The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 27, 1908, Image 8

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    Henry G. Smith
L ^
--: ,
240 acres well improved, li miles from Depot in Kas. Good spring. Best of terms. Will take j
40 acres as part payment, balance long time at low interest.
200 acres 1 % miles from depot, Richardson county, Nebraska. Good buildings and land. Will
take 40 or 80 acres as part payment
100 acres upland, 1 mile from depot, Richardson county. Nebraska. $12,000.
Ion acres Johnson county, Nebraska. 80 rods to church and school. Best of terms. Might rent.
107 acres near Brownville, Nebraska !
80 acres j^-mile from Falls City high school.
040 acres, $8,000 improvements Also 040 acres adjoining. Will take 100 acres as •part payme?:t.
Fine running water. A No. 1 opportunity.
Money to loan.
The County in General
The “Doings” of our Country Friends
and Neighbors.
Kdna Wolfe was In Kails City during
the week.
Beecher Cornell was a Lincoln visit
or last week.
Verna Wilkinson was a Shubert vis
itor Tuesday.
Harry Baldwin is very ill at the
Verdon house.
Mrs. Clements of Stella visited with J
friends here last week.
Mr. Waggner visited relatives in
Missouri the last of the week.
Mrs. Baldwin came down from Ne
maha Monday night to be with her son
who Is ill, j
Mr. Sanders was called to Nemaha
the first of the week by the serious ill
ness of his father.
Mrs. Mollie Douglas way called to
Atchison, Monday by the serious 111-1
ness of her sister, Mrs. Fred Gibson.
Head the plain formula on a box of
Pink Pain Tablets. Then ask your
doctor if there is a better one. Pain
means congestion—blood pressure
somewhere. Dr. Shoops Pink Pain
Tablets check head pains, womanly
pains, pains anywhere. Try one, and
nee. 20 for 25 cents. Sold by all
Jake Birdsley and wife were in town
John Peterson was in llrownville
last week.
Mrs. Fred Boatman is visiting with
relatives at Barada.
Mrs. Grant Shubert I9 entertaining
her sister from Howe,
John Flack of Nemaha was a busi
ness visitor here Tuesday.
Miss t 'arnu n Jones is now down from
Peau visiting home folks.
Judd Arnold of Barada was a busi
ness visitor here Tuesday.
(.’has. Felt and wife have moved in
with Lewis Brisby and wife.
Walter Lewis returned Saturday
from the western part of the state.
Hiram Stotts left Monday for Dakota
where he expects to visit friends.
Mr. Snelllng und family now occupy
the Felt property in the east part of
1' rank Mullen of Assuria Kansas is
is now here visiting his father-in-law,
F.d Krug.
J. C, Shulenherg and wife enter
tained Jacob Mack and wife of Barada
last Sunday.
Mrs. F. M. Out bout accompanied by
Grandma Evans were the guests of
Mrs, S. Weddle Tuesday.
Mrs. Daisy Goolsby of Verdon soent
several days here last week with her
eister, Mrs. Hardy Hays.
Mesdaraes Ross und Frank Kinton
spent Wednesday at the country home
of Chas. Shulenberg and wife.
Joseph Spickler drove to Falls City
Monday to attend the trial of his
nephew, Otis Spickler of Barada.
Lee West of Auburn who has been
been visiting with home folks for the
past week returned to his home Mon
Frank Watton and wife of near
Falls City spent Sunday with the let
ters brother, Chas. Shulenberg and
wife near town.
Mrs. Tipton who has been visiting
her parents returned to her home at
Albany, Mo, Friday. She was accom
panied by her mother who will visit
there until after Thanksgiving.
James Kinton while filling in around
a pump to keep it from freezing in
some manner run a blade of bay into
his eye causing quite a painful injury.
He was accompanied to Omaha Wed
nesday by Dr. Shook where he will
consult an eye specialist.
r It isn’t so difficult to strengthen a
weak stomach if one goes at it correct
ly and this is true of the Heart and
Kidneys. The old fashined way of
dosing the stomach or stimulating the
heart or kidneys is surely wrong. Dr.
