The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 30, 1908, Image 1

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    The Falls City Tribune.
Various Kinds of Entertainment by
Individuals, Lodges. Clubs,
Churches, Etc.
The Friends in Council will be
entertained this evening at the
home of Miss Shaffer. The affair
will be in the form of a Hallow
e’en party.
The Sunny Slope kensington
will entertain their husbands at
a seven o clock dinner Wednesday j
November 4 at the home of Mrs.
Harry E. Will.
Mrs. W. E- Dorrington was
hostess to the Christian church
ladies kensington yesterday after
noon. A large crowd wras in at
tendance and the usual good time
The M. E. Kensington met
with Miss Maud Maddox on Wed
nesday afternoon. A large crowd
was in attendance and a p'e/isant
time was had. Refreshments
were served. Miss Maddox was
assisted by Mrs. Dietrich and
Mrs. Schrader.
Mrs. Will Boyd was hostess to
the Sunny Slope kensington Wed
nesday afternoon. The time was
spent in pleasant conversation
alter which an afternoon coffee
was served. Our country ladies
are deriving much pleasure and
benefit by meeting for a social
afternoon with their neighbor.
On Monday night November 2
8 o’clock the Baptists and
their friends are invited to an
m ster supper and asocial even
ing at the Baptist church. This
is for the purpose of becoming
better acquainted and to enjoy
the evening in Christian fellow
ship. No charges will be made.
The Shakespeare club met with
Mrs. C. F. Reavis. Friday, Oct.
23- The lesson was discussed
with much interest by all. In
teresting reports of the bate Fed
eration meeting were given by
Mrs Gist, Mrs. C. F. Reavis and
Mrs. Isham Reavis. Adjouyied
to meet with Mrs. V. G. Lyford,
Vov. 6.
Wednesday afternoon Sorosis
met with Mrs. Ewalt as hostess.
The club was favored by several
piano selections by Mrs. Frank
Schaible. A splendid report of
the State Federation convention
which was held in Omaha was
given by Mrs. Ewalt- An ex
cellent review of ‘‘Life Radiant”
was given by Mrs. Gist. An
article on “Petrified Forest of
Arizona” was read by Mrs. Jen
nings. Refreshments were ser
ved during the social half hour.
Club adjourned to meet with Mrs.
Jaquet. November 11.
To Give Recital
Mrs. and Miss Banks assisted
by the Women’s Chorus and
Palls City Orchestra will give a
recital about the 20th of No
vember for the benefit of the
Baptist church.
Miss Banks has just returned
from New York where she has
been under the instruction of
Rafael Joseffy, the great Hun
garian pianist and teacher
whose approval of her work was
very gratifying, to her friends,
as for instance on one occasion
when he exclaimed:
‘‘Whv, vou trill like a little
Elected Secretary
At the state meeting of li
brarians at Hastings last week,
Miss Lois Spencer.our librarian,
was elected secretary of the as
sociation The choice could not
have fallen upon one more capa
ble,and while it will mean much
extra labor,tile members through
out the state may rest assured
that all her duties will be look
ed after with promptness.
Walter Meyers of Hiawatha Found
Dead at Paul, Neb.
Walter Meyers, of Hiawatha,
well known to a numbe'r of our
citizens, met a sad and untimely
end at Haul, Neb., during the i
past week. Mr. Meyers xfllMC to
this city October 15. and from
here started for Dallas, South !
Dakota. He had been ailing for I
some time, and when he reached |
Omaha he was a very sick man.
A traveling man noticed his con
dition, took him from the train
and cared for him until relatives
irom Hiawatha came after
him. Oscar Meyers, a brother
arrived, in answer to a telegram,
and started back to Hiawatha
with the sick man. Placing him
in a berth Oscar went to the chair
car and fell asleeD. After leav
mg Paul, Neb., Oscar went to
the brother’s berth to find it
empty. He immediately went
back to Paul and commenced his
search but to no avail and two
days after arriving at his home
in Hiawatha received word that
a dead man had been found in a
field near Paul, which proved to
be the lost one. The supposition
is that Walter, in his delirium
had wandered from the train, and
as he was subject to Jieart failure,
this is assigned as the cause of
his death.
The body was taken to Hiawa
tha, where the funeral was held
Zook, Bolejack, Ward and Wiltse
Will Also Be There
It will be a fitting finale to our
local campaign when J. R- Cain,
jr., candidate for state senator
addresses our people at the court
house tomorrow(Satuiday) night.
Mr. Cain is thoroughly versed on
all the issues of the day, and be
ing a superior orator, will pre
sent his theme in a manner which
cannot fail to please and carry
conviction. He is known to all
of our people- having been born
and leared among us, and as
“home pride” seems to be one of
the important questions put to
our people, show the same by
going to hear Robert Cain Sat
urday night.
