The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 23, 1908, Image 5

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What Your Friends and Their
Friends Have Been Doing the
Past Week.
— Eat Sowles Candy.
Dr. Tefft. Dentist. Maddox block,
opposite court house.
—Cold weather is coming. Get
your Coal of C. A. Heck.
Mr. and Mrs. Syster of Reserve,
Kas., were shopping in this city
Mrs. Frank Smith and Miss
Aggie McKeiver went to Nebras
ka City, Monday, to attend the
stock show and visit friends.
A1 Doerner this last week
purchased the interest ot his part
ner. John Benschoter, in the
Star livery barn and hereafter
will be the sole proprietor.
John Buchholz was seen on the
streets again Saturday, having
almost recovered from his recent
injuries received by falling from
a disc a couple of weeks ago.
J. B. Davis, captain of the west
end democratic forces, came down
on the Bryan special Thursday
and mingled with the crowd in
this city. He accompanied the
peerless as far as Stella.
Mrs- Tom Sare is in the city
the guest of her daughter, Mrs.
Grant Sperry. Mrs. Sare is on
her way to her home in Maitland.
Mo., after an extended stay in
Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Wirth
and son and daughter Kobert and
Louise, spent a few davs the
latter part of the week guests of
Frank Smith and wife. They
were on their way home to To
peka from Nebraska City making
the trip in their elegant Buick
Chas Xoeller and family left
Saturday for their new home in
Happy, Texas. Charley has been
a resident of this county since
boyhood, and numbered among
our best citizens, is one we can ill
afford to lose. We wish them
abundant success, however, in
their new home, and that all their
hopes may be realized.
Chas. A. Calnan, managing
editor of the Kansas Democrat,
was among the many Kansas
oeople in the city last Thursday.
Mr. Calnan made this office a
pleasant call. He is a staunch
democrat and tried to convince
the Tribune that Bryan will be
our next president, but we
couldn't see things that way.
One of the latest and best cam
paign postal cards we have seen
was handed us by a friend during
the week. It is a Nebraska cuc
koo clock with the face of the
“peerless”on the dial, and below
is this inscription, “Will run
every four years if properly
wound,’’ and “if the alarm does
not work this time look out for
is safely placed in the materi
al. the styles, distinctiveness
of any suggestion we make
regarding our lines. We enjoy
going into details of the mak
ing and materials, pointing out
the elements of strength, or
weaknesses, as the case may
be--of showing you why every
article should be scrupulously
examined to meet certain
wear conditions. You get the
benefit of our technical know
ledge and also of our clean
cut up-to-date business
George Gilligan, who has been
attending school at Mexico, Mo.,
catne home last week. George
has been feeling badly lor some
time, and steadily grew worse,
until he finally made up his mind
to come home, and we are sorry
to state that he is now confined
to his bed with typhoid fever.
While moving some crates in
the Fred Schmidt grocery store
Wednesday, Cass Mead struck
his hand on a nail which was
protruding, causing a painful in
jury. The hand was lacerated
quite badly and Cass will be
somewhat handicapped in his
work for a time.
Dr. Griffith and family of Yer
don, moved to this city Monday,
having decided to locate here.
They are living in the house
lately vacated by Dr. Greene and
family, in the north part of town.
The special song and praise
service which was to be held two
weeks ago at the Baptist church
will take place Sunday night.
Don’t tniss it. Everyone is wel
Hal Sowles and wife were in
the city the latter part of the
week for a short visit with their
parents and friends. They left
Saturday for their home in St.
“Jane Eyre” at the GehHng
Friday evening drew a fair sized
crowd. The show was good and
presented by a good company,and
everyone was pleased.
Miss Morsman arrived in the
city Thursday night from Oska
loosa, Iowa, and will spend the
winter with her parents, Dr. and
Mrs. Morsman
Mrs. J. R. Wilhite was called
to Kansas City Tuesday, by the
illness of her son, J. M- Schoen
heit. who is suffering with rheu
Mrs. Wm. Walker and daugh
ter Helen, of Colorado Springs,
were guests of Mrs. Katherine
Rieger the latter part of the
There were twenty-six auto
mobiles in the perade on Bryan
day. A pretty good showing to
be made by the calamity howlers.
Mrs. Dr. Fast, Mrs. Charles
Hargrave and Mrs. Joe Varner
spent Tuesday in the country,
guests of Mrs. George Prichard.
The Misses Meyer of Hiawatha
were among the Kansas crowd in
the city Thursday. They were
the guests of Miss Oddie Lapp.
The rains the first of the week
were a great relief after the aw
ful seige of wind and dust we
have experienced.
Elmer Hoselton of Preston was
in the city Saturday arranging
for his big stock sale to take place
today, Friday.
Ed Poteet returned Monday
from Guthie, Okla., where he
had been visiting relatives for
several weeks
Ed Burris of Peru was in the
city the first of the week looking
after business and visiting his
many friends.
