The Falls City Tribune. Vol. V FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1908. Number 46 SOCIETY NOTES t\5 TWAS TOLD TO OUR SO CIETY EDITOR Various Kinds of Entertainment by Individuals, Lodges. Clubs, Churches. Etc. The Kaffe Klatch dub were guests of Miss Maude Graham Friday afternoon, and the usual good time is reported. The M. E. Missionary society will give a 10c tea this (Friday) evening at the home of Mrs.John Wilson. All are invited. The Royal Highlanders of this ctty are arranging fora big meet ing on Tuesday. Dec. 15th. High landers please bear this in mind and be present at that time. The regular meeting o f the City Federation ot Women’s Clubs will be held at the Elk rooms Monday, Dec. 7th. at 3 p. tn. Ev ery member is expected to be pres ent. Miss Floy Grinstead was hos tess to a number of her lady friends at a kensington at the home of Mrs. John Gilligan on Friday afternoon. About twenty guests were present and enjoyed a very pleasant time. Elaborate refreshments were served The Eastern Star order held a very interesting session on Tues day evening, at which time the hisses Patzinan were initiated. After the work a banquet was - rved and a general good time was the order- Work is schedul ed for many weeks ahead in this order, and interesting meetings 11 be held throughout the win ter. A number of the members of the Royal Neighbor lodge of this .ity went to Hiawatha on Wed esday in response to invitations sent out by that lodge to he pres ent at a state meeting of the jder to be held there. Among those who went were Mesdatnes .7, L. White,Dr- Houston, Carrie Paxton, T o m Jenkins, Wm. Carico and Mr- and Mrs. John Carico. The Friends in Council met Friday evening with Miss Lois Spencer as hostess. The feature of the program was a general dis ; ossion of late scientific news . tli Miss Gilman as leader. Ar rangements were also made for taking part in the McClurg lec ture which will be given in the Jenne opera house December 10. Miss Grace Miner of Omaha was a guest of the club. There were nice refreshments served during the social session. One of the real pleasant affairs of the week was on Monday even ing when the Elks entertained their wives and lady friends at the Elk parlors. Dancing was in dulged in by those who so desir ed, while card tables were pro vided fer others. Prof. Har nack’s orchestra from Hiawatha furnished the music which was by far the best heard in this city for ages. It was indeed, a most pleasant gathering and the re gret is that they do not occur more frequent. To The A. O. U. W Thursday,December 10th, elec tion of officers for 1909. A full attendance of the membership is earnestly requested. J. E. Leyda, Recorder. Do You Want 50c The coupon in Davies A Owens’ ad on another page is worth 50c to you. It’s just like finding money. Look it up and cut it out. Lost A plain gold bracelet with , sets, in or near Falls City. I Leave at this office and receive reward. 2t Estella Br.o. LIBRARY BOARD Much Accomplished at Meeting Tuesday Night The Horary board met in the library building on Tuesday evening with a good attendance. As no meeting bad been held recently, there was much busi ness to transact in the w’ay ol allowing bills and a general discussion as to the things needful for the welfare of our library. The librarian’s report was presented and accepted which is as follows: August—Juvenile books 405, adult books 804, cards 38, visit ors, 1,468. September— Juvenile books 461, adult books 834, cards 58, visitors 1,787, tines for August and September $18.61. October—Juvenile books 041, adult books 1,010, cards 62, pic tures 84, visitors 1,820, tines $10.00. November— Juvenile books 684, adult 1,058, cards 72, pict ures 2, visitors 2,097, and tines $12.20. After the regular session ad journed the book committee met and selected a new book list. This list is most complete and contains the very best and latest books on the market. They will be ordered immediate ly and will be ready for circu lation as soon as possible. Be sides this list, the committee ordered a complete set of 1'h acker ay. New Ads This Week The following merchants have arranged for your Christmas pat -ronage, and are telling you about it in this week's issue, Samuel Wahl V. G. Lyford Wahl & Parchen International Correspondence Schools. Davies & Owens R. B. Simpson A. K. Jaquet C. M. Wilson McMillan Pharmacy Gehling Theatre