The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 20, 1908, Image 1

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    The Falls City Tribune.
Various Kinds of Entertainment by
Individuals, Lodges, Clubs,
Churches, Etc.
Mrs. E. L. Sandusky enter-j
tains the members of the L- B.T. J
club and their husbands at her
home this, Thursday evening.
Mrs. W. E. Dorrington was
hostess to the D. of H. keusing
ton Friday afternoon. A large
crowd was in attendance and
greatly enjoyed the program and
nice lunch served.
Miss Gillespie entertained a
few friends at dinner at the Nat
ional, Friday, in honor of her
guests, Mrs. Wright and daugh
ter Helen, of Tecumseh. A very
pleasant time is reported.
The Knights and Ladies of Se
curity No. 610 spent a very pleas
ant evening at their hall Tuesday.
Each member and a friend came
masked and all present report a
jolly good time. Light refresh
ments were served
Monday afternoon. Mrs. John
Hossack entertained the members
of the W. R. C- at a kensington.
About thirty ladies were present
and enjoyed a pleasant afternoon.
The hostess was assisted by Mrs.
John Spragins and Mrs. C. Fire
baugh. A two course luncheon
was served.
Miss Fannie Beaver enter
tained several of her young lady
friends at her home Tuesday
evening in honor of her birthday.
A pleasant evening devoted to
games and excellent refreshments
was enjoyed. The hostess was
presented with many nice tokens
by the guests.
The members of the Epworth
League of the Methodist church
were entertained at the home of
Mrs. Ed Fisher last Tuesday
evening, by the Second Vice
President and Missionary Com
mittee of the League. The
guests expressed themselves as
having a delightful evening,
which is no more than could be
anticipated at the home of Mrs.
Adam Vogel was the victim of
a pleasant surorise one evening
last week, given in honor of his
birthday. The victim was so
busy looking alter his numerous
guests at the Union House, that
he hadn't even thought of a birth
day. but was forcibly reminded of
the fact when he was called to the
parlor and found the same filled
with home folks and a few inti
mate friends. A n elegant 6
o’clock dinner was served, and the
affair proved a most pleasant oc
casion for all.
The Faithful
Realizing the mutual advan
tage of making January 1st a
subscription date, our readers
have kept the cashier busy the
past few days arranging proper
credits to that date- Following
is a partial list of the satisfied
readers who have giaddened the
heart of the printer during the
past week:
Herman Wulf P. H. Jussen
Henry Shaw.. Mrs. D. P. Lowe
Fred Sebold C. T. Llpoold
Herman Tubaeh Fred Gerlt
Mrs. H. C. Raker F. P. Page
Chas. Litzke G. W. Fisher
Emma Grant Fred Meni/.er
J. M. Evans John Towle
Win, Hayward Geo. Crocker
John Tighe John B. Raper
E. J. Puryea Charles Smith
O. A. Cooper J. C. Yutzy
John Hossack L. C. Manger
Wirth A W interbottom
Almost Completed
We are informed that next I
week will see the completion of j
our new water wrorks system. The
well men are here, the mains will1
all be laid by Saturday night and j
the standpipe will soon be finish
Lyric Theatre This Week Passes
Into New Hands
On Monday of this week the
Lyric theater of this city changed
hands, M. C. Walther of Lincoln
assuming the management. W.
| F. Pritnley the former manager,
will still be with us, acting in
! the capacity of machine operator
| at this popular resort, which in
sures the same splendid service in
the future we have enjoyed in the
Tuesday evening was opening
night under the new management
and throughout the entire even
ing there was a continuous line
of people crowding to get in, and
many were turned away unable
to gain admittance. On that
evening each one was presented
with a carnation. Mr. Walther
informs us that he will do every
thing possible to make the Lyric
an attractive piace to spend a
pleasant evening. He brs a'readv
added a new piano with Miss'
Margaret McKievei as pianist
and Miss Jessie Paxton will add
much to the popularity of the!
place by singing at each show.
There will be a complete j
change of program every Mon-1
day, Wednesday and Friday and \
whenever possible Mr. Waltheri
will give some high class vaude
ville specialties in addition to the
regular program. He is strong
in his belief that Falls City is
one of the very best locations for
such an attraction, and says he
is willing to risk the time and
money necessary for the success
of his venture. We welcome him
among us and wish him unbound
ed success.
