The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 13, 1908, Image 1

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    The Falls City Tribune.
Various Kinds of Entertainment by
Individuals, Lodges. Clubs,
Churches, Etc.
A hack load ot L, B.T.’s drove
to Geo. Boon’s farm south of
town on Tuesday and spent the
day in feasting and a general
good time.
Miss Pearl Lawrence give a
fine program in addition to a box
social at the school house, east of
town, where she teaches, Friday
night. A large crowd was pres
ent and all enjoyed a pleasant
evening. They realized the neat
sum of $20
Mrs. Win. Carico planned a
surprise for her husband on Fri
day evening and invited about
twenty-five of their friends in to
remind him that he had reached
another mile-stone in his life.
The evening was devoted to
cards and at an appropriate time
an elegant lunch was served.
The Ladies’Home and Foreign
Missionary society of the Metho
dist church will give a ten cent
social at the home of Mrs. Dr.
Kerr this evening (Friday.) It
will be a “Mum” social, each
guest to remain quiet for fifteen
minutes after entering. Those
having the affair in charge prom
ise a pleasant evening. All are
cordially invited
A special session of the W. R.
C. was held Wednesday, when
the state inspector. Mrs. Goul, of
Beatrice was present to witness
the initiatory work. A splendid
supper was served, to which the
members of the G. A. R. were
invited, and the evening was de
voted to a general good time,
which was enjoyed to the utmost
by the large crowd present.
The members of the Royal
Neighbor lodge of this city, load
ed themselves in hay racks on
Thursday evening and drove to
the home of John Carico north of
town, taking that worthy couple
by surprise. The guests wore
masks and it was some time be
fore the host and hostess were
able to penetrate the disguises of
the intruders. The evening was
a most pleasant one, and will
long Vie remembered by those
Sorosis met Wednesday after
noon with Mrs. Morsman as host
ess. A very interesting paper on
“Ireland, It’s History,’’ was read
by Mrs. C. Hargrave. An excel
lent paper on “Famous Irishmen
of America and the World,’’ was
read by Mrs. W. W. Jenne. Mrs.
Varner’s resignation as treasurer
of the club was accepted. Mrs.
Ewalt was elected to fill the va
cancy. Miss Sarah Morsman fav
ored the club with a vocal solo,
“The Shoogy-Shoo. ’ which was
greatly appreciated. The Misses
Morsman were guests of the club.
The next meeting will be with
Mrs- Giannini November 25.
The Woman’s Auxiliary of St.
Thomas church met with Mrs. P.
H. Jussen on Monday evening,
with a good number in attendance
After the opening exercises the
guests responded to roll call with
quotations from the Psalms. The
lesson was on missionary work in
Sandwich Islands. Rev. Neide
gave a very interesting historical
talk on these islands and the na
ture and growth of the work
done there. Mrs. T. L. Himmel
reich also read a short paper on
the same topic. The subject was
then open for general discussion,
which was entered into with
great zeal by the members. After
the lesson the hostess served nice
refreshments. The next meeting
will be with Miss Keeling, when
a continuation of the same sub
ject, with Mrs. John Crook as
leader, will be the program.
About seventy-five ladies gath
ered at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
, W. A. Greenwald Wednesday
* afternoon in response to invita
tions issued to meet Mrs. Guy
Greenwald. The beautiful home
on Harlan street was elaborately
decorated with cut flowers—car
nations, chrysanthemums pre
dominating. Prof. Harnack.s
orchestra from Hiawatha was
stationed in the upper hall and
entertained the guests during the
afternoon with splendid musical
selections. In the receiving line
at the foot of the wide staircase
were Mrs. W. A. Greenwald,Mrs.
Guv Greenwald, Mrs. S. P. Gist
of Salem, and Mrs. Ray Gist of
IIumboklt. Assisting the hostess
throughout the rooms were
Mesdames W. S. Fast. F. Parch
en, W. S- Leyda. Will Schmelzel,
and Misses Ly ford, Maddox.Patz-j
man, Snyder. Hutchins, Slocum, j
and Parchen. In the dining
room elegant refreshments were
served. Upon leaving this room
Miss Nellie Schock presented
each guest with a carnation
On Wednesday evening a large
party of ladies and gentlemen
were entertained by Mr. and Mrs.
