The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 30, 1908, Image 7
Missing; Teeth are Inserted to look perfectly natural by our up-to-date methods of crown and bridge work. Teeth without plates sup-! plies your month with that are as . near the real teeth as art can devise. When your teeth need attention we will } fill, crown or bridge them as only a 1 scientific surgeon dentist can do DR. YUTZY’S BERT WINDLE, l). I). S., Assistant Falls City, Nebraska Hand=Decorated China! See the \vear==a full •, case in the south win dow at CHAS. M. WILSON’S The Falls City Roller Mills Does a general milling business, and manufactures the following brands of flour SUNFLOWER MAGNOLIA CROWN The above brands are guaranteed to be of the highest pos sible quality. We also manufacture all mill'products and conduct a general Grain, Live Stock and Coal Business and solicit a share of your patronage P. S. Heacock & Son Falls City, Nebr. PRESTON * GRAIN and LUMBER CO. When you have Grain or Hoys to market do not foryet that we pay the top price and give you honest weights. ALWAYS GET OUR PRICE BBS When you need anything in ■ Lumber or Builders' Material call on us—we can furnish you anything in this line as cheap as the same grade can be had elsewhere. ALWAYS TRADE AT HOME AND SAVE MONEY PRESTON GRAIN AND LUMBER CO. K haykfargest circulating flue mvmmhin a base: burner! .‘Tj and this,with'the new side! flue heating surface maKesit the STRONGEST HEATER foromount of fuel fused EVER PRODUCED ' « *-*• ' ,/ V*. rfeA/ew ROUND OAK BAS E BURNER. js\wortA*/n vest/gatmg The New Round Oak Base Burner The greatest heater for amount of fuel con sumed ever known in this type of stove. It is a decided improve ment in base burner construction and com bines new and advanced features in flue build ing and control of the fire, owing to fine workmanship. J. C. TANNER Falls City, Neb. LEE P'S LIQUOR EMPORIUM All Popular Brands of Wet Goods with an experienced mixer at your service. Foreign and Domestic Cigars. L. E. LEED, Proprietor FALLS CITY 4HS3-U-C5-* NEBRASKA QUESTIONS BRYAN 1 PREFERS TO HIRE Seven Pointed Queries Propounded I the Democratic Candidate. — Failed to Answer Any of the Question?. Prior to his speech at Omaha .Mr. Ilryan had propounded to him the following pertinent questions by the Omaha Boo. Mr. Bryan did not see lit to attempt, to answer any of them. 1. You, Mr. Bryan, are making muck of Democratic friendship for lal>or. Why is it that practically no legislation to protect labor lias been enacted *n the Southern States in which Demo crats have absolute control? Why are there no child labor laws in the South? Why are there no laws to protect wom en wage earners in the South? Y'ou and your fusion friends had absolute executive and legislative control of Nebraska for several years. Why was no legislation to protect labor passed then? Why did the wage workers of Nebraska have to wait lor succeeding Republican legislatures to remove the $o,tKHt death damage limit, to get an equitable employer's liability act and to get a child lalsir law? ‘2. You, Mr. Bryan, are trying to make your paramount, issue, ‘'Shall the people rule?” The most advanced step toward popular rule has been through the direct primary. Why is it, Mr. Bryan, that your fusion friends when in complete control did not give Nebraska n direct primary law? Why is it that tlic Republicans of Nebraska had to secure the direct primary law over the opposition of the Democrats? Why Is'it that (he progressive Repub lican States lmvc enacted direct pri mary laws to bring the tilling of offices closer lo the people, while in the Demo cratic States of the South direct pri mary laws have been enacted avowedly to disfranchise the people? it. You, Mr. Bryan, are bidding for office on your antitrust remedies. Why is it that all the effective legisla tion against Illegal combinations has been enacted by Republican congresses anil for the most part by ■ Republican State legislatures, while the Demo cratic Slates have no effective anti trust legislation? 