Shoop first pointed out this error. “Go
to the weak or ailing nerves of these
organs,’’ he, Each inside organ has its
controlling or inside nerve.’’ When
these nerves fail then those organs
must Burelv falter. This vital truth is
leading druggists everywhere to dis
pense and recommended Dr. Shoops
Restorative. A few days test will
surely tell. Sold by all dealers.
Jesse Cox whs in Falls City Saturday. I
A. K. Butler and wife made a trip to
Peru last week.
The infant son of A. K. Butler was
(|illle ill this weeK.
Fulton Peters who has been quite ill
is again able to be alwut.
L. II. Morehead and K. K. Bole jack
were in Omaha Monday on business.
J. II. Langdon and wife entertained
a number of friends at dinner Sunday.
Sum Isabel has moved his family in
to the upper rooms in the Allen build
Marvin Kelley of Waverly, Kansas,
held services at the Christian church
W. A. Cox returned Monday from
Kansas City where he had been with a
car of apples.
Miss Lela Butler returned home Sat.
urday from Falls City where she has
been working as millinery apprentice.
She will finish her couse in tits spring.
J. A. Martin returned Friday from
his trip to western Colorado. Business
necessitated bis return home although
his mother is in a very serious condi
tion, with but little hope of recovesy.
On Tuesday evening a number of
friends gathered in response to invita
tions to help Mrs. H. H. Woodring
celebrate the anniversary of her birth
day- Notwithstanding the fact that
Mrs. Wood ring herself was not ex
pecting guests she welcomed all most
cordially. A very pleasant social eve
ning passed in music and conversation.
Light refreshments were served.
Word was received last week of tee
death of Allen WToodring at tne home
I of his son in Stillwater, Okla. He will
j be remembered by many here as he
made his home at St. Deroin for many
years coming here in IHti,') und remain
ing until lfiliti when tie removed with
his son to Oklahoma. He d'ed at the
age of 00years. Be has been helpless
for two years. His many friends here
sympathize with the relatives in their
if you suffer from constipation and
liver trouble Foley’s Orlno Laxative
will cure you permanently by stimu
lating the digestive organs so they will
I act naturally. Foley’s Orino Laxative
does not gripe, is pleasant to take and
you do not have to take laxatives con
tinually after taking Orino. Why con
tinue to be the slave of pills anil tab
lets. Kerr's Pharmacy.
Lolo Sturms spent Tuesday night
with Mrs, E. Higgins.
Mrs. Anna Buckholder is visiting
her sister in Lincoln.
Henry Nedrow of Verdon was the
guest, of his sister Sunday.
Edna and Vera Shaffer spent the
tirst of the week at Shubert.
Lucy Smith spent a portion of last
week with Mrs, Geo Prichard.
Guy Lichty and wife were guests of
Delos Splckler and wife Sunday.
Herman Beeeby and wife spent Sun
day with We9 Nedrow and wife.
Mrs. Lutz spent Sunday in Falls
City the guest of Mrs. Beinemau.
Dan Fisher and wife of Verdon
spent Sunday at the home of Frances
Leslie Melvin, Earl and Elmer El
shire spent Sunday with Clarence
Mrs. Christ Zorn and Mrs. Albert
Caller were guests of Mrs. Will
Huettner Sunday.
H. J. Prichard and family spent
Sunday near Salem the guests of Nat
Auxier and faintly.
Mr. Fisher of Hamlin, Kansas has
sold his store in StraussviMe to Mr.
Ellis of Niehna, Mo.
Perry Shatter and wife spent a portion
of the week at Rulo and Preston doing
missionary work.
F. M. Shaffer and family and Joe
Cully and wife sped Sunday with Mrs.
N. Peek and family.
Dallas Yoder ond wife of Falls City
and Bennett Cook and Leura Camblin
were guests of Frank Cook and family
Frank Houtz and wife, Ellis Houtz
and family, Jim Gilmore and son and
Jennie aDd Nellie Higgins of Robin
son, Kas., were entertained at the
Higgins home in honor of Everett’s
John Caverzagle spent la~t week in
St. Joe.
Larry Dlft'enbaugb is Very ill at bis
Carl Simon was in Humboldt recent
ly on business.