Greenwald in a similar manner.
The appointments of both affairs
marked them as the most sumptu
ous and complete of any ever
given in the city.
J. P Varner To Be Transfered To
Beloit, Kansas
It is with deep regret that we
learn we are going to lose our
genial Missouri Pacific agent- as
he is going to be transfered to
Beloit, Kansas, and will move
there as soon as orders arc re
ceived from headquarters.
Mr. and Mrs. Varner during
their several years resilience in
this city have made many warm
triends here, all of whom will be
sorry to lose them. Mr. Varner
in his capacity as agent at the
Missouri Pacific depot has always
been most obliging and in the
opinion of our people, it will be
hard to find another to take his
place. Mrs. Varner is one of our
leaders in church and social cir
cles and will be greatly missed
by her many friends.
Our best wishes go with them.
Frank Elshire Run Into By An
While on his way to Verdon
Saturday evening about eight
o’clock, Frank Elshire, who was
driving a single rig, was run into
by Emerson Bowers who was driv
ing an automobile. The horse
ran away throwing Mr. Elshire
into the hedge causing painful
bruiseB and a badly sprained back.
The buggy and harness were torn
to pieces and ihe horse badly cut
in a wire fence. There were no
lights on the machine which is
the direct cause of the accident.
“The Devil"
Franz Molnar’s beautiful play
“The Devil,” which is arousing so
much interest in the large cities
of the United States and Europe
will be presented by an excellent
company at the Gehliug in this
city on Wednesday evening, Nov.
18th. Thousands have read the
book and its dramatization has
been the talk of two continents,
and no wonder. The brilliant
Hungarian writer, whose wondrous
knowledge has contributed a story
that is human to the core. It holds
the audience in vise like grip, un
til the fall of the curtain on the
last act No one should miss see
ing The Devil. It teaches a most
beautiful lesson and makes every
one think of the good that they
can do in life.
Automobile Causes Runaway Which
Results in Death of One of
Our Honored Citizens
Our citizens were again forci
bly reminded of the uncertainty
of this transitory" life, when on
Saturday last just before dinner,
Mrs. August Miller, wife of one
of our old and highly respected
farmer’s, without a moment's
warning, was hurled into eternity,
and her husband all but accom
panying her on her long journey.
When the news reached the
city, a large crowd hurried to the
scene of the accident, and the
particulars, as near as can be
learned are these:
Mr. and Mrs. August Miller,
who live about six miles north ol
the city, were on their way to
town on their usual Saturday’s
trip. They were driving two
horses hitched to an ordinary
spring wagon. When near the
High school they met Otis Spick
ler with his automobile and the
horses became frightened, and
Mr. Miller lost control of them
and they began to run. They
had not gone far when Mr. Miller
was thrown from the wagon, but
his wife still tried to stop the
frightened team which by this
time was going at breakneck
speed, but in turning a corner she
too was thrown out, alighting on
her face and head with such force
as to crush it almost beyond Rec
ognition. Parties who were im
mediately behind hastened to her
but found that the poor woman
was no more, death having been
almost instantaneous.
Mr. Miller, despite Ins awful
fall, got up and walked to where
his wile was lying, but upon find
ing her dead, fell to the ground
unconscious in which condition
he remained for several hours.
He was taken to the home of his
daughter, Mrs. Herman Wulf,and
the doctors summoned, who tound
that aside from being badly bruis
ed he had three ribs broken, and
for a time his life hung almost
by a thread, as it was feared that
internal injuries would prove
fatal, but we are glad to say he
is now improving nicely.
A coroner’s inquest was held
over the remains of Mrs. Miller,
and the following verdict render
The State of Nebraska. /_ gg
Richardson County, 1
At inquisition holden at Falls
City, Neb.,in Richardson County,
the 7th day of November, A. D.
1908, before me, Dr. Geo. W.
Reneker, coroner of said county,
upon the body of Mrs. August
Miller lying dead, by tlie mrors
whose names are hereto subscrib
ed, the said jurois upon their
oath do say tliar Mrs. August
Miller came to her death by be
ing thrown from a spring wagon
which was hitched to a team of
horses that had become frighten
ed at an automobile which was
being carelessly and negligently
driven by one Otis Spickler.
II. C- Barton,
Simon Beaciiy,
B- F- Morgan.
