WE HAVE THE ONLY STOCK OF SHEET MUSIC IN FALLS CITY - SEE OUR SPECIAL WINDOW DISPLAV' OF Sloke^Wermcke ELASTIC B00KCASES\ MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW\ FOR CHRISTMAS DELIVERY/: A GIFT THAT IS SURE TO SUIT ] -ALL M EM BE,R b Or theafa;-iily_ Karpen^Guaranteed Leather Furniture ., j C. F. Street Leather Davenports IB&jL and Morris Chairs We are sole agents of these highly advertised lines. Stock limited on account of Christinas rush. We invite your early selec tion This Rocking Chair as well as a threat variety of pat ters, now in stock. We lay your j selections aside to be delivered when or where you wish. The line must be seen to be ap preciated. _■ This Solid Oak. Leather-Uphol stered Rocking Chair Always an appreciated present. Sold by us at this Christmas sale for only $6.75 New Edison Phonograph playing the Amberol four-minute record—The Best Christmas Pres ent on Earth. It plays, sings and talks for the whole fam ily, and is good the sear around. We have every Kdison record !n stock and re ceive the new music monthly The educational features of this instrument are not always considered. No growing family I in America should be without one. It will arouse and develop the musical taste to a strik ing degree and is aiwnys entertaining. We have a full stock of instruments and will sell yon on easy payments. One Price the World Over This is Our Exclusive Pattern the one we have always sold and which has given such good satis faction. Do not let this Christmas pass without giving your wife one of these.labor-saving rug sweepers. Made in a variety of beautiful cabinet woods and cvco bearing. It Would Make an Ideal Christmas Present We Wish You a Merry Christmas 1 his beautiful Christmas advertisement expresses our heartfelt wishes to our many lriends for prosperity, happiness and good will. We are the proud possessors of such exclusive lines. I he Siohc-VcmieKc Sectional Book Case Karpen Guaranteed Leather Furniture C. F. Street Leather Morris Chairs I he Stearns and Foster Elastic Felt Mattresses Bissell's Gold Medal Carpet Sweepers A selection from our complete stock is carefully taged, to be delivered when you want it with our own conveyance, insuring careful handling. We have made an effort to make the perplexing question of “What Shall 1 get for Christmas? an easy one. We invite you to our store. Running: Standard Running*1 Domestic as well as other cheaper ma chines, very appropriate for a Christmas present. Sold on pay ments. UNDERTAKING REAVIS & ABBEY FALLS CITY. IMEB.