* MARKET LETTER From Our Regular Kansas City Stock Yards Correspondent Kansas City Stock yards,Oct. 11* The market last week was very uneven, opening with a good gain tirst of the week, but clos ing with all of the advance lost, and in the case ot stockers and feeders, a little more. The run today is 23,000 head, slightly less than a week ago, but still indicating that it will be a few weeks yet before the range cat tle receipts cease to form the bulk of the total supply. The market today is weak on steers, and 5 to 10 lower on cows, the decline mainly because of a big run and lower prices at Chicago today. Stockers and feeders are weak today also, as the dry weather is having a bad effect on the demand from various points in Kansas and Missouri. Reports of rain in Kansas to day, and indications of rain for Missouri tonight and tomorrow, are of some benefit to the mar ket today, but this week will be a good opportunity to secure cheap cattle, as there was jlOOO more stockers and feeders held over from last week than at the end of the previous week, and as great a number as at the end of any week this fall. Some show steers sold at $8 last week, but top on the open market,out side of the Harbaugh steers from Nebraska on Monday, which were on the show order, and brought $8, was $7,130, and only a few cattle above $(>.90. Grass steers are selling at $13.40 to $4.90, cows $2.00 to $3.60, top cows $4.25, top heifers $5.25, bulls at $2 to $3.40, calves $3.50 to $6.50, stockers $2 80 to $4.30, feeders $3.50 to $4.60. Hog prices declined another 50c last week, making the loss for two weeks $1, market $1.35 lower than three weeks ago. when the big decline set in The run is 12000 today, market 10 to 20 lower, top $5.70, bulk $5 to $5.60. Average weight is light est ever known here, less than 180 lbs, but quality is fairly good, 'considering the light weight. Receipts are running twice as heavy as at this time last year, and heavier than ever before at this point in October, but local packers are buying them iree.y, and prices here are above competing markets. Sheep recepts are smaller than a lew weeks ago, and prices are slightly lower than a week ago. Packers claim the outlet has narrowed down, but there has been no break in the market, ouly a slight weakness. Run is 11000 head here today, market about steady, no choice lambs here, top $5.50, fair to good lambs $5 to $5.40, yearl ing’s $4.40. wethers $1.30, ewes $4.20. Demand from the coun try is large, but prices are not more'steady with a week ago, lambs $4.35 to $4.Hj, stock and feeding sheep $3.50 to $4.10, breeding ewes up to $4 40. The State Journal is trying awful hard to get people to give that daily a trial. Its offer now is to send the paper from date until January 1, 1909, for only 50c without Sunday, or 75c with Sunday. The publishers feel sure that anyone who tries The State Journal will stick. How ever, they have adopted an ab solute rule of stopping every subscriber when his term is out. It there is anything that makes a tnan mad it is to subscribe for a city daily and then have to tigut with the publishers to get it stopped or pay for something he doesn’t want. The Journal’s new plan will be popular. Boys and Girls to Omaha Prof. E. C, Bishop, deputy state superintendent ot public instruc tion lias announced that the con veution of the Nebraska Boys’ agricultural society amt the Ne braska Girls' Domestic Science association, will meet in Omaha, December 11 during the National Corn exposition. More boys and girls in Nebraska are interested in these associations and the work they are doing than ever before and the most conservative esti mates place the number who wilt attend the meetings of the young people in Omaha at between 2,'>0U and 3,0o0. The oppprtunity offered of at tending the meetings and at the same time seeing the National Corn Exposition is an unusual one, "as it will show the young people what it is possible to ac complish along agricultural and industrial lines of education. They will see the results of the work they are doing in advance, as it were, and the exposition will doubtless be an inspiration to the boys and girls of Nebraska. Prof. Bishop also announced thirty-four counties in Nebraska have now arranged for local con tests and lectures and the Univer sity of Nebraska has detailed a number of competent judges to assist in handling the local con tests. From the prize corn in the different contests, the counties will select their samples for entry in the various classes at the Na tional Corn Exposition in Omaha. Women Interrupts Political Speaker A well dressed woman interrupted a political speaking recently by con tinually coughing. If she had taken Foley's Honey and Tar it would of cured her cough quickly and expelled the cold from her system. The genu ine Foley’s Honey and Tar contains no opiates and is in a yellow package. Refuse substitutes. Kerr’s Pharmacy. OUR LECTURE COURSE Totten, the Magician Will be the Second Attraction The second number of the Falls City lecture course will be given at the opera house Wed nesday evening, Oct. 2Hth. The attraction is Totten, the magi cian.humorist ancl impersonator, who is a genuine artist in his line, and should have a lull house. Season tickets for the remaining live numbers of tne course may be secured for SI either from Robert Steele or at Gebling’s b'akery. Huy a season ticket and get your moneys worth and help the cause at the same time. What Are Your Boys and Girls Reading? They are bound to read some thing. They will read trash unless you give them something better that is equally interest ing. Try The Youth’s Compan ion There is plenty uf adven ture in the stories, and the heroes and heroines are of the real kind, finding in the line of duty opportunity for courage and usefulness. More than 250 such stories will be published in the 52 issues of the new vol i ume fur 1909. There will be fully as many articles, sketches and reminiscences to impart useful irilormaUon in the most agreeable way, fami 1 iarzing The Companion's readers with the best that is known ami thought in the w or Id. Pull illustrated announcement of The Companion lor 1909 will be sent to any address free with 1 sample copies of the paper. The new subscriber who atj once sends for I909(adding 50c for extra postage if lie lives in Canada) will receive free all tile remaining issues of 1908, be sides the gilt of The Companion's Calendar for 1909, entitled “In Grandmother’s Garden,” 1 itho graphed in 13 colors. The Youth's Companion. 