The management has secured
as a special feature for Monday
and Tuesday nights- November
23 and 24, the wonderful picture
of the Chicago-Detroit world’s
championship base ball game,
showing Tinker’s home run and
all 'eading players on both teams.
This is the first time this picture
has been shown outside the large
cities and w'as obtained only at a
great expense. Base ball fans
don't miss this. Increased prices
for these nights only 10 and 15
cents. Regular performance.
Death Caused From Injuries Re
ceived in Railway Wreck
News reached this city- this
week that George Hoffman had
died in St- Louis last Friday and
was buried in Wyuka cemetery at
Lincoln on Tuesday.
Mr. Hoffman will be remem
bered by our people as a fireman
on the Pacific plug, he with his
family living in this city at that
time. He was later transferred
to a run from Weeping Water to
Lincoln, and moved to the latter
Last August he was injured in
a wreck in Weeping Water, from
the effects of which he never re
covered. Some time ago he was
taken to the company's hospital
in St. Louis, where he received
the best possible treatment, but
to no avail, and death came on
the day above stated.
His wife and children have i
many friends here whosympathize !
deeply with them in their great'
Cave Satisfaction
Many of our people saw his
satanic majesty'in the true sense, !
in the rendition of “The Devil"'
i at the Gehling Wednesday even
■ ing The attraction has been
widely discussed, favorably and
! otherwise, and all were anxious
to see for themselves, hence a
I . i
large crowd was in attendance,
I • 1
and we believe we are safe in
saying everyone was pleased.
Repairs Now Being Made And All
Will Be Running in a
Few Days
Our city lias had a strenuous
time during tlie week all because
we slipped back about a quarter
of a century in our method ot
lighting, caused liv a break bown
at the light plant.
On Monday night everything
was running along smoothly at
the plant when without warning
there was a crash and the lights
went out. The patrons waited
patiently for a time thinking the
trouble was only temporary but
finally began to bring out long
discarded lamps, candles, or any
thing that would make a light,
and these they have been com
pelled to use since then.
I iiL troub.o wj> cj-Ubcu !>v till i
breaking of two pulteys, one on
the dynamo and one on the coun
tershaft, all brought about by the
overloaded condition of the ma
chinery. The wreck was com
plete, and the only wonder is that
some one was not hurt. Every
thing possible is being done to
get the plant in running order
as soon as possible, Patterns
were sent immediately to the
foundry at Leavenworth and
word was received Thursday that
the required parts were cast and
would be shipped that day, so if
all goes well we will have our
lights in a day or so. possibly by
tomorrow night.
It has been known for some
time that the load at tin light
plant was too heavy for the ma
chinery, but it was hoped it would
stand the strain until the new
plant is in working order, which
will be but two or three weeks.
They are now wiring ir. for the
same and the coal is being un
loaded. While this condition lias
caused great inconvenience, es
pecially to our business men, all
know it could not be avoided add
are thankful it is no worse.
Another Accident
While Dr. and Mrs. Miner were
riding north of town in the Doc
tor's automobile Monday morn
ing they encountered a team at
the Fred Scholl corner. T h e
doctor swung wide from the road
giving the entire right of way.
The young men in the convey
ance turned it into the hedge and
finally stepped the horses. The
doctor immediately stopped his
car and ran to offer any necessary
assistance and learned that it was
the same team that scared at the
Spickler automobile and killed
Mrs. Mueller.
The occupants of the Spickler
car did not know until several
hours after the accident that a
team had run away, and Dr.
Miner says that it he had not
chanced to look back lie would
have known nothing of it as the
team did nothing to indicate dan
ger of a run away when he pass-1
ed it last Monday.
Died at Her Home in Verdon
Mrs. George Bennett died at
her home in Yerdori. November
15, aged 07 years, 4 months and
27 days. Besides he husband
she leaves three daughters,Mrs.
Win. Burns, Mrs. Willard Yoils
and Miss Grace.
Mrs. Bennett has been in poor
health for man}’ months, and
everything that mortal hands
could do was done to relieve her
of her suffering but to no avail.
Mrs. Bennett was a good Christ
ian woman and for many years
was an active worker in the
Christian church. We extend
our sympathy to the bereaved
ones who mourn the loss of a
loving wife and mother.
The funeral was conducted
from the Christian church and
the remains were laid to rest in
Prairie Union cemetery.
