune is Different That’s All »