H. E- Boyd was down from
Humboldt Saturday evening,
mingling with his many old
Chas. Sloan and Mr. Towle of
Norcatur, Kans., were in the city
Sunday visiting friends and rela
Mrs. Rev. G. F. Reichel is visr
iting her home in Kansas City.
She will return Friday.
Harry Thomas and wife of
Hiawatha, heard Bryan in this
city Thursday.
C. H. Rickards was visiting
with his many friends here dur
ing the week.
S. A. Little was looking after
business matters in St. Joe on
Judge Reavis was a business
visitor in Lincoln a portion of the
w eek.
John Hossack returned Monday
from a few days stay in Stella.
Mat Moore of Humboldt was in
town the first of the week.
M. J. LaBlanc of Rulo, was in
the city Monday.
Order vour coal of C. A.Heck.
J.Morris of Stella was a visitor
in Falls Citv Sunday.
Billy Bell of Omaha is the
guest of his many old friends in
this city.
The colored folks enjoyed a
dance at Wahl's hall Monday
Wanted 10.000 bushels of Wal
nuts, will pay cash for them Heck
& Harlow.
I. N. Lyons and son, Ike, re
turned yesterday from their ex
tented eastern trip.
The Humboldt basket ball
teams conies next Saturday, Oct.
31, for a double header.
Sain and Ewing Ward of Rulo
were looking after their attrac
tions here Sunday evening.
Frank Gabbertof Los Angeles,
is the guest of JefT Prater and
wife who live across the line.
Ray Zimmerman, Ralph and
Ben Hilly, Saui Bierer and Ernest
Sevey of Hiawatha, saw Bryan
here Saturday.
The Presbyterian ladies will
conduct their food exchange at
Morsman’s drug store Saturday
Mrs. Colgan of Kansas City,
and soil Fred Colgan, business
manager of the Record of Mex
ico City, Old Mexico, were guests
at the home ot Dr. Mathers the
past week.
Miss Lois Spencer left Tuesday
for Hastings to attend a meeting
of the state librarians. Miss
Mamie Hutchings will attend to
the library work here during Mies
Spencer’s absence.
—The attention of the ladies is
called to the elegant lint of hair
goods on display at the Patzman
Sisters millinery store. You can
get anything you wish in the way
of switches, puffs, curls, etc.
R. T- Jellison of Belleville,
Kas.,spent Monday with relatives
in this city. In speaking of the
political situation in his section,
Mr. Jellison says that democrats
are scarcer than hen’s teeth in
Republic county.
L. H. Rohmeyer of Auburn,
who has decided to publish a
German paper in this city, was
here Friday to complete his ar
rangements. He expects to send
out the initial copy on or about
the 28th of October.
F. W. Samuelson came down
from Lincoln the first of the
week. He was on his way to
Kansas City and stopped here for
a short visit. Mr. Samuelson
called on the Tribune and renew
ed his faith in the paper of his
J. J. Bauer was in the city
Tuesday bidding his friends good
bye. Mr. Bauer and family leave
today for their new home in
Happy, Texas. Of course he ar
ranged to have the Tribune fol
low him so he can keep posted on
the news from home.
After a social function in this
city Friday afternoon a number
of the guests were taken serious
ly ill, caused so the physicians
say, from eating ice cream. A
number of our doctors were kept
busy most of the night and in
several cases most alarming
spmptoms were deyeloped.
The Christian church has asked
Dr. J. A. Beattie of Cotner
University to act as pastor of the
church until the church can ar
range for some one to live here
Dr. Beattie is known to many
people in the citv having been
here at different times. The
members of the church invite the
friends to attend and to worship
with them.
Men who wanted to see the i
New York-Chicago ball game
stood in line as early as 5 a. m.
Roy Heacock, a Falls City ball
player, got in line that early to
see the games between the win
ners of the American and the
National associations of Chicago.
He got in line as soon as he
reached the town and had noth
ing to eat, but some peanuts and
had nothing to eat, but some
peanuts and popcorn until after
the game was over.—Hiawatha
Word has been received recent
ly bv relatives in this city of the
marriage of Miss Flora Foley and
; Roy Jenkins at McCook on Sept.
| 12. The news came as a great
I surprise to their many friends in
this city, and while it may be a
little late, they all unite in ex
tending congratulations to the
young couple.
Heck Harlow are the proud
possessors of a line new team
purchased this week. They are
blacks, a perfect match, and as
good a team as can be found any
place. The linn may well feel
proud of such a possession.
Col. Marion, our auctioneer,
who is about the busiest man in
these parts, informs us that he
has a few open dates between
now and the holidays, and anyone
desiring his service will do well
to engage him at once
Mrs. S R. Ayers of Morrill,
was in the city the latter part of
the week, stopping on her way
home from Denver, where she
had been for some time in the
interest of her health.
Lookout for the sensation of
the winter. The Presbyterian j
folks expect to interest city and
country people on Dec. 10. 11 and
12. Be ready to visit them on
those days.