Hank Robinson of Forteseue was
here Saturday.
Elmer Lambert and wife were in St.
Joe last week.
Leslie Inks of Salem visited relatives
here last week.
Mrs. J. B. Hinkle was a Falls City
visitor last week.
Mrs. Lula Simon was a Falls City
visitor last week.
Nellie Coup spent Sunday at her
home in Falls City.
Norm Kermode has finished painting
the new M. E church.
Mose Frederick has given his house
a new eoat of paint.
Jess /.eigler of Armour spent Sunday
with his parents here.
Mrs. Inks of Salem visited her
daughter here last week.
Si Bunker of Forteseue was a busi
ness visitor here Saturday.
Manly Edgecomb and daughter were
Falls City visitors last week.
Mrs. Gilbert and daughter Alta,
spent Saturday in Falls City.
A. M. Wright of St. Joe has pur
chased the Enig stock of goods.
George Jnrrott came up from St. Joe
Friday for a visit with relatives.
Mrs. Dan Katakin and daughter
Hazel were Falls City last week.
Mrs Osborn and son went to Dor
chester last Thursday on a visit.
James Ford went to Pawnee last
week where he will be operator.
Vaughn MeVey came down from
Falls City Sunday to see his mother.
Gus Johnson finished his work here
and went to Nebraska City last week
Mrs. George Ocomb and daughter
visited in Falls City one day last week
Leonard Simon and family of Pres
ton spent Sunday with his parents
Esther Dunn went to Missouri Fri
day to visit her brother Ilobert and
Mrs. Marie Whalen returned theis
week from a visit with friends at Shu
Mrs. Joy of Falls City visited with
James Kormode and wife one day last
Essie Marsh went to Hastings last
week to help care for her sister who is
very sick.
Mrs. Wright who has been visiting
her daughter nere, recently returned
to Beatrice.
Mac Anderson of Ashland came in
last week with a gang of men to re
build the cut bridge.
Herald Ocomb while swinging on a
rope one evening last week and hurt
his right arm quite badly.
Mrs. Hosford is having the old Ar
lington hotel torn down and will move
the material to the farm south of town.
Mrs. Ben Poteet and two sons and
her sister Mrs. lnskeep of. Falls City
visited with Mrs. Susan Boles last
Garnett Wilson, Anna Mahan and
Ernest and Elsie Wilson spent Sunday
at the home of Joe Britteric near
Craig, Mo.
Mesdames Jake Lichty, Will Halde
man, Addie Flickenger of Morrill, Ks,
visited with the family of Jeff Gilbert
one day last week.
Fred Morgan, formerly of Rulo but
now of Stalla, met with a serious acci
dent which might have proved fatal.
A revolver was accidently discharged
striking him in the shoulder.
A. S, Berry, who was running the
newspaper that burned here in 11*00.
was one of the lucky ones to draw land
ie the South Dakota drawing. Mr
Berry has many friends in Rulo who
will be glad to hear this.
J. A. Hinkle and family went to
Fortescue Sunday to atteud the family
reunion and birthday celebration of his
father, who was 71 years old. The
guests numbered 411 and a feast was
spread tit for a king. Mr. Hinkle has
resided on the farm he now ocenples
for 54 years. His family and neighbors
wish him many more happy birthdays.
If You Are Over Fifty Read This
Most people past middle age suffer
from kidney and bladder disorder
which Foley’s Kidney remedy would
cure. Stop the drain on the vitality
and restore needed streDgtn and vigor.
Commence taking Foley’s Kidney
Remedy today. Kerr’s Pharmacy.
H. E. Warne was in Auburn Sunday.
C. H. Strink of Humboldt was here
(.'has. Bright was over from Shubert
this week.
Arthur Allen was down from Auburn
It. A. Clark was in Omaha during
the week.
S. Ileddiek of Humboldt came in
town Tuesday.
Gus Weddle of Shubert was in town
during the week.
C. E. Yocam of DuBois was a visitor
here last week.
K. L. Weick sold his auto last week
to M’cbael Shafer.
D. S. Parmer and wife were over
from Shubert, Saturday.
Mr. Parks and wife of Auburn visit
ed friends the past week.
