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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1908)
Henry C. Smith LANDS & LOANS ^ L __ ____ 240 acres well improved, 1$ miles from Depot in Kas. Good spring. Best of terms. W intake 40 acres as part payment, balance long time at low interest. 200 acres l>i miles from depot, Richardson county, Nebraska. Good buildings and land Will take 40 or 80 acres as part payment lt»0 acres upland, 1 mile from depot, Richardson county. Nebraska. 112,000. 100 acres Johnson county, Nebraska. 80 rods to church and school. Best of terms. Might rent. 107 acres near Brownville, Nebraska 80 acres h-mile from Falls City high school. 640 acres, 88,000 improvements Also 640 acres adjoining. Will take 100acres as part payment. Fine running water. A No. 1 opportunity. Money t < > loan .- 4 The County in General The “Doings” of our Country Friends and Neighbors. RULO Mrs. Tagney is on the siok list. Fred Marsh was in Fulls City this week. \lta <lllbcrt was u Falls City visitor r>. ‘ntly. ; steam ditcher is working in the C ' west of town. Mrs. Frank Simon visited Falls City re Natives Sunday. .other Miller of Filley visited rela lives liere recently. h’ev. Walden returned to his home in Forest City Sunday. Mamie Kanaly spent Sunday with her sister in Salem. Jeff Gilbert and wife were*Falls C'ty visitors Wednesday. Mrs. Iva Ilay of Humboldt is yisit \di: her parents here. Bessie Story of I'reston] last week with friends. J. Stiekrod of Koekport. Mo., visited relatives here last week. Jerry Marsteller and wife ofjDiller are visiting friends here. Mrs Henderson spent last week in Hiawatha and Falls City. t ncle Hill Johnson was] on the sick list a few days but is better. Win. Carieo and wife gvlslted rela tives here one day last week. Mrs. Simons has been sick the past week but Is able to sit up now. The new light plant for the chureh came Monday and is being installed. Mrs. McKelver and children of Falls City visited relatives here last week. Mrs. Osborn and son returned Fri day from a visit with friends at Crete. Mrs. Gagnon and daughter Mrs. No ble of Falls City visited here this week. Mrs. Leeds and children of Falls City spent Sunday with her parent* here. Green Goolsby is nursing a fractur ed wrist the result of a wagon over turning. Pearl Anderson was on the sick iisi last we k, but is now able lobe hack 1 i school iiev. Ford mid family ol Lincoln art attending the meetings at the Holiness ehlirub til S week. Mrs. Grizer of Foiteseue and Mrs Cooper of Hole's. Mo, wire guests o friends here Iasi wet k. George I'liiniiey who went, to Cnrth afe.v months ago if now at Adam, running n meat msiket. Tlu* ladiif of tin I) nt il servid re freshment* Inr • lie Wo'kmen MdihIi V All erjoyid the social hour. Three painters came down from I> i *■ -i>n .MiiiiiIhv and are working in l e lor nl the new ehureti. A .li t a. id Omaha ".if here Ki i r \ i i. ,i •_ it.. |n* Which earner l . erliiuu tin i »er In i he pump ,. a ■ fill in a an ii,d le-ld* III ol th s piae ,i• 11 now ol Bni». City, Idaho. ila~ ll ell Veil rii'", tilll If I in pi liV 1 tig . The -fiind.ty school euinmitiee met Tuesday night ai the home of George U od to arrange tor it t h l ist nuts cn ti rt o tni i t. Mrs. Bmma Kern returned last week I ram Kansas City, her brother Will ssiielTuorn is slowiv improving but will i nt he able to leave the hospital fie; hi me time. The girls basket ball team played a game with the second team of boys last Friday; score 21! to nothing in tavor of the boys The boys then beat the first Team of b >ys 5 to 2. ilrs. John Anderson of Kansas hits purchased the George Bon ner proper ty and is moving into town this week. Her son Btstine who has be.ju sick since the first of Xo\ ember is improv ing slowly. but is nut yet ready to leave the hospital at Hiawatha. Larry Deflinbaugh died Mandav and was buried from the Holiness church Tuesday. lie had been feeble for several months. He has a brother at