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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1908)
Matthews’ 1st Anniversary Sale I HOW SN FULL BLAST Just a year ago we opened here in Falls City, the 1 ’rice Killer’s Department Store, and it is a great pleasure to us to look back over our monthly sales and note the increase of each month over the pre ceeding one, and in this First Anniversary Sale wc are going to express to you our appreciation of the liberal patronage extended to us in the last year by giving you the Greatest Values ever offered in this section of Nebraska- For months uur buyers have been searching the wholesale markets buying goods for this sale and just at this season of the year every jobber and every manufacturer are very anxious to reduce their stock on hands. Therefore we were very fortunate an securing some phenomenal values in seasonable merchandise. Not tire and water plunder 01 old last season's goods, but nev . snappy and desirable fabrics and apparels. F icli and every department in the store have received their share of these new goods and are now all dressed in their Holiday Attire and waiting for your criticism and patronage. For this sale our store will be appropriately decorated, goods will be hung from the ceiling and piled high on the counters all marked in our usual low price figures and those of you who attend will be pleased beyond your loudest dream We have engaged extra salespeople to see you are properly taken care of and. all in all, have arranged fora very large business, and we do not feel our i fforts will be in vain. To accommodate those who can not find time to get down in the day time we will keep our store onen evenings. Don't forget the date, but come. Mingle with the crowd, shop at your leisure and inspect the values offered in the greatest bargain-giving event in the history of the country Ladies’ and Misses’ Coats A Matchless Outpouring of Values We have just finished unpacking onr final shipment of Ladies and Misses' Coats, which the manufacturers were unable to deliver to us earlier, and they therefore allowed us a very big reduction Our stock now completed comprises everything in Coats to the elaborately trimmed and plush lined Coats with fur collars, in all shades, from the dainty evening shades to the staple blacks, 25 Per Cent Discount Comforts and Blankets Chilly nights are coming and you will need extra bed covering. | This Anniversary Sale comes just at the proper time to convince you , that equal goods at equal prices do not exist in the city. 3 The largest and heaviest Blankets obtainable QO at the price. Anniversary Sale price. /Ov Skirts and Petticoats Best Styles and Materials Best Workmanship and Values Clear statements make our advertising interesting. Over 400 Skirts in cluded in this sale, and the offering shows overwhelming evidence of our leadership. S-4 00 Black, Blue and Brown Skirts, Anniversary Sale A A price . S3 Black, Blue and Grey all wool ; Panama, Batiste and Novelties. Silk bands and folds Anniversary Sale price $<>•00 Plain and Novelties, in a beau tiful range of style and | A color,Anniversary price • * V $0-00 all-wool Panama in Black, Biue and Brown, trimmed in narrow satin folds and buttons ^ fiO /i Anniversary price. •• f 5>7.50 elaborately trimmed in sell and silk folds, lumc effects, inverted plaits, for .. . Silk Petticoats 20% Off the Regular Price Lend us your ear while we to you a bargain tale unfold in the Petticoat department- All black Petticoats will be cut to the tune of 20 per cent off. Silk Petticoats—black, blue, brown, tan, red and in fact most any color you should want will be found at 20% Less Than the Regular Prices Black Dress Goods Irresistible series await you in this department. Never before has such an assortment been offer ed the people of this vicinity at such concessions. Why does business Hock here? Head the answer in these items: • 1.50 all-wool black broadcloth, 54 inches |Q wide, Anniversary Sale. «p 1 ( 1 y •1.25 French Rape, 48 inches wide QQ _ •1.00 Fancy black worsted 44 Inches wide / Q _ | Anniversary Sale. . 07C • 1 IK) black •French” taffeta 4<i inches wide 'JQ _ Anniversary Sale. JyC IHIc black storm serge 4S Inches wide 4\Q Anniversary Sale. OVC 85c black Sicilian 50 Inches wide Anniversary SHle. O/C tide black Mohair A ^ _ Limited space will not permit us giving details In our colored dress goods section, but you in;ty feel sure you will find some. 25 pieces colored dress goods In all styles, weaves and shades, ranging in price from TO 50e tofl Anniversary Sale. . .. JOC Silk Department To grow rich is to embrace opportunities. Tin is vour Opportunity. ♦ 1 ini Black Taffe a a full Standard a'l .ilk (one |"> 1e only to sell) Anniversary sal >.. /DO -1 ' ■ It nek ThIT v rd wide. The same fab- QQ _ r'e- many gt t Anniversary sale OyC l j, ' hi.i nti-riw all silk no two alike and sold QQ for $ .