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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1908)
Henry C. Smith LANDS & LOANS 240 acres well improved, li miles from Depot in Kas. Good spring. Best*of terms. Will take 40 acres as part payment, balance long time at low interest. 200 acres miles from depot, Richardson county, Nebraska. Good buildings and land. Will take 40 or 80 acres as part payment 100 acres upland, 1 mile from depot, Richardson county, Nebraska. *12,000. 160 acres Johnson county, Nebraska. 80 rods to church and school. Best of terms. Might rent. 107 acres near Brown ville, Nebraska. 80 acres ^-tnile from Falls City high school. 040 acres, $8,000 improvements Also 64n acres adjoining. Will take lOOacres part payment. Fine running water. A No. 1 opportunity. Money to loan The County in General The “Doings” of our Country Friends and Neighbors. HUMBOLDT Alvin Gioguicb was in St. Joe Mon day. C. M. Linn had business in St. doe this week. John Fryberger was over Seneca, Kansas, Sunday. Nellie Holman left this week for a visit In Chicago. A son was born to Cha-. Goddard and wife Tuesday. Ida Creed is now employed in the west side millinery. Work Is progressing rapidly on the new Methodist church. Madge Ford is now employed as typo at the Leader olllee. Kev. Hamilton is making arrange ments to move to Lincoln. Mrs. Kay Miller is here from Grand Island visiting her parents. Kev. Cantrall arid family returned Monday from a visit In Lincoln. O. \V. Yande'Her and family have lately moved here from Lincoln. D. L. Smith has commenced work on his new residence on Nemaha street. Ed Hughes and wife aro the parents o! a little son born to them last week. ltuth Norton came down from Lin coln this week on a visit with relatives. The foundation for Col. Harding's new residence is being laid this week. Lina Shirley of Lincoln visited the past week at the home of her brother. ■ Frank Zelenka and' children of Gil bert, Idaho, are here visiting relatives. Nora Stalder went to Pawnee Tues day to attend the wedding of a friend. O. A. Cooper left Saturday for Ames, Iowa, where his daughter is seriously j ill. Frank Boss und family returned Sat urday from a visit with relatives in ; Lincoln. Lillie and Georgia Billings returned , Sunday from a visit with friends in Lincoln. Mrs. Fred Hummel was recently called to Aurora, III., by the serious j illness of a relative. John Sbrauger and family left the : past week for an extended visit with | relathes In California. Jos. Zulek is closing out his grocery ! business and expects to locate in New ' Mexico in about a mouth. Emma Frank who has been here for several months visiting her sister re turned to Lincoln Tuesday. Fred Lehnherr left last week for Pine islund, Minn., being called by the serious illness of h's father. Mrs. Joy Bullls-McK^e and little sou : Robbie arrived here Friday from New Mexico City for a visit with her mother f Mrs. Jesse Goodale came down from ; Lewiston Wednesday to assist in the postofllce during Mr. Cooper’s absence. C. K. and G. L. Cooper left Monday for Ames. Iowa, where their sister is lying at the point of death with typhoid pneumonia. - Mesdames E. C. Colhapp and Irvin Shirley have ret imed from a week’s I visit in Kausas City. They stopped oil1 in St. Joe on their way home to witness the production of Ben Hur. Tbe corn and horse show held in this city Thursday last was a decided success. The horses shown being ex ceptionally line, about 135 horses being entered for prizes. In spite of the dis agreeable weather a large crowd at tended the show. --- | VERDON. Mrs. Jim Ayers is on the sick list. Chas Lord of Shubert was a Verdon : visitor Tuesday. Mrs. W. H. Moran was a Peru visi tor Wednesday. Amret Hart made a business trip to j Shubert Thursday. Fred Stotts of Shubert was in town ; a short time. Tuesday. Mesdames Goolsby and Veal weie county seat visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Bowman returned home last Wednesday from Dallas, S. D. Mrs. B. E. Waggener and daughter [ Zelda were in Falls City Wednesday. | Ruby, Bessie and Ralph Shubert left Wednesday for Dakota to join their father. Mrs. Clark and Anna Baker return ed to their home at Hortoo, Kansas, Friday. They were accompanied home by the formers daughter, Mrs. Bowman who remained until Monday. I SHUBERT Joe Spick lee of Baruda was here Mondry. Wm Snelling spent, Monday in the country. Mrs. Ernest Higgs