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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1908)
SUNNNYSIDE GREENHOUSES Are now among the Largest in Nebraska See us for Pot Plants and Cut Flowers ior Christ mas Gifts, as well as Fresh Lettuce, Holly, Mistle toe and Green Wreathing. Also for Party and Wedding Decorations I Flowers tastefully arranged for funeral purposes. | Telephone us your order. Prompt and satisfactory I service guaranteed at all times. Phone 95 Simanton & Pence Wholesale and Retail Florists Christmas Sweetmeats The Candy Kitchen offers all customers a full assortment of everything in the candy line, from the lovliest of box goods down to Christmas Mix—all PURE, HOMEMADE AND WHOLESOME- Nothing to harm the tiniest baby in our candies. Always Fresh and Pure Everyone knows that a small amount of good candy goes farther than a large <juantitv of cheap factory candies. A full line of Nuts and Fruits always on hand- Give us a call and see our line of candies and be convinced that we can give you the best to be had. Falls City Candy Kitchen C. T. LIPPOLD BLACKSMITH AND WOODWORKER Having purchased the interest of my partner, ' have nired a first-class horseshoer and blacksmith. J am now better prepared than ever to do your work on short notice, and in a workmanlike manner. All work guar anteed. Horseshoeing a specialty—new per span, resetting S2 per span Try us when in need ot work in our ire. C. T. LIPPOLD Opposite Christian Church Fa(!s CHy Nebraska Winter Excursions Low Rates WINTER TOURIST RATES :—Daily reduced :at< - sions to California. Old Mexico, Southern and Cuban K-» .• .Is. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS:—First sdays of each month to many points west, south and s .4hws- . PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSION TO FLORIDA by Superintendent Public Instruction of Nebraska M.. J. L. M Brien, leaving Lincoln and Omaha, December l'.Ub. ■ ;. ".V, Bonnell, C. P. A., Lincoln, for itinerary. GOVERNMENT IRRIGATED HOMESTEADS Horn Basin and Yellowstone Valley:—One of the last ian ee to secure good farms from the Government at low prices. M w th Mr. D. Clem Deaver on the next, personally conducted ezcuislon. He will help you secure one of these farms. No chacgs i : i s service. ® Excursions first and third Tuesdays. E. G. Whitfobd, Ticket Agent. L. W. Wakeley, G. P. A , Omaha. Skating on Hinton’s Lake Hundreds Taking Advantage of These Fine Moonlight Nights. You old fossils who sit over the register, or near the radi ator, or with your feet in the oven of the kitchen stove and grouch about the cold weather —come out of it. The world is still young if you will but look, and happy, too, if you only knew it. Pull your old sweater on and get out in this bracing air and walk a mile briskly. TJreath deeply and open up the dust clogged air cells of your lungs. Get the blood to bounding through your veins again, and you will be slapping somebody on the shoulder and saying, “line weather, old man, Merry Christinas,” or something equally as indicative of feeling tine. You can't heat the inside by getting hot on the outside. There’s nothing to that system. For some reason, the Lord only knows what, a lot of old folks concluded to take a lot of young folks skating Monday night. ”1 know I’ll freeze to death,” said one of the old ones as they put blankets and robes and furs into the spring wagon and started for Hinton’s lake. What a night it was! The ice was like the proverbial glass. The shadows of the skaters in the moonlight were black against the smooth surface as the shadows of the trees are black upon the snow. There must have been two hundred skaters gliding over the lake. The air was filled with the shout of the youngsters and the merry laugh of the many who enjoyed the discomfiture of those whose feet ascended and whose bodies descended with a thud. A long string of high school students came swinging across the lake, the ring of their skates keeping time to ‘‘The Good Old Summer time" that they were singing. But it wasn’t the good old summer time. It was a win ter's night, 'tis true, and the moonlight awoke thousands of glistening diamonds on the ice and the frosy banks, but it was springtime, nevertheless, for the rosy cheeked boys and girls who care free and happy and hand in hand glided across the surface of the lake. I “Just listen to those kids singing about the summer time on a cold December night,” said one ot the old ones in partial disgust. “Forget it, ’’ said the lady who knew. “Just put on your skates and run a race with that 12 year old boy of yours. I'll bet he