• O. E. Zook, S. H. Bolejack,
Geo. C. Ward, candidates for rep
resentative, and John Wiltse,
candidate for county attorney,
will all be there and lend their
aid in making this one of the
best meetings of the campaign.
Be at the court house Saturday
evening, October 31st
Alf Page Died at His Home in Daw
son on Wednesday
News reached this city Wed
nesday that Uncle Alf Page had
died at his home in Dawson that
morning after an illness of sev
eral months.
Uncle Alf was one of the earli
est settlers in this county, and in
his younger days was a promi
nent leader in democratic circles
in the west end, and was well
known in political circles. His
wife died about five years ago.
The funeral will be held Friday
at 2 o’clock.
Humboldt and Falls City to Play
Double Header Saturday
I '
; The basket ball teams of Hum
boldt and Falls City will meet for
a double header in this city Sat
urday afternoon. If the weather
i permits the games will be played
on the High School campus, if
not they will be played in the
Jenne opera house at 2:30 p. m.
We have two of the best teams
in Southeastern Nebraska, and
Humboldt claims to have as good
so a fine exhibition is promised.
Admission 25 cents. Entour
age the young people by your
Before The Tribune is issued again the vote
will be cast.
The reader of this may be a democrat or a
republican. But whether one or the other he has
certain personal interests to be served.
Bad times are no respecter of persons. Each
suffers alike in the general depression.
It is a duty you owe to yourself, your family
and the general community to cast your ballot
in a way that will contribute to your interest,the
material well being of your family and the gen
eral welfare of the entire community.
In 1892 Mr. Bryan debated with Allen W.
Field through this district. In all of these de
bates he promised a reduction in prices under
the democratic idea of tariff. He was elected
and helped frame a democratic tariff.
Will you for the moment consider what this
tariff did to the American farmer?
The last year of this tariff was 1890.
Then the republican party came into power
under the late President McKinley and a repub
lican tariff was enacted.
The last year under the republican tariff is
the present year of 1908.
We would like to have you compare what
farm products were worth in HOC, the last year
of Bryan’s tariff, and wljfit they were worth in
1908, the last year of republican tariff.
The following prices are taken from the
Chicago Board of Trade, June 1st, 1896, and
June 1st, 1908:
1896 1908
$ .27f.corn.$1.00
3.20. hogs .7.85
Total valuation of farm products:
1896 1908
877,169,414.. ...cattle. 1,502.995,000
166,273,000_.hogs. 359,030,000
Total bank deposits:
1806 I ;k 18
Total money in circulation:
1896 * 1908
$ 1,506,434,966.$3,945,457,289
“But, says our democratic friend, the things
we buy cost us so much more.”
They undoubtedly do, and it would be rather
a mean man who would not want the entire na
tion to share in the prosperity.
However, the cost of living has not increased
in any measure with the advance in the price of
farm products or the wages of labor.
10 bushels of wheat would buy:
1896 1908
20.9 lbs.No. 7 Rio coffee. . .. 80.2 lbs
56.8 lbs.....sugar .113.5 lbs
49 yds .calico . 92 yds
95 lbs..8 penny nails.244 lbs
10 bushels corn would buy:
1896 ~ 1908
141 lbs.sugar ..198
122 yds.calico. 169
219 lbs.8 penny nails.429
100 pounds hog would buy:
1896 1908
27 92
74 lbs.sugar.145
64 yds.calico.Ill
115 lbs...8 penny nails.287
The above comparisons could be followed
with the same result on everything the farmer
sells or buys. In giving the increase in the
value of farm products, which is in some in.
stances (horses) as high as 400 per cent, we do
not include the increase in the value of your
farms. You all know how much farm values
have increased since the day of the late Presi
dent Cleveland and a democratic tariff. “But,
says our democratic friend, it just happened. It
is a chance, a coincidence.”
But is it?
President Harrison, administration had a re
publican tariff and prices were good!
President Cleveland succeeded Harrison and
enacted a democratic tariff and prices w’ere bad,
very bad.
President McKinley succeeded Cleveland
and enacted a republican tariff and prices were
good, very good.
Never under a democratic tariff have prices
been good!
Never under a republican tariff have prices
been bad!
Why experiment?
Why not play safe?
Why not let well enough alone?
Why not vote for yourself, your family and
the general welfare?