was shopping in town Monday. Fred Werner and daughter were in town Mouday. Lillian Pierson of Stella is her the guest of friends. Wm. Falstead i- visiting at the1 Halderman home. Joe Lewis spent Sunday here with his mother and sister. Chas. Thomas was down from Lin coln during the week. Fred Kinton and wife spent last week withyiiis parents near town. Henry Fishburn is looking after his land interests at Strowd, Oklahoma John Walker of Falls City was shak ing hands with friends here Monday. Jno. Speece who lias been visiting relatives here returned to his home at Ord. Our teachers are preparing to attend I the State Teachers association at Lin- j coin. Mr, Sapp and wife of Nemaha were j guests of L. M. Weddle and wife one day last week. Grandma Lewis and daughter Mag gie spent part of last, week at the home of Lewis Lewis. Mrs. Chas. Townley enjoyed a visit from her daughter, Mrs. Mary West of Wyoming, Nebr. Mr®. Wheeler returned tile iirst of ehe week after a pleasant visit with friends in Falls City. Miss Ruth Bright was entertained at dinner on Monday at the home of Lewis Brisby amt wife. The protracted meeting held by Rev Sapp of Nemaha closed Sunday after j several weeks of good success. Mi.-s Seamond, the noted singer who assisted in the revival meeting, left I this week for her home in Missouri. The wholesome, harmless, green leaves and tender stems of a lung heal ing mountainous shrub gives to Dr. Shoop's cough remedy its curative properties. Tickling or dry bronchial coughs quickly and safely yield to this highly efTect've Cough remedy. Dr. Shoop assures mothers that they can with safety give it to even very young babies. No opium, no chloroform— absolutely nothing harsh or harmful. It calms i,he distressing cough and heals the sensitive membranes. Accept no other. Demand Dr. Shoop’s. Sold by all dealers. PERU NORMAL NOTES Maud Yoeam, of class ’08 Is teaching ut Arabia. Cherry county. Edith DeMers made a dying trip to Lincoln and Falls City recently. Prof. Sutherland of Grand Island college made a visit to Peru last week. O. W. James of Humboldt, of class ’08 is principal of the school of Spring I view. Miss Ferguson of Chicago, a former member of the faculty of this place is visiting friends here. Inez Wachtel went to Auburn Oct 17 to witness the basket bull game of Falls City vs. Auburn. Congressman E. M. Pollard gave an address on the Issues of the day in Normal chappel Tuesday evening. Misses Petrashek of Humboldt and Coleman of Lincoln were among tbose who registered for Tripp county land. The 'first number of the lecture course. International Symphony club, was given Monday, Oct. 19. Six-hun dred season tickets have been sold. The attendance at the Normal this year exceeds that of former years. No doubt the people of Falls City will be pleased to know that their “citi zens of tomorrow” constitute a goodly number of these. Word reaches us that E. K. Hurst, a former graduate of the Normal, is ; again principal of the Falls City High school and is teaching with a consider able increase in salary. He took his basket ball teams to Auburn and de feated tnem in both games. We know something of the strength of the girls team and are keeping an eye on them because we expect to meet them in a 'contest before the year closes. STELLA. Scott Hinkle was a Falls City visitor Tuesday. C. H. Thomas of Lincoln was in town last week. Mrs. Palmer of Shubert was here on Thursday. ft. A. Clark was in Shubert the first of the week. P.obt. Powers of Troy, Kans, whs in town thir week. Miss Linder of northern Nebraska was hern this week. I. \V. Harris was a business visitor in Fails City Monday. C. A. Kedfern went to Auourn the past week on business. % Miss Alice Peabody of Nemaha is visiting her slsscr here. Kleetric lights have been placed in the Missouri Pacific depot. .Joe Unland and C. W. Cbuman of Howe were here Thursday. Will Kutler of Shubert was hereon business one day last week. M. Gilbert sold a car of hogs to Van deventer and Wagner this week. Floyd Young and wife are spending the week with relatives in town. Wrn. Lusk went to Shubert Tuesday to play with the band at that place. Vandeventer A Wagner shipped a car of hogs to Kansas City this week. I. W. Harris bought ten head of steers at ifie J. O. Hooper sale the past ween. R. C. Welch who has been operator of this station at night left Saturday evening for Texas. D. E. Pugh is again in the restaurant with