SUNNNYSIDE GREENHOUSES Are now among the Largest in Nebraska See us for Pot Plants and Cut Flowers ior Christ mas Gifts, as well as Fresh Lettuce, Holly, Mistle toe and Green Wreathing. Also for Party and Wedding Decorations I Flowers tastefully arranged for funeral purposes. | Telephone us your order. Prompt and satisfactory I service guaranteed at all times. Phone 95 Simanton & Pence Wholesale and Retail Florists Christmas Sweetmeats The Candy Kitchen offers all customers a full assortment of everything in the candy line, from the lovliest of box goods down to Christmas Mix—all PURE, HOMEMADE AND WHOLESOME- Nothing to harm the tiniest baby in our candies. Always Fresh and Pure Everyone knows that a small amount of good candy goes farther than a large 0c per hour. I cannot speak too highly of the school and of the opportunity offered to every one wishing to advance themselves.” J. W. WICKLINS, Nebraska City, Neb., Chief Engineer. “I enrolled for the Stationary Engineer’s Course while employed as an oiler for the Great Western Cereal Co., at Nebraska City. At present I am employed as chief engineer by the same company. It was the knowledge that I derived from the course that put me in this position. I am very thankful to your agent who enrolled me as a student. My education being limited, I made up my mind to climb a few steps higher and leave the oil can. A. R. RHINE CHAS. P. STUMP, Division Supt. * ' Representative C. B. PHILLIPPI, Assistant Representative Biccerity Clothe* Copyright It’s Overcoat Time Do you like something a little out of the ordi ^ nary or an extreme style? We have them, and all the conservative styles, too. Some twenty different styles and scores of cloth pat terns in all the latest effects. $8.00 to $18.00. Buy your Overcoat here and save money. Wahl&Parchen WE KEEP OPEN UNTIL NINE O'CLOCK