Hargrave & Hargrave Candy Kitchen Falls City Business College Simanton A Pence J. W. Owens Dr. Reneker J. C. Tanner Into the Primitive Falls City State Bank Farmers State Bank Rebuck A Pecht Dr, Yutzy Mrs. Beclitold A Son II. C. Smith Heacock A Son. You Are ^ our Brothers'Keeper You who have plenty, whose homes are warm and cheerful, whose families are warmly clad and well nourished, wliat did you do towards ameliorating the condi tion of your less fortunate brother on Thanksgiving? There will be little children who will not enjoy a Christmas dinner if some Falls City people do not provide it. There are little fellows in this town who will believe that Santa Claus is a cruel, selfish, seclusive old Saiut if some one doesn’t look into the matter. If Sam Marts or Humane Officer Hershey or any one else will furnish the Tribune with the names of our deserving poor we will gladly take the matter up and see if all of Falls City can uot enjoy a “Merry Christmas.” Poultry Wanted We will pay the following prices, good for December 4th, 5th and 7th delivered at Hermes Bros.’ poultry house, first door west of V- G. Lyford’s store. Hens and pullets, 8c; and young roosters, he per pound. Phone 35. Hkkmes Bros. 09 CHAUTAUQUA OUR CITIZENS MORE INTEREST ED THAN EVER The Meeting for Next Summer Is Now An Assured Fact This week John I^ichty started out with the intention of settling the chautauqua question for Falls City for 1909. His aim was to sell 250 shares at $25 each, and his success has been beyond his expectations. At the time of go ing to press he informs us he has disposed of 239 shares to sixtj’ five of our people, and by Satur day night feels sure he will have sold the entire amount. Of the 239 shares twenty-seven persons have taken five, thirty-three have taken three • and five have taken one. A meeting of those interested has been called for Tuesday even ing, December 8. at the office of Judge Gagnon, and it is earnest ly requested that there be a good attendance. Mr.Lichty has spent much time and labor in getting this movement started, and all that is needed now to make it a success is the hearty co-operation of everybody, which we feel safe in saying will be forthcoming. You can at least attend the meet ing on Tuesday evening and thus show by your presence that you are in hearty accord with the movement. Mr. Lichtv says w*e will have the biggest and best Chautauqua ever held, and with a few to push there is no reason why this should not prove true, lie sure and lie on hand Tuesday evening. LECTURE COURSE "In The Playground of the Hu man Race" The next number of the lecture course will be held on Thursday evening, December 10th, at the Brethren church. If you want to learn of some of the strangest and most wonderful things in our country hear Dr. Geo. LaMont Cole, the traveler and explorer give “In The Playground of the Human Face.” Dr. Cole has given more time to the study of early man in the southwest than any other person and he tells the story in a most fascinating manner. This lecture will be illustrated with 150 beau tiful stereoptican views from original negatives. Admission 25 and 15 cents. The Belle of The Ball There were brides at the dance given by the Klks the other even ing, and very pretty brides they were in their wedding dresses. There were misses there to. and Falls City girls are the best look ers on earth. There were ma trons, handsome matrons, adding dignity as well as beauty to the scene. But the belle of the ball was Helen Kuth Keneker, the littlest girl of all, who toddled and bowed and danced her way into the hearts of everyone, and who was the center of great at traction until the sand man came and made the little eyes so heavy that she was whisked away to the good home she found waiting her when she came across the sea. ! Stereoptican Lecture A stereoptican lecture will be given at the Brethren church Sunday night. The subject will be “The land of the Incas, or from Panama to Cape Horn.” This will be of special interest to the Falls City people as Kev. Chas. F. Yoder and his wife, Pearl Lutz Yoder, have been chosen to open a mission for the Brethren church in S. America and expect to start for that field April next. OUR CITY FATHERS City Council Meets in Special Ses sion Monday Night In response to a call issued by the mayor the council met in special session Monday night. The purpose ot the meeting was