War. Hutchins,
Henry Gekdes,
Geo. A. Abbott.
In testimony whereof the said
jurors have hereunto set their
hands the day and year aforesaid.
attest: Dr. Geo. W. Reneker,
Otis Spickler, the owner and
driver of the machine, is a young
farmer who lives in Barada pre
cinct. He says he did not know
of the accident until he was ad
vised by telephone, and he at once
returned to town. At the pre
liminary which followed several
witnesses were called, and the
young man was bound over to
the district court, when the facts
will be brought to light
The funeral of Mrs. Miller was
held Monday afternoon from the
German Lutheran church six
miles northeast of town, conduct
ed by Rev. Engel brecht.
Dorother Waskow was born in
Wilhelimer, Germany, April 2‘>.
1845 where she remained until
1857 when with her parents she
came to America, settling in
Illinois, living there until 1S<>4
when they moved to Minnesota.
In 1870 they went to Iowa, and
on July (> of the same year she
was married to August Miller.
In 187‘> they removed to Oregon,
but only for a short time, coming
back the same year and settling
in Richardson county near Ver
don, on a farm where they liyed
continuously until her tragic end.
Eight children blessed this
happy union, five girls and three
boys, three of whom have pre
ceded her to the great beyond
There remains besides her hus
band. two sons and three daugh
ters to mourn the loss of a loving
helpmeet and a kind and indul
gent mother. The children are
William and Herman Miller,Mrs.
Herman Wulf, Mrs. Chas. Eick
liofT of this city and Mrs. A.lvin
Dietrich of Plainview, Nebraska.
She also leaves ten grand child
ren, three brothers in Iowa and
two sisters, one in South Dakota,
and one in Minnesota. The
brothers were present at the last
sad rites but it was impossible
for the sisters to be here.
The sorrowing ones have the
deepest sympathy of the entire
community in their great grief.
Big Demonstration at Humboldt
Monday Night
That the republican citizens of
our sister town of Humboldt were
pleased at the general results of
the recent election, was proven
conclusively on Monday night
when one of the most enthusiastic
rallies imaginable was held in that
There was a big parade beaded
by Kolo Avery who weighs 470
pounds and "Babe" Tucker, the
jolly traveling man who tips the
scales at 450, then followed tlie
bauds, gun clubs, flambeau club,
floats, etc., that go to make up a
parade suitable for such occasions.
After the parade there was a gen
eral good time for everybody. It
was a great nigbt for Humboldt
and the* immense crowd that took
part in tne jollification.
Little Child Has Narrow Escape
From Drowning
Mable, the little 4-year old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George
Sperry, fell backward into a tub
of water on Tuesday, and when
discovered by the mother, life was
almost extinct, but after much
bard work the little one was re
vived. She was very sick for eev
eral hours, but is again all right.
It was a narrow escape and gave
the fund parents an awful fright.
Union Thanksgiving Service
The ministers had a meeting
Monday afternoon at the Union
House, when among other things
discussed, arrangements were
made for a united Thanksgiving
service for the city. The service
will be held in the German Kvan
gelical church, commencing at
10:30 a. m.and the special sermon
will be preached by Rev. G. F.
The public is cordially invited
to be present.
South Plug to Carry Mail
Beginning yesterday the south
bound M. P. plug put on the mail
service. This convenience for the
present will not be given us on the
north bound train, but it is hoped
that will come later.
Stole $45 From Dave Ransom But
Was Soon Arrested by Our
On Monday evening Karl Ram
sey, son of >11)1111 Ramsey of Ibis
city, wan arrested on a warrant is
sued by Dave Ransom and upon
investigation the following facie
were brought out:
Ramsey had been working for
Ransom, and on the day in ques
tion the latter had considerable
money on his person, which fact
was known by Ramsey, li is re
ported that Ransom had been im
bibing quite freely, and in the
evening Ramsey took him home
and when the opport unity present
ed itself relieved him of $45.