Xebraska Ci y hiso two daughters, one living a: Piattsiuoutb aud the other at Weeping Water. He was an old sol dier and as long as ho was able to get about played many of the old tunes mi Lis fife. At their regular meeting Monday night the A. 0. l\ W. elected the fol lowing officers for the coming year. M W. Charlie Hall; foreman, Art Hodge; overseer, Phil Horn; recorder, J. A. Hinkle; guide, Henry Schmidt; finan cier, A. J. Hart; receiver, George Ocomb: inside watch, N. A, Kermode; outside watch, Emmest Gleyson; trus tees, John Darveun and X-. A. Ker mode. E. O. Martin, holding over. PERU NORMAL NOTES Minnie M acorn ber of Kali- City spent Thanksgiving in Peru. (ilenri D. Jenkins of Stella has been elected editor of the senior annual. Miss Helm Kverso I e of KIK Creek | spent her vacation here and at Kails City. Miss Aiyce Yoder of Kalis City was visiting here recently the guest of Miss Myrtelle Yocam. Thirty years ago the annual enroll ment at the Normal was 1(10, today the annual enrollment is 1500. Miss Irene Waelitel returned to her homo in Kalis City after spending the holidays with her sister, Miss Inez. Miss Ruby StoulTer and Messrs. Loyd Kinsey, Virgil Crinsiead and Kugetie Meredith of Salem spent Thanksgiving here. Mrt. Clara Peck and daughter Mis.~ F.thel, returned to their home in Falls City after a few days visit with rela tives here. Miss Hleanor Pally, a member of the faculty, gave an interesting talk on the great masterpieces of art which 1 sire had occasion to see in the great art galleries across the Atlantic ocean. Lena Hallett of this place was forced te give up her school ut llulo on ac count of sickness. Her work has been satisfactory, and it is with regret that the people give her up, but they hope for a speedy recovery. The third number of the lecture course, Miss F.lraa B. Smith and her new company, gave an entertainment in Normal chapel Wednesday, Doc. 2. The audience was held spell bound during the entire evening and proclaim Miss Smith to be unexcelled as a child reader. Dr. Mathes of Washington State Normal, on his journey through the east, stopped at Peru. He gave an il lustrated lecture In Normal Chapel Sat urday evening anil also gave a talk at chapel exercises the. next Monday morning. Mrs. Nettleton, who Is at the head of the department of expres sion, was at the Washington Normal School a year so we feel a closer re lationship to them. The annual foot ball reception was given in.tlie gymnasium November 26. Our boys are worthy of much praise although they were not victors In every game Owing to misfortune some of our nest players were not able to play in the Normal vs. Bellevue game and consequently we did not win the pennant. Later a game was play- ] ed between Donne ami Bellevue, and j Dome was successful. As Peru hud j won a game with Donne the pennant j is tied and no one can boast of being the proud possessor of it. Tim-c who are in attendance at. the Sta’e normal this year from llieh ar ison county are Vera Bergsmn. Ola I Crook, Clara Crook, Edith De.Mets, ! Myrtle C. I vans. Emma Hotl'man ! Glenn D. Jenkins, Carman I. Jones, j Martha Kerueii. Ruth Alberta Kernen, ; Arthur L. Klima, Vesta Lively, Claire McDermet. Anna McMahon, Cleta j Moran, Edna Parsons, Olive Marie i ' Pctrasiiek, Ethel Robinson, Gertie M. ! Robinson, Iona V. Shiek, Jennie II, { Thompson, Olive P. Thompson, Inez ^ Wachtei and Myr'lo Yocam. FRANKLIN .lessie Ogle was a Humboldt visitor Saturday .lessie MoDermet spent Sunday in 11 umholdt. Leland Shroyer visited with Oscar Leach, Sunday. Kdith McNeely spent Sunday with liosa Parker. Mike Lutz will spend the winter in t he Scott house. Mae Standerford visited with Louis Ctossman. Sunday. 1. 