The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 11, 1908, 1st Section, Image 4

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Entered .is second-class matter at
Falls City, Nebraska, post office, Janu
ary 12. 1904, under the Act of Congress
ce March 3,1879.
Published every Friday at Falls City,
Nebraska, by
“he Tribune Publishing Company
E. F. SHARTS. Manager
ne \ ea i ...-$1.50
six months — *»»
Three months . .. •■W
L Congress is again in session.
We predict sixty-tive cent
corn locally by March 1st.
The kids, old and young, had
a great time skating during the
moonlight nights ol last week.
Congressman Pollard is writ,
ng letters throughout the dis.
district seeking pledges for two
years hence.
Your Christmas will be a
merry one if you help some of
your less fortunate friends to a
merry Christmas.
Out of nineteen .teams stand,
jng along the south side of the
court house square Saturday
afternoon, all were blanketed
save one.
11 you want to see and hear
pure delight just stop and watch
and listen to a crowd of little
girls looking at the dolls in the
store windows.
The holiday shoppers should
buy early and not only get the
best selection but assist the
tired clerks as well. Don’t pro
crastinate, which means get
busy. __
TbeTribune furnishes the best
medium for merchants to reach
the buyers. We can guarantee
that more Tribunes are read by
the patrons of Falls City than
any other paper.
There are only tive towns in
Nebraska having a population
of 2,OUO or more which have no
public library. Auburn is one.
Our sister city should wake up
and get a public library.
Do your Christmas shopping
early. By so doing you will
avoid the rush and have first
selection. The reporter went
through some of our local stores
last week and found the largest
stocks ever laid in for the holi
day trade.
President elect Taft is going
to insist on a tariff revision
that will keep every promise
made by the national platform.
Of course the principle of pro
tection will be applied wherever
necessary, but that an honest
revision of the tariff will ensue
is apparent.
The Tribune is also the best
county paper. We publish four
times as much county corres
pondence as any other local
paper. All this costs money to
secure, to set up and to print,
but we pay the bills promptly
and cheerfully to the end that
the Tribune may continue the
best and biggest paper in the
It is said that a Richardson
county teacher recently asked
her class who was the first
president. “George Washing,
ton," replied the youngsters in
unison. “If there was a politi
cal campaign that year, who
ran against Washington?’’ ask.
ed the teacher. There was
silence lor a moment, then a
iittle Irish lad answered up,
William Jennings Bryan.”
Judge Sullivan has broken all
records in this state inasmuch
as he is the only democratic
office bolder who ever resigned
a job. Seriously, however, the
resignation of Jud^e Sullivan is
to be regretted as he is one of
the ablest lawyers our supreme
oench has ever had. Gov.Shel
don would have done well to
have appointed the judge for
the long term and let some ot
the less experienced appointees
take the one year term.
State Warden Beemer advises
the erection of another state
penitentiary as the old one is
tilled and more room is needed.
He also states that there are
now confined in the penitentiary
2JO young lellows between the
ages of 18 and 2!1 years. A
large percent of these young
men are high school graduates
and are exceptionally bright
and well -ead. An education
should cause young men to turn
their backs on the penitentiary
instead of causing them to face
it and rap for admission. Book
learning is good, but it is not
the only valuable learning. The
principles of morality, honesty,
and integrity should be taught,
and their importance impressed
upon youthful minds. They
should be taught that it is noble
to labor, and that no labor is
any more noble than physical
It would be well for 'the re
publicans of the county to
give a big “get together” ban
quet. There should be a mon
friendly feeling among republi
cans throughout the country
The way to foster such a feel
ing is for all of us to confer
about matters in general, and
the best way to confer is to ge’
Do you know you are not fool,
ing the public by belittlingyom
adversary? You are not al wayi
taken at your own valuation a nr
the people usually guess righl
on the question of motives. Do
your stunt, you don't know how
much fun it is to mind your own
business until you have tried.
The official count shows Taft's
plurality in the state of Ohio
over W. J. Bryan is 69,591—a
majority greater than was Ye.
ceived by Win. McKinley in
either of his presidential cam
paigns. Taft made no mistake
by refusing to tie up with^Sen
ator Fraker.
Why not pass an ordinance
putting a penalty upon the sell
ing of morphine and kindred
drugs without a physician's
perscription. There are more
“dope fiends’’in Falls City than
is believed by the general
Speaking of stories, why not
read the message of tlie presi
dent in this issue. It is the last
communication President
Roosevelt will make to congress
and the nation. He is going
after bigger game.
You, who are getting sample
copies of the Tribune, will con
fer a favor on the management
by comparing the paper both as
to appearance and news with
the other papers you may be
taking. _
Mr. Bryan has bought a ranch
in Texas, and the way Bert
Whitaker is selling Texas land
it looks like about half the state
of Nebraska is following suit.
