,rtsecti°n The Falls 0ity Tribune. ,,a*es■to8 Vol. V FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, DLCHMBIIR 11, 1908. Number 47 SOCIETY NOTES AS TWAS TOLD TO OUR SO CIETY EDITOR Vt ious Kinds of Entertainment by Individuals, Lodges. Clubs, Churches, Etc. The Presbyterian Juniors were entertained at the home of John Sellers on Saturday afternoon. It was a taffy pull party and the forty guests present enjoyed it highly. The W. C. T. U. will meet next Wednesday afternoon witn Mrs. V. G. Lyford. This is the time tor the quarterly silver free will offering. It is hoped there will be a good attendance. The Friends in Council will meet this Friday evening with Mrs. Simon Davies. The place of meeting was changed from the regular program, made necessary by other arrangements, but it is earnestl}' hoped that all members will be present. Vm. Deuchler planned a pieas ant surprise for Otto Keiger on Tuesday evening in honor of his birthday. About thirty young people were present ,and report an excellent time- A splendid lunch was served and at a late hour all went home wishing Mr Rieger manv more happy birth days A pleasant time will no doubt be the program at the home of Mrs. C. M. Wilson this (Friday) I when the Misses Hand,Lookabill, Field and Agnew will entertain the lady teachers of our public schools- It is to be a “childs” affair and each guest is requested to dress in children’s costume. The Womans Club held its regular meeting last week at the home of Mrs. Fenton. There was a good attendance and a splendid program- Miss Schoenheit had the first number, a sketch of Kev in. and two piano solos by this composer, which were exception ally well rendered. Two papers on Luther Burbank, the scientist and plant wizard, was the feature of the afternoon. The first a personal sketch, touching on the individuality and characteristics •of this man, by Mrs. Cameron, was very interesting. What Bur bank has done,by Mrs. Simanton, sr., was one of the most instruc tive papers written by a club member this year. It was com plete in every way, leaving no questions unanswered in the minds of her hearers. The tell ing of the process by which Bur bank created the Bhasta Daisy . ith illustrations of the same was especially good. The club will i eet Dec. 15th with Mrs. Keller. Miss Myrtle Kamel gave a linen slower at her home Friday even ing in honor of Miss Virgie Mead The hostess spared no pains in making the affair botli attractive and pleasant. The bouse was profusely decorated with cupids and hearts, and the program was most original and unique. The dining table was very pretty, the place cards being small hearts attached to ribbons leading to the center piece, a cupid surrounded by hearts which contained the fortune of each guest. Those present were requested to draw a picture of the groom and write a description of the wedding trip. These made an interesting book which was presented to the bride elect- She was also given a num ber of letters written by the guests, to be opened at stated in tervals after marriage. It was indeed a pleasant affair and will lorg be remembered by those pre sent. The out of town guests were Misses Lela and Irene Spur ock, Beula and Mary Kussell and Olive Tilden of Salem and Mrs. t ilenn Bronson of Shubert. CITY COUNCIL Busy Sessions Held During The Past Week The city council met in regular session on Monday night and transacted in toll important busi ness. Bills to the amount of $10,589.08 were allowed on the different funds. On a motion by Hahn and seconded by Gelding, it was decided that the council ask R. 0. Wood, our electrician, to take a state board examination and note his qualifications as to electrical and steam engineering. The bonds of D. I). Reavis, L. 1’. Wirth and H. I. Hahn as park commissioners were approved and accepted. The report of the cliautauqua board was received and accepted and the sum of $205 due the city, ordered paid to the city treasurer and credited to the general fund. John Powell was granted per mission to erect a brick building with metal roof on lot 16, block 70. On motion of Reichers, second ed by Hahn the council was order ed to follow instructions given by the city attorney regarding Joseph A. Borteulanger's contract with city and that the entire council, mayor, city engineer or any other competent engineer upou whom the council may agree, go to the electric light plant and check specifications in detail before ac cepting plant. A warrant was ordered issued on city treasurer to pay for deed to lot purchased by park commit tee in addition to lots now owned by city for park purposes to the amound of $112 50. After the usual amount of discussion the council adjourned. THEY WENT LOADED Fred Sayre and Wife Leave Their Friends Holding the Sack Fred Sayre, a barber who has been working in the city for some time, quietly ieft town Saturday night taking his wife with him. Of course this was their privilege but they overstepped their rights when they loaded up with other people’s property. They had been boarding at the city hotel, and when they failed to put in an appearanc on Sunday, inquiry was made and it was learn ed they had left town, and it was soon found that they went loaded. Mrs. Shields is unable to say just what she has lost, as every day new discoveries are made, but so far she has missed a great deal of clothing, bed linen and towels and a $12 board bill. The couple also bought groceries from F. E. Schmidt to the amount of nearly eight dollars and there are numer other victims around town. Sheriff Fenton soon scented the trail and located the pair at Valley Falls, Kansas, and he and Mr. Shields left Thursday morning for Horton, where they will meet the couple and justice be given them. Shelving Broke One of the shelves in the back show case in the jewelry store of Davies & Owens, broke Saturday evening and caused quite a smash up in his elegant line of cut glass and china. The loss to these gen tlemen was about §50, but with such an immense stock as is car ried by this firm the Christmas shoppers will not notice the va cancy. Marriage License Henry Stephens, St. Deroln. 24 Minnie Carter, Dawson. 22 Isaac Phillips, Verdon. MO Mrs, Daisy Goolsby, Verdon. 24 Emery Stanley, South Omaha. 29 Eva Cooper, Humboldt. ,... 25 Earl Wilson, Stella. 21 Viola Croll'ord, Stella. 21 Lester Miller. Shubert . 25 Hose Weick, Shubert. 21 DEATH RECORD THE GRIM REAPER CLAIMS TWO VICTIMS THIS WEEK Rev. Englebrecht and William Nie meyer Called to join the Great Majority Rev Otto H. Englebrecht died at his home, six miles north of this city December 4, l')0S, aged 31 years, 10 months and 2 days. Deceased had been a minister of the German Lutheran church north of this citv, and was loved by every member of his congre gation. He was untiring in his efforts for good and in ministering to the wants of his fellowmen. and it will be hard to till the vacancy thus caused by the seeming un timely death of this much needed man. He leaves no family. The high regard in which he was held by the people was evin ced bv the manner in which the church rallied to the help and support of their pastor, meeting all expenses attending his death and burial. The funeral was conducted De cember 6, by Rev. Bartz and the remains shipped to Chicago, his boyhood home. William Niemeyer died at his home in this city on Sunday, De cember 6th, after only a short ill ness, aged 71 years, 5 months and 9 days. Deceased was born in Griezen, Hanover, Germany,June 27, 1837. He came to America at an early age and many years ago came to this county and set tled on a farm near this city,mak ing adecided success of his chosen vocation. About two years ago he gave up active farm life and moved to this city,and has always been numbered among our most respected citizens. He leaves a widow and three sons, Charles, William and Henry, and one daughter. Mrs.Gus Lippold all of this county, who will ever cherish the memory of a kind husband and father. Funeral services were conduct ed from the home Wednesday afternoon and the remains were laid to rest in the Steele cemetery. ARM CRUSHED Warren Briggs Injured While Shell ing Corn Near Stella An accident took place at tlie home of S. T. Banks near Stella on Saturday, and as a result War ren Briggs’ arm was so badly crushed that amputation was nec essary. Mr. Briggs was helping in the corn shelling, and in attempting to adjust a defective oil pipe his mitten was caught in the cogs thus drawing his arm between them. The arm was badly crush ed and the hand almost cut off. Drs. from Stella and Auburn were summoned but could do nothing to save the injured member and it was amputated about two inches below the elbow. Elect Officers At h regular meeting of the M, W. A. held on Tuesday evening, the followingoflicerB were elected: J. V. Kottmaon— V. E. Coatuey—VV, A. O. WV’htel—Clerk. C. M. Wilson—Banker. John Ross—Watchman. A. J. Windle—Sentry. Samuel Marts—Janitor. After lodge closed a bau<|Oet was served and n social evening enjoyed. Elks Have Busy Session The Elks had a busv and in teresting time at their hail Thurs day night, initiation being the program. The candidates were J. L. Hopkins, Lewis Edwards, Glenn McMillan, Joe Miles. 3r., and Alex Leo. From all reports there must have been something doing. IS A SURE THING THE CHAUTAUQUA FOR 1909 IS NOW ASSURED Officers Elected at an Interesting Meeting at the Court House Tuesday Evening i - In answer to a call issued by the president, a meeting of the stock holders of the Falls City Chautau qua association was held at the court house Tuesday evening. A number >f interested citizens were also present and a general discus sion of the Chautauqua question was taken up. All were enthu siastic and the present prospects are that one of the very best chati tauquas will be held in this city next year. A board of managers consisting of the following members were elected: John Liehty, president. Dr. Keneker, vice-president. K. R. Teeter, secretary. W A. (• reenwald, treasurer. George Holland, It was the voice of those pres ent that this board act independ ently ns regards the talent, and they are now busily engaged ar ranging a strong and entertaining program. The date has not yet been decided upon, Treasurer YV.A. Greeuwald pre sented the following report of the last chatitauqua. To Falls City Chautauqua Asso ciation, Falls City, Neb. —I beg to make the following report of re ceipts and disbursements for 1908 chautampia and balance on hands for previous year to-wit:— Total ticket sale per Holladays report $3,2o4.0<» Due Mr, Holladay a« per contract. *2,500.00 Ain’t divided between Holladay/’AHso. $704.00 Associations part '? of $704.00 . $352.00 Holladay «■ • ' pnrk and auditorium doo.oo Concession receipts. lu9.00 Rental for Tents. . II4.ho Holladay H Custer bill 2.00 Total receipts on part of Asso $h77.no Raid Kilgos Mfg. Co. for tents .... $100.20 Expenses as per vouchers 240.HO Paid cits uae ol Paik to $612.41 Net amount due Association $205.36 Tickets sold and paid for 1906 o.OO Balance from 1W Chautauqua 41.56 Total amount now in hand of Treas $512.02 The above total is deposited in the Falls City State bank on a time certificate of deposit draw ing 3 per cent interest. W. A. (iKRKNWALD, Treasurer. We, the auditing cornmitte have this day checked all the items above, found them correct as set fourth in the treasurer’s report. We also find that the officers of the association did all the work con nected with the association free of charge and that not a single penny was used for their own pur pose. John L. Cleaver, J. H. Hitchinos, Auditing Committee. TO THE FRONT John Crook Received News of Im portant Promotion John Crook,our city engineer, this week received a letter, the contents of which caused a thrill of justifiable pride, not only to himself but all his triends. It was from New York and signed by the national secretary of the American Society of Civil Engi neers, announcing the fact that John had been promoted to the j next highest membership in the | association. Mr, Crook has ! been, a junior in the society for I some time, and this last honor | has been gained only by deep ! study and hard work, and there ; are but four others in Nebraska : who have succeeded in passing ; the rigid examinations. There is but one more mem bership in ihe association to | strive for, and as this must be | j gained before the age of thirty live years. we are confident Mr. ! Crook will be one of the few successful ones as he has six j years in which to prepare hiin I sell, | John's many friends congrat j ulate him upon the fruits of his ihard study and efforts. A PLEASANT AFFAIR Mrs.T.J.Gist Entertains Her Friends With Musical Program Mrs. T. J. Gist was hostess to the Sorosis club and a number of invited guests on Wednesday af ternoon. As it was the only pro gram during the year which was given entirely to music, Mrs. Gist had full charge of it. About 50 ladies assembled including t h e following out of town guests: Mesdames Cooper and Liggett of Humboldt; Mrs. Basil Boyle of St- Louis and Miss Winifred Rapier of Chicago. After a piano solo by Miss Anna Margaret Gist, and a vocal duct bv the two little Gist girls, the musical melo-dramatic setting of Enoch Arden by Strauss was rendered by Miss Floy Grinstead as reader and Mrs. Gist accom panist To the lovers of poetry and music, especially the poetry of Tennyson and t h e music of Strauss, it was an entertainment of the highest artistic merit. The interest never for one moment llagged, but grew until there were tears in the eyes and emo tion in the hearts of all who listened. Miss Grinstead’s interpretation of the poem was especially fine. She entered into the spirit of it with a poise and temperament that were a surprise to her friends. Every member of her audience listened with emotion t o her splendid portrayal of the suffer ings of the shipwrecked sailor Waiting for a sail and the deliy eration of his torture as he watch ed the home scene of his wife his wife no more -down to the last words, "So passed the heroic soul away." Mrsuist,as accompanist, again demonstrated that she is one of the most accomplished musicians in these parts. Her interpreta tion and execution of the difficult music, was entirely satisfying in the sympathetic 1\ O. K. memorial servi ces for 1'ios, were a thing of the past, but the good derived there from will ever be a monument to Falls City Imago, No. •«>.'. XI.,■ of otir bruthnnt, wo writ,, upon tb# mod*; Omir sirtu.w ni«m i.ilii, ImXIpvuand nif inorj." G. A R.'s to Elect Officers All Cl. A. R.'s are earnestly requested to meet at their hall Saturday alternoon as there will be an important meeting. The annual election of officers will take place and other im portant business will be trans acted.