15. Babcock shipped a car load of hops to St. .1 oe, Thursday. Frank Church marketed several head of fine cattle this week. Miss Mary Dodds spent Wednesday evening with some of her scholars. Foley's Orino Laxative cures chronic constipation and stimulates the liver. Orino regulates the bowels so they will net naturally and you do not have to take purgatives constantly. Kerr’s Pharmacy. STELLA E. H. Ely of Auburn was here last Thursday. Will Stout went to Auburn Thurs day afternoon. Sheriff Fenton was in town Thurs day afternoon. A number of the farmers have finish ed shucking corn, Dora and 11. G. Atwood of Humboldt were here Tuesday. D. .1. Pugh is able to be out again after a short illness. t j, L Sloetitu and wife returned] from a visit to Kansas City. Sam Wixon and wife of lienevaare visiting relatives here. E A. Hanks ha* been working for Lee Smelter this week. J. S. Davis and family were over from Sbubert Tuesday. Mrs Masonbrink and mother of near Howe were here Tuesday. Prof. Kindlg of Nemaha was here the first of the week on business. Miss lieria Lawson went to Kansas Citv, Saturday to visit her sister. B. F. Arnold of Humboldt was here Wednesday looking for a location. Chas. Stoddard and A. S. Smith of Humboldt were in town Thursday. H. M. Hays was working in the lum ber yard with his father the past week. John Jenkins went to Verdon Friday to visit his daughter, Mrs. Clyde Har den . L. G. Ciphers is helping J.M.Goodloe in the blacksmith shop during the busy season. H. E. Clark of Kansas City was look ing after business matters here during the week. J. T. Leif and Warren Briggs shell ed 400 bushels of corn for John Jenkins Wednesday. D. C. Waller and wife returned to Omaha the last of week after visiting the former's parents. U. H. Marts of this place went to Missouri with his father’s ear of house hold goods and stock. The pool hall is going to be moved to the Clark building as soon as it is papered and fixed up. Mrs. Sue Julian of Long Beach, Cal , is at the Cain home this week visiting her father and brother. Jerry Norris who has been working with a merry go-round for sometime Is visiting his parents here. N 1. Clark who has been working near Humboldt for some time is again working for T. L. Briggs west of town Ernest Morgan and Wm. Lusk fur nish the higli school with music of a morning. Mr. Morgan plays cornet and Mr. Lusk, baritone. A E. Camblin's father from Kansas visited at this place the past week. Mr. Camblin’s uncle from Indiana was here at the same time. ‘‘The Isle of Tasboni.” tht borne tal ent play drew large crowds and a big sum of money. The total receipts for the two evenings were $liiO. A. Grider lost nine dozen eggs while coming to town Wednesday. H i s horse stumbled throwing the eggs oil from the buggy seat breaking !> out of 12 dozen. C. E. Lambert and .1. L Coleriek were in this city Friday. Mr.Coleriek sold his span of mules and Lambert sold his team of horses for *:t<»0 to a horse buyer. Miss F.tlie Martin left Monday tor Iowa City, Iowa, where she will keep house for her brother and attend the ■Iowa State University. Rev. Martin is pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran church of that place. Grant Smith of west of town left Monday for Michigan where he will visit relatives for some time. From there he will go to Ohio to visit rela tives. This is the first time in a good many years he has visited his people. A series of meetings will held in the Evangelical Lutheran church the 27th of Dec. and cont'nue lor two weeks. Paul Mennenueh of Midland college will have charge of the singing and Rev. Shirk pastor of the church has charge of the meetings. We understand that Prof. Wilson will not be with our schools another year. Jusi where he wii! locate is not known, but we know where ever he joes he will meet with success in school life. We consider him a great factor and builder in our schools. Mrs. Cbas. Wood was up at an early hour Sunday morning, and struck a | match which she must of dropped in | the clothing, for in a short time the Falls City Business College! J. CARL LEISTER, Principal Strictly a Commercial School. Our business is to pre pare youn^ men and women for the business world. Stenographic Course Shorthand, Typewriting, Let ter