The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 13, 1908, Image 5

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YOU AND ME Your Friends and Their
Friends Have Been Doing the
Past Week.
Eat Sowles Candy.
Dr. Tefft. Dentist. Maddox block,
opposite court house.
Steve Miles was a Lincoln vis
itor the first of the week.
—Cream fudge at the Candy
Kitchen, Saturday, November 14,
at 10 cents per pound.
Mrs. W m. Cook of Verdon was
in the city Saturday the guest of
her daughter, Mrs.Dallas Yoder.
Hazel Davison returned to her
home in Humboldt, Friday, after
a few days spent with friends in
this city.
Ethel Hershey, who spent sev
eral days during the past week
, with relatives in this city, return
ed to Humboldt. Sunday.
Mrs. Jennie B. Levy of Hiawa
tha spent a portion of the week
in this city the guest of Mrs. T.
J. Spencer and other friends.
Mrs Geo. Crocker and children
returned to their home in Pawnee
City on Tuesday, after a week’s
visit in this city with her parents
N. B. Judd and wife.
The dance given by Ed Smith
at Wahl’s hall Thursday night,
drew a large crowd. Ed is now
arranging for a masquerade on
Thanksgiving evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Lipke of Scotts
yilie, Kans., spent a few days of
this week with C. F. Reavis and
wife. Mrs. Lipke will be remem
bered as Miss Cole, formerly of
According to our exchanges, the
colored ladies who were in the
city recently soliciting funds for
a new churcli in Pueblo, have a
different church to build in each
town they visit.
Mrs. Tom Gist left Wednesday
night for York, Nebr., where
she will spend a week, a guest at
a house party given by Mrs- W.
Mead in honor of the officers of
the State Federation of Women’s
Miss Anna Mason was forced
to give up her school work a por
tion of the week on account of a
severe cold which rendered it im
possible for her to speak above a
whisper. She spent a part of the
week with her inorher in this
The “woman in black” put in
her appearance in Tecumseh last
week, but did not last long, as a
young man took a shot at it one
evening, and in the race which
followed the person was found to
be a man masquerading in wo
man's clothes. It will be re
membered that Falls City had a
like experience a few years ago.
The Dawson News Boy lias
again changed hands, being sold
last week to J. E. Morehouse of
Waterloo, who at once took
charge of Die business. In his
! bow to the public Mr. Morehouse
I announces that he intends to ad
here strictly to the rule to pay in
advance or no paper.
Mr. and Mrs. French McDon
ald of Falls City, were here over
Sunday for a visit with home
folks. French is the Falls City
electrician and is said to be the
best electrician that can be found
in any Nebraska town the size of
Falls Citv. —Hiawatha World.
Mrs-M. D. Lum of DeWitt,
who has been visiting for the
past two weeks in this city with
her mother, Mrs. DeWald, left
Wednesday for Auburn, where
she will visit for a time with a
sister before returning to her
Work on the Gehling house in
the south part of town is pro
gressing rapidly. With nice
weather it will be ready for occu
pancy by Christmas. When com
pleted this will be one of the
finest homes in the city.
A new cement crossing was
this week placed on Harlan street
leading from Graham’s lumber
yard to the Episcopal church, to
replace the one which had been a
nuisance for so long.
L. J. Hitchcock and wife re
turned from Hanover, Kansas,
Monday, where they attended
the funeral of the latter’s father,
Mr. Moline.
"Faust,’’the attraction at the
Gehling this, Friday evening,
comes highly recommended, and
no doubt will be greeted by a
full house.
Mrs. Ernest Oberman of Con
cordia, Kas-. arrived in the city
Saturday for a visit with her
parents, Steve Prior and wife.
Mrs. Clarence Peabody came
up from St. Joe, Saturday to visit
with her parents, Sam Prater and
W. C. Sloan and family of Ver
don spent Sunday in this city at
the home of John Hossack.
