The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 11, 1908, 1st Section, Image 5

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What Your Friends and Their
Friends Have Been Doing the
Past Week.
— Eat Sowles Candy.
Dr. Tefft. Dentist, Maddox block,
opposite court house.
James Bascom Sundayed at his
home in Pawnee City.
—Cold weather is coming. Get
your Coal of C. A. Ileck.
Get your potatoes at Heck’s
feed store, 75c per bushel.
Chas. Hargrave returned Fri
day from a few days stay in Lin
Chas. McCool, wife anil little
son of Salem were in the city
Judge Reavis returned from
Lincoln, Wednesday where he
attended federal court.
J. C. Schneider sends us a lib
eral check from Frankfort, Kas.,
to place his name ahead on our
John Hutchings left the first of
the week on a business trip to
Ladonia, Texas and Muskogee,
E. E- Coatney called Saturday
and arranged to make January
1st, his subscription date to the
About all some papers can do
is to imitate some other paper.—
News. Yes, parrot, that’s what
the public says.
Mrs. Ella Ward and baby re
turned to her home in Tecumseh
Saturday after a visit ai the home
ot her parents, Fred Miller and
Many a young man who has
vowed to go through fire and
water for the girl he loved, has
won her and gone through fire
water instead.
Mrs. Sam Marts returned Sun
day from a visit with her son at
Goodland, Kas. Mrs- Marts re
ports her grandchildren in Wy
more as rapidly recovering from
their attack of scarlet fever.
Herbert Hedges was in the city
the latter part of the week.
Herbert reports another smash
up of his train in the yards at
Atchison recently, and while a
great deal of damage was done,
luckily no one was injnred.
A plain gold bracelet with
sets, in or near Falls City.
Heave at this office and receive
reward. 2t Estella Buo.
I am now prepared to do all kinds
of Pump and Windmill repairing
Can also furnish you Pumps, Wind
mills and Gasoline Engines. Phone
calls answered.
12-11 J D. HAYS
Market Changes Hands
C. M Nicholas Ims sold his
meat market to F. A. Smith of
lied Oak, Iowa. Mr. Smith will
take charge next Monday. Mr.
Smith is an experienced meat
market man, being the owner,
with his brother, of the largest
market in Red Oak. We have
not learned what Nicholas' inten
tions are for the future.
Miss Bertha Simmons,who has
been visiting friends here, return
ed to her home in Humboldt Fri
day. She was accompanied by
Frankie Shields.
Mrs. Thomas Naylor and dan- j
ghter, Margaret, are in Lexing
ton, Neb., called there by the ill
ness of her daughter. Mrs. Eliza
beth Hewitt.
Mrs. Will Crook, who has been
seriously ill for the past three
weeks, we are glad to say is im
proving nicely and able to sit up.
August Deckinger is preparing
for a big public sale at his farm
northeast of Falls City on Tues
day, Dec- 22. See ad in this issue.
Sargeant Philip M Harris of
the 13th Cavalry stationed at Ft.
Leavenworth, is in the city visit
ing his uncle, Editor Harris.
Henry Meyers returned Sunday
to Los Angeles, after a short stay
in this city looking after business
matters and visiting friends.
Johnny was asked to tell the
names of the meals of the day.
He replied: “Supper, breakfast,
dinner and oatmeal '
Want to reduce my stock of
trimmed hats more closely. Each
and everyone going at actual
cost, at the Bon Ton.
Miss Vera Lord went to Forest
City, Mo., this week, where she
was bridesmaid at the wedding of
a friend. \
Women have three ages: Her
real age, what her friends think
her age is and what she claims
it is
To avoid sunstroke—er. I beg
vour pardon—Have you bought
your Christmas presents YET?
Mrs. J. C- Eggen of Manhat
tan, Kas., is the guest of her
daughter, Mrs. C. N. Allison.
W. F. Primley is now crying
“next’’ in the barber shop of
DeMers & Rule,
Mrs- E. A. Maust left Sunday
for an extended visit in Eos An
— For sale—Lakeside organ, as
good as new. Inquire at Trib
More people are taking Foley's Kid
ney Remedy every year. It is consid
ered to be the most effective remedy
for kidney and bladder trouble that
medical science can devise. Foley's
Kidney Remedy corrects irregularities
builds up worn out tissues and restores
lost vitality. It will make you feel
well and look well. Kerr's Pharmacy.