Writing, Spelling Punctu ation, Penmanship, Letterpress Copying, Manifolding, Neo style Work, etc Kverything the student needs to know to hold a first-class position. Bookkeeping Course Single and Double Entry in both theory and practice, Arithmetic, Eetter Writing, Spelling, Penmanship, etc. Actual Business Department cannot be excelled. Here the student buys and sells just as in real business. Special Pen Art Course Professional and Practical Business Writing, Ornamental Writing, Round Hand, Flour ishing. Text Lettering, etc. This course is for anyone desir ing to become a professional penman. School All the Year Around Winter Term Begins January 4th -— j tire was discovered in the room and the tioor burned through into the i cellar. The fire was soon extinguished. Sunday evening at six o’clock Karl Wilson and Miss Viola CrofTord were united in marriage at the home of the bride’s parents, Itev. F. R. Shirek officiated. Grace Hodge played the wedding march while the couple took their places awaiting the ceremony, j Sixty' guests were present. After i congratulations a three course supper was served. On Monday' a dinner was given for them at the groom’s home. SHUBERT Grandma Evans was in Auburn Friday. Fred Warner marketed wheat here Saturday. Levi Fredrick of Barada was in town Monday. Leander Morris of St.Deroin was in town Monday. Mrs. Fred Boatman spent last week in the country. Ella .fames of Peru is visiting her parents here. Until Hoos of near Barada visited friends here Sunday. John Colgla/.ier and son Fred spent last week in Missouri. Samuel Davis was over from Prairie Union, Monday. t'lyde Kinton and wife of Nemaha were in Shubert this week. Maggie Weick spent the latter part of the week with Mrs. Speeth. Fred Kenton and wife spent last week w ith the formers parents. •lessKiter accompanied the crowd of homeseekers to Texas last week. .1.11. Shook and wife are in the city visiting their children. Dr. Shook and w i f e. Miss Irene Prior of Falls City came here Wednesday and will visit her brother in the country. Mrs. Hr. Shook and her father, Mr. ShurtletT have been visiting friends in Kansas for ten days. Dr. Cloyd and family of Omaha and M. L. Hays and wife of Stella visited friends in Shubert Friday. John Kvans and wife accompanied a crowd of young people to Antiouch church one evening last week. Mrs.Mary Shaffer and Merrel Wed dle returned Friday from Danville. 111., where they spent two months with relatives. The many friends of John Peterson and wife sympathize with them in the loss of tlie baby, Saturday even ing. The little one only lived a few hours. OHIO. Mrs. Puett and baby were quite ill ! last week. O. A. Burk and wife spent Sunday with relatives. Lucy Smith was a guest of Mr.-. Guy Llehty last week. Guy Stump was a guest of John Hutchison Sunday. S. H. Koisely and wife spent Tues day with their sou. Rebecca Strauss was a guest of Min nie Fisher Sunday. Rev.Lehman of Maple Grove preach ed the funeral for the little child of Earl Butler and wife of Parana.Sunday, which died Friday last. There will be a Xmas tree and enter tainment given by the little folks at the Silver Creek church Dec 24. Ev erybody invited. Mr. Miller and wife of Nishua, Mo., have come to Straussville to take charge of the store for Mrs. Miller's father. An organ was purchased at the Sil ver Creek school house with the money that was taken in at the box social. Guy Lichty and Delos Spickler and their wives and Lucy Smith spent Fri day at George Sturms. Phineas Fisher has been improving his home with gas lights and hot and cold water pipes. Mrs. Allie Dowty spent Monday night near Verdon helping care fora sick uncle. Martin. Harvey and Daisy Peck were guests of Anson Knisely aud wife Sunday. Myrtle Smith was a guest of her brother and wife in Straussville Sun day. H. Gui'liams and family of Strauss ville spent Friday with friends here. Will Bartlett spent Sunday with Chas. Stump and wife in Falls City. Edgar Prine and sister were