The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 04, 1908, Image 10

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    Henry C. Smith
f - ;-1
240 acres well improved, li miles from Depot iti Kas. Good spring. Best of terms. Will take
40 acres as part payment, balance long time at low interest.
200 acres 1)4 miles from depot, Richardson county. Nebraska. Good buildings and laud Will
take 40 or 80 acres as part payment
160 acres upland, 1 mile from depot, Richardson county, Nebraska. 112,000.
160 acres Johnson county, Nebraska. 80 rods to church and school. Best of terms. Might rent.
107 acres near Brownville, Nebraska,
j 80 acres j^'-mile from Falls City high school.
640 acres, $8,000 improvements Also 640 acres adjoining. Will take 160acres as part payment.
Fine running water. A No. 1 opportunity.
Money to loan
The County in General
The “Doings” of our Country Friends
and Neighbors.
Preaching at Big Bethel next Sun
day night.
Miss Hattie Lilly was a Sbubcrt visi
tor Saturday.
Galer Elder went to Kansas this
week on business
Mrs. Viola Bhodes o' Crete is visit
ing relatives here.
Jacob Peters and father were county
seat visitors Monday.
H. H. Dunn and mother were Kails
City visitors Monday.
j. C. Wlleman and family were Falls
City visitors Monday.
—Save .'iOo by cutting out the coupon
in Davies & Owens’ ad.
Chas. Arnold of Des Moines, Iowa, is
visiting relatives here.
Otts Sailors went to Hitchcock conn
ty Monday to visit relatives.
Dan Wamsley and wife spent Thurs
day with relatives in F’alls City.
The coupon in Davies & Owens' ad
is worth 50c to you. Cut it out.
J, A. Sailors and wife left Tuesday
for Harrison, Neb., to visit relatives.
Mrs. Mount moved to Craig, Mo..last
week where she will make her home.
Mrs. Susie Williamson was called to
Kails City this week by her mother’s
T. C. Hoe amt wife were called to
l’alls City Monday by the Illness of her |
Hex Oliver who has been woi King on ;
a farm here returned to hi- homo in
Falls City last week.
Albert Kanunerer returned home]
list week from South Dakota after ari j
absence of si veral months.
John Casey and family who have
been visiting relatives here returned
recently to their home In Wymore.
Wilson Wamsley, .lohn lloolsby and
Win. Ankroin left Monday to investi
cate land in the Panhandle, Texas.
H. H. Wmulrne and wife entertain
ed at dinner on Thanksgiving day .1
A Martin and wife and John Horn
bangh and family.
Jacob Carpenter la t w rk moved to
Marshal county. Kansas, where he will
make his future home. F. I be it Delong
took h load of coeds throuch for him
< >n Thanksgiving evening the school
societies known ns ti e Willing Woi k
ers and Blue Hihhou soeit ty gave a
joint program at the school house The
corn husking i x relse given l.y the
primary pupils was tint It pretty and ■ n
tertaluing. The e h t e f f atur* ot
the ev nine wn- Die play ' I'ho t'lug
Ft nily" by tiie hpin r grade pupils. I
WHS wml r> tide red. Ihe box Slipnei
wt cli t.i.u1 d n *11> 0 'J .t.i. I h,
piece ils will 11.• iis'ii 111 In ant f.vinc
ih,, sehmil i*i inns
:iHy of Counterfeiting
F,t i g count-rf it inm.ey no worse
1 : s' s t l „ -.mi u km's n si'l* h
' . e i t >i* Fi' y s || me\ and
bat , Li g i i i t e- mi g I a nd e,' >1 rein, dy
lb it cures in, in st oiisunat'- toughs
and heals tin lungs Kite's Ftar
ni ic\.
M. L. Hays was in Omaha during the
J. M I.vans of Shubert was here on
C. E Hill of Nebraska City was here
W.H. Hendrick's bought horses here
A. M. Cross of Auburn was in this
city Monday.
Mrs. Heimers Is laid j up with the
grip this week.
Olive Harris is working in the post
oliiee this week.
Hazel Hogrefe visited friends in Te
ketnah tills week.
I. L Piasters left Monday for Texas
to look at the country.
Save 50c by cutting out the coupon
in Davies & Owens’ ad.
J. ft. Cain jr., and wife visited
in Shubert Thanksgiving.
Messrs. Hummel and Heralds of
Humboldt were here Saturday.
The coupon in Davies & Owens' ad
Is worth 50c to you. Cut it out.
Mesdames Weaver and Shafer went
to Lincoln Thanksgiving to visit.
Mrs. Hays spent a few days in Kansas
City recently visiting her daughter.
