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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1908)
We Sell Y^nbl on the positive guarantee that if it does not give sat isfaction we will return the entire amount of money paid us for it. We ask all those who are run-down, nervous, debili tated, aged or weak, and every person suffering from stubborn colds, hanging-on coughs, bronchitis or incipi ent consumption to try Vinol with this understanding. A. G. WANNER, Falls City, Neb Private Money Private money to loan on Real Estate. Mortgages bought and told. Call at First National Bank. 3-tf A. J. Wkavkr 1 C. H. flARION I AUCTIONEER. | X f .—— Sales conducted in x 2 ... , x scientific and busi- | nesslike manner | — ic. H. MARION I I Falls City, Nebraska i z> % « . _ » ,. «vSv •v£'vS'*8V»V<ix8v®V® 0-P-P-(HM=U#IT=Y We want the assistance of the ladies. Those who assist will be given a l--ph'ce Decorated China Dinner 8et. The work is easy and pleasant. Don’t miss ait opportunity like this. Send us your name and we will tell you all about it. Jf* IA/aaH Expert Cleaners & Dyers • WOOO Lincoln Nebraska Hair Dressing Mrs. M. Becktold and Son FROM ST. LOUIS Will Be in the City One More Week Ladies' Fashionable Hair Dressers and Manufactur ers of ail kinds of HAIR GOODS are again at the Union Ho tel. Ladies please call. Magnetic Healing Miss Lizzie Heitland, a gradu ate of the Weltmer School of Magnetic Healing at Nevada,Mo. 1 am prepared to treat diseases of all kinds. Phone 27<>. Located at Mrs. llurris’ residence, south of the convent. 44-5t . Nervous Break-Down Nerve energy is the force that controls the or gans of respiration, cir culation, digestion and elimination. AY hen von w feel weak, nervous, irri table, sick, it is often be cause you lack nerve energy, and the process of rebuilding and sustain ing life is interfered with. Dr. Aides’ Nervine has cured thousands of suck cases, and will we believe benefit if not entirely cure you. Try it. "My nervous system gave away completely, and left me on the verge of the grave. 1 tried skilled physi cians but got no permanent relief. 1 got so bad I had to give up nty business. 1 began taking l»r. Miles' Restoiatlve Nervine. In a few days I was much beater, and 1 continued to Improve until entirely cured. 1 am in business again, and never miss an opportunity to recommend this remedy.” MRS. W. 1.. Hl'UKK, Myrtle Creek, Oregon. Your druggist sells Dr. Miles’ Nerv ine, and we authorize him to return price of first bottle (only) If It falls to benefit you. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind THE LOCAL LORE HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME What Your Friends and Their Friends Have Been Doing the Past Week. D. Davies was in Auburn Tues day. Water meter for sale at the Hon Ton. A. J. Weaver and wile went to Omaha Tuesday. C. Wamsley on Route 4 is a new subscriber this week. Miss Allie Keeling spent Tues day with friends in Verdon. Hazel Davison of Humboldt Sundayed with iriends in this city. Miss Olive Tilden spent Satur day in this city at the home of George Jennings. Our stores will be opened even ings next week for the benefit ot the holiday shoppers. Wm. Higgins is confined to his home this week with a severe at tack of rheumatism. F. W. Sainuelson of Lincoln was visiting nis family in this city the first of the week. Geo. Goolsby of Strausville was among those from this sec tion who went to South Dakota this week. Mr. and Mrs.Sulllvan of Louis iana, are in the city visiting at the home of the latter’s brother, George Chesley. Mrs. Elton Sherdeman of Hast ings is in the city to remain until after the holidays with her par ents, J. M. Jellison and wife. Mrs. Glen Bronson and little son of Shubert spent a portion of the past week in this city with her parents, John Hamel and wife. Word has been received from St. Paul, by relatives in this city that Mrs. Charles Bracelen is re covering from a siege of typhoid fever While it is considered enter prise to publish the President’s message, we doubt whether fifty ot the several thousand who read this paper will read the mes sage in full. Falls City can now boast of a high class vaudeville show. This is a new feature at the Lyric with a change of program twice a week A good entertainment at a small cost. A traveling man. and an Elk of seventeen years standing told a reporter that the memorial ser vice at the Methodist church last Sunday night was the finest he ever attended. What is the spring election to be. wet or dry, or are we to have a three cornered fight. Why wouldn't it be a good idea to submit the saloon question bv the referendum. The Tribune this week receiv ed a very interesting letter from Mrs. Ella Nicholson, which ar rived too late for publication, but which we will give to our readers next week. Miss Virgie Mead left Satur dav for Omaha, where she will spend a short time. From there she will go to Kearney to visit a sister, at whose home during the early part of January she will be united in marriage to Gwyre Hall Yates, auditor of the P. S. National Bank of Omaha. \\ e call special attention to the article of Geo. A. Abbott on an other page concerning the parcel post. Every great catalog and mail order house in the country is pushing this bill in the hopes of making it unnecessary for the farmer to come to town for any purpose save to sell his products. Win. Cade has received an offer from a Rochester. New York, nursery firm asking him to han dle their stock. Mr. Cade work ed for this firm several years ago. and has some or the fruit grow ing on his place at the present time, which he considers the very best. lie has accepted the pro position and expects to begin work