4. You, Mr. Bryan, are bidding for labor votes by promising to abolish the writ of injunction in labor dis putes. Do you not know that injunc tion abuses have been chargeable as much to State courts as to federal courts? Can you name a single Demo cratic State which Iras passed a law to prevent the abuse of injunction by State courts? Why was no such law passed in Nebraska when your fusion friends were in complete control? fi. You, Mr. Bryan, are bidding for votes on your scheme of bank deposit guaranty. Oklahoma is the only State that lias put sueli a law on Its statute books. Why have none of the other Democratic States enacted deposit guar anty laws? You, especially. Intro duced such a 1)111 into Congress in (lie early (10‘s. Why did you not get your fusion friends to enact the bill as a State law when they were in complete control of Nebraska? A deposit guar anty bill, which you endorsed, was offered in Congress last winter us a substitute for the Vreeland bill, but only a handful of the Democratic Con gressmen voted for it, the remaining others voting against it or refusing lo vote. The only Democratic Congress man from Nebraska was one of those who refused to vote. If your endorse ment of that bill was unable to make these Democratic Congressmen vote for it last winter, how will you be able to make them vote for It next winterl 6. You, Mr. Bryan, are trying to make much of the popular election of United Stales Senutors. VVe have the statement of Mr Tibbies, made three years ago. that a large sum of money, said to be $15,000 or $20,000, was eon tributed by “Ryan, Belmont & Co.” In 1!KM, through your brother-in-law to ward your campaign for United Steles Senator in Nebraska. Is Mr. Tibbies mistaken in his assertions? If so, why did you not correct them long ago? If not. why did you not put your name on the ballot an a candidate for Senator and ask a vote of popular preference under the Nebraska law which gives you that right? Why did the Demo crats refuse to submit candidates for United States Senator to popular vote in Nebraska in ISDN, in 1900 and lDO*7 7. You. Mr. Bryan, are making much of publicity of campaign contri butions. Nebraska has a campaign pub licity law, but it was enacted, as you know, by a Republican Legislature af ter your fusion State administration had failed to pass such a law. Why is it. Mr. Bryan, that your brother in law and Democratic campaign managers have persistently and willfully violated tiie Nebraska campaign publicity law? Why, if you arc so devoted to campaign fund publicity, were you so insistent that the $30,000 contribution to your campaign made by the Bennett will should be kept secret? The Hon. John W. Kern, Democrat!* candidate for vice president, who visit ed this city yesterday, was "starred” la large headlines In "The Evening Post' as "an optimist." Anvltody who i«i travel these days on a railroad pass ha* good reason for being "an opt* mist."—New York 'lYtbune. BAD ACCIDENT Two Men Injured In a Runaway on Their Way to Morrill Emerson Flickinger, 15. F. El liot, Cyrus McKinzie ami Lon Wagner were returning home from Falla City last Thursday evening, after they had turned south at the John Heisey farm the team be came frightened and started to lun, although all four tried to hold them it was impossible to do so. As they turned the corner at the CIirs. McGuire place the car riage was overturned and the oc cupants thrown out breaking Cy MeKinzie’s collar bone and dislo cating his shoulder. Lon Wagner had his thumb broken and was badly bruised. 15. F. Elliott and Emerson Flickinger escaped with out an injury. The injured boys were taken to the MiGnire home and eared for until C. W. Fliek inger could arrive and bring them to town in his auto. The team was caught near Jake Lichty’s place. The top was completely torn Iroin the carriage. It is not known what the the team became frightened at.