Steve Sloan of Norcater is visiting
J. M. lioonloe and family this week.
The Lutheran fair and supper was a
great success. The receipts were $17!)
L. Slocum left Monday night for
Kansas City with two oars of fat cattle
Mr. Calkins and wife of Lincoln
spent Thanksgiving with friends here.
I)r. Clo.vd ami family of Omaha
spent Thanksgiving with friends here.
lake Jenkins of the flowo telephone
company was here Saturday on busi
Arthur Alien and W. L. Mason of
Auburn ware business visitors her,
Mart Uergens ami wife of I'd Ueno,
Okla., visited relatives here Thanks
John Jenkins sold his farm near
W'essington Springs, S I). last wica
for ■'J.'i per acre.
Harry Andrews came up from Kan
sas C tv Friday to visit his brother,
Dr. H. M. Andrews.
.1 seplt Marts left this -wet k for Mis
souri where he has bought a farm and
will make hi- future home.
,! D Curtis will soon begin installing
u fu-tntee in the property he recently
purchased from VV. .1 McCray.
Thos. H'ggiusof Klk Crct k arrived
on the afternoon train Monday for a
visit with his mother and brother.
Two of t-'.i 11 - City's telephone men
met with with our company this, week
and talked over plans for future wo k
A surprise party was given Mrs. S.
A Montgomery and Miss Maud at-lhe
home of Mrs .1, C lleiiners, Saturday
evening. Mrs F. C. VVixon and Miss
Kina K- liners planned the surprise,
which worked to perfection The even
ing was spent in making candy. Each
lady who had a candy receipt was re
quested to bring it and make accord
ingly. Later on in the evening each
guest wrote a verse of remembrance
in a book for them to take to their
new home. The Montgomerys leave
for Colorado where they will make
their future home, Tuesday or Wed
nesday. Mrs Montgomery, and Maud.
Mrs. Wiltse, and Gny Montgomery and
family will live on farms near Wray,
Many of the students who have been
away attending school came home for
Thanksgiving. They returned to their
work this week. Miss Martin will not
take up her work at the Midland col
lege but will go to Iowa where she will j
take special training in teaching.
Dennis E. Weller and Miss Gertrude
Love were united in marriage at
Pender, Saturday, November 28. The
newly married couple will make their
home at Pender, where Mr. Weller is
in the lumber business.
Mary O'Brien who teaches the Mud
dy Center school walks the distance of
7 miles each day on foot. This is her
second year in the school and she has
one of the best schools in the county.
Jason Tlmerinan and wife have been j
visiting relatives in western Kansas the J
past week. They expect to visit in the j
western pari ot tills state Oeforo re-1
turning home.
Word was received at this place
that Mrs. J. A. Vaught who is visiting
her daughter in Oklahoma, has been
quite ill.
Henry Hogrefe of Stella was here on
business Friday,
Charlie Shook of St. Joe is here vis
iting his brother.
Miss Kate Hill of Teeum-eh is visit
ing relatives hero.
K. I). King and family visited friends
at Auburn Sunday.
Miss Seamonds of Warrenberg is the
guest of friends here.
Herman Race and family now occupy
Mrs. ('ora's property.
Roy King and family spent Saturday
evening with his parents.
Clyde Hill who has been in Lincoln
tor some time is at, home.
Mr. Shirkolk and wife spent Sunday
with friends near Fargo.
Mrs. Theodore Hill of Nemaha spent
Sunday with her son here.
Mrs Patnoe spent Thanksgiving
with her parents in the country.
Mrs. Marsh and Fioy Stotts spent
lust week with relatives in Peru.
Mrs. Ross Kinton spent last week in
the country with her sister-in-law.
Mrs. Will Martin who has been seri
ously ill during tlie week is better.
Denton Crowl lectured to a large
crowd in the opera him-" Saturday
M's- Ressie -halier re*urned home
Saturday from her visit in the western
part of the state.
Mr- De Rower and children eame
down Saturday from Johnson for a
visit with her sister.
Foley's Oriuo Laxative cures chronic
constipation and stimulates the liver.
Orino regulates the bowels so thev
will act naturally and you do not have
to take purgatives constantly. Kerr s
PROBLEM—A horse is tied with a rope (100) one hundred feet
long to the corner of a barn (40) forty feet square. Over how many
souare feet of surface can it graze?
For the tirst correct, or nearest correct answer received, we will give an
allowance of ($5.00) five dollars in tuition. This tuition can be used by,
or transferred to any student entering school during the month of January, 1909.
F'or each of the next live nearest correct answers received we will give a
year’s subscription to the Student’s Edition of either the Business Educator
or American Penman and a copy of a beautiful flourish, size about 12x18,
printed on heavy plate paper, suitable for framing.