Two Good Basket Ball Games
Played at the •Gym" Last
Saturday Afternoon
Two mighty fust basket ball
games were played between om
girls and boys against the Auburn j
teams at the •‘gym’’ last Saturday.
It seems hardly necessary to say
(that out girls won their game, as
tiny always win. In fact we will
| back our girl team against any
high school in the west.
To iiieiiUou individuals in this
game would he an injustice unless
we t*poke of all. There never was
a minute that something wasn’t
doing and Falls City girls were
always doing 1 r.
The final score was 211 to 12 in
favor of Falls City.
lint the boys game!
U • !s f tui u tl out to | I ty a
nice imly like game lint Auburn
was going “rough lions*-'’from the
sound of the whistle. A new man
tiy the name of Allen playing, with
Annum was fouling in season and
out In fact this young man com
mitted eight in about as many
minutes. The referee constantly
called him down and eventually
threatened to put him out of the
game. Nevertheless he was piny
tug a game that was a revelation
to our team and the first half
showed Fh 11 b City hopelessly in the
When the second half started
there was a different stoty, how
ever. Our boys went in to meet
Auburn at h*-r own game. When
ever* An burn “start* d anything’’
there was a Falls City boy
on the spot to hnish it. As a
result our team put it all over
them, Mr. Allen and all, in the
second half. The efforts, how
ever. strenuous as they were could
not quite overcome Auburn’s Fail
and the game ended 154 to 2b in
favor of Auburn.
Now comes the sequel. The
crack player Allen was a “ringer,”
l nder the rules lie was not en
titled to play at all. When this
was discovered it was called to
Auburn’s attention by a letter
from Pmf. Hurst and Auburn
confessed and asked that the game
be forfeited to Falls City.
It is a nice thing to have your
boys win a game, but is it worth
enough to teach high school stu
dents to win even though you
have to be crooked to do it.
Help the Needy
The season of the year is upon
us when in house cleaning a great
many useful things are found
which if properly placed would
do a great amount of good. In
the general clean up, if you find
clothing, bedding or anything
1 which can be used by those less
fortunate lay it aside and inform
Humane Officer Hcrshey and he
will call for the same and dis
tribute it where it is most needed.
The old favorite, “Faust" as
presented by' the Porter .1.White
company at the Gebling on
on Friday evening, proved a
good attraction. The fact that I
it has been presented to our
people a number of times, seem-j
ed to detract from the interest1
usually manifested, but the!
company is a good one, and'
worthy a warm reception wher-1
ever it appears.
Came Back Home
Henry Fisher of Verdon, who I
recently whs taken to the asylum
at Lincoln for treatment, appear-;
ed at his home on Monc ay even- \
ing. As reported to us he made
his escape from the asylum, com-1
ing as far as Salem on the train
and walking from there to Verdon.
State Asks Continuance After
Swearing Witnesses
Tilt* preliminary trial of Otis!
Spickler for running tin automo- j
bile carelessly and causing thej
death cf .Mrs. Mueller on Satyr-1
day, Nov. 7th, was held in part be-1
foredudge Falstcad Monday moru
ing. Several witnesses were ex
amined by tin* state among whom
were Fred Foehlinger, Frank Idli
ng. Walter Haddix and Mr. Reis
ch ek.
Mr. Foehlinger testified that lie
was coming to town with a load of
corn and was about '20(> feet from
tin* accident when it occurred. He
said that he knew Spickler, but
when called upon to pick him out
from the crowd in the room he
selected the wrong man. He also
said that Spickler gave all the
road to Mr. and Mrs. Mueller, and
that they turned out of the road
for Spickler. The substance of
Ins testimony* was that the horses
were showing signs of fright ami
that Mr. Mueller,who was driving,
[lulled the team into a ditch to the
right of tin* road which threw Mr.
Mueller out of the buggy. When
Mr.Mueller fell out the lines drop
ped under the heels of the team
and they started to run away,
eventually throwing Mrs. Mueller
Mr. riilig testified as to the
speed of the automobile when lie
passed it about a half mile from
the accident. Mr. Uhlig knew
nothing of the accident until lie
came to where the body of Mrs.
Mueller was lying.
Mr. Haddix was work ng on the
new stand pipe and saw the acci
dent but knew nothing of whether
Spickler was negligent or not ns
he was too far away.