Charley Pool, editor of the Te
cunjseh Tribunal, boarded the
special at that place and accom
panied the Johnson County dele
gation to this city Thursday.
Today, Friday, is the big stock
sale of Elmer Hoselton at Pres
ton. He has a line lot of cattle
and horses lor sale, which you
can get at your own price.
The ladies of the Christian
church will hold a bazaar Nov
ember 27 and 28. The place has
not been decided upon, but will
be announced later.
Mrs. W. R. Cade; who has
been a guest in this city at the
home of Wm. Cade for several
weeks, left Monday for her home
in Osborne, Kas,
Next Sunday night at St.
Thomas church. Mrs. Neide,
soprano, and Miss Morsman, alto,
will sing for the offertory Mil
ard’s “Rest."
Harry Custer returned Satur
day from O’Neill, where he added
his name to the long list of ex
pectants in the land drawing.
J. S. Brown, formerly of Rulo,
but now located at Tarkio, Mo.,
was in the city Monday and made
this office a pleasant call.
Mrs.Sue Julian of Long Beach,
Calif., arrived in the city Thurs
day for an extended visit with
her parents in this city.
Allen May came down from
Auburn the latter part of the
week and spent a few days with
relatives in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bailey left
on Wednesday for Broken Bow
after a two months visit with Dr.
Bailey and family.
Mrs. E- L. Crane of Humboldt
spent a portion of the past week
in this city the guest of Mrs. F.
W. Samuelson.
Linn Glines left the first of the
week for Hamburg. Iowa, where
he will spend the winter working
at his trade
Miss Gertrude Lum of Verdon
was the guest of Mrs. Andrew
Cameron the latter part of the
C. F. Reavis went to Lincoln
Monday to look after legal mat
ters in the supreme court.
George Story and family have
moved into the house lately va
cated by Mrs. Greenwald.
—Wanted—Young ladies to
take the training.—St. Mary’s
hospital, Pueblo, Col.
S. R- Ayers of Morrill, was a
pleasant caller at this office while
in the city Friday.
—The Candy Kitchen can furnish
you with ice cream, bulk or brick
all winter.
Charley McCool and wife of
Salem were visitors in this city
Two mares and two mule colts
for sale. Inquire of O. P,
Heck. 40-3t
. .tfAbsolutely
^ Pure
Why these grapes ? Because from the
healthful grape comes the chief ingre
dient of Royal Baking Powder, Royal
Grape Cream of Tartar.
Alum-phosphate powders are made with harsh mineral acids
and must be avoided.
Missouri Pacific Freight Wrecked
and Passenger Derailed
The Missouri Pacific suffered
its usual quota of wrecks on
Tuesday of this week. The first
was a freight, the trouble hap
pening about 8:25 a. m. at the
bridge about two miles soutli of
town when five cars went into
the ditch, smashing them up
At Nebraska City passenger
104 was derailed, causing con
siderable delay. No one was in
jured in either case, but the
trains from each direction were
several hours late, getting here
late in the evening. The only
cause that can be assigned is a
poor road bed.
Rey. G. F. Reicnel returned
Saturday from his visit to Peoria,
111., and Kansas City. The sick
in his home are recovering.
Miss Grace Smith of Omaha is
visiting her aunt Mrs. Jonn A.
Mrs. J. M. Whitaker returned
Wednesday from Lincoln.
Card of Thanks
1 have this day received from
the M. W. A. the sum of S3,0(10
in lull payment of the certifi
cate for the death of my hus
band, James M. Whitaker. I
thank ihe society for their
prompt payment and recom
mend the M. W. A. for their
kindness and promptness in
paying claims.
Flaw in Sound Advice.
It has been said that we make a
mistake in prescribing special hour*
for going to bed and getting up, and
It would be a better way to follow the
example of the dog and take an occa
sional nap when we have nothing bet
ter to do. Lovely. Dut bow aboat
“the eternal buttoning and unbutton
ing," and the making of toilets, from
which his dogshlp is immune, save In
Ugh -bred circles?
Division of World's Lands.
It Is estimated that the fertile lands
of the globe amount to 28,000,004
square miles, the steppes to 14,000,000
and the deserts to 1,000,000.
Canadian Farmer a Hard Worker.
The Canadian farmer works from 12
to 16 hours per day In the busy sea
We Are Showing
a nice line of Scarf Pins, which we feel
merit your inspection.
This line comprises patterns suited
to many needs. Some are nobby and
will give just a touch of that dashing
effect to the tie which is desired by the
well dressed young man.
Others are more staple models which
will appeal strongly to the man of con
servative taste.
We are showing these pins in solid
gold, and both high grade and medium
quality gold filled.
We will be glad to show them to
you if you will call.
“The Old Reliable”
W. C. Margrave, President.
L. Thacker, V-President.
Clyde Thacker, Cashier.
The Farmers’ State 5ank
Wants Your Business