soon. Preaching at the Christian church next Sunday morning and evening. The subject for the evening “The eighteen things by which in the new testament we are said to be saved.” This! subject was announced before but a change in the conditions, made a change in the theme nec essary. Your attention is called to the advertisement of Reavis & Abbey in this issue. The makers of really disticttvc furniture permits but one firm in a town to handle their goods. Just look at the ex clusive lines handled by this firm, lines that noother dealer in Fails City can buy or sell. The Tribune had many visitors last Thursday who called to ^ee our new folder in operation. We are glad to note the interest taken j in our improvements and all are assured of a hearty welcome at the Tribune office at any time. | Ouimby Beaver of this city and Oliver Em inert of Salem, left the latter part of last week for South Dakota to investigate the condi of the land in Tripp county. These gentlemen were among those who drew claims. Samuel Stauffer, an inmate of the county poor farm, was ad judged insane by the insanity board on Tuesday and will be taken to the asylum as soon as tlie proper arrangements can be made. J. K. Wilhite returned Sunday from Excelsior Springs, where he had spent a few days with Jule Schoenbeit, who has been very ill for some time, but we are glad to say is a little better at this time. Supt. Geo D. Carrington of Auburn was the guest of Prof. E. K. Hearst in this city the lat ter part of the week. He ad dressed the literary society at the High school, Friday night. Cards have been issued announ cing the approaching nuptials of Miss Eva Cooper of Humboldt to Emory Stanley, the event to take place at the bride’s home Christ mas eve. Mrs. Frank Gossett and little son, who have been guests at the home of her parents, L. Sny der and wife, returned to her home in Horton. Kans, Sunday. Roy E. Rockwell of Dawson was before the insanity board and pronounced insane. He was at once taken to the state hospit al for treatment. Falls City now has a neat daily issued from the Journal office. It was beer that made Milwaukee famous—Falls City is just differ ent, that’s all. The ladies of the Episcopal church will hold their regular food exchange at the Electric theater, Saturday afternoon. Joe Miles, jr., held the lucky number which drew the beautiful diamond rallied by Howard Reed, Monday evening. 1). J. Rieger of Roca. Neb., sent us a liberal sized check this week to be applied on his sub scription. John Leekins of St. Paul, Minn , was shaking hands with old friends during the week. D. C. Simmons of Salem was in the city Tuesday and made this office a pleasant call. It is estimated that $70,000 of foreign money came to Falls City for our apple crop. W. Leo was in the city the first of the week looking after affairs at the vinegar factory. Chas. Heck came up from St. Joe and spent Sunday with his i parents here. Miss Eva Cooper of Humboldt visited friends in this city during the week. John Wilson, our tailor, was in Verdon, Tuesday ... Parties wanting tankage call on Heck A Harlow, —Millinery sale still going on at the Bon Ton Dr. Kerr was an Omaha visitor during the week. Father Bex spent Tuesday in Auburn. JEWELRY —the Gift of Gifts It’s so. For a gift ought to be more than a mere presentation of something worth about so much. 'I he aesthetic sense ought to be recognized. The fit ness of the gift to the occasion ought to be considered. I bus you always find Christmas and Jewelry insepar ably connected. The question for you to decide is what article of Jewelry is the most suitable in each case. We would like to suggest that our stock furnishes in numerable suggestio is. ALL your gift wants might easily be supplied from it—with profit to you—and satisfaction to those you wish to remember. Because Jewelry is liked by everyone. As we said, it’s the gift of gifts. 1 lere is a list that will help you with your decisions : FOR MEN FOR LADIES Watches Watches Rings Brooches Watch Chains Rings Cuff Links Bracelets Umbrellas Neck Ghains Scarf Pins Ear Rings Fountain Pens Toilet Sets Toilet Sets MISCELLANEOUS Gut Glass Hand-Painted China Silverware Davies & Owens Reliable Jewelers and Opticians Falls City, Nebraska XMAS HEADQUARTERS aBBaBBaBOBHBBDBBBBBBBSB Xmas is near at hand and it is time you were getting your gifts in readiness. We have many beautiful things to suggest to you in the way of inexpensive presents, also lots of beautiful presents running up in price. Whatever your wants, we can supply you. Our Stock is Complete in Every Detail Come Before the Best Are Gone Alligator Back Toilet Sets, also all the sep arate pieces. The latest, newest and most beautiful designs on the market. Let us show you. Our Line of Toys Everything in the Toy line. All are substantial and the kind the little folks like. A large line. Prices as low as the lowest. In Leather Leather Traveling Cases, with rubber lining, which makes them perfectly sani tary and also very useful. A large assortment, low- price. Xmas Books Nothing more appropriate for a Xxmas present than a good book. We have all kinds, for young and old. The Henty and Alger books For Men Smokers’ Sets, Shaving Sets, Military Sets, Cigar ; Holders, the latest and new • designs. Also large line of Cigars in Xmas packages. Post Cards Also Albums. The latest j and largest assortment to f select from. Low prices. | Call and make your selec tions early. Assuring you all of our appreciation of your patron age, and again wishing you a Merry Xmas and a ! Happy New Year, we hope to see you all in our store § looking over our choice line of beautiful articles. McMillan’s Pharmacy Opposite Postoffce Falls City, Neb.