H. E- Boyd was down from
Humboldt Friday circulating
among his many friends.
John Hall and sister, Miss
Cammie, of Verdon, were Falls
City visitors Friday.
Jack White, now stationed at
Superior, spent Sunday in this
city with friends.
Roscoe Anderson of Humboldt
was looking after business in this
city Friday.
V. G. Lyford returned Satur
day from a business trip to Chi
Thanksgiving turkeys taken at
this office on subscription.
—Cold weather is coming. Get
your Coal of C. A. Heck.
Baking Powder
The only baking powder made ? om
Royal Grape Cream of Tartar, die
I officially approved ingredient for
a wholesome high-class powder
I iters Is greater dccephou in the sui.' .if baking powders iha.n ever be;o:\
Closely observe llie Ubcl and i.i« certain of "cuing Royal.
Order vour coal of 0. A.Heck.
Mrs- O. Fuller of Yerdon was
in the city Friday.
The board of supervisors is in
session this week.
Mary Sinclair of Preston was
the guest of relatives here Fri
Walter Yeaeh and wife of Yer
don were in the city Friday even
Wanted 10.000 bushels of Wal
nuts, will pay cash for them Heck
& Harlow.
George H. Fallstead returned
Saturday from a few days spent
in Lincoln.
W- S. Kortier and wife return
ed Friday from a weeks' visit
with relatives in Lincoln.
Miss Naomi Stumbo was the
guest of Humboldt friends several
days during the past week.
George and John Hall and Gus
and C. M. Heinzelman were down
from Yerdon Friday evening.
Paul Weaver and wife left the
latter part of the week for a
short stay in Rochester, Minn.
A number of our people attend
ed the Taft ratification meeting
in Humboldt, Monday evening.
Rev. Elza Martin came down
from Peru Monday to spend the
week with relatives in this city.
Rev. J. L. McLaughlin of the
Omaha Methodist hospital was a
guest at the Methodist parsonage
Ida Stewart arrived in the city
Wednesday from Vermillion, Ks.,
and will visit for a time with
relatives here.
Uid you hear ot it? Yes,some
thing is likely to happen on Dec.
10, 11 and 12. Ask some of the
Presbyterians about it.
T. L. Himmelreich left Thurs
day- night for Albion, Neb ,called
by a telegram announcing the
serious illness ot his sister.
Miss Myrtle Stetler of Pawnee
City, who has been the guest of
relatives in this city for the past
two weeks, returned to her home
Winnie Burger of Reserve,
headed a crowd of young people
who came over to attend service
in St. Thomas church Sunday
Guy Greenwald and bride ar
rived in the city on Saturday.and
will soon be nicely located in
their cozv cottage on north Har
lan street.
Mrs. J. J. Wheeler and daugh
ter, Irene, of University Place,
spent Sunday in this city guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E.
F. Sharts.
Miss Agnes Moran of Shelton,
Neb., was the guest of Miss Kate
Mulligan in this city Saturday.
On her return home she spent
Sunday with relatives in Omaha.
Bob Rule is mourning the loss
of “Major,” his fine stag hound.
One day last week the dog was
run into by a boy on a bicycle,
and the injuries received at that
time resulted in his death.
Chester Fisher of Olathe,Colo-,
arrived in the city Saturday and
spent aQfew days with relatives
here. Mr- Fisher had been look
ing after land interests in Kansas
and stopped here on his way
home. He reports George Cleve
land and family a;, getting nicely
and well pleased with their new
Billy Nance, formerly of this
city, but now a resident of Colum
bus, Kansas, arrived in the city
Sunday for a visit with relatives
and many old friends. This is
Billy’s first visit to his old stamp
ing ground in 25 years and it is
hard for him to recognize the old
home in the many changes made
in that length of time.