Did you read tiie first chapter
of our story which begun in
last week's issue? If not hunt
up the paper for ycu will find
tTie story worth while.
One of the speakers at the
Elk’s memorial service gave
some good advice on life when
he said, “Take the cards that
are dealt you, and play the
game.” _
If our democratic brethern
get rid of the cumbersome, ex.
pensive and unnecessary prim
ary law, The Tribune agrees
to kick._
Do you know of some needy
person, whose life could be
made a little brighter through
your instrumentality? Then
get busy._
■ What has become of the Has
kell Hearst libel suit? Was it
simply campaign thunder? We
hear nothing more of it.
The small boys and girls are
now ready for Santa Claus
stories. These are happy days
for the little folks,
HAT a lot of things I
can happen be
tween July and
Christmas!" Kate
said it to herselt
and said it aloud,
so loudly that it
startled her. For
she was alone.
Mother was off on an eleventh-hour
and unsatisfactory wrestle with the
Christmas shopping problem. Sis had
chosen this gray afternoon to call on
a chum home from college. So Kate
had opportunity to make herself as
miserable as she desired.
It was now six weeks since Jack
had called—and six weeks is a long
time when a man is 25 and a girl is 20,
and each Is very much interested in
the other. Just how much Kate was
Interested was something unsus
pected. Once Jack thought he knew,
but now all he knew was that he did
not know. When Jack suddenly disap
peared from Kate’s perspective no one
noticed his absence from the picture.
To most people Jack had seemed a
part of Kate’s social background.
Some who had seen them together at
Grand Traverse had advanced him to
the middle distance. But of the fore
ground no one thought.
What happened in July was this:
The Wilsons were no more than
firmly established in their cottage,
which looks over Grand Traverse bay,
than Jack appeared at the hotel,
which looks over them both. That
was not remarkable, for all had been
members of that particular summer
colony for years. Then, the day of
th6 picnic on the Point, Jack and
Kate found themselves sitting at the
green fringe of the forest looking out
over the blue expanse of the bay. A
hundred yards in front of them Mrs.
Wilson was gathering up the table
cloth and things.
There was a little sense of chill in
the air—a harbinger of autumn. And
there was a change in the atmosphere
between the two. The girl’s lips were
tremulous. The man was agitated,
and strangely tender and brutal in his
“It will not Interest you,” he said,
“but I am going down to-morrow.”
“But why so tragic? We will be
back in town in a week ourselves—
and yet I do not feel so horribly blue
about it.”
“Well, things down there are dif
“Yes, they are different, but not un
pleasant when you tlrst get back to
them. I shall miss the canna in front
of your hotel; but I have no doubt the
fall millinery on State street will be
quite as gorgeous."
“You are clever, and, like most
clever people, a little heartless. You
know how tilings are different down
there. The people are different—why,
we are different ourselves. And it is
just the difference of which you
speak—the difference between these
flowers and flowers of silk and satin,
between those lilies out there and lily
stems of wire and paper.”
“You are a little unkind, Jack,” she
said, gently.
The soft reproof, more suggestive ot
fears than anger, brought the story
to his very lips. He wondered how
he should tell it. Then an old schoolboy
trick came back to him. He brought out
ills penknife. Beside them was a little
spruce and in the soft, flaky bark he
carved a heart. Within its lines he
dug deeply the initials of two people.
The girl caught her breath and blushed
a little, which are the proper and cus
tomary things for a girl to do at such
a time.
Then he told her what was in his
mind, it left tier a little panic-stricken
and she took the refuge her sisters al
ways have taken—she asked him to
wait for his answer.
in such a case there is but one thing
for the man to do, and that is to wait
—until to-morrow. But when a man
is terribly in earnest he takes people
"When I see this carving of yours
again then we will talk about this,
Jack—if you si ill think this way."
Site thought she was putting him
on a most proper probation. It was
only a woman's reluctance to give up
her freedom.
Hut he took her at her word. Next
day he went away.
Hack in town again, at first he saw
her often. His restraint she imagined
was resentment. In November, a
month of storms and dreary skies,
they quarreled. That was six weeks
All that six weeks he pondered the
matter by lonely fires and over break
fasts late and bad. Then he resolved
to end the suspense and still keep his
One day a young man, whom the na
tives were satisfied was most cer
tainly insane, stepped off the train
into a snowdrift. He wanted a team,
a guide, a shovel and an ax. As h€
had money and determination he got
This crazy young man drove fom
miles and waded through two more
Rang the Door Bell Violently.
On the Point, now bleak with winter,
he stopped by a tiny spruce protruding
from the snow and began digging as
furiously as if be were hunting foi j
buried treasure.
A half dozen little trees he uncov-1
ered. At last, with a boyish laugh, he ]
laid the ax at the foot of one until
the chips flew.
