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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1908)
THE LOCAL LORE HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME. What Your Friends and Their Friends Hava Been Doing the Past Week. Hat Sowles Candy. The agony will soon be over. Dr. Tefft, Dentist, Maddox block, opposite court house. —Cold weather is coming. Get your Coal of C. A. Heck. Mrs. A1 Doerner returned the first of the week from a few week’s visit with relatives in Mis souri. —Why buy a cat in a sack? At our exhibit next week we will show you a Majestic in actual operation. J. C. Tannek. Ed Poteet is now employed as the Pacific expressman in this city, having accepted the position vacated by Louie Davison. Campbell Bros ’ circus closes its season tomorrow in Oklahoma and will go into winter quarters at their home in Fairbury. Mrs. Frank Smith and Miss Maggie McKiever returned Fri day from a few days visit with relatives in Nebraska City. The regular food exchange conducten by the ladies of the Episcopal church will be at Mors mans drug store • Saturday after noon. Joe Miles and Miss Zetta Catn blin went to St. Joe Saturday afternoon for the purpose of wit nessing “Ben Hur” at the Tootle that evening. Be a man and go to the polls Tuesday morning and cast your vote as your conscience dictates. Don't let anything keep you from the polls on that day. Tomorrow night will be Hal lowe’en. You know what that means, so we would advise you to nail fast or lock up everything you don’t want to have moved. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Greenwald left Monday for Montpielier,Ind., to be present at the marriage of their son Guy to Miss Maddox, which event took place Wednes day R. Mead Shumway, convicted murderer of Mrs. Martin of Gage county, has been grant ed a stay of sentence until Jan uary 3. 1909. Shumway was sentenced to be hanged Oct. 30. —The Majestic Manufacturing Co., of St. Louis, Mo , will have a man at J. C. Tanner’s store all next week who will show you how to bake biscuits, brown, top and bottom, in three minutes. Don’t miss this chance of seeing the great cooking wonder. Fred Fetzner on Route 1. came in Monday morning and renewed his subscription to this great weekly. Mr. Fetzner informs us that the corn is about ready to husk and the farmers will soon be busy. Not so busy, however, that they cannot go to the polls next Tuesday and vote for the partv that will keep that same corn at the present price- The farmer knows who his friend is. BEFORE buying a watch you should learn about the HOW ARD—the one Ameri can watch that has real finish and adjustment—real fineness. The Howard is the finest practical time-piece in the world for daily pocket use. New extra-thin model Howard is the first American thin-model we can guarantee as a time-keeper. Every Howard is adjusted in its case, and price-ticketed at the factory—$35.00to$150.00. Price is never cut. We are distributor! (or thii distinctive watch. R. B. SIMPSON North Window of Kerr’s Pharmacy Don't Forget That Winter Weather is Right Upon Us \ Are You Prepared For it? We have just received a full stock of Overshoes, Rubber Boots, Alaskas, Levins, and everything to keep your feet warm and dry. Exclusive Agency for the famous “Ball Brand” line of Rubber Goods. 1 hey’re not made by a trust—none better. “BUY YOUR SHOES AT A SHOE STORE" H. M. Jenne Shoe Store Stereoptican Lecture Rev. R. R. Teeter will give a stereoptican lecture' at the Breth ren church next Sunday evening upon the subject ‘‘Darkest Chi cago and her Waifs.” This is one of the greatest religious, social and political problems of the age. It will be illustrated with 100 striking original slides. Everyone is welcome. An offering will be taken. Misses Julia and Stella Lough ridge, former residents of this city, but now of Lincoln, visited with friends in this city the lat ter part of the week. Miss Stella is a graduate of our high school, and after leaving here took up missionary work, in which she has proven most successful. For the last seven years her field has been in Turkey. She is now en joying a year’s rest from her ar durous duties and visiting with home folks. The young ladies stopped in this city enroute to St. Louis, where they go to at tend a missionary meeting. Dr. Boose reports a baby boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Witt, seven miles north east of Falls City, the little one putting in his appearance last Thursday. Also a baby boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs.Herman Tubach, nine miles northeast of town. All parties are doing nicely. —Wanted—Reliable, energetic man to sell lubricating oils, paint and greases in Richardson and adjacent counties. Salary or commission. — Fairfax Refining Co., Cleveland, Ohio. It Ike Lyon, jr., accompanied Guy Greenwald to Montpieler, Ind., Sunday where he will act in fhe capacity of best man at the Greenwald-Maddox wedding. For those who like variety, the weather of Saturday must have pleased them to perfection, as we were given a liberal supply of all kinds. The people of Auburn are erecting a tabernacle 80x104 feet for the big evangelistic meetings to be conducted there by Reys. Hart and MacGann. Miss Oddie Lapp went to Hia watha Monday to attend the fu neral of Walter Meyer, who was killed while on his way home from Dallas. Rev. R. Cooper Bailey address ed a good crowd at the Dawson opera house on the subject of “County Option,” Tuesday. L C. Edwards and Glen Me Millan saw “Ben Hur” in St. Joe Saturday night, and report a splendid performance. Rev. George L> Neide went to Lincoln Tuesday to attend con vocation and a meeting of the Woman’s Auxiliary. Louie Davison left Sunday for Wichita, Kas., where he expects to make quite an extended stay. Dr. Hays and Terrv Kemist of of Dawson made their usual weekly visit to our city Sunday. Mrs. G. H. Reichel returned Friday from a visit with home folks in Kansas City. Wm. Strunk of Dawson spent Sunday in this city the guest of Murt Sullivan. —Be sure and call at our store one day next week. J. C. Tanner. —Order vour coal of C. A.Heck. Hear J. R. Cain, jr., at the court house Saturday night. Big republican meeting at the court house Saturday night. —Wittrock and Riescliick have big lusty fellows for Nov. 5. Our first snow October 22. Pin this in vour hat for future refer ence. Two mares and two mule colts for sale. Inquire of O. P. Heck. 40-31 Preston Keiser of Humboldt was passing the glad hand on our streets on Monday. Clarence Smith and wife leave tomorrow for California, where they will spend the winter. —Come and see the great cook ing wonder at our store all next week. See ad in this paper. Miss Ethelyn Glasser of Hum boldt was in the city on Tuesday, doing business between trains. Mrs- Dr. Callison and baby of Stella are guests in this city at the home of Dr. I. M. Houston. Karl Rauch of Stella was look ing after business matters in this city the latter part of the week. Jim Mendenhall, traveling freight agent of the B & M-. was the guest of Agent Whitford on Friday. Mr. Bower, proprietor of the Electric theater, who has been quite ill for the past week is now improving. Chas.Loree ana G. H. Falstead returned Friday from Lincoln, where they had been as delegates to the grand lodge of I. O. R- M. Rev- George I. Wright, D. D. will hold quarterly meeting at the First Methodist church next Sunday. Quarterly conference Saturday night. A new platform is being built at the M. P. depot in Hiawatha, a much needed improvement. It will be of crushed rock. The citizens of cement, but are thankful fcr small favors. We would be. too The Auburn Herald gives it out cold that hereafter it will be necessary for the M. P. to derail at least the engine and four freight cars, or two or three pas senger coaches, before it will be recognized by that paper as a news item. Sam Olden was assessed $7 in police court Friday for a little too much Falls City. Charles Downing is being held on the same charge. There were* sev eral white men who needed the same dose. Marshal VanOver confiscated Sam’s jug of whiskey. —Hiawatha World. Next Sunday being the Feast of all Saints, observed for cent uries by the church as a day of solemn obligation, the Holy Com munion will be celebrated at St. Thomas church at 10:45 a. m. The rector will deliver a sermon on “The Saints of God.” Special music by the vested choir. According to the Principal Democratic Pusher the Bryan crowd at Falls City was some where between 20,000 and a mil lion. Isaac Dilley said 7,000; John House 5^000. General ver dict about the same sized crowd Taft had. This would mean 3,000 to 5,000. Anyway the crowd doesn’t mean Bryan votes or Taft votes for voters of all parties were present.—Hiawatha World Victims of Ptomaine Rev. G. F. Reichei and wife were victims of ptomaine poison on Saturday evening which for a time threatened to be serious. Rev. Reichei was unable to at tend to his church duties Sunday morning, but by evening was so much improved as to be able to preach. Both were very sick for a time but have now completely recovered. Word reaches us that the eldest daughter of O. A. Cooper, Mrs. Grace McMurray, is lying dan gerously ill with pneumonia at her home in Ames, Iowa. Mrs. McMurrav has many friends here who will be grieved to hear of ' her condition. One ot the most welcome visit ors to our city is the fish man from Rulo, who comes two or three times a week. In his load Tuesday he had three cat fish weighing 65, 52 and 46 pounds each. Two colored women were solic iting funds in the city during the week for the purpose of building a church for their people in Pueblo. Our citizens displayed their usual liberality. Miss Lois Spencer returned Thursday night from the state meeting of libarians held at Hastings. She reports a splen did meeting and a pleasant time. Drop in and have a cup of coffee and hot buscuits at our store any day next week. Will be glad to see you if you intend to buy or not. J. C. Tannkk. Mrs. Allan D May and little son returned to their home in Auburn, Saturday after spending several days with relatives in this city. Elizabeth Sanford returned Monday from the southern part of Kansas where she held a posi tion in a millinery establishment. Mrs. Sue Smith and daughter of Marshal, Mo., are yisiting in the city with the families of J. R. Cain and Mrs. D. W. Reid. Herman Kloepfel of Rulo was a business visitor in this city Wednesday. The Tribune ac knowledges a pleasant call. Rev. R. Cooper Bailey went to Humboldt yesterday, where he addressed the people in the even* ing on ‘'County Option.” H. M. Jenne fixed up a mighty pretty window for his shoe store this week. Just autumn leaves. What could be prettier. Did you hear of it? Yes,some thing is likely to happen on Dec. 10, 11 and 12. Ask some of the Presbyterians about it. Mrs. Beyette of Nebraska City visited during the week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Lew Beas ley. Mrs. Ray DePutrin and baby of Lincoln are guests of her pa parents, G. W. Holland and wife. Study this week’s Tribune carefully and profit by the bar gains offered by our merchants. Doll Whitaker spent a portion of the week in Stella looking after business interests. —Wanted—Young ladies to take the training.—St. Mary’s hospital, Pueblo, Col. Miss Beulah Meyers of Denver is in the city the guest of Miss Mary Glines. James Bascom spent Sunday with friends in Pawnee City. The Candy Kitchen can furnish you with ice cream, bulk or brick all winter. l)r. Lawrence made a profes sional visit to Fortescuc, Mo. the first of the week. The Humboldt basket ball teams comes next Saturday, Oct. 31, for a double header. We are giving free $7.50 worth of ware at our store next week See ad in this paper for particu lars. J. C. Tannkk. Miss Lillian Banks returned Tuesdav from New York, where she has been for some time under the direction of the great Hun garian pianist, Rafael Joseffy. Karl Marts, wife and children have been in the city during the past two weeks visiting at the home of Sam Marts and wife They left Tuesday for their home in Wymore. John Weber is making sub stantial improvements on his cottage in the north part of town by the building of a commodious addition on tne north. It will soon be completed and John and his wife will have a most com fortable home. Miss Elta Boose was this week added to the corps of teachers in our public schools. Her duties will be at the High school, where the crowded condition has made this extra help necessary. There are now twenty-four teachers employed in our schools. Dr. Beattie of Cotner Univer sity will speak at the Christian church here in the city next Sun day morning and evening. All are invited. Subject for the morning, ‘ The Lord’s Supper, what the New Testament teach es about wnat it is, and why it is observed. Saved his Boy's Life “\ly three year old boy win budly constipated, had a high fever and was in an awful condition. I gave him two doses of Foley's Crino Laxative and the next morning the fever was gone and he was entirely well. Foley’s Orino Laxative saved his life.” A Wolkush, Casimer, Wis. Kerr’s Phar macy. The lirst meeting this year of the Womens chorus was held on Monday evening at the residence of Mrs. Batiks. They are pre paring for the concert that was postponed last spring on account of the revival meetings. The chorus will meet again on Tues day evening at 8 o’clock. It is necessary that all members be in attendance. On Nov. 10th, at the Presby terian church Rev. Dr. Bailey will give another lecture on some phase of Mormon ism. Those who heard his lecture last winter will be glad of this opportunity to hear more of this subject and those who do rot attend will tniss a rare treat The ladies of the Christian church will hold a bazaar Nov ember 27 and 28. The place has not been decided upon, but will be announced later. Mrs- W. K. Davis of Port Townsend.Washington,arrived in the city Wednesday and will spend the winter with her sister, Mrs. J. M. Jellison. The Candy Kitchen will have a sDecial sale Saturday of Straw berry and Vanilla Nut Nougat at 20c per pound and Peanut brittle at 10c per pound. Mrs. Sue Julian returned Tues day from a few days spent with her brother, J. R. Cain, jr., at Stella. Strawberry and Vanilla Nut Nougat and peanut brittle at the Candy Kitchen Saturday. John Towle of Omaha was a business visitor in this city dur ing the week. L. R Chaney of Stella was lining up the democrats in this city Tuesday. —Biscuits baked right in three minutes every day next week at our store J. C. Tannek, Wanted—10,000 bushels of Wal nuts, will pay cash for them—Heck & Harlow. Will Uhlig and wife spent Thursday in St. Joe. F. W. Cleveland was a St. Joe visitor Thursday. ^ Food is more tasteful, ^ healthful and nutri tious when raised with I BAKING POWDER. The only baking powde* made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Made from Grapes 'ABsolutelyr k PURE A