—Morrill News. Big Bill Taft Don't you hear tlie boys a coin ing, why tlx? very air in humming, as the republicans are marching in (heir country’s behalf. Bryan please stand from under or you will lie crushed, by thunder, by tin- Republican nominee, Dig Bill Taft, The fanner is thinking, liih eyes they are a winking, as he lis tens while they argue free trade in his behalf. As lie wakes up in the morn, views his 70 cent corn, he says by bee. I’ll vote for big Bill Taft. I remember the hour when the democrats were in power under the Cleveland administra tion they certainly had the pull. ‘Twas the farmer that was sur prised, and ashamed to look his sheep in the eyes, for the Demo crats took the tariff off of wool. The country is prosperous now, what’s the use of raising a row, you never hear the farmer make a squeal. He gets up in the morn, takes his 70 cent corn and buys a "?•').000 automobile. — Stephen (Juaife. Awarded highest honors by the great World's Expositions, and proved of superior strong t: and purity by the official tests. No alum, no lime phosphates Food officials, state and national, ivith physicians, condemn the use of alum in food, and deplore and denounce the dishonest methods by which alum baking powders are imposed upon the public. ■ Our First Snow The first real winter weather came last Thursday night in the shape of quite a heavy snow fall, which continued at intervals throughout Friday ami Saturday. The mercury, however cl id not take much of a drop and the hiiow melted about an fast as it fell, and what remained soon disappeared with the rain which followed. The storm was general and heavy snows have been reported all around us. Now, according to traditions, we will have twenty two snows this winter, as the first one happened on the 22d clay of the month, but this remains to be seen, Private Money. Private money to loan on Real Estate. Mortgages bought and sold. Call at First National Bank. 3-tf A. J. Weaver German Evangelical Ghurch *.): 1 Tj h. m. Sunday school. 10:45 »• in. Sermon. 7 p. ill. Yount; People Alliances 7:30 p. in. Sermon. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. ni. Friday choir practice 8 p. in. Peter Scwmann, Pastor. Notice On account of stormy weather the Wittrock and Rieschick Po land China sale has been post poned until Nov. 0, '08, Chap man's feed yard, H. C. Wittrock, W. F. Rieschick. To quickly check a cold, drusruUts are dinpeubinB everywhere, a clever Clandy fold Cure Tablet called Preven tion at the niitu ze Stape, to head oil all colds. Box of 4S -2oc. .Sold bv all dealers. Cleveland & Son’s One Week Special Sale -- Commencing Friday, October 30 and Ending Saturday, November 7th. SIX BIG LEADERS No. 1 200 pieces Wool 1 )ress Goods Remnants, from i Yz to 4-yard ends, suitable for children’s and misses' dresses. This will be a clean-up on this line and they will <ro at a - o Big Sacrifice No. 2 consists of 50 short ends of Silks in beautiful patterns and late styles. Some of these Silks sold at $1.25 per yard. They’ll £0 in “ 25c to 38c Hijr snap! Come and look them over. No. 3 50 pairs (ierman Finish Cotton Blankets, worth up to 90c per pair. We’ll sell them, while £0^ they last, at.30C Come early if you want in on this bargain. Thev won’t last long! No. 4 We were fortunate in pro curing from a jobber, at a big reduction, ioo Ladies’, Misses’ and Children's Cloaks. These will go in this sale at prices never before heard of in this county. If you want a Cloak call and ex amine these before buy ing. No. 5 We have chosen from our Skirt Department 50 Skirts, in up-to date and stylish patterns, which will be placed in three lots for this sale. Lot l--Uigli Crude Skirts, /h/ ft ft $10.00 sellers. Sale price ^p^J Lot 2--l,’ine Voile Skirts. A IV Aft $*.00 sellers sale price Jp^J Lot 3--Britliantine and Si- ftfc A 4 ft cillian Skirts, worth ■».">. ‘>0. /Hill A A Sale price . V *• No. 6 \\ e have added to our already fine line an ele gant assortment of Ladies Suits. They were bought late and bought right, and the number we have sold proves to us that the bargains we are offering are appreciated by our customers. Special in ducements in this Dept. We have marked down goods in every department for this sale. If you are anticipating purchasing a Fall bill in any line, it will pay you to look over our stock. F. W. CLEVELAND <& SON Where They Sell Goods at the “Right” Price