Carry all decimals out (4i four places. Inclose with your answer a diagram showing
your method of obtaining result. An answer received without a diagram will not be
considered. All answers must reach us before Dec.^19. and must be mailed direct to
J. CARL LEISTER, Principal
Falls City Business College
Frank Snetben was in McCook this
Chris Beutler was a county seat visi
tor Tuesday.
/ora Marble visited in Tecumeeh the
last of the week.
Fred Ftist and wife are visiting rela
tives in Colorado.
Fi. Slama was a business visitor <n
St. Joe this week.
L. Whitcomb left this week for a
visit at Jiba, Texas.
Fj. C. Edwards was up from Falls
City on business Tuesday.
George Scmelzel and family were up
from Falls City this week.
Mrs. Paulson and children of Omaha
are here visiting relatives.
Mrs. Tanner and children of Lincoln
are here visiting relatives.
Ivulu Boss has assumed her new du
ties as deputy postmistress.
Harvey Hudson is erecting a new
barn on his farm east of town.
Mrs. Chas. Green residing east of
town is suffering with erysipelas.
Mrs. Homer Beaver visited this
week with her parents in Pawnee.
Ed Bruun and wife of Cleveland,
Tenn., are visiting relatives here.
Ciema Kousek spent several days
this week with Flails City friends.
Mrs. Henry Davis was confined to
her home this week with pleurisy.
Will Collins was called to St. .Joe
Tuesday by the death of a relative.
Boyd Neher was under the physi
ciuns care with tonsilitis last week.
Celia Revelle Inis recently purchas
ed the II. Carpenter farm southeast of
Fred Noble and wife were down from
Lincoln Thanksgiving- visiting rela
Eva Cooper lias returned from an
extended visit with relatives at Ames,
Mrs. Hall and son returned Sunday
from a visit with friends in Table
1 lock.
Col. Harding and family spent
Thank-giving with relatives at Aledo,
Rudolph Vertiskaand wife returned
Sunday from a visit with relatives near
Dr. Marsh and family returned Fri
day from a visit with relatives at Em
poria, Kans.
L. S. Haekett and wife entertained a
company of friends at their home
Jos. Xulek and Henry Leininger
with their families expect to leave soon
for their future home in Texas.
Mrs. Fisher who has been visiting
her daughter here, returned Monday
to her home at Washington, Kan.
Claude Fergus’ new farm residence
is nearing completion and work on a
largo barn on this farm has been
Funeral services over the remains of
Mrs Vaugh were held in the Chris
tian ebureh Sunday, conducted by Rev
Aydelott. Deceased had been in poor
health for many months suffering with
dropsy Her death occurred Friday,
No? 29,
More people are taking Foley's Kid
ney Remedy every year. It is consid
ered to be the most effective remedy
for kidney and bladder trouble that
medical science can devise. Foley’s
Kidney Remedy corrects irregularities
builds up worn out tissues and restores
lost vitality. It will make you feel
well and look well. Kerr's Pharmacy.
Egg Producer
I would like to tell the people, some
thing they probably never knew:
This is to those that has got hens, if it
aint but one or two:
if you want to get eggs by the dozen or
eggs by the peck,
Just buy the egg producer sold by
Clarence Heck.
Be Sure and teed the egg producer, for
it will surely make them lay:
You will get from one to two dozen
eggs almost every day.
When we feed it to the hens, the roost
er eats with the rest.
And now it is impossible to keep him
off the nest.
When eggs are thirty cents per dozen
and you have a few to spare,
You will feed Egg Producer and treat
your chickens fair.
We have two of the largest eggs that
was ever laid by any hen,
One of those eggs would satisfy the
appetite of two hungry men.
So if you want to get eggs by the doz
en, or eggs by the peck;
Just buy the Egg Producer sold by
Clarence Heck.
Grace Bennett is oo the sick list.
Queen Chism spent the week in
O. F*. Veal was a Lincoln visitor
Jim Kelley was a Falls City visitor
Dollie Hall and Cora Douglas spent
Sunday in Shubert.
Kva Watson of Peru spent the week
here with relatives.
Save 50c by cutting out the coupon
in Davies <fc Owens' ad.
Kdna F-’arsons of Peru spent the
week with home folks.
Maude Clark of Lincoln spent Sun
day with her brother here.
Mr. Simmons and wife of Kansas
City are visiting relatives here.
The coupon ia Davies & Owens’ ad
is worth 50c to you. Cut it out.
Fred Stringfleld and wife moved in
to the Stump property Thursday.
Mrs. Swartz and children left Friday
for their new home at Louisville.