his father. He is in charge of the bakery department. Walter Radinsky is suffering from a sprained ankle, cuused by falling down stairs at Uogrefe’s store. W. H. Wheeler returned Monday from a months stay in the east. He reports a very pleasant trip. Many of the farmers are shucking corn this week after the rain. Florence Reynolds, Arthur Burstler, rnd Walter Radinsky spent Sunday in the country with Nevada Hays. J. M. Stanley a farmer west'uf town sold his orchard to A. Ballard of Kan sas who shipped it to that state the past week. Mrs. Sue Julian of California carne: to this place Sunday afternoon with her father. J. K. Cain for a few days visit with relaliyes. Vanwinkle Kirkpatrick who have been buying apples here finished this week. They have shipped nearly .'10 cars of apples. The telephone company have gotton their new switch board inststalled. The board is much larger than the old one and more handy. J. G. Evans had better than 2500 bis of apples when he finished picking his orchard thus being about 7500 bushels which he shipped. The cider mill resumed work Mon day after a few days shut down. They have about 4,500 bushels of apples on the ground outside the mill. Sam Query a young man who is working east of this place was the only lucky man out of fifty who drew a claim in the Tripp County drawing. S. L. Davies and men of Falls City arrived htre on the afternoon train Tuesday to complete the H. A. Clark residence in the north part of town. Mr. Kirkpatrick of Falls City is here looking after business matters. He says he will remain until Wednesday eventng that he may hear. Hon. C.F. Heavls. Guy Harris returned Thursday from Canada where he had been looking after the harvest on his farm. He had H80 acres of wheat that yielded .'S7 bu. to the acre. Walter Lusk went with the Ottawa foot ball team at Omaha Saturday., The Ottawa team was defeated. On their return Walter stopped off to visit his parents over Sunday. The fall wheat is certainly doing line in this section this kind of weather. Men are not maKing any kick on ac count of the mud as it has been dry long enough to suit them. School will close in most of the nor mals and high schools throughout the state and many of the country schools so the teachers may attend the as-o eiation which will be held in Lincoln. Luther Day will be observed at the Lutheaun church on Sunday,November 8. A short program will be given in keeping with the day and home mis sloes will re remembered with a col lection. Mi's Clark of Kansas City arrived on business. She has bought the SO acre farm from Theo .James for $110 per acre. J. F. Tolly bought 20 acres east of VV. H.Paul’s farm at the same price. Possession will he given the 1st of March. Everybody was fooled Wednesday morning when they came for their mail and found during the night the law had changed and the night man quit at 4 and the day man come on at hi. The mail was delayed considerable on the route that morning. J. H. Wright of west of Howe was a victim of the tornado the first of the week which upset his corndrib. He said that he and his hired man were standing in the shed and all at once they saw the crib raise from the foun dation and fall up side down. tiishop Arnold was over from Hum boldt Friday to look up a location. He will probably buy a business or start a store in the vacant building, where he will handle pianos. Mr. Arnold lived here about 2(1 years ago and says it seems like getting back home when he comes to Stella. Stomach trouble would more quickly disappear if the idea of treating the cause rather than the effect, would eomr into practice. A tiny inside hid den nerve, said Dr. Shoop, governs and gives strength to the stomach A branch also goes to the heart, and one of the kidneys. When these in side nerves fail, then the organs must falter Dr. Shoops Restorative is dir ected speciiieallv to those failing ner ves. Within 48 hours after starting the Restorative treatment patience say they realize a gain. OHIO. Vera Voder visited Lola Sturns last week. Chas. Klshire visited home folks re cently. Walter Coons spent Sunday with his parents Chas. McVVain and family spent a few days in this city. Grace McManus spent Monday with Edna and Vera Shaffer. Grty prine and wife spent Sunday with the,latter- parents. Jts-e Leach man suff ered another stroke j/ paralysis Sunday. fJ. ,/. Prichard returned home from Ablline, Kansas Thursday. Amelia Scbulenberg is