to listen to the report of the ex pert examiner, who has been test ing our new light plant. Said report was received and referred to the water and light committee. While Mr. Stanton has made some minor criticisms of the plant, expresses his belief in the superiority of the same. At a recent meeting of the council it was deemed advisable to purchase another new boiler, and with this end in view the city engineer was asked to furnish specifications and present same to the council. This report was al so heard on Monday night and referred to the water and light committee. After much discussion the council adjourned to meet Satur day evening, when the reports of the committee will be heard and a 1 i I upon. For th« Holiday Shopper On another page will be found grouped together under the head of “For the Holiday Shopper" a class of advertise ments that you will do well to heed. Every advertiser on that page will do just as he says and you’ll not make a mistake in call ing on anii personally investigat ing the lines in which you ere in terested. Following is a list of adver tisers and their business: A. G, Wanner Robert Prueaee W. L. White Otto Wacbtel John Wilson D. \V. Suwles Kerr's Pharmacy John Oswald Paul llesslor L. C. Mauger Maust Bros. Klectric Theater Lyric Theater Werner & Mosiman WirthiV Winterbottom The County Chairman The theater goers were given a treat Friday night when they wit nessed “The County Chairman” at the Gehling. It was hy far the beet which Manager Gehling has given us this season. Wm. Chat terton, as the county chairman, was a typical politician and por trayed the character true t<> life. There was a large cast and each was good in his respective role. Chautauqua Meeting The stockholders of the Falls City Chautauqua association, and any others wishing to be come stockholders, are requested to meet at Judge Gagnon's office Tuesday evening. December s, at 7:JO to elect officers ior the year 1‘tO'b John Lichty, l'res. Spickler Case Continued Owing to the illness of one of the state’s witnesses the prelimin ary trial of < His Spickler was con tinued till January 4th. This will bring the trial under the adminis tration of Mr. Gantt,as Mr. James retires from office on January 1st. To The Asylum Frank Graves of Rulo was brought to this city the first of the week and taken before the insanity board. This body pro nounced him insane, and the un fortunate man was taken to the asylum Wednesday. Elk Memorial Service The annual memorial service of the Elks lodge will be held in the Methodist church next Sunday evening. The program consists of an organ prelude by Mrs. T. J. Gist, vocal solos 4iy Jessie Paxton, Mrs. George Wahl and Mrs. Ed May, a short eulogy will be de livered by C. F. Reavis and an ad dress by Arthur J. Weaver. These services are always greatly enjoy ed by our people and a large crowd will doubtless be in attend ance. THE LOCAL LORE HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME. What Your Friends and Their Friends Have Been Doing the Past Week. Mrs. R. A. Maust expects to leave tomorrow for an extended visit in California. George Hossack ieft Monday for Vedel, Neb., where he will spend some time. Nebraska wasn't in the game for a minute, in the contest with the Carlisle Indians at Lincoln Wednesday. News reached this city this week that a baby boy has been born to Mr. and Mrs. Fulton Gantt of Lander, Wyo. Mrs. Bert Wright of Kansas City, arrived in the city Wednes day for a few days visit with her mother, Mrs. Mattie Stoughton. Mrs. Adealia Sanford went to Omaha yesterday to visit her sis ter, Mrs. L. I)orc and family. Both Mr. and Mrs. Dorc are in poor health. Misses Jennie, Katie and Lola May Jones left Tuesday for their homes in Stanberry, Mo., after a few days visit in this city with their aunt, Mrs. John Stockton. Chief Marts informs us that never since he lias been in office has he had as little to do at police headquarters as at the present time. Tie nas only had one plain drunk in two weeks. C. A. Boyle, representing the Dolan Mercantile Co. of Atchi son, was here during the week. He was accompanied bv his wife, who is visiting her numerous friends along the route. There will be a special meeting of Falls City Lodge No. A. F. & A. M., on Monday evening, Dec. 9th. to confer the Master Masons Degree. All members and visiting brethren urged to attend. Mrs. Nellie King went to