Senora Cornell came down from r.iin
coln Tuesday to visit her brother.
Dr. Griffith and family of Falls City
spent Thursday with friends here.
Dallas Yoder and wife of Falls City
spent Thursday with friends here,
Millard Goodloe and family of Stella
spent Thursday with relatives here.
Fiatie Meliza came down from Lin
coln and spent the week with her par
Theresa Armbruster and Norah
Kelly were Falls City visitors Thurs
Barbara Kamel and Mr. Draper were
married at the home of the bride west
of town Thursday.
Mrs Kobt. Schindler is on the sick
Mrs. George Prichard is a sufferer of
Mrs. <). A. Murk who ha- been sick
is improving.
Frances Smith and wife were Verdon
visitors this week.
Save 50c by cutting out the coupon
in Davies & Owens’ ad.
13. H. Kuker of Verdon was a visitor
in this vicinity Sunday.
The coupon in Davies ,v Owens' ad is
worth 50c to you. Cut it out.
Walter Coon of Dawson was a guest
of home folks a few days recently.
John Hutchison was a guest of his
grandmother in Falls City Monday,
John Keisehiek and wife entertained
relatives one day recently at their
Mrs. Noah Peck and Ethel spent
Thanksgiving at Peru with the form
er’s son.
School commenced again at Silver
Creek after four weeks vacation with
Grace McManus as teacher.
John Shouse is having a new well
put downat his home. Jerry Richard
of Falls City is doing the work.
H. Coons and wife visited their son
and family near Dawson Sunday.
Pearl Fields was a victim of a sur
prise party Saturday night. A good
time and a large attendance is report
ed. Nice refreshments were served.
llev. Lehman and wife were surpris- ,
ed by the members of his church
Thursday evening. After Thanksgiv
ing services at his home a nice dona
tion was given them in the way of
provisions, fuel, etc.
Card of Thanks
The undersigned wish to ex
press their sincere tbauks to all
the friends and neighbors who
were so kind and helpful during
the sickness and death of our
L. J. Hitchcock and wife.
Mary Smead.
New Books at the Library
The following list of books
have been added to the library:
Delilah of the Shows.Biudlos*
Firing Line.Chambers
The Wayfarers.Cutting
R. J.’s Mother and Some Other People
Grey Knight .De la Pasture
Shoulders of Atlas .Freeman
Hyperion. .Longfellow
City of Delight.Miller
At The Sign of the Jack o’ Lantern
. Reed
Peter .Smith
True Stories of Crime.Train
Breaking in of a Yachtman's Wife_
Complete Mountaineer. Abraham
Talks on Doctrine.Cowley
Popular Tales From the Norse.. Dasent
Church and Modern Life .Gladden
Favorite Fish and Fishing_Henseall
Sunday Half-bours with Great Preach
ers. .Hurlburt.
Outre mer .Longfellow
Poems and Sketches of Nebraska .
Steam Engine.Snow & Leland
Mind in the Making.Swift
Mrs. McRaney s Experience
Mrs. M. Mcltaney, Prentiss, Miss ,
writes ”1 w confined to my bed for
three months with kidney and bladder
trouble, and was treated by two pliysi
cians hut failed to get relief. No he
man tongue can tell what I suffered,
and I had given up hopes of ever get
ting well until 1 begun taking Foley <
Kidney remedy. After taking tw
bottles I felt like a new person, ahJ
feel it my duty to tell suffering women
what Folev's Kidney Remedy did fo"
me.” Kerr’s Pharmacy.
II iarse coughs and stuffy colds that
mav develop into pneumonia over night
are quickly cured by Foley's Honey
and Tar a- it sooths inflamed merit
b anes. heals the lungs, and expels ths
cold from the system. Kerr's Phar
We want the assistance of the ladies. Those wl »
assist will be tflven a 12-pi erf Decorated ('hii i
Di nner Hot. The work is easy ami pleasant..
Don't miss an opportunity like this. Send an
your name and we will tell you all about it.
Jf \A/nnrfi Expert Cleaners &. Dyer*
• VVOOU Lincoln Nebraska
Hair Dressing
Mrs. M. Becktold
and Son
Will Be in the City One More Week
Ladies' Fashionable Hair
Dressers and Manufactur
ers of all kinds of
are again at the Union Ho
tel. Ladies please call.
- -- - - .
Children's Rings
A gift that always delights the child
and is prized months after Xmas has passed.
We have them—all sizes (while the selec
tion is complete), in plain, chased and signet
designs; also in many other patterns, set
with small stones. All are solid. We carry
NO tilled rings. At the low price they are
sold, you can hardly afford to let the babv go
without one.
Prices 50 cents and up.