Food is g
sjfe more tasteful, |
healthful and nutri
tious when raised with
!■<” l-i f jj
! ^vS^SflFBB >®k R53
I Mrs. Dr. Foster lias lieeti quite
sick during the past week.
Walter Veach and wife were
down from Verdon, Saturday.
Wanted 10.000 bushels of Wal
nuts. will pay cash for them Heck
&. Harlow.
It always Hatters a man to ask
| him something he knows a lot
F I', l’age of Dawson was look
ing after business matters here
Mr. and Mrs. Murt Sullivan
visited relatives i n Kflinghan,
Kans, during the week.
You do not have to engage a
1 balloon with which to reach the
| heights of some peoples ambi
i tions.
Marriage isn't the only confi
dence game on earth- Some
times a man buys an absolutely
full-blooded pup!
The holiday fete conducted by
the ladies of the Presbyterian
church, is the main attraction in
the city this week.
Mrs. Bert Wright returned to
her home in Kansas City Monday,
after a few days spent with her
mother in this city.
Fok Rent—Good six room
house near old water works. New
Ij papered and painted through
out. Inquire of Dr- Lawrence.
Mr. Dunlap and family last
week moved to this city from Au
burn, and are now located in the
east part of town. We are glad
to welcome all comers.
Mrs. George Ilenze of Hays
Springs, Neb., returned to her
home Monday, after a short visit
in this city with Mrs. Mary Mettz
and W. A Greenwald and wife.
George Funk was down from
Humboldt on Saturday. While
here he called at this office just
to show his faith in this great
weekly by paying a year ahead
Mrs. I. E. Baxter and son,
William, who have been visiting
numerous friends in this city for
the past two weeks, returned to
their home in Lawrence, Kas,
Falls City can now boast of a
high class vaudeville show. This
is a new feature at the Lyric with
a change of program twice a
week. A good entertainment at
a small cost.
C. C Eaton and wife of Daw
son were in the city Friday in
terviewing our merchants. Mr.
Eaton called at this office and re
newed his subscription to the
great and only.
Mrs. Basil E. Boyle of St-Louis
arrived in the city Friday to visit
•L C. Yutzy and wife while Mr.
Boyle is making his regular trip
in the state. Mr.Boyle represents
a large wholesale house of St.
The young men of the city
have organized an athletic club.
They will use the Jenne opera
house as their gymnasium with
the tiront rooms fitted up for
their reading <|uarters. No
doubt they will spend many
pleasant evenings during the
Attention Highlanders
Every member of Falls City
Castle No. 25 is urged to be pres
ent at lodge next Tuesday even
ing. The largest class in the his
tory of this order will be initiated
at that time, after which there
will be a lunch served.
Should Be a Change
The service on the stub trains
is not only poor but the company
is working its men to death as
well. The train crews are up at
five in the morning and get in at
ten at night. Seventeen hours is
too long for any man to work. The
time could be shortened materially
if the company would put decent
engines on the line. One of the
engines now handling the stubs
has been in service since 18711.
Its boilers are so old and its valves
so leaky that it burned twenty
three tons of coal on the round
trip last Friday. How would you
like to be the fireman for whom a
day's work is seventeen hours, in
which he shoveled twenty-three
tons of coal ?
German Evangelical Ghurch
0:45 a. m. Sunday school.
10:45 a. m. Sermon.
7 p. m. Young People Alliances
7:.‘10 p. in, Sermon.
Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30
p. m.
Friday choir practice S p. in.
Petek Schemann, Pastor.
The Tribune had many visitors
last Thursday who called to see
our new folder in operation. We
are glad to note the interest taken
in our improvetnets and all arc
assured of a hearty welcome at
the Tribune office at any time.
Rev. R. Cooper Bailey and Miss
Cornford returned Saturday from
Nemaha county, where they had
been tor the past two weeks con
ducting a very successful revival
Will Sinclair, wife and two
little sons of Kidderville, Kansas,
arrived in this city Friday for a
visit to the former’s sister, Mrs.
John Hossack.
Veilings, ribbons, silks, chif
fons, wings and plumes in fact
everything in the millinery line
at actual cost at the lion Ton.
Mrs. B- F. Veach returned to
her home in Verdon,Sunday after
spending several davs with her
niece, Mrs. Arthur Harris.
