The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 30, 1908, Image 3
A Few interesting Obser A vations by a Farmer A Yerdon, Neb., Oct. 27 190b. Editor Falls City Tribune, Falls J City. Dear Sir—With your per- j m ssiou l will give you a few ob- I servatioua on the present cam- j paign as they occur to me. At the beginning of this campaign I pre dicted that Mr. Bryan would not stay with the policies he then ad vocated four years. Little did 1 think however that he would de sert some of them inside of four months. But be surely has. If any one will take the trouble to exam ine the tiles of any daily paper he will find that in every speech he delivered at the beginning of the campaign he proclaimed himself the legitimate heir of the Roose velt policies and the logical sue cesBor of Roosevelt to carry those policies into execution, for he maintained thut he could and would do this better than Mr.Taft. Does he say so now. Well not that any one can notice, and why? Has Roosevelt changed front? If so lie has not been so charged. Why theu is this true. Simply because Mr. Roosevelt has de clared for Mr. Taft and not Mr. Bryan for president. Now Mr. Bryan lam-basts the president in every speech lie makes, to his (Bryan’s) own detriment for the American people have more faith and confidence in Mr. Roosevelt than they will ever have in Mr. Bryan. Then again 1 am amused at Bryan preaching panic to us western farmers, why bless your soul if we are enjoying a republi can panic, as he sees fit to call it. now, I for one am willing to have it continue nil the time. It seems to me that the editor of the News is terrible and unuec essarily worried because Mr. Pol* 1 lard will not tell him whether or not he will vote fur Joe Cannon for speaker of the next house of representatives, a contingency that is more than a year distant, besides it is yet uncertain that Mr. Cannon will be returned, and he may not be a candidate for the position or he may not be among the living that time. Now if he (the News man) is sincerely and so strongly in favor of publicity of intentions why does he not pump the demo cratic candidates for the legis lature to tind out their position on county option. I think that the farmers who pay the big end of the taxes are entitled to know what our representatives will do for or aga.nst us when they get to Lincoln. Or can the farmers not be trusted to have a say in ihis important matter. Now, Mr. Parmer, il the candi dates do not tru'tyou enough to tell you what they intend to do on this or any other question, can you trust them? I notice ttiat Mr. Taxpayer in the last two publications of his article in the News left off the 1908 tax both state and county and there is a reason tor leaving it off. And the reason is that, the 1908 state tax for this coun ty is less than that for 1907 for this county, and the 1908 coun ty tax is greater than the 1907 county tax. This shows that the state tax under the new valuation of property through out the state has reached its zenith, while the county tax has not. It should be borne in mind that a number of the western counties are paying less under this arrangement than they did under the old, justly too, for their land is much less valuable. Although I know that it is a very unpopular thing to say,yet I am forced to tlie conclusion that the land in this county is not assessed at more than 7."» per cent of its actual value to. day, and any one at all acquain ted with land values here will bear me out in this statement. We should also bear in mind that we have paid off more than three-fourths of our standing debt of about $2,000,000 during the term of Gov. Sheldon, and before he finishes his next term it will be entirely wiped out,and then the state tax can be further reduced. Now I ain ready to admit that I am not as wise as a few men in this county who know exactly what the railroads in the state are worth, and on this knowledge base the state ment that the railroads are not paying their just share of taxes. As I stated before I am not pos ted on this matter, but I am strongly in favor of the coming legislature taking the necessary steps to have the Railway com mission make a physical valua tion of every line of railroad in the state and then levying the tax and freight rates on that valuation. As Gov. Sheldon has already declared himself in favor of this plan, and because I feel sure that the republican candidates for the legislature in this county will cooperate with him, I feel that this great, and in my estimation only just way of regulating freight rates will be accomplished in this state in the near future. And that too by the republican party, for we can have no hopes of any re form from any other party, that is, to judge the future by the past. It seems to me that this pro posed bank deposit guarantee ' law is