spending a few days with Chas. Zentner. Robert Schindler and wife visited with Mrs. C. Brecht Monday. Fred Whitrock and wile were guests of friends near Stella Tuesday. John Strauss anc. family from Abi line, Kansas are visiting relatives here Several ladies spent Thursday with Grandma Allison who is quit© feeble Mabie Auxier spent Monday night with her unce, Geo. Prichard and family. Geo Prichard and wife and Mrs. O. A. Guinn visited at Chas. Whetstines Monday. Mrs. Earl Shaffer is enjoying a visit from her mother, Mrs. Thomas Keck. ler of Manley. Conrad Fehr, John Karston and John Happenhaggen spent Sunday with John Bauer. Mrs. N. Peck and two youngest chil dren sper.t Sunday with Mrs. William Huettner and daughters. A. E. Knisely and wife spent the latter part of the week with the Ut ters parents at Sabetha, Kas. A nice little surprise was planned for Mrs. Geo. Sturns by her many friends but owing to very bad weather only a few were able to attend. The box social that was announced for October .‘11 at the Silver Creek school house has been postponed until November 2. Everybody cordially in vited and the ladles bring well filled baskets Foley’s Honey and Tar cures colds coughs quickly, strengthens the lungs 1 and expels colds. Get the genuine in a yellow package. Marriage License Delbert Deal, Morrill, Ks . 21 Susie Pennington, Salem, Neb. 18 Hoy Perkins, Salem.21 Mabel Salyers, Esterville, la.19 j Are You Only Half Alive People with kidney trouble are so weak and exhausted that they are only half alive. Foley’s Kidney Remedy makes healthy kidneys, restores lost vitality, and weak delicate people are restored to nealth. Refuse any but Foley's. Kerr's Pharmacy. RULO Robert Rates was in Rulo Friday. F E. Kulpof Wvmore was here re cently. J. M. Gustafson of Wymore was here last week Mary Thiltg-es was shopping in Rulo recently. H. S. Morehouse of Reserve was in Rulo last week. Mrs. Emma Wallace was in Falls City last Friday, Mrs. Mary Simmons was a Falls City visitor last week. John Kanaly was a St. Joe visitor one day last week. Essie Marsh is visiting in the coun try at Geo. Taylors. Ed Kermode visited relatives in Au burn the past week. Roy Williams spent Sunday with his | mother rt Fortescue. Mrs. Martin Marsh was i|uite sick the first of the week. Floyd Long of Kansas visited rela tives here Saturday. Mr. Henniger of St. Joe was in this city during the week. The plasterers are now at wgrk on i John Mooney’s house. Stella Graces is able to sit up again after a months illness. Worth Auderson of Fiawatha was a .visitor here Saturday. Agnes Schrader of Preston spent Sunday with her parents. Mrs. Majors of Sedalia, Mo, visited relatives here last week. Fred Jondrow and wife are the proud parents of a 12 pound boy. Mike Richardson of Beatrice spent Sunday with friends here. Cecil Kanaly came down from Salem to spend Sunday at borne. E. O. Perry of Lincoln was here on business one day last week. Miss Laura Paul of Gordon, Neb, was visiting friends here recently. A. T. Sherman of Table Rock wa- a visitor here one day last week. Mr. Majore has moved his barber shop into the Belpier building. Albert Anderson of Wymore was in our city a short time last week. Mrs. dohn Anderson returned from a business trip to Mound City last week. Some repairs are being made on the house occupied by Dr. Richardson. Mack Vastine shipped a car load of apples to the western part of the state. Torn Winterbottom of White Cloud visited his parents here one day last week. Lenu Cuver/.agie returned from an extended visit with relatives in St. Couis. Mrs. Tod McKeiver and family of Falls City visited her parents here last week. Mrs. Harry Bradford of Wymore visited last week here with her mother Mrs. Kern. Maggie Mahon is spending a two weeks vacation with her parents in the country. Vaughn McVey who is working for | Harry Custer at Falls City spent Sun day in Rulo. Will and Walter Graves returned from Verdon last week. They were there packing apples. Mrs. Clyde Adams and baby came down from Lincoln Saturday and they are now keeping house in Mrs.Bowkers property. Mrs. Kern and daughter Mrs. Brad ford went to Falls City Saturday fora few days visit with relatives after which the latter will return to her home in Wymore. Mrs. Thomas Johnson visited friends here last week. She was ■ formerly Miss Matteyne of this place and has been living in Colorado for the past year, but is now moving to