To Be Held in Falls City, Thursday
November 12
Tin- Richardson County Sunday
school convention will he held at
i Falls City, Thursday, Nov. 12,and
j the officers have planned some,
thing especially good in the iine
i of talent heretofore iinpogsshle to
I secure, untii they adopted the co
operative plan. Mr. Charles I).
j .Meigs, of Indianapolis, Imi., a
| specialist, who has devoted his
■ life to lie Sunday sellout work,
' will he present on a tour of all the
j counties in the First district and
will give to those teachers and
others who attend the benefit of
his experience along this line of
work. He was for seven years
the very successful general secre
tary of the Indiana association
and three years the general secre
tary of the Texas association, be
ing mainly responsible for the
splendid development and high
position now occupied by the as
sociation work in these two great
The many more extended an
nouncementa will appear Inter, but
all interested would do well to lay
their plans to be in Falls City on
the 12th.
Colored Woman Found in Her Bed
With Skull Crushed
On last Thursday morning
about 7:30 o’clock when Isabella
Baker, a colored woman, went
to the home of Miss Ellen Shives
another colored woman, it was
to find her dead in her bed, she
having been struck over t„e
head with the sharp edge of an
axe, which had always been
used to keep the Kitchen door
closed, the blow splitting the
skull. There is no clew as to
the murderer and no motive can
be shown for the awful deed.
Miss Shives was an old south
ern negro, about 55 years of
age. She had been a slave in
the tobacco fields when a young
girl, but had lived in Kansas
since the close of the Civil war.
Several letters were on her bed
when she was found, but none
of them furnish a clew, and so
far the case is enshrouded in
the deepest mystery.
Uncle Sam's Headquarters at
Straussville Entered
On Wednesday morning when
George W.Shurms, postmaster at
Straussville. opened up his place
of business, which is a general
store and postofhce combined, it
was to find that the same had
been entered during the night,
and an investigation disclosed the
fact that the thieves had goiton
away with considerable booty.
The postoftice safe had been
blown open, and the scientific
manner in which it was done
proves it was the work of an ex
pert. The thieves secured about
I $110 in stamps and cash, and
j there was quite a quantity of
knives, cigars and tobacco taken
from the store.
Entrance was made through a
window, and up to date no clew
has been found as to the guilty
party or parties.
The Entire County Has Been Visit
ed By the Candidates and
Prominent Speakers
Saturday night will practically
close the campaign in this sec
tion, so far as speaking is con
cerned. The past week has been
a busy one, of the whirlwind var
iety, as the entire county has
been covered and large and en
thusiastic meetings held in every
voting precinct.
On Monday night C-K. Reavis,
J. R. Cain and the candidates
visited Barada. The meeting
was held in the Shulenberg hall,
which was far to small to accom
modate the large crowd present,
and many were unable to hear
the splendid talks given by the
several speakers. A large major
ity of the voters of both Baradas
were there, and nothing but en
couraging news comes from that
The same is true of the meet
ing in I’reston on Tuesday even
ing. Those who were unable to
bear C. F. Reavis a week ago on
account of the bad weather, were
out enmasse on Tuesday night,
and all were as a unit in saying
it was without exception the very
best talk they had ever listened
to. J- E Leyda was with Mr.
Reavis on Tuesday evening, who
also gave his hearers much food
for thought,which is sure to bear
good fruit next Tuesday.
Another splendid meeting was
that held in Salem Tuesday even
ing with A. J. Weaver, J. K
Cain jr., and the candidates in at
tendance. each sowing seed
which will yield a big republican
harvest, as will be proven on
November 3.
On Wednesday evening C. F.
Reavis and the candidates spoke
to a crowded house in Stella- As
this is the home of our next state
senator J. R. Cfin. we know
what the result will be from that
quarter. On the same evening
j. K. Cain and A. J. Weaver
looked after the voters in Spciser
precinct. Senator Norris Brown
spoke to large crowds in Hum
boldt on Tuesday afternoon and
in Sbubert the same evening at
8 o’clock.
Every meeting this week with
out one exception has been well
attended and full of enthusiasm,
and from the present prospects
nothing can head off the big
republican majority on next
Tuesday. The meetings for the
remainder of the week will be as
Arago, October 29—C. F. Reav
is, J. R. Cain and candidates.
Verdon, October 30—C. F.
Reavis, J R Cain and candidates.
Falls Citv. October 31—J. R.
Cain and candidates. \
Rulo, October 32—C.F. Reavis.
A. J. Weaver will speak in
Pawnee county on the 2f*th, 30th,
and 31st.
Falls City Man Honored
At the meeting of the grand
lodge of I. O. R. M. in Lincoln
last week, that body displayed
good judgment when the confer
red the honor of Great Prophet
upon our townsman, Chas. Loree.
Mr. Loree is well versed in lodge
work and will discharge the duties
of his office in a creditable man
In J. C. Tanner\ ad last week
there was a slight mistake made
in the dale of the big cooking
exhibition. It read “Monday,
November 3rd,” when it should
have been “Monday, November
2nd. ”