guests of (Joy Prine and wife Sunday. Delos Spickler aDd wife were guests of friends here Sunday. H mrse coughs and stuffy colds that mav develop Into pneumonia over night are quickly cured by Foley’s Honey and Tar as it sooths inilamed mem Inanes. heals the lungs, and expels the cold from the sy'stem. Kerr's Phar macy. HUMBOLDT Mrs. Cred went to Pawnee Sunday to visit a few days with her son. Frank Johnson is seriously ill at his home suffering with pneumonia. Eva Cooper was a guest of friends in Linuon and Falls City this week. The Farmers Institute has been ar ranged to be held Dee. .'iOth and .'Ust. (ieo. A. Lee, of Spokane, Wash., is in the city visiting numerous friends Jas. Hnizda has purchased the Will Snedmier farm northwest of town for $5300 Martin Gergen* and wife of El IleDO, Okla., were guests of relatives here the past weeks. John Glathan, jt\, and family left the i past week fur their future borne in | Beaver City. Sam Turner was down iron) Lincoln i this week to see his mother who ha« j been very s)ek. Herbert Mooney and family now oc-1 eupy the Will Philpot property in the | north part of town. Louise Porak returned Saturday from Lincoln, where she has had em ployment for some time. W. H. Fellers of Table Rock has sold his 160 acre farm southeast of here to Frank Hynek for $55 per acre, Geo. A. Lee is here to assist in closing out the business of his father, M. C. Lee, who is in poor health. Since George’s arrival in Humboldt he learned that he had been appointed assistant attorney general of the state of Washington. Wm. Norton and wife were down from Lincoln the first of the week. While in the city Mr. Norton purchas ed the Humboldt Standard printing office and will assume charge next week Harland, the infant son of H. E. Hail and wife, died Friday after a brief ill ness, death being due to brain fever. Fuueral services were held from the home Sunday. Frank Holecbek has disposed of 160 acre farm southwest of town to Henry Rexroth for *05 per acre. Mr.Rexrotb has sold his borne place to Ed Uhri. Mann & Legg this week closed a deal for the EnoGeismann farm east of town known ns the Wm. Tjaden place. Mrs. S. J. Briggs of Oneida. Kansas, spent several days this week the guest of her son, J. T. Briggs and family. Mesdames T. M. Draper and Sarah Marburger visited with Geo. SchmeL zel and wife in Falls City this week. Real Estate Transfers Magdalena Boerner to Mrs. Dora. Boerner, wd to lots 1. 2, 3, 15 aud 16, block 53, Kulo. $100 George Morris and wife to Henrick Frit/, wd lots 5 to 8 block 11 Crook & Towles ad to Falls City.$2200 Ed Roubidox to Rosa Nuzum wd ail of n hf of sw qr of ue qr sec 20 1-18 .... .$85 John Meyer and wife to Anna Reavis et al. wd ail e hf of ne qr see 28-3-16... .$6800 Ellis Goolsby and wife to Henry Doppen wd to 2 and 35-100 acres in sec tion 25-2-14. #30 Eunice and David 1’. Br,,miin to E. S. Towle, wd to 238 acres lu section 20-1-10.$12500 M. W. Harding and wife to Orlando Trimmer, wd to tract of land in sec 3-2.13.$1 W. J. McCray to J. E. Curtis wd to lots 1 to 4 block 11 Stella.I .$3000 Nellie Shrader and husband to Geo. Ailer wd lots 7 aud 8 block 1 Stella_ .$400 Ed and Kittle Towle to Torn Car lisle wd lots 4 and 7 blk 47 lots 1 and 5 blk 48 lots 1, 2, 5 block 40 lots 2, 3, S block 50 lot 8 block 51 lots 1 to 5 block 53 Salem. ... $16 John Wiltse and wife to Julius Ar nold wd to tract of land in sec 10-1-16.. .$1500 Julius Arnold and wife to John and Elsie SViltse wd tract of land in section 18 3-17. $2800 Alice Spurlock and husband to Tom Carlisle wd lots 1 to 8 blocks 4, 10, 43, 48 to 52 Salem.$150 Ed and brittle Towle to Tom Carlisle wd to lots 6 and 8 blk 13 Salem.$2 John Randolph to R. I). Larrabee wd lot 7 blk 66 Rulo.$40 George Honliston and wife to Alber* Cochran wd to hair interest in lots 6 anil 7 and part of lot 8 and full interest in 14 ft off lot 8, all in blk 1 Salem. . $1500 Enno and Emma Giesmann to Peter Gergeus wd to 20 acres in sec 24-3-13... ....$3000