The Falls City Tribune. V'oi. v FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1908. Number 49 SOCIETY NOTES AS TWAS TOLD TO OUR SO CIETY EDITOR Va rious Kinds of Entertainment by Individuals. Lodges. Clubs. Churches. Etc. — Marion Sitnanton entertained a number of young ladies at her home Monday evening in honor of Gladys Hoffman. The young men who were for tunate to be present at the leap -ear dance, gave a return dance, to the members of the Bachelor Club at Wahl’s hall, Wednesday : evening A leap year dance was given by the Bachelor Club, to their gentlemen friends, on Friday night, at Wahl's hall- There were thirty couples present and a fine time was reported. % Sorosis met Wednesday after noon with Mrs. John Gllligan. The rooms were beautifully dec orated with holly, mistletoe and Christmas bells. “The Other Wise Men” was read by Mrs- T. L. Himmelreich. A discussion 'Christmas Giving” by the club Mrs. Ed May sang “In the Pal ace of the Kink” in her pleasing manner. Delicious refreshments were served. Club adjourned to meet witn Mr«. Hargrave Jan. 14. Miss Glascer ot Humboldt, Mrs. Ed May and Mrs. C. Parrish were guests of the club, One of the most pleasant school entertainments of the season, was the one given by the pupils of the third at Central, Friday af ternoon. The play was entitled “Christmas Secrets,” and all who were present report it the best of That kind they ever heard. The room was beautifully decorated for this occasion and the tree was very attractive with its pret ty gifts and Christmas bells and fes toons. Miss Bowers iscertain ]y to be complimented on the suc cess of her program. Harry 0 Pence played the Santa Claus part. SENT TO JAIL Gcmpers and Mitchel Are in For Contempt The Supreme court of the District of Columbia, on Wed nesday sentenced Samuel Comp ersof the Federation of labor to one year in jail and John Miteh el of the miners’ union to nine months in jail for contempt of court. The case arose out of the in junction issued by the court restraining the defendants from boycotting the Buck Stove Co. The defendants defied the court and the law and continued the boycott. This question figured largely during the late presidential campaign. Mr. Gompers in his speeches to laboring men con strued the democratic platform as endorsing the boycott. Gov. Hughes of New York and Presi dent Roosevelt publicly asked Mr. Brvan if he put the same interpretations on the platform that Gompers did. Mr. Bryan declined to answer and as a re suit the entire manufacturing interest of the east got busy. Political wiseacres contend that this aided largely in Mr.Bryan’s defeat. Every time you take a dollar away from Falls City and spend it never to return, you lessen the Volume of trade that the business men of your town should have. The better town Falls City is the better Will be the price of every acre of land in the vicinity. The more business a town does the better town it is. Do you see the point ? WINS BOTH GAMES Tecumseh and Falls City Plays Basket Ball The basket ball games between the Tecumseh and Falls City high school teams last Friday night was really too one-sided to tie interest ing. A large crowd was m attend ance and the various if not melodi ous high school yells were much in evidence. Our girls merely played with their opponents and only quit scoring out of sympathy for the young ladies from the west. The final score was 59 to 5. The boys game had a little more ginger in it. The locnl five show ed better work than they have dis played before. Their opponents were .completely outclassed but fought gamely notwithstanding the great superiority of our boys. The official scorer announced the result as <32 to 11 in favor of Falls City. The Crete team, champions of the state, will play the boys at the gymnasium on the night of De cember dOth. An effort is being made to secure a coach from Kan sas City to develope our boys in the, finer points of the game tiefoie meeting Crete. Why Not Do This? Falls City claims to have the best girl's basket ball team. Why don’t Falls City and Sabetha girls play a game in Hiawatha? This is a fair meeting point.—Hiawatha World. If Sabetha has a girls team that is really worth while, the above invitation should be accepted. So far this season no team has been able to interest our girls, and a game with worthy opponents would be worth going miles to see. If this game is played the Tribune will bet two to one that Hiawatha will say that “our girls” are the prettiest and fastest crowd of basket ball players that little burg has ever seen. Don’t let this go default, follow the suggestion up and match a game. A Day Lost The voyagers on the Pacific ocean who cross the equator, will lose their Christmas this year. They will, if traveling towards China, go to bed on Thursday night and awaken on Saturday morning, the day after Christmas. In going around the world travel ing east, a day is lost. There will be a prize fight at Sidney, Australia, between two Ameri cans for the championship of the world. This fight will occur on December 2<>. The American newspapers of December 25, will contain full accounts of the bat tle. The Pity Of It. In the district clerks office last Wednesday sat a farmer and his lawyer, on the opposite side of the table sat his wife and some rela tives and neighbors, behind the table sat the commissions of in sanity and over all hovered the ghost of a once happy home. The charge was inebriecy made under the statute. We, the people, put a price up on this condition, and with the price we pay the taxes and educate onr children. But isn’t the price too high? Enjoying a Vacation School closed at the Business College Friday afternoon for a two weeks vacation. A number of visitors were present and all j enjoyed a pleasant afternoon. At that time Prof. Leister demon strated the problem he published through these columns. The students, as a token of esteem, presented Prof- Leister with a beautiful stick pin, and before they were dismissed the Pro fessor gave all a liberal Christ mas treat. TERRIBLE DEATH DENNIS CASEY MEETS WITH FOUL PLAY _ _____ Body of a Sabetha Man Found in a Hay Stack on His Farm Near That Place i The body of Dennis Casey, a| farmer living near Sabetha. was' found in a hay stack near his] home Saturday afternoon. Hej had been murdered and hidden in ' the stack. His head had been! crushed and there were pitchfork wounds in^his chest. Casey lived alone on his farm. A few days ago it was noticed that his stock were without food or water and he had not been seen for several days. When the neighbors went to the house they found a padlock on the front door, and on enter ing found the house empty. 'It was supposed that he was away on a visit, but his continued ab sence caused the neighbors to make a search for him. No trace was found of him until Saturday, when a neighbor, going to a hay UNCLE JESSE CROOK DEAD The Old Pioneer Passed Away Thursday Morning At the ripe age of eightv-two years, three months and twelve days, Jesse Crook, Richardson county's oldest citizen died Thursday morning. lie has been ailing for some weeks and j fears were entertained that he | was approaching the end. The I death occurred so near press time we will be denied publish ing an extended obituary in this week's issue, but next week we shall give a more complete re slime of the life and works of this lovable and remarkable old pioneer. The funeral will be held from the residence of the deceased on Saturday, December '-’ll at 10:00 a. m. Marriage License Floyd Williamson, Sabetha.21 Maud Stanley. Salem.20 Galen Eider, Baraca . 21 Viola Fortner, Barada.. . . 19 Richard Franklin, Falls City. 2.'i Katie Crouch, Verdon. 22 RESULTS—NOT CLAIMS The Falls City News admitted in a recent issue that The Tribune's county correspondence was superior. This admission was made through necessity. The News also said, that there was nothing in The Tribune worth while, except the county correspondence. We submit the following comparisons in answer: THE TRIBUNE THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM In the three issues proceeding the holidays, including its Christmas Edition, the News printed in display advertising 2.630 inches In the same three issues The Tribune printed in display advertising 3.065 inches THE TRIBUNE THE BEST LOCAL PAPER In the Christmas Edition of the News, there was printed in local matter . 375 inches In the Christmas Edition of The Tribune there was printed in local matter 640 inches NEWS BOUGHT BY THE COLUMN In the Christmas Edition of The News, there was printed In “boiler plate" -bought at so much per column 600 inches In the Christmas Edition of The Tribune. there was printed in “boiler plate" only 140 inches SUMMARY In the three editions before the holidays, The Tribune printed in display advertising. more than The News _ 433 inches In the same issues The Tribune printed in local matter—all set up in this office - more than the News 595 inches In the same issues The Tribune printed in “boiler plate." LESS than the News 470 inches We can compare in quantity only, for in quality there may be a contrast, but no comparison. “Is it not possible that there may be still another rea son why they howl?" stack to f^et hay for his horses, uncovered his body. The person who committed the crime evidently was familiar with the place- It is supposed that money was the object of the: crime. Did His Christmas Shopping On last Saturday Grandpa Duerfeldt, who is past eighty two years of age, came to town to do his Christmas shopping. For many years he has made this annual visit to our city and be fore he returns home, he has re membered each one of his child ren and grandchildren with a Christmas gift. Mr. Duerfeldt remembers the beautiful story, one that never grows old and as the thread of the story is woven around each succeeding year, what is more appropriate in celebration of the holiday than a spirit of giving and forgiving. MAKES GOOD SHOWING Henry Rahlf of This City Wins Prem iums Henry Rahlf was among the many Richardson county J people who attensed the Nation al Corn Show in Omaha last week, lie reports the show a i grand sight to him one of the best educators possible. Mr. Rahlf made tour entries, two in the National exhibit and two in the State exhibit and as ! this was his first experience in this high class, he was certainly surprised to learn that his effort had been rewarded with three premiums as follows: Ten ears' in the National exhibit, prem-l ium, $2.80; bushel in National j exhibit, premium, $2.85; ten ears ! in State exhibit, premium $1 00. ; Mr. Rahlf has shown ability in the new methods of propogat ing seed corn and his rise ini the front ranks of corn raisers will be watched with much in terest. THE SITUATION EXPERT OPERATING ENGINEER AND ELECTRICIAN ARRIVED The Water and Light Plants are Completed But No Final Settlements Made (>11 December 111, Mr. Uorden, the contractor for flit' lighting plant reported to the council that he had completed the said plant and asked for a tinal set tlement. The council was unwilling to settle without a competent electrician taking charge and operating it for thirty days, for the purpose of ascertaining the real condition. And if satis factory at the end of said time they would accept the plant and immediately make the tinal set tlement. This brought up the question of who should be the man to test the plant. After consider able controversy, the council decided upon (’has. Stanton of Omaha. Mr. Stanton came and stayed a short time, but he and the city failed to agree on terms and he returned to Omaha Since then the council nave put forth every effort to secure a thoroughly compe tent man to take charge. On Wednesday of this week a man arrived from Sandusky, Ohio, who will report the actual condition of the plant after giv ing' it a fair trial. The water plant is also com pleted. The pipes are laid, the the standpipe finished and the wells dug, but the proper con nections have not been made. At this writing no tinal settle ments have been made. PIONEER CONE James D. Harris Died in This City Friday Night James D. Harris was born in Virginia in 1825 and died at the home of his daughter Mrs. James B. Harris, in this city on Friday night. He is an old time resident of this county coming here from Virginia in 1888. For many years he preached in Methodist churches over this county on Sunday and attended to his farm duties during the week. He has made his home with his children for a few years and a greater part of the time with his son near Preston, but he has not been well for a few I weeks and came to town where he could be near his attending physician. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon I r o tn the Methodist church with inter ment in Steele cemetery. He leaves the following chil dren to morn the loss of a true father: VY. T. Harris of Preston, Mrs. M. M. Yates, Kansas City: Mrs. Clemantine Harris and Mrs. Bettie K. Lively of this city, and Mrs. .losii >w of Portland,