‘(I and $11. Anniversary sale. xOC Hosiery and Underwear arc he re to be sold. Hence these persuasive prices. Come to Matthews when von want a heaping dollar's worth. Ladies separate garments pants and vesta | Q Anniversary sale. 1 sC Childrens heavy grey union suits A Z Auniversary sa'e. rDC Ladies heavy ribbed pants and vests A Zry Anniversary sale. ^IDC Ladles set snug union suits fiO Anniversary sale. 0/C Ladies heavy grey hose o Anniversary sale OC Ladies extra heavy grey hose | | Rook port, Anniversary sale . 1 1 C Ladies all wool hose 50c values. IP _ Anniversary sale. DDC Boys and Misses wool hose all sizes Anniversary sale . bjC Marked reduction in shawls, scarrs and all head wear. Anniversary sale as low as . ^DC OllR NEW HOLIDAY DEPARTMENT having secured an elegant line of popular priced jewelry, we have opened a NEW DEPARTMENT, and now have to show you the largest assortment of popular priced jewelry in the city. We have included in this department Collars, Purses, Combs, Bags, Neck Chains, Brooches, Rings, Watch Fobs, Stick Pins, Cuff But tons, Bracelets, Studs, etc. And they are priced so modestly that we feel sure it will meet with popular favor with our patrons. Confidentially,1 the prices on these goods are about half what you are used to paying elsewhere. Jewels of The Purest Ray Serene at Prices that Mean Bargain Jewels Shoes! Shoes! As you all know our Shoe department is new. All just from the bench and the prices we quote you will cause the Lingering Doubts to buy, to vanish. SUNFLOWER SHOES " YOU CAN'T BETTER THE BEST ” $1.50 Plunger Satin Calf ma ■}£ Anniversary sale.. $2.00 Victor Kid Durr Shoe OA Anniversary sale. «pl*OU $2.50 Men's Box Calf Duri Shoe ^A Anniversary sale. $.'!.00 Men’s Kangaroo Calf £ Anniversary sale . $.'150 Men's Kid Welt Durr Shoe QCL Anniversary sale... $4 00 Men's Patent Leather Fine Shoe d»^ A.^% Anniversary sale .. ... »P>J»^tJ $1.75 Boy’s Calf School Shoe d* | $1 75 Boy’s Kid Durr d» | CLCL Anniversary sale ...iplt JJ $2 00 Boy’s Kangaroo Shoe dj f OA Anniversary sale. ipltOU $3 00 Bov’s Velom Calf Shoes iIff Anniversary sale . tP^«U J SI.50 Ladies Kid Light Soles dj | Off Anniversary sale. <P 1 • $2 00 Ladies Kangaroo Calf Blucher d* | 'J CL Anniversary sale . <P1</ J $3.00 Ladies Rid Welt Blucher d*^ /L ff Anniversary sale.iP^tOJ $3.25 Ladies Patent Leather d*^ QC All other shoes in stock not mentioned aboye will be placed on sale at 10 per cent discount. Santa Claus Candy One Ton—2,000 pounds of Candy is now displayed at our store. Uroken Creams, Yankee Peanut. Gum Drops, Crystal Mixed, Ribbon Mixed, Chocolate Cream, and in fact everything to be found in the Candy line are to be found in this assortment and are regular 15c and 20c value. This is the greatest buy of your | A life. Anniversary Sale price is only Iwv Cotton Piece Goods Dept. Certain deep price cuttings to sink deep into your minds. We have just finished unpacking some new goods for this department which we feel sure is a purchasing chance few will miss. Be in the swim ! Stretch your dollars to the limit ! 11 pieces fancy Kimona cloth in a beautiful range of shades which were bought to sell at 25c— | “J _ Our Anniversary Sale price . 1JC 1500 yards Bleached Muslin .10 inches wide / _ Anniversary Sale. OG 1000 yards “Wadd" Suiting, 15c values Or* Anniversary Sale. /C 2500 yards Calico, all standard and full weight, Ar* the regular He kind. Anniversary Sale. *§C New arrival of Apron Gingham, 71c values _ Anniversary sale. JG Extra Heavy A. C. A. Ticking worth 18o | i _ Anniversary sale. liG Five thousand yards L. L. Muslin, worth 7c _ Anniversary sale. JG ‘•Hope” Muslin, while its lasts O — Anniversary sale. OG Gold Medal Bleached Muslin, while it lasts 5ir* Anniversary sale . OG One thousand yards Heavy Teazled Outing Flan nel worth 121 and I5e, Anniversary sale. OG The above is only a sample of the great values this Anniversary Sale Offers. A daring cut in prices all along the line. Our urocery Department Glance With a Keen Eye Down this Anniversary 5ale Bargain List Horse Shoe tobacco A(\r* per lb. ‘tUt 15c Bulk Coffee, 1 1 _ oer lb. Alt/ Navy Beans, C _ per lb. Jt PicDic Hams, 1 • per lb. . . . lUt 50c Gun Powder Tea, _ per lb. C/sKs 25c Box Toilet Soap. Of* Full Standard Tomatoes. Q_ Full Standard Corn, _ Full Standard Peas, _ Celluloid Laundry Starch, _ Cow Brand Soda, Af* per pkg. ■ !/ Best Soda Cracker. 71* 1000 Bushels Native Home Grown Potatoes, 7flr* Annniversary Sale . / Ul/ All kinds of produce taken same as cash Yes! We know vou will hear the impossibility of such Marvelous Prices, and that The Price Killers are losing hundreds of dollars to make this sale a success. That we can not help, we are not trying to run any other business but our own (keeps us pretty busy to do that) and we do not expect any one else to run ours. We know, and you know—the best customer is the satisfied one. The best ad vertisements any business can have is satisfied customers- Therefore if we can satisfy every customer that attends this sale—Well! figure it out for yourself and see if vou don't agree with us. That it is better to divide the profits and make customers than to get it all at once. Our Motto—Constant Customers of Chance Buyers. s. A. Little |U| ATTHFWC -Th®- open Manager IYIM I I fib YY O Price Killer E,enings