Morton Hickman of Morrill,
Kas., was a pleasant caller at
this office while in the city Sat
H. C Xoeller of l’reston is one
of the faithful who called Satur
day and dropped $1.50 in our till.
— Heck & Harlow want osage
hedge posts. Call and we will
explain what we want. 2t
If you would make others be
lieve in your wisdom, be brief.
A pusher will beat a kicker to
the goal any old time.
—Heck iSr Harlow want pop
corn. _ 2t
Guilty of Counterfeiting
Passing counterfeit money no worse
than substituting some unknown worth
less remedy for Foley’s Honey and
Tar. the great cough and cold remedy
that cures the most obstinate coughs
»nd heals the Jungs. Kerr’s Phar
macy. (
Dr. Clifford R. Tefft
All Work Guaranteed
and promptly attended
to. Modern Equipment
Gold Bridges Gold Inlays
Gold and Porcelain Porcelain Inlays
Bridges Gold and Rubber Plates
Gold Crowns Alcolite Inlays
Porcelain Crowns Gold anil Silver Fillings
All Work Strictly Up-to-Date
and Guaranteed
Opposite Court House
Falls City, Nebraska
—If you have osage hedge posts
to sell, go to Heck & Harlow.
Some people construe laws as
restrictions that govern every
body but them.
Our ice dealers are wearing
their sweetest smile. The pros
pects are good for a big ice crop.
Mrs. A. A. Tanner and chil
dren came down from Lincoln on
Friday for a few days visit with
relatives in this city. They re
turned home on Monday.
Mrs.W. K. Davis returned from
Lincoln Saturday, where she had
been visiting her brother. W. R.
Hershey, for the past two weeks.
Mrs. M. A. Frank called Sat
urday and arranged to make Jan.
1st her subscription date.
August Deuchler of route live
was a pleasant caller at this office
on Saturday.
One reason for eating icecream
with a spoon is that a fork leaks
—Order vour coal of C. A.Heck.
Choose Gifts that
Reflect Distinction
Whether you buy costly and elaborate articles, or are limited in your expenditures
to what is simple and inexpensive, let your gifts reflect distinction. -Gifts coming
from Jacftiel’s possess this quality—they have the distinction of being genuinely
good and of coming from an establishment whose integrity is above reproach. The
conscientious quality of the goods offered bv this store has increased its patronage
every year, and now it enjoys the fullest confidence of a very large host of buyers.
Here is a list of gift possibilities which are to be had at Jaquet's.
Collar Pins ... 50c and up
Veil Pins 75c and up
Barrettes 75c and up
Hat Pins . 50c and up
Bracelets $3.50 and up
Brooches SI.00 and up
Necklaces $2.25 to $10
Finger Rings $2.50 to $25
Fob Chains $1.75 and up
Back Combs $1.25 and up
Jewel Cases $1.00 and up
Toilet Sets $10 to $23
Souvenir Spoons. 40c and up
Chafing Dishes $5.50 up
Card Trays. $2 50 and $5.50
Desk Clock $1.50 and up
Desk Accessories 50c up
Hair Receivers, $1.35 and $2
Manicure Articles 40c up
Candle Sticks $ 1.50 and up
Finger Rings 50c and up
Bracelets $1.00 and up
Neck Chains $1.25 and up
Drinking Cups 75c and up
Napkin Rings $1.00 and up
Baby Spoons 50c and up
Cold Pins . 50c and up
Baking Dish $3 50 up
Tea Sat $9 50
Set Knives and Forks,
from $1.25 to $18
Bread Trays .. $2 and up
Candelabra $9 50 and $8
Mantel Clock $5 and up
Cut Class $2.50 np
Scarf Pins 80c and up
Cuff Links 75c and up
Watches $4.50 and up
Watch Chains. $1.50 aud up
Watch Fobs $3.00 and up
Watch Charms. $1.50 and up
Signet Rings. $4.00 and up
Match Boxes. $2.00 and up
Pocket Knives. $1.25 and up
Fountain Pens. $l.50and up
Stamp Boxes, $1.00 and up
Cigar Jars $2.75 and up
Clothes Brushes. $3.50 up |
Military Brushes. $2.50 up
Smoking Sets. $5.00 and up
Desk Clocks $1.50 up
Bag Tags $1.35 and up
Shaving Sets $4.00 and up
Cigar Cutters $1.75 and up
Mounted Umbrellas. $5 up
We Engrave All Purchases Free