144 Berkeley St.. Boston. Mass. Evangelistic Meetings Rev. <1. 11. Tobias, the Kansas Conference Evangelist, will eon duet a series of meetings in the German Evangelical eliurch. be ginning on the 30th of October. All Germans are invited. HAD QUIT WORK READY TO GIVE UP IN DESPAIR Restored to Health By Vlnol "I was sick, run-down and Anally had to give up work. After trying a number of remedies and several phy sicians, 1 was just about ready to give up In despair. I saw Vlnol ad vertised and decided to try It, and It has done more good for me than all other means combined. It has built me up and restored my strength until I now feel twenty years younger, and am able to attend to my work again as usual.” Job JeavonB, 103G Lind street, Wheeling, W. Va. The reason Vlnol Is so successful in such cases Is because It contains tonic iron and all of the strengthening blood-making and body-building ele ments of cod liver oil, but no oil. Vinol Is unexcelled as a strength creator for old people, delicate children, weak, run-down persons, and after sickness—and Is the best known rem edy for coughs, colds and bronchitis. We return your money If Vlnol falla to give satisfaction. A. G. WANNER, Falls City. Net REPUBLICAN DATES Many Meetings to be Held During Next Two Weeks The' republican candidates for the leg slatureaud county attorney will hold meetings at the follow ing places and on the following (lilies; Humboldt, t )et, 2H. Speiser precinct at Stauffer's school house. t tet. 21 Barmin, <)ct. 2li Shubert, f tet. 27. Salem, Oct. 27. Stella, Oct. 28. Arago, at the town hnll,'Oct. 21). VeI (loll, ( tet. HO. These meetings will lie held at about 7 o’clock, p. m. The candi dates will be accompanied at each meeting by an able and prominent speaker. At ilie meetings to be held in linlo, Oct 22, and in Humboldt, Oct. 2H, Congressman E. M. Pol lard will be present and deliver add l osses. We bespeak for these meetings a good attendance and we assure the peoj le they will be well pleased Republican Oen. Com. Poland China Sale We will sell 40 males and 10 gilts at Chapman’s feed yard, Saturday, Oct. 24. The kind we usually offer, big, lusty, growthy fellows. If interested ia a good Poland China, come in sale day. 39 t2 H. C. WlTTROCK W. P. Rieschick Money Several thousand dollars of private funds to loan on good farm security. Want to place it out at once- IIrnky C. Smith Saved his Boy's Life “My three year old boy was badly constipated, bad a high fever and wan In an awful condition. I gave bim two doses of Foley's Crlno Laxative and the next morning the fever was gone and he was entirely well. Foley’s Orino Laxative saved his life.'1 A Wolkush, Casimer, Wls. Kerr's Phar macy. COOKING EXHIBITION _ _ _ ■ OF THE= ' " ■--= GREAT MAJESTIC MALLEABLE AND CHARCOAL IRON RANGE COMMENCING Monday, Not 3d.'08 Ml K FREE! $7.50 Set of Ware!! With every Majestic Range sold during this Cooking Exhibition, we will give abso lutely FREE one handsome set of ware as shown. This ware is worth $7.50 if it is worth a cent. It is the best that can be bought. We don’t add $7.50 to the price of the range and tell you you are getting the ware free, but sell all Majestic Ranges at the regular price. You get the ware free. Remember, this is for exhibition week only. Ware will not be given after this week. This ware is on exhibition at our store, and must be seen to be appre ciated. Come in any day during the week. Make our store your headquarters. Have coffee and biscuits with us. Come, if you intend to buy or not; the information gained will serve you in the future. 16 oz.Nickel-Plated ^ Copper Tea Ifettlfr. I Lava Pot & Cover Q‘/2 in .Bottom. r ~ Can Pumijh Reservoir Plujh with top if desired Can furnish tlushfesenfoir on right if ]1 desired i Nickel Plated All Copper Coffee Pot lyava Pot- <& Cover 10m. Bottom. 9X14 in <3X12 in.. Patent Neverburn VVired Drippincr Pans • _ri ° Facts About the Great Majestic Range It is the only range in the world made of Malleable and Charcoal Iron. It has, beyond any question of a doubt, the largest and best reservoir. It uses about half the fuel used on other ranges, and does better work by far. The Majestic All Copper Nickeled Res ervoir heats the water quicker and hotter than any other. It is the only reservoir with a removable frame. The Charcoal Iron Body of the Great Majestic Range lasts three times as long as a steel body. Being made of non-breakable material, there is practically no expense for repairing the Majestic. As for baking, it is perfection; not only for a few months, but for all time to come. A Great Majestic Range lasts three times as long as a cheap range, but it don t cost three times as much. PROOF—We don’t ask you to take our word ior any of the above statements, but if you call at our store, a man from the factory, where Majestic Ranges are made, will prove to your satisfaction that these are ab solute facts, and will show you many more reasons why the Great Majestic is absolutely the best money can buy. Everybody Welcome J. C. TANNER Falls City, Nebraska .___ _————~