Wisconsin. On Wednesday night as train No. 65 was pulling into the side track, it struck a car in the main track in such a manner as to cause the rail to spring out and the engine turned over. It took the combined efforts of two sec tion gangs, and the bridge gang to get tnings righted. The wreck was clear ed up and the track repaired by Thurs day evening. A Jaweler's Experience C. R. Kluger, the Jeweler, 1060 Vir ginia Ave., Indianapolis, Ind., writes, •‘I was so weak from kidney trouble I could hardly walk one hundred feet. Four bottlesof Foley's Kidney remedy cleared my complexion, cured my backache and the irregularities disap- | peared, and I can now attend to busi. ness every day and recommend Foley’s Kidney Remedy to all suflerers as it cured me after the doctors and other remedies had failed. Kerr’s Pharmacy BARADA Fred Stotts wa# over from Shuhert Tuesday. W. A. Cox took a load of apples to Brancroft last week. The Vunk inspector was the guest of E. E. Bolejack, Tuesday. Mrs. .lame# Tillman is visiting her i son in Uockport, Mo, this week. Benjamin Peters of White Owl, S. D, is visiting tiis grandfather Fulton Peters. Y. P. S. C. E. at Big Bethel next Sunday morning, preaching in the evening. Mrs. Chas. Puet‘ was called to Gartlen City, Kansas, tiy the death of her mother. - Mrs. Dr. Reneker and daughter Helen visited this week with Mrs. Nellie Peters. Miss Flossie Wamsley was remem bered with a postcard shower ou her birthday, Monday. The democrats on Wednesday even ing held a rally the candidate# and speakers being Henry Gerdts ami Hall. A number of hunters went coon bunting on Tuesday night, returning at 4 a. m, with two opossums but no coons. School closed in district 20 for a month's vacation Friday. The teacher Miss Yoder, will spend the vacation at her home in Falls City. Chas. Rawlings has sold his farm to Louis Berry of LangUon, Mo. and has moved to Falls City where he intends to make his future borne. A brand new girl at the borne of Leon Vassar which arrived Wednesday. Leon has been interviewing the pboto grauher about baby's picture already. The republicans held a political rally at Sehulenburg ball on Monday night. The candidates present were Zook, Bolejaek, Wiltse and Cain. Frank Reavis was the speaker of the evening. A goodly crowd was in attendance. Willie Capp was badly injured on Tuesday by the water tank failing on him and knocking hi? knee pan en tirely out of place, tie is being cured (or at :he home of J. C. Wilemuc aod as soon as possible will be removed to his home at Falls City. FRANKLIN Ben Uniand. purchased a new gaso line engine. Mrs. C. M. Snoke and son George Were Table Rock v isitors, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore visited with the latters parents in Dawson last week. Hack Stand erford returned from South Dakota where he has beeu look ing after land interests. A large number of the people here attended the horse show in Humboldt, Thursday. John Giesman ran away with a 1st. 2nd, and 3rd prize. Mr. Babeoek got a Amite ribbon on a fine team of two year old colts. Frank Furrow is out at Kimball Co. building a new bouse and other im provements on the larrn he purchased this fall. He and his family will move there in the spring. Rheumatism Do you want to get rid of it ? If so, take Dr. Miles Nervine modified as di rected in pamphlet around bottle. In addition to the direct curative properties it has a soothing effect up on the nervous system by which the rheumatic pains are controlled, and rest and sleep assured. It has made many cures of this painful disease, some of them after years of suffering. If it will cure others why not you. If your case is compli cated, write us for advice, it costs you nothing and may save you prolonged suffering. “I was so crippled that I could scarcely walk. After having mv shoes on for an hour or two I could manage to walk by suffering the pain. Then I began to have pains all through my system. My doctor told me I had an acute attack of inflammatory rheumatism. I read about Dr. Miles’ Nervine, bought a bottle and I com menced to get better from the start and for the past six months have scarcely any pain, and am able to walk as well as ever.*’ _ _ JAB. H- SANDERS, P. O. Box 5, Rockaway, N. J. Your druggist sells Dr. Miles’ Nerv ine, and we authorize him to return price of first bottle (only) if It falls to benefit you. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind