The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 18, 1908, 1st Section, Image 7

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What Your Friends and Their
Friends Have Been Doing the
Past Week.
Eat Sowles Candy.
Dr. Tefft. Dentist, Maddox block,
opposite court house.
Uncle George Lewis was down
from Shubert Friday.
Get your potatoes at Heck's
feed store, 75c per bushel.
John Tighe of Da wson was on
our streets one day last week.
One day Special sale on Robes,
Saturday. December 19 O Wachtel,
Andy Burgner was a pleasant
caller at this office while in the
city Monday.
Mrs. Geo. Reichers spent a few
days of the past week with rela
lives in Humboldt.
Mrs. W. P. Fergus was the
guest of Mrs. Claud Fergus, liv
ing north of Humboldt, a few
days last week.
Miss Ella Shilling returned
Saturday to her home in Hiawa
tha, after a few days visit in this
city with Mrs. Lydia Hinton.
Mesdames O. A- Cooper and •!
X.Liggett were down from Hum
boldt, Wednesday of last week,
the guests of Mrs. T. J. Gist.
When leaving the library the
other evening a gentleman said,
‘I wish that I was as happy in
my work as .Miss Spencer is in
Karl Rauch of Stella spent sev
tral days in the city with his
brother-in-law, Anton Fritsch,
who underwent an operation at
the hands of Dr. Miner.
If every person who reads this
item will also read “A Christmas
Carol” by Dickens before Christ
mas comes it will add greatly to
the store of human happiness of
this country. This great story,
one of the greatest short stories
ever written, has been the creator
of kindly feeling and charitable
acts ever since it first appeared
ja print.
I am now prepared to do all kinds
of Pump and Windmill repairing
Can also furnish^rou Pumps, Wind
mills and Gasoline Engines. Phone
calls answered.
12-11 J. D. HAYS
To the Ladies
I am prepared to do all
kinds of Hair Work. If
in need of a Switch, Puffs,
Curls, or anything in Hair
Goods, givre me a trial.
Mrs. C. McCoy
Phone 370
For Sale
A good residence property; six
rooms, three lots and a good
barn. See H- A. Messier at Bur
ris’ News stand for particulars, tf
Sidney Spence gave a little din
ner to a few of his gentlemen
friends the other evening, that is
pronounced by the favored guests
as about the best ever. The ser
vice was in splendid taste and
! the menu as fine as can be served
! by any caterer in the land. Mr.
Spence would be a great success
at the head of a much larger and
more pretentious establishment
i than the one he is now so suc
cessfully managing.
A crusty old bachelor from
Kansas says that a little natural
and a little false hair coiled over
a wire spring, a few yards of dry
goods draped over pads and pad
ding. a little rice powder dusted
into the pores of the skin, a val
uable tongue and a pleasant
smile form the main essentials of
a creature that has been raising
the devil with men ever since the
days of Eve.
We have kept this our Christ
mas number until this week be
cause we desired to publish it as
near to the great holiday as jus
tice to our advertisers wduld per
The Elks lodge that sent fifty
dollars in clothing, food and fuel
to our unfortunate ones last
Christmas, will make a like con
tribution this year
Mrs. Tom Draper of Humboldt
was the guest of her brother,
Geo. Schmelzel and family in this
city a few days the past week.
Fok Rent—Good six room
house near old water works. New
ly papered and painted through
out. Inquire of Dr- Lawrence.
Mrs. Sarah Marburger of
Humboldt spent a portion of the
past week with her sister, Mrs.
Geo. Schmelzel.
Misses Kate Heacock and Sarah
Hutchings were the guests of
Miss Eva Cooper at Humboldt the
past week.
Good friends, good habits and
good books are a trinity that
makes life worth the living.
—Heck & Harlow want osage
hedge posts. Call and we will
explain what we want. 2t
James Morris of Stella spent
Friday and Saturday in this city.
Miss Nelle Weaver was down
from Verdon, Fndav.
— For sale—Lakeside organ, as
good as new. Inquire at Trib
une. _
More people are taking Foley's Kid
ney Remedy every year. It is consid
ered to be the most effective remedy
for kidney and bladder trouble that
medical science can devise. Foley’s
Kidney Remedy corrects irregularities
builds up worn out tissues and restores
lost vitality. It will make you feel
well and look well. Kerr's Pharmacy.
i -,MW»Hwns«Miin>——n-r.
Comes from Grapes
The only balling pow
der made from Royal
Grape Cream of Tartar
Imitation bakin'? powders are made f~om haul
mineral acids and leave in the food
unhealthful properties
Regin early to boost for the
i 1909 chautauqua.
G. W. Spragins and wife went
to (hnaha Sunday.
Dr. Houston is numbered
! among the sick this week.
I Joe Geiger sends us greetings
this week from Canton, Ohio.
The work on the third store of
i the New National is progressing
W. A. Greenwald and wife
1 spent a few days of this week in
Mrs. Elton Sheedeman went to
Omaha Wednesday for a few
days visit.
J. M. Ramsey went to St. Joe
Sunday night to attend the fune
ral of a relative.
Have you inspected the Christ
mas headquarters^ If not it is
located at McMillans’.
Improvements in the way of
new paper and paint were added
to the Union House this week.
Clarence Smith and wife left
Wednesday for Omaha and from
there they will go to Chicago.
Vincent Arnold was down from
Verdon Wednesday. He made
his usual subscription visit to the
1 he vaudeville acts at tne
Lyric are proving very successful.
Each change of program brings a
good house.
Mrs. J. C. Martin and little
son of Council Bluffs are in the
city and will remain until after
the holidays.
Jerry Marsteller and wife left
for their home in Diller, Neb,
after spending a few days in this
city at the home ol J-V. Ratekin
Charley and John Portrey and
Donald McCov of this city were
among the many landseekers who
left Tuesday for Friona, Texas.
Mrs. E. G. Whitford returned
Monday evening from quite an
extended stay in DuBois, and
“Whit ” is again on good be
Miss Stella Patzman returned
Saturday night from Hollenburg,
Kas., where she had been for
some time caring for her sis
ter-in-law. who was quite sick.
You cannot find a better or
more up-to-date stock of jewelry
any place than those carried by
A. E- Jaquet, Davies & Owens
and R. B. Simpson. A visit to
these places will convince you.
Rev. R. R. Teeter left Tuesday
for a lecture tour through Iowa,
where he will till a series of en
gagements on lecture courses
booked by the Consolidated Ly
ceum Bureau of Chicago. lie
will return lor Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. Stutnbo are in
the city and will remain until
after the holidays with their
daughter. Mrs. R P. Thomas.
They are on their way to New
York, where they are moving
from their former home in Colo
Joe Varner and wife departed
last week for their new home in
Beloit, Kansas. During their
residence in Falls City they made
many close and lasting friend
ships that will endure notwith
standing the separation. The
Tribune wishes for them the best
of everything in the future.
There is nothing but laughter
in “Peck’s Bad Boy" that comes
to the Gehling next Friday.
Henry Peck, Schultz the grocer,
the old Irish policeman and Hen
ry’s father are the victims of
Henry and his girl and they cer
tainly furnish enough laughter
to laugh you through the holi
days. There^is a lot of clever
specialties in the play.
Heacock Cc Son ’s mill is about
as busy a place as you can find.
For some time they have been
making every effort possible to
get a sufficient supply of flour on
hand to enable them to shutdown
long enough to make some need
ed repairs, but this seems next to
impossible as they are busy al
most dav and night. The people
have learned the good brands of
flour made by this firm and will
be satisfied with none other.
On Friday of last week John
Hossack started to the country to
be gone all day. so he took with
him a lunch. He tied the buck
et which contained the lunch
by the bail to the wagon. After
working hard all forenoon he
stopped to eat his lunch; but on
reaching for the bucket he found
only the bail. When he discovered
his loss his appetite grew raven
ous as the noon nour passed a wav.
On his return home he found his
dinner setting on a mail box,near
by. Mr. Hossack is greatful to
the finder of the bucket, as he
at once did justice to the con
An improved ediitiou of Peck’s
Bad Bov is offered the lovers of
good, clean wholesome comedy,
by A1 Gould, the man who has
made the exploits of Peck’s Bad
Boy famous throughout the east.
Everything is new but the title.
Special scenery, handsome cos
tumes. good singers, and clever
comedians make the show well
wortli seeing-.
Our old townsman, J. M. Culp,
sent us a nice little Christmas
check Wednesday from Hooper,
Col. This is what Joe says about
the Tribune: “I want it and
must have it. Keep sending it as T
cannot do without it.’’
t ,
The person who delays his hol
iday shopping is fnaking a mis
take. Mr. Lyford gives good
advice in his ad in this issue
when he urges you to do your
shopping at once, and in the
morning if possible.
Jack Higgins has bought the
upper meat market. Jack is an
artist in addition to being a
splendid fellow. That his ven
ture will be a success is not doubt
ed by anyone who knows Jack.
The Musical Georgettes will
be the attraction at the Lyric
next Monday and Tuesday even
ings. They are among the high
est priced vaudeville artisis and
none should fail to hear them.
School is dismissed today for a
two weeks vacation and now the
pupils are just waiting patientlly
for a good freeze to put Hinton’s
lake in good condition.
Rev. Hailey and Miss Corn ford
left Monday for Mt. Pleasant,
Nemaha county, where they are
conducting another week’s re
vival meeting.
If you should ask the first fifty
men you meet on the street, to
name the meanest man in Falls
City, about foity would name the
same fellow.
Judge Raper will hold a short
adjourned session of the district
court on the 16th and again on
the 28th ot the present month.
The deal bv which a Mr.Smith
was to become the owner of the
upper meat market fell through
at the last moment.
The many friends of Linn
Sears will be glad to learn that
he is now able to sit up, after a
month's serious illness.
Mrs. Dr. Foster, who has been
quite ill with typhoid fever for
the past two weeks, is now much
—It will pay you to visit our
store before making Christmas
purchases for men and boys. M.
Jake Miller, wife and baby
came down from Tecumseh. Sat
urday, for a visit with relatives.
C. W. White and Frank L.
Tefft of Lincoln spent Sunday in
this city with Dr. Tefft.
The big clothing sale. Save
twenty-five per cent on your
clothing at M- Sell’s.
We are sorry to learn that Joe
Miles, r., is quite ill, threatened
with typhoid fever.
W. D. Lasley came up from
Kansas City Wednesday to look
after business.
Miss Gertrude Lum was the
guest of friends in this city dur
, »
| ing the week.
One d*y special Sale on Robes
Saturday. December 19 O Wachtel
J. R. Cain, jr., and wife of
Stella were in the city Wednesday.
—If you have osage hedge posts
to sell, go to Heck & Harlow.
Dr. Clifford R. Tefft
All Work Guaranteed
and promptly attended
to. Modern Equipment
Gold Bridges Gold Inlays
Gold and Porcelain Porcelain Inlays
Bridges Gold and Rubber Plates
Gold Crowns Alcolite Inlays
Porcelain ( rowns Gold and Silver Fillings
All Work Strictly Up-to-Date
and Guaranteed
Opposite Court House
Falls City. Nebraska
The Late
Xmas Buyer
If you are one of the many Xmas Buyers
who has put off buying until the last
moment or lias nist discovered an oiiiission
in your list of gifts, you will find
Jacftiel'j” a very advantageous place
to secure the gifts you seek.
Your late buying has been anticipated
at j'" and the gaps in the
various lines, which the heavy demands of
the past weeks have made, are being filled
in by the addition of fresh stock.
You will find the selections in the
various lines, with few exceptions, sur
prisingly good, considering the lateness of
of the hour.
Your purchases at this store will be
engraved free.
“The Old Reliable"
1 C. H. MARION ||
Sales conducted in f
x scientific and busi- x
nesslike manner x
•; Falls City, Nebraska I
Phones: Nos. 177, 217
Sam’l. Wahl Building
Private Money.
Private money to loan on Real
Estate. Mortgages bought and
sold. Call at First National
Bank. 3-tf A. J. Wkavrr
— V ■ —■■■■ ■
Hair Dressing
Mrs. M. Becktold
and Son
Wit! Be in the City One More Week.
Ladies' Fashionable Hair
Dressers and Manufactur
ers of all kinds of
are again at the Union Ho
tel. Ladies please call.
Phone 218 Over Richardson County