St. Paul, Minn., Saturday, in answer to a telegram announcing the serious illness of her daughter, Mrs. Mayme Bracclen. who is now in a hospital suffering from ty phoid fever. Dr J. A. Beattie will speak at the Christian church next Sunday. The subject for the evening The work of the C. W. II- M. and in the morning The Spirit and Lf fort in Christian Life and Work. All are invited. Good, clean, wholesome amuse ment is demanded by’ the theatre going public of the present day I amusements that really amuse land fills one with pleasure. It is all furnished in “The Ranch, the Girl and the Cow Boy," the new western musical comedy that comes to the Gehling opera house Friday, December 11. It is a story of California ranch life within the shadow of the Sierras. Stop It The city authorities should stop the use of our sidewalks on stone street for a fish market. The local markets pay an occu pation tax to conduct this busi ness in a legitimate way and should not lie compelled to com pete with sidewalk fish mongers. | More than that the use of the [sidewalks for such purposes are both illegal and disgusting. Can You Solve It? < >n Huotiier page of this issue will be found a prize problem given by Prof. Carl Leister of our Business college, for the correct solution of which Mr. Leister is offering valuable prizes. Look it up and get busy. You may be one of the lucky ones. WENT TO TEXAS Many Homeseekers Left Monday Night For Texas You may talk about busy times and busy places but the busiest place we have Been in a long time, was at Whitaker Bros, office Mon day afternoon and night while they, assisted by J. B. Varner, were preparing, dating, delivering and collecting for a big bunch of bomeaeekerB tickets,via M. P. and Santa Fe R. R., from Falls City to Canyon City, Texas, sold to about thirty of Richardson coon ty’s prosperous farmers. Whitaker Btob. always make good their promises. In accord slice with their promise a special private Pullman sleeping car wan placed on the side track at the M. P. station at three p. m. Monday ready to be occupied by the hold ers of the tickets. When the hour arrived, the several members oE the jolly crowd wended their way toward the station in search of “our car,’’ which they easily found and were soon fast asleep in their comfortable berths. I. B. Whitaker, of the firm of Whitaker Bros., and A. H. Rife, of the Rife Laud Co., of Canyon City, Texas accompanied the crowd. Agent Varner says this was the largest homeseeker excursion crowd that ever left here over his line. ANOTHER ONE Another New Lodge Organized i* Our City On Thursday afternoon a new lodge was added to the long list of secret orders which are in a nourishing condition in Falls City. The new one is the Daugh ters of Isabella, an auxiliary to Knights of Columbus, and starts out with a membership of about fifty. On the tlay of institution visit ors to the number of nearly oue hundred were here, manv coining from Lincoln and Omaha to wit ness the work, which was put on in elegant style by the drill team from McCook The exercises were held in the Jenne open house and were most impressive. After the program an elegant banquet was served, and dancing and a general good time was in dulged in until time for the trains which-carried the visitors to their respective homes. Elect Officers At a regular meeting of the Highlander lodge at their hall Tuesday evening the tollowing officers were elected: I 1*. Fred Brecat. 0. C. Grant Windle. W. E. Mrs. Katherine Wylie. Warder Mrs. E. E. Scott. Sentry Stanley Stump. Secretary Ward Knight. Treasurer Nellie Downs. Manager Clem Firebaugh. After the general routine of business was disposed of, ar rangements were perfected for a big meeting of this order on the evening of December 15, when the drill team will put on the initiatory work, there being a large class to be initiated. The Highlander lodge in this city is gaining at a rapid rate, new members being added at every session. At the next meeting a class of thirty will be given the work._ To The General Public A request has been sent a number of our citizens, to the management of the Baptist ben. elit recital, asking to have it repeated. The ladies desire to say that under existing circum stances, and in the face of other amusements ahead, by other denominations, they prefer no t to repeat it, but sincerely thank the kind friends for their ap. preciative encouragement.