While going down cellar Mon
day morning, Mary Jenkins was
so unfortunate as to have the
cellar door fall on her, catching
her hand in such a manner as to
crush it <)uite badly, and causing
her to remain out of school Mon
day forenoon. This she regrets
very much as it is the first time
she has been absent or tardy in
six years. A record to be proud
Mrs. Prof. Barrett went to
Sterling, Thursday to visit for a
few days with Mrs. Krnest Bode.
She returned home Tuesday.
Mrs Barret reports a very pleas
ant social affair at the home of
Mrs. Bode on Monday evening,
when a number of friends came
in and assisted Mrs Harriet Able,
Mrs. Bode’s mother, in celebrat
ing her birthday.
Hr. J. A. Beattie will speak at
the Christian church both morn
ing and evening next Sunday.
Theme for the morning “Nebras
ka as a mission field" and in the
evening “Why was it necessary
that the Savior should be the son
of man and the son of God.” All
are invited.
A special service will be held at
the Presbyterian church Sunday
morning. The sermon will be a
devotional exposition of the
Shepherd Psalm, wnile Miss
Agnew will sing an appropriate
solo based upon the same Psalm.
The glad hand awaits you there.
Mrs. J. R. Wilhite, who has
been in Kansas City for the past
two weeks, caring for her son,
Jule> who is quite ill with rheu
matism, returned home Monday.
She reports Jule as very little im
proved. and he is now taking
treatment at ICxcelsior Springs.
—As a special for Saturday,
November 14, the Candy Kitchen
invites the public to call on them
in their work rooms and watch
them turn out that excellent Hot
Nut Covet, which they will offer
at 15 cents per pound.
A. J. Weaver this week com
menced some improvements on
his residence in the east part of
town, which when completed will
add greatly to the convenience
and beautv of his already elegant
—For Sale — Family driving
horse; perfectly gentle; not afraid
of automobiles, cars or anything
else; any woman or child can
drive him with perfect safety.
Ask Harry Custer.
Auburn is in the midst of a 30
days revival. The meetings are
held in a large tabernacle and
are conducted by Revs. Hart and
Magam. Much interest is being
Martin Gehling leaves today
for Chicago, where he will spend
two weeks taking a special brew
ing course in the brewers’ acade
Next Sunday evening at St.
Thomas church Miss Jessie Pax
ton will sing for offertory '‘My
Faith in Thee,” by Dudly.
Mrs. A. Powell, who has spent
the past two weeks in this city
with her sons left Monday for
Sabetha, Kas.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gist of
Humboldt were in the city Wed
nesday to attend the Greenwald
The Christian church bazaar
will be held in the Robert’s build
ing on the 27th aud 28th of this
Rev. Davis of Pawnee City was
in town Monday and Tuesday for
a brief visit enroute to Hiawatha.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jaijuet
spent a few days the past week
with relatives in Horton, Kan.
J. R. Cain, jr., and wife of
Stella spent a portion of the week
with home folks in this city.
—The Leo Cider & Vinegar Co.,
will buy apples suitable for vine
gar until January 1st. tf
Mrs. Sue Julian left Monday to
visit with relatives in St. Joe and
Kansas City.
Ray Huston of Salem was look
ing after business in this city
R. P. Thomas returned Tues
day from a business trip in Okla
Billv Boyd was among the Sa
lem visitors in the city Monday.
Delos Graham was down from
Dawson the first of the week.
Mrs. R. R. Rule spent Sunday
in Salem with her parents.
W. C. McCool of Salem was in
this city Monday.
Dave Davies was a Stella visi
tor Monday.
H. & H. Suits
Have Won a Tiumphant
Victory This Fall
Better Clothes, greater variety
and far greater values here.
At $15, $18, $20 and $25
we offer Suits and Overcoats
that are better than any you’ve
ever seen at anywhere near
these prices.
At $10.00 and $12.00
we show exact copies of the
finer suits, only these are made
of American woolens.
From $18.00 to $25.00
we present finer Suits and
Overcoats than can be had at
any other store at any price.
Opposite the Post Office