Will Holt and Mr. Reiscliick
arrived at the scene of the tragedy
a few minutes after it occurred
and measured the buggy tracks
which showed that the team did
not shy out of the road but was
evidently pulled out into the
ditch by the driver.
At this time the attorneys for
the state asked a continuance un
til Mr. Mueller is sufficiently re
covered to testify, Mr Spickler’s
attorney readily consented and
the case was continued until the
30th of this month.
The Jubilcee are Coming
Don't fail to hear Carter’s
famous Carolina .Jubilee Sing
ers at the Gehling Theatre on
Thursday evening-, November
26, This is the third number in
the Palls City Lecture course
and should draw a larg'e crowd.
“The Original Carolina Jubi
ilee Singers gave a concert full
ol sparkle and life and kept
their audience in good humor
all the time. Encores were
constant and were responded to
graciously. This is a company
that cannot be exceeded and
they have noi a single part tak
en by anyone except a star
singer. The baritone, Mr.
Dougdass, was brought back I
four times on a single piece.’’—j
Rockford (111.) Morning Star.
Admission 35, 25 and 15 cents.
Work in the First
Tonight, Friday, the I. O.O.F.
lodge will put on First degree
work under the new ritual. The I
team has l>een working hard and 1
we predict an exhibition which
cannot be surpassed in the state.
Let every member be present.
Christian Church
The subject for Sunday morn
ing will be “The Right Use of
the Lord's Day.” In the even
ing, “What Think ye of Christ
in the light of the problem of
chances as it applies to some of
the prophets.’- Rev. Beattie will
preach both sermons. All are
Clyde Wells Accidently Shot And
Killed By His Little Six
Year-Old Brother
doom was cast over our
neighboring town of Verdon, on
Saturday evening when the sad
news was spread that Clyde
Wells, the ten year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. .las. Wells had
been accidently shot by his little
six year old brother.
The little fellows were play
ing in the yard when some hunt
ers in passing threw them what
they supposed was a dead shell
The boys went into the house
and got their fathers’s shot gun
and loaded it with the shell.
Their mother was sitting in the
room with a baby on her lap,
and noticing the boys with the
gun, went to take the wear *n
from them, when the youny ,*
one started to run and in some
manner the gun was discharged
the load striking Clyde in the
left side of the head. Medical
aid was summoned at once but
nothing could be done. The
accident happened nt about 5:30
p. rn. and just four hours later
the little fellow was relieved of
his sufferings.
The stray shot struck the
mother and little baby but with
no bad effects.
it was a most terrible shock
to the fond parents, one which
time alone can overcome.
The funeral was conducted
from the home Sunday afternoon
and the reryuins interred in the
V erdon cemetery.
A Number Received By C. McCoy
From Japan
We have tins week had th>
pleasure o f examining several
souvenirs from Japan, received by
Mrs. C. McCoy from In r son
Thurston, which are most inter
esting and tend to at once dispel
the idea so prevalent among the
masses, that the Japs are far lie
hind their American cousins,when
in fact they are their equal in
many ways.
One of the collection is tlit*
“Miyage,” a souvenir of the l . S.
battleship fleets visit to Yokohotna.
It is the work of the ‘‘Miyage’’
Publishing office, and from a
printer’s standpoint is a work of
art. It is a book of 150 pages and
tells of the tremendous growtli of
that country from the time of
Commodore Perry’s second visit
in February, 1854, until the pres
ent day, ami each page is a revela
tion. Then there is “A Guide to
the Imperial Government of Rail
ways of Japan,” with beautiful
half tones of all the places of in
terest, but trie prettiest of all is a
free pass given to the members of
the fleet by the Imperial Govern
ment Railways. The pass is in a
beautiful hand embroidered and
painted folder in a silk case orna
mented with a pretty mingling of
Old Glory and the Japanese flag.
There are many other things of
interest in the collection which
can only be appreciated by view
ing them, and Mrs. McCoy is to be
congratulated upon t li e many
things of interest she is gathering
together by the thoughtfulness of
Thurston during his many trips.
Al Burgner Injured
On Wednesday while helping
Pierce Pabb load his car at the
Burlington depot Al Burgner was
so unfortunate as to fall and
break three ribs and otherwise
bruise himself quite badly. The
injured man was taken to Dr.
Houston's office were he received
medical attention. He will be
cared for in this city until he is
able to be removed to his home.