That night t lie crazy man who had
eonte 300 miles for a Christmas tree
started homeward again. Christmas
eve the man and the Christmas tree
mounted the steps of the Wilson resi
dence and rang the door bell violently.
Well, what else could site do? That
night they went out into the Christmas
crowds together and bought the tin
sel for the first Christmas tree Kate
had had in years—and the very best.
(Copyright, 1908, by Wright A. Patterson.)
Give to both enemies and
friends the best you have.
If you ca’nt rind what you
want in the Tribune’s advertis
ing columns you are hopeless.
A transient automobile passed
through town Tuesday with a
siren that sounded like a pipe
The man who feels that he
“can't afford to advertisers the
very man who needs advertising
most. _
The Tribuue is just twice its
usual size this week and every
inch of it is full of good reading
matter. We would ask you to
compare itin its appearance,the
character of business it adver
tises, its news matter both as to
the matter and the manner in
which it is written, as well as
in all other features with other
weekly newspapers that come
to your notice.
We bavn’t been talking long
and loud about our Christmas
issue but we think this paper
will compare very favorably
with those who are so given to
boasting. Our Christmas issue
will be published next week,
wait for it.
The Tribune is very glad to
be able to publish the splendid
address delivered by Mr.Weaver
at the EIks'memorial last Sun
day night. You will find it in
another part of this paper and
it is well worthy of your atten
Do you remember when the
Tribune was a little magazine
sheet and its opponents were
predicting i t s early death?
Look at it this issue and see
what you think ot its opponents
as prophets._
Quite a list of Nebraska towns
are on the list for appropria
tions for government buildings.
How nice it would be if Falls
City was one of them.
Store Open Evenings
Sa^ve 25% on Clothing
We are selling bright, new and
up-to-date clothing of Standard
and high grade quality at less
than manufacturers’ prices.
The stock must be reduced
in the next two weeks—the big
cut will do it. It will pay you
to visit our store before making
Christmas purchases for men
or boys.
Four Doors South of Richardson Co.^Bank
The Postmaster GeneraljLDiscusses
The Parcel Post System
The postoffice deficit for the
present fiscal year is nearly $17,
OO.OoOO. When the causes of this
deficit are considered, it is noth
ing short of a national disgrace.
The postoffice establishment ought
to pay the government at least
$17,000,0(10 yearly instead of
bringing it that much in debt.
The rural free delivery does not
pay, but it is universally known
that it can be made to pay hand
somely. The postmaster general
recommends a limited local par
cels post system on the, rural
routes to make them self-sustain
ing as well as a blessing to the
farmer and the country merchant
and to that great and constantly
increasing class of people who,
owing to improved transportation,
live all or part of the year in the
country. He suggests as a rate,
5c for one pound and 2c for each
additional pound up to 11 pounds.
Nearly all rural carriers use horses
and wagons. An average burden
of only 55 pounds a trip would
amount annually to over $15,000,
000, nearly all of which would be
profit. No man or concern would
hesitate to act on such a plain
business like proposition. There
are four reasons, however, why the
government of the United States
does not act. The four reasons
are the four express companies,
viz: American express company,
Adams express company, Wells,
Fargo express company and the
United States express company.
They are not legitimate reasons,
but they are very stubborn and
potent ones. T h e postmaster
general would like a general and
unlimited parcels post system and
the reason why he recommends a
limited system is because he has
no hope of getting what he wants
and w-hat the country is entitled
to anc what every other civilized
nation in the world has.—Pawnee
Cit’ Republican.
I _
Good Morning
gjy^grj '■ -—«■-*Z£rzassm
Book-keepersTy* Stenographer i
Clerks. Cashiers.*!andffatl? »ey«
Workers, to'know JthatJ'ourJopE
cal work is scientific.) L -1
__w . -<sm
, KaflSBft
Eye, Ear, JSose and Throat,
Falls City, Neb.
A Good Father
by opening a bank account for I
them. It’s a little thing to do, |
for your child today. Ask for ■
one of our pocket banks, give j,
it to your child and
Do something definite. A lit
tle start is all they will ever
need. Give them a chance—
they will do the rest.
Falls City-State
Capital and Surplus $70 000.OC
Is always suitable for wife, mother, father, sis- i
ter, brother, aunt, uncle or friend. Here are a j
few suggestions:
Watch Watch
R*n6 Bracelets
Fob Fancy Hat Pin
Charm Belt PinJ
Stick Pin Locket and Chain
Cuff Buttons Ring
Razor Strop Jewel Cases
Shaving Set Cut Class
Fountain Pen Silverware
These are only a few of the many useful and
beautiful things we carry that would make an
excellent present at a moderate price.
North Window Kerr’s Pharmacy