can beat you around the lake.” This started the boy and there was nothing to it but the race. Around the lake they went, tue night wind whipping the blood to their faces and the exertion sending the blood racing through their veins. The boy was ahead a little as they swung panting to the starting place. “How about it?” asked the one who knew. ‘‘F i n e, splendid," was the reply. “Get on your skates and come out here. This is the best fun ever.” And as long as the kids wanted to skate, until the moon was dropping towards the west they skated and forgot all about freezing, forgot all about reg isters and radiators and kitchen stoves. In fact were just hap py and young again. Of course, wnen they started home they were tired and hot and bundled up again in robes, and furs and blankets. The brown fields of the valley were a fairyland in the moonlight. The lights of the city shone clear and cold in the distance. The old ones were quiet, but the youngsters were prattling and bragging about their prow, ess as skaters. And so they neared home. “We always sang when we came home this way in the years gone,’’ said the one I who knew. “Let’s sing now,’’ said the children. “All right.” said everybody, “you start it,’’ speaking to one of the old ones. He waited a moment, and, with out knowing that the one who knew was smiling, started to sing. “ n the Good Old Summer time." A little sore in the morning? No, not very. Anyhow they went again the next night. You Know Bill Bill had a billboard. Bill also had a hoard hill. Bill’s hoard bill bored Hill so much that he sold his billboard to pay his board bill, and then Bill’s board bill no long er bored Bill. Bill’s pjirI said she coni In t see how Bill could have a board bill and a billboard at the same time. So she bored Bill so much about his billboard and his board bill that Bill finally had to skip his board bill in order to keep bis billboard.—Ex. A Personal Appeal If we o Id talk to you personally about the great merit of Foley’s Honey and Tar. for coughs, colds and lung trouble, you never would be luduced to experiment with unknown preparations that may contain some harmful drugs. Foley’s Honey and Tar costs you no more and has a record of forty years of cures. Kerr’s Pharmacy. ItomtfniiM Sweeitl WE HAVE YOU IN MIND! We Raise Salaries Over at Scranton, Pennsylvania, is located the ‘‘world’s greatest school house, the largest technical educational institution on the face of the globe. Unlike many i colleges and schools, it’s principal business is that of raising salaries. During the past sixteen years over a million students have been enrolled, and thousands of these are to-day drawing increased salaries as a direct result of the training received through this great institution, the International Correspondence Schools An exhibit of Outfits, also Diplomas, Corrected Lessons and Drawing l’lates of Students is now in the large window at Wahl & Parchen's Clothing Store DON’T FAIL TO SEE IT A representative of the schools will be in attendance to give inquirers information con cerning our SALARY RAISING EDUCATION. “Where there is a will there is a way.’’ You furnish the WILL—we furnish the WAY. Isn’t this offer worth investigating? Special in ducement given to first seven who enroll. Come today and welcome. Read What Local Students Say: EDGAR W. COOK, Tecumseh, Nebr. “When I enrolled in the Complete Architectural Course I was employed as a carpenter. At present I am employed as a contractor and builder. My salary has increased from 17c to <>0c per hour. I cannot speak too highly of the school and of the opportunity offered to every one wishing to advance themselves.” J. W. WICKLINS, Nebraska City, Neb., Chief Engineer. “I enrolled for the Stationary Engineer’s Course while employed as an oiler for the Great Western Cereal Co., at Nebraska City. At present I am employed as chief engineer by the same company. It was the knowledge that I derived from the course that put me in this position. I am very thankful to your agent who enrolled me as a student. My education being limited, I made up my mind to climb a few steps higher and leave the oil can. A. R. RHINE CHAS. P. STUMP, Division Supt. * ' Representative C. B. PHILLIPPI, Assistant Representative Biccerity Clothe* Copyright It’s Overcoat Time Do you like something a little out of the ordi ^ nary or an extreme style? We have them, and all the conservative styles, too. Some twenty different styles and scores of cloth pat terns in all the latest effects. $8.00 to $18.00. Buy your Overcoat here and save money. Wahl&Parchen WE KEEP OPEN UNTIL NINE O'CLOCK