Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1908)
Gigantic Winter Clearing Sale Gigantic Cut in Clothing Prices -BEGINS Thursday, Dec. 10th 25 All-Wool Men’s Suits, sold regular at $10.50 A/ now. . 20 All-Wool Men’s Suits, sold regular at $12 00 ^g 00 23 All Wool Men’s Suits, sold regular at $13.00 00 25 All-Wool Men’s Suits, sold regular at $14.50 ^10 50 30 All-Wool Men’s Suits, sold regular at $15.00 $11.50 25 Hart, SchafTner & Marx Suits, regular price $17.00 $12.00 20 Hart, SchalTner & Marx Suits, regular price $17 50 and Af A gA $18.50, now.,. (PlMcjU Men’s Overcoats, regular price $8.00 and $8.50 AX A A now. $D«UU Men’s Overcoats, regular price $10.50 A A AA now. $0*UU Men’s Overcoats, regular price $12.00 and $12 50 $10.00 Copyright 1908 bv Hart Scbadner »\ Marx -ENDS January 1st, 1909 Men’s Overcoats, regular price $13.00 $11.00 Men’s Overcoats, regular price $15.00 d» f ^ £? A now.,.. Men’s Overcoats, regular price $18.00 ^ A f A now .. .. Men's Hart, Schaffner & Marx Overcoats, was $20.00 $16.50 30 Boys’ Suits, ranging in size from 4 to 15 years, that sold for d» 1 iO $2.50 to $0.00, this sale.. V * •*■0 20 Dozen Men’s Black Sateen Shirts, former price 75c A now. *OC 30 Dozen Men’s Fancy Dress Shirts, sold up to $1.40 .68c Men’s Heavy Fleeced Underwear, regular 50c goods now. JOC Boys’ Knee Pants, former price 50c to 75c * now.. JOC Duck Coats and Working Clothes during this sale at a big reduction. Clearing Sale of Fine k^ifi Cloaks We are going to give you a big cut in Cloaks this year before the winter is over. You can save yourself money by examining our stock before they are all gone. Regular all-wool $12 blac k and colored Kersey, „ full lined, for $10.00 Our $20 and $22.50 fine French Kersey coat, Skinner satin lined, new semi-fitting back, for V $18.00 Young ladies' fancy mixed and plain colored coats that have been selling for $8, $12 and $1 now $9.00 Children’s coats, in cloth, bearskin and plush, worth up to $5.00, now $2.48 Clearing Sale of Ladies' "'M£rd Shoes 50 pair Women’s Calf and Vici Kid Shoes, regular $2 and $2.5o now. 20 pair Women’s Vici Kid Shoes, A | 1 A regular price $3, for this sale. tp X • X U 20 pair Women’s Vici Kid Shoes, regular price $3.50, this sale. <J/ X *30 15 pair Women’s Fine Vici Kid £ Shoes, the regular $4 kind, now.. <J/X*# 3 30 pair Women's Vici and Calf Shoes that sold up to $2.50, now. 25 pair Queen Quality Kibo Kid EZC\ Shoes, sold for $3, now. iP**3v Infants' Kid Shoes, sizes 21 to 5, was 90c, now. .. # 31/ Children's Patent Kid Shoes, 51 to 8, Q|| was $1.15, now. /FUX/ Douglas $4 Patent Shoes £A now. «P3»3U Ralston $4 Health Shoes now.. Odds and Ends of Men’s Calf and A A Tan Shoes, regular price $4. iO, now.. Odds and ends of Men’s Brown Vici A^ AA and Call $4.50 Shoes, now.. iP^cUv Douglas Patent Leather Shoes, sold £ A / A regularly for$3.50, now. (P^iDO Calf Shoes for youths, sizes 12 to 2, sold rejjfu larly at $1.75 (to f DOW. tj) 1 J Hoys’ heavy Calf Shoes, % 2i to 5, regu A | fifT lar $2.50shoe ^ 1 *03 Men’s fine Slippers, for $1.00, $1.50 (to | and . <P 1 • / 3 Clearing Sale of Underwear Women’s Union Suits .43c II I V Women’s Union Suits for.30C Munsing Union Suits for women, for $1.00 Women’s Vests and Pants in heavy ribbed effect,\* Best Set-snug Vest and Pants 4$C Misses Union Suits in gray and d* | A A white, 50c, 75c and.* •“ V Children’s Vests and Pants, all sizes, each, from 15c to. Clearing Sale of Hose Sale agent for the celebrated Pony Hose for boys and Made; Women’s extra heavy, j Fast Black Hose. Women’s extra heavy f | f* Hose, regular 20c.... * * ** Fine Wool Hose for.. Silk and Wool Hose for. Clearing Sale of Blankets 10-4 Cotton Blanket A for.47 C Good 10-4 Cotton Blanket _ ! for. 0 JC 11-4 Heavy Blanket 98c Extra Heavy Blanket $1.48 Half Wool and Cotton Blan kets for..tPwiJv All-Wool 11-4 Blankets $4 00 Extra fine all-Wool Blankets $5.00 Extra fine and lar^e Northern Star Blanket $6, $7 and $10 V All Standard Prints For This Sale 5 Cents Per Yard Our Entire Line of Furs During This Sale At «4 Off Men’s Furnishings Rockford Socks, per pair.8c All-wool Scotch Gloves.48c Heavy Cotton Flannel Gloves, knit wrist this sale, per pair.6c Regular 50 and 75c Caps.48c J. & P. Coats Thread This sale only Six Spools for 25 Cents 25 Miscellaneous Outing Flannel per yard. Good LL Muslin per yard.Jv Pearl Buttons per dozen.sJv Boys’Caps, were 50 and 75c now selling^\* 12 papers Pins 10c Girl’s Golf Caps 48c Fink's $1 Overalls for. OjC Wool Dress Goods 46-inch brown and blue fancy striped Mohair Novelty per yard...JOl/ White Figured Mohair, for waist per yard. ■ 36-inch Panama, in black, brown, blue and green worth $1 regular, per yard.^Ov Cotton and Wool Mixtures for children's dresses per yard. Sam i Wahl DAYLIGHT STORE FALLS CITY, NEB. Table Damask 54-inch Unbleached Damask for a yard . J/C 66-inch extra heavy German Damask A Q per yard.VC 72-inch bleached Irish Damask per yard. / “C 72-inch fine Bleached Irish Damask, extra OA heavy, per yard.O/C All-Linen Napkins, sizes 22 and 24 inch AA > $1.00, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00. 2.50 and.: Extra large Huck Towels f each. 1 jC Wash Rags, extra large each.DC All-Linen Lunch Cloths. 50c and $1.00