When Ransom awakened he at
once missed the cash and sur
mised where it had gone. He was
so strong in his belief that lie at
once had Ramsey arrested. The
ollicors then visited different
places in town where he had spent
the money and learned that he
bad given Harry Perkins $10 to
keep for him. With all this evi
dence at hand, Ramsey realized
his predicament and when he wns
taken before the justice he at
once plead guilty and was taken
to jail, where he is now waiting
the next session of court, when be
will learn iiis fate. 0
Interesting Session Held in This
City Thursday
As we go to press delegates
from over the county are arriv
ing to attend the Sunday School
convention in session here in
the Methodist church, and indi
cations point to a splendid
There were three sessions and
each was replete with both in
structive and interesting talks
and discussions. Both dinner
and supper were served in the
basement of the church for the
pleasure and comfort of the vis
We have not the time to give
a detailed report but feel we
are safe in saying the meeting
will be a successful one,
Business College Students to Have
A Week Off
Next week the students of
Falls City Business College will
enjoy their annual “cornhusk
ing’’ vacation. The purpose of
this week’s vacation is to allow
those students who hail from
the farm, the opportunity to
help gather the corn crop at
home while they are resting(?.)
There are a number of new
students contemplating enroll,
ing at the College immediately
after this vacation week, hav
ing retrained from doing so
earlier on accouni of the late
Here’s betting they’ll all be
telling those 100 busnels-a-day
stories. __
Special Session Likely
Gov. Sheldon is communicating
with til! members of the legisla
ture, with the idea of calling a
special session of that body for the
purpose of passing a county op
tion bill.
The governor’s idea of county
option is that in order to have sa
loons in the cities and towns, the
same must be determined by a
three-fifths vote, and if the county
votes against saloons then there
can be no saloon run in any town
j in that county.
The special session will be
watchec with interest by all, as all
are more or less interested in the
great question of county option.
Dr. Bailey Gave Instructive Talk at
Presbyterian Church
The lecture given by l)r, Bailey
at the Presbyterian church Tues
day evening, drew a fair sized
crowd, and all pronounced (he
talk both instructive and enter
Mr. Bailey's residence of live
years among the Mormona in I tali
has given him a thorough know
ledge of their customs and insti
tutions, and his ability to impart
this knowledge to Ins hearers,
made his subject, "The Mormon
Church, Its History and Practice,’’
one of more than ordinary inter
est. His talk whs along the line
of the relation of the church to the
noted Mountain Meadow massacre,
and the mauy good ihings he said
will always he remembered by his
The proceeds if the lecture
went to the church fund Htid a
nice sum was added to the treas
Republicans to Celebrate Their Re
cent Kansas Victory
As h fitting recognition of their
recent victory, tlm republicans of
Kansas are arranging for a ratifi
cation meeting to be held in Hia
watha on Nov. 24th. Many noted
republicans will lie there ami a
general good time is expected.
The principal feature w II be an
elaborate bauquet, and C. F.
Reavis of this city has accepted
an invitation from the committee
to deliver the address. Kansas
has much to be proud of and we
bespeak a big lime in Hiawatha
on the 24th.
Broke Her Arm
Little Suzane, the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brecht is the
first victim of the roller skate
craze which has struck the chil
dren in this city. While skating
Tuesday afternoon she fell break
ing both bones of the right arm
just above the wrist.
While the accident will deprive
her of her pleasure for n time, Su
zane is plucky and was in her
place at school Wednesday.
Skating on our sidewalks :s he.
ing indulged in to such an extent
by the children, as to become
almost a nuisance, and the only
wonder is that more arg u'»t in
jured, hikI that seriously.
Died at Hanover. Kansas
On Friday,November f>,Grand
pa Mallean died at the home of
bis son, George Mallean, near
Hanover, Kansas. Bernhardt
Mallean was born in Germany,
March 2, 1830. Funeral services
were held from the home Sun
day afternoon.
The deceased was well known
by many of our readers, having
made his home with his daugh
ter, Mrs. L. J. Hitchcock, near
this city, for a number of years.
The bereaved ones have our
Another Clew
Chief Marts informs us that
during the past week fifteen
watches have been found in a ra
vine near Weeping Water, which
have been identified as part of
the property stolen from the
Stella jewelry store. A number
of 2-cent stamps were also found
at the same place, which is pretty
strong evidence that the Stella
and Straussville robberies were
committed by the same parties.
A Freak
A lreak possum was caught
| in the hills near Barada this
' week and brought to this city.
It is pure white, the first of the
kind ever seen in these parts,
j It is now the property of R<>b
| Rule who will have it mounted
! and add it to lus collection of
I curiosities.