Mrs. Chas. Paradise of Kansas is
Aisitiny he.* parents here.
Willard Shubert and wife were in
Humboldt during the week.
Hazel Hogrefe and Elbe Martin came
up from Atchison lor a visit.
L. It. Chaney, Miss Iva and Dr. Hull
went to Auburn the past week
A party of young men from Hum
boldt were hunting here Friday.
Bertha Lawton of Hastings is visit
ing her sister, Mrs. F. R. Sbirck.
J R Cain jr., and R. A. Clark weut
to Lincoln on business this week.
J. W. Vaught and daughter Carrie
spent Wednesday at J. P. Gergens.
Miss Clara James left Monday for
Ohio where she will attend school.
C. B Clark of Kansas City spent the
past week looking after business here.
Prof. Wilson attended the teachers
meeting in Humboldt and»made a good
Mrs. John Jenkins and daughters
went to Elk Creek Friday to visit rela
John Weaver and family of near
Verdon spent Sundav with friends
J S. Johnson of east of town is erect
ling a dwelling on his land near Shu
! bert this week.
C. H. Hare of Pawnee City spent a
: few days visisirig their daughter, Mrs.
; R. E. Tomlinson
M. Barstler and daughter Lydia
went to Wayne, Neb., the past week
to visit relatives.
Chas. Shafer went to Omaha Mon
j day to see his wife who is buving her
1 eyes treated there.
Blanche and Lela McCray came
down from the Cotner university to
| visit their parents.
B. E Ogden of Bethany preached in
! the Christian church Sunday in the
j absence of his father.
The song services at ths Lutheran
church Sunday evening were well at
tended and enjoyed by all.
J. F. r.lchert the M. P. agent has
his barn built on hi9 lots and will be
gin erecting his residence soon.
The Montgomery and Snyder sale
amounted to Si.770 and is considered
one of the best sales of the season.
J. C. Reimers bought the H. V.
Davis barber shop Monday. Mr.Davis
will remain in the shop until March 1.
Steve Smith and family of Douglas,
j Wyoming arrived the middle of the
1 week for a short visit with his brother
: M. A. Smith.
The city is placing electric lights
1 west of the Florence hotel on the way
to the depot. This will light the way
; to the depot from town.
The dreaded disease of black leg is
again in this vicinity among the
calves. Thos Briggs of west of town
lost two yearlings the past week
Wednesday evening Mere Harmon,
who is an employee in the Keefer res
taurant, picked up a twenty-two re
volver to show Borne boys it was not
dangerous. Butin some manner her
finger touched the trigger and to their
surprise it was loaded. The ball
struck Fred Morgan in the right
shoulder. No one was badly hurt but
several have learned to be more care
Charles'Adams of Des Moines and
Miss Alice McCray of this place were
united in marriage at the home of the
bride’s parents, Monday evening, Rev.
Ogden of the Christian church officiat
ing. The groom is at present travel
ing for a clothing house but will take
mercantile work. Mr. and Mrs.Adams
left Tuesday for Boone, Iowa, where
they will be at home after Dec. 15. The
best wishes of ail go with them.
Hog cholera has started in this vicin
I ity
! C M. Smoke was a visitor at Pawnee
Cl tv Friday.
.lames Standerford and family visit
ed with McClintoek's Sunday.
.1. H. Baqeock and family ate their
j Thanksgiving turkey with relatives in
i Horton, Kansas.
The Gossman house formerly oecu
! pied by Frank Snow is now occupied
by Mr. Hay and family.
D. W. Sargent died at his home Nov,
21, 1(108, aged 06 years and 5 months,
He was for many years a minister in
the Baptist church. He has been a
resident of this vicinity for many years
honored and respected by all who
knew him. He leaves a wife, two sons
and two daughters. Their loss is his
gain, for they who live a righteous
life know that a brighter and better
life awaits them in the hereafter.
TickliDg, tight cough, can be surely
and quickly loosened with a perscrip
tion druggists are dispensing every
where as Dr. Shoops Cough remedy.