simply a buyahoo to yet into olHce on. It was yotton up by the politicians and not by the depositors. I would like to know how many depositors were afraid of their deposits beiny lost in any bank in this county last tall or now. Our democrat, ic friends fail to tell us what kind of a guarantee law that they will yive us. If it is no better than ihe one in Oklahoma 1 do not think that it will amount to much in a real panic, j For tlie law there is simply a larger per cent of reserve held in the banks for an emergency. Which is all right in ordinary times when bank failures are, few, but in time of real panic that fund would soon be ex hausted. To get such a law in Nebraska we would simply have to make our 15 per cent deposit reserve about 25 or 30 per cent and then turn it into a guaran tee fund instead of a reserve fund and we will be as well off as they are in Oklahoma. The only absolutely safe guarantee of deposits would be to compel the banks to hold in reserve the entire deposits all the time, but that would raise the interest rates too high to make it prac ticable. Any deposit guarantee law that can be devised will raise interest, i 1 universally adopted, because it would take a large amount of money out of circulation. Yours very truly, G. A. John. Money Several, thousand dollars of private funds to loan on good farm security. Want to place it out at once. Hknky C. Smith A pain perscription is printed upon each 2.') c, box of Dr. Shoop’t Pink Pain Tablets. Ask your doctor or drugnist if this formula is not com plete. Head pains, womanly pains, anywhere net instant relief from a Pink Pain Tablet. Sold by all dealers The Guarantee— von receive, when buying a watch, is worthless to you unless the firm from whom you buy has the necessary facilities to back up the guarantee and make it good. Your new watch may have just a trifling defect, which prevents it from keeping the correct time, yet what good is a guarantee to you if the jeweler that sold it has not the skill to remedy the defect ? Huy your watch of the jeweler who is a competent watchmaker as well and you will avoid disappointment. Jaquet has demonstrated his ability as a watch maker. so it's your protection to buy from him. A. E. JAQUET “The Old Reliable” Jeweler Optician 50 CENTS = PAYS FOR THE Lincoln Daily State Journal WITHOUT SUNDAY From Now Until Jan uary 1st, 1909 75 CENTS INCLUDING SUNDAY EXHIBITION ^ " - - —• — - OF THE——- — -■■ . . »-■.■■■■■ = ■-■■■- ===== GREAT MAJESTIC MALLEABLE AND CHARCOAL IRON RANGE [P - - - —- AT our store t Monday, Nov 2d, FREE! $7.50 Set of VVare!! With every Majestic Range sold during this Cooking Exhibition, we will give abso lutely FREE one handsome set of ware as shown. This ware is worth $7.50 if it is worth a cent. It is the best that can be bought. We don’t add $7.50 to the price of the range and tell you you are getting the ware free, but sell all Majestic Ranges at the regular price. You get the ware free. Remember, this is for exhibition week only. Ware will not be given after this week. This ware is on exhibition at our store, and must be seen to be appre ciated. Come in any day during the week. Make our store your headquarters. Have coffee and biscuits with us. Come, if you intend to buy or not; the information gained will serve you in the future. 18 oz.Nickel-Plaled Copper Tea fettle. Lava Pot & Cover Q'/2 in Bottom Can furnyli Reservoir riujh with top if* desired •1 MAJESTIC MAJESTIC Can 4T furnish Flush Resenfcrr oti ri§ht if , desired V :/ IS GALLON I allcoppia ■ PtStAVOlN ■ Charcoal Iron Nickel Plate<l AU Copper Coffee Pot l*ava Pot<& Cover 10 in. Bottom. 9Xl*m ^ 14‘^ ■ <5X12m. Paien-t Neverburn Wirad Part*. _ 1 * ° Facts About the Great Majestic Range It is the only range in the world made of Malleable and Charcoal Iron. It has, beyond any question of a doubt, the largest and best reservoir. It uses about half the fuel used on other ranges, and does better work by far. The Majestic All Copper Nickeled Res ervoir heats the water quicker and hotter than any other. It is the only reservoir with a removable frame. The Charcoal Iron Body of the Great Majestic Range lasts three times as long as a steel body. Being made of non-breakable material, there is practically no expense for repairing the Majestic. As for baking, it is perfection; not only for a few months, but for all time to come. A Great Majestic Range lasts three times as long as a cheap range, but it don’t cost three times as much. PROOF—We cl on’t ask you to take our word for any of the above statements, but if you call at our store, a man from the factory, where Majestic Ranges are made, will prove to your satisfaction that these are ab solute fucts, and will show you many more reasons wby the Great Majestic is absolutely the best money can buy. Everybody Welcome J. C. TANNER Falls City, Nebraska