And it is so very very different than
common cough medicines. No opium, I
no chloroform, absolutely nothing
harsh or unsafe. The tender leaves of
a harmless, lung healing mountainous
shrub, gives the curative properties to
Dr. Shoops Cough Remedy. Those
leaves have the power to claim the
most distressing cough and to soothe
and heal the most sensitive bronchial
membrane. Mothers should for safety
sake alone, always demand Dr.Shoops.
It can with perfect freedom be given
to even the youngest babes. Test it
yourself and see. Sold by all dealers.
Real Estate Transfers
Carrie McCool and husband to James
] Wickham wd to 4ti acres in section 12
John Wissrnan to Chas. Sickel wd to
40 acres in section 13-2 17.$3200
L. Knickerbocker and wife to Joe
Miles wd to w hf nw qr of sec 24-1-17
Edward and Frankie Tinker to
| Bishop Arnold wd to east half lot 6
j block 15 Ilumbolct.$2700
Anna and Pierce Babb to Louise
Heitman wd to e hf of the se qr section
7-1 10.$0000
Mary Smilie and husband to Wm. i
Hodge wd to lot 2 block 5 Stella. $2000
Henry and Maria Fritz to Clare Cole
man wd to lots 1 to 8 block 1 Verdon. .
W. J. and Anna Wells to Pearl L.
Whitten wd to 4 acres "in section 32-2
15. $40
Jacob Carpenter and wife to John
Goff wd to 20 acres in section 17-3-17,..
Clinton and Minerva Baker to Chas.
Shildneck wd to 1 and 52 100 ucres in
section 3-1-15.$1000
Adeline and Wilson Korner to A. J.
Weaver wd to tract of land in Falls
The above is the name of a German
chemical, which is one of the many
valuable ingredients of Foley's Kidney
remedy. Hexamethylenetetramine is
recognized by medical text books and
authorities as a uric acid solvent and
antiseptic for the urine. Take Foley's
Kidney remedy as soon as you notice
any irregularities, and avoid a serious
malady. Kerr’s Pharmacy.
I am now prepared to do all kinds
of Pump and Windmill repairing
Can also furnish you Pumps. Wind
mills and Gasoline Engines. Phone
calls answered.
12-11 J. D. HAYS |
Hair Dressing
Mrs. M. Becktold
and Son
Are Still Here
Ladies' Fashionable Hair'
Dressers and Manufactur
ers of all kinds of
are again at the Union Ho
tel. Ladies please call.
KANSAS G. 0. P’s
('ontinned from first
ject said that he stood before
them in the attitude of a penitent,
as the returns showed that Ne
braska had been found in the
columns of the solid south. The
speaker was at his very best and
his speech throughout was well
received. In closing he cited his
hearers to model American homes
as more essential to good govern
ment than “Who Should Rule-”
Here is what the Hiawatha Daily
World has to say of Mr. Reavis;
“Ho.; C. F. Reavis of Falls City
responded to the toast. “Our
Country, ’ and he made a splen
did speech. He is an orator of
more than local fame, having
spoken at various occasions in
many different places—always
pleasing and instructing his hear
ers with beautiful and appropri
ate sentiment. He has a most
sympathetic voice and a fine
presence and no better speaker
has addressed our people. ’
Mr. Keayis was ioilowed by
Congressman D. R. Anthony of
Leavenworth, whose subject was
“Our Congress,” and he certainly
placed himself squarely before
his constituents in regard to ev
ery promise made before election,
so far as his acts in that body
were concerned.
These were followed by a dozen
or more responses to toasts on
topics along the 1ines of good
government by as many able
Much credit was due Ewing
Herbert, the toastmaster.for this
most pleasant event as it was
through his untiring efforts that
this meeting was brought about.
During the evening an organi
zation of the National Republi
can League was organized and
perfected by electing a president,
secretary and treasurer, which
will have for its object the up
building of the grand old party
and instructing and educating
the young voters.
Hiawatha certainly did herself
proud on this occasion, and this
mingling of old friends and the
forming of new ties will ever be
a pleasant spot in the lives of all
those present.
We Have a
Large Supply of
Both in Bulk
and Boxes
These goods, we are
safe in saying, are
the BEST.
When